Granted, they have a ton of content but only a small portion of it is watchable.
I've already seen:
Anything else you'd recommend?
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It's not terrible but what extremely put me off right from the start was:
I'm gonna use you and THEN I'm gonna throw you away (he says that or something along the lines at least a dozen times) and NOW I'm gonna give you vital information that is very incriminating for me. I'm sure "that" won't backfire.
I mean sure: men are sometimes dumb when sex is involved but NOBODY is that dumb.
I still continued watching for a couple more seasons though.
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Nothing wrong with that ;) We all have shows we love despite their flaws.
I mean Community had the gas leak year where everybody was suddenly acting weird and not according to their established characters.
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Sorry, I took really long to respond because I wanted to do the scene justice.
I'm aware this is a sensitive issue so I wanted to give people who don't know the show the opportunity to judge for themselves what they think about it.
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They removed one of the top 10 funniest episodes The ballad of Fat Neil (the real name is Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Season 2 / Episode 14) due to a misguided understanding of political correctness.
I couldn't find a proper version of the scene that contains all relevant parts on YouTube so let me set the scene so you can decide for yourself if this is acceptable or racist (for those who don't know the show)
The study group is sitting around THE table setting up for a game of Dungeons & Dragons in an attempt to cheer up a fellow class mate who has been acting worrying lately. They are in the character creation phase. Chang (Ken Jeong) the former spanish teacher of the group who fills the role of the crazy character in the show is dressed up as a drow: White hair, pointy ears and his whole face covered with black make-up and says "He Neil. This is gonna be awesome!" with a big grin.
Shirley (Yvette Nicole Brown) one of the two POC in the study group responds to this saying "So we're just gonna ignore that hate crime? Huh?"
Chang responds "I'm a dark elf... or a drow."
Then Jeff (Joel Edward McHale) asks "Shouldn't you be wearing armor or something?"
Chang: "I'm an elf, not a nerd."
To me this seems absolutely ok since
a) it's not real black face depicting a POC
b) they even adress it in the scene themselves that THIS wouldn't be acceptable in real life
but apparently some executive at Netflix who in my opinion probably had too much coke decided this was absolutely unacceptable and nobody should be allowed to see it.
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yeah, I do remember the episode, I've seen it long time ago.
Yeah, I undestand that it was one of the best episodes (as the whole 1-3 seasons as far as I remember, didn't like the late stuff they brought) but you can get in their position, when everyone just by accusing of some funny things could make you lose a % of your incomes, and especially when you're actually this big of a company, you'd rather be safe then sorry
The meme's pretty funny :DD
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Huh! Now i know - re-watched the whole series lately and noticed something is missing from the first time i watched it but couldn't lay my finger on i know.
For shame - it was a great episode of content which makes the series great in the first place: a lot of refference to other shit :D
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...while deciding to remove that Community episode because of that scene. Yes.
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Yeah... it's somewhat saddening that people like that get anywhere near to making any decision except maybe if they want pickles or not on their burger.
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I took a screenshot of my list of shame. I'm still a rookie, I started Netflix less than a year ago. In the list, there are series I watched and liked that I keep in the list to follow them, and series and movies that I have yet to watch. French titles for some of them, sorry for that.
You seem to like SF, fantastic, history, super-heroes, so I can propose you :
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Thanks! 😉 Yeah, American Horror Story was pretty cool. I stopped watching somewhere after that but I particularly liked the Hotel season.
I haven't seen it but I'm at a bit of an disadvantage with The Witcher because I haven't played the games. I tried to get into it with part 3 but was lost in all the missing context and having to make decisions I knew nothing about. At first I tried to google what I was deciding but after roughly 12 hours I gave up.
Kingdom is on my To watch list. When I tried to watch it a while ago there was only a korean version.
Lost in Space sounds interesting as well.
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Ho, The OA... Totally a "love it or hate it" thing. For my part it's love all the way. Season one is awesome, season 2 is quite different but still awesome in another way.. and that final, wow, season 3 should have been outstanding. It was written for 5 seasons, I'm very angry against netflix, they have tons of money to produce trains of teenage shows with poor acting and empty story, and they stopped this gem. Worse, they don't release the rights so another company or crowfunding can produce the missing seasons. I'm still in hope a miracle happens, we are only a bit more than a year after cancellation.
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I don't feel too much betrayed by the cancellation as I started the series only a month ago, knowing there won't be a proper ending. I enjoyed the journey nonetheless. To me, it was quite similar to Lost back in the days, as once an episode ended, I really wanted to see the next, which is quite rare with me, as I'm a patient guy who can usually wait between each episode. I binge-watched the OA like there was no tomorrow.
A very unique series with outstanding reviews (77% on RottenTomatoes for S1, 92% (!) for S2), which probably doesn't cost tons of money, which can speak to pretty much everyone (religious, atheists, LGBT, young, old, shy, rebels, etc), that was pure gold for Netflix. I really hope they'll change their mind, it's probably not too late. And yes, TV miracles happen sometimes, like I read today that there will be a new season of Dexter in 2021 coming out of nowhere, eight years after the big finale (though I'm not sure that I want to watch a new season, the last two or three were pretty meh, but oh well).
But hey, that's more money to release their 527th super-heroes and/or police procedural series, be happy and keep your subscription.
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I've seen the first episode or maybe 2 the one where he swindles his way into arranging a meeting with the Yakuza boss and so far I wasn't particularly thrilled.
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Considering your list I'm pretty sure you'll like
the good place, arrested development, brooklyn 99, norsemen
Also Umbrella academy, black mirror, the end of the fucking world, kingdom, travelers are nice
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You're absolutely right: I loved Brooklyn Nine Nine! Why isn't the whale meat scene on YT? Probably not the best joke in the show but the first one that comes to mind because I told a friend about it a couple of months ago. Also Captain Holt's way to carry himself is so hilarious 😄
Arrested development was really fun as well. And I like that I'm starting to see the lazy, older magician brother in more and more movies lately.
I'll check the others out. Thanks! 😉
Edit: I also liked Into the Badlands as far as I've seen it but I'm not sure that's (still?) Netflix.
Kind of confusing how those companies shift possession of shows from one to another ever couple years. Makes conversations about those shows and where to find them slightly irritating 😅
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Sorry for necroing this lovely 3 year old begging thread but I finally got around to checking out The Good Place and it's really awesome 😄 Thanks for the suggestion!
I mean... I'm kind of pissed off they totally skipped over attempt #218 because I really wanted to see Tahani & Kristen hook up almost from the start since Kristen keeps obsessing over her 😆 but other than that I haven't laughed so much in weeks.
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And since inevitably at least one person is gonna be mad at me for necroing this here's the lesson to be learned here:
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hard to do when they have not been on this site for over a year
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Breaking Bad
Haunting of Hill House
House of Cards
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Thanks 😉
Homeland didn't really click with me but Narcos and it's follow up shows have been on my To watch list for a while.
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I would not say that it has no humour. The backpack in the interrogation episode was pretty good for me. Poe is fantastic for that tone as well.
Plot... Well it is a weird think this one. It has some arcs that are confusing indeed. It is pity for season 2 and for no season 3, but I have the books in my to read list. :)
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Me too. Although the show is very much eye candy in my opinion and it's always 1 season I quite like, then 1 that really bores me then another good one and so one.
The latest 2 season after they leave Earth for good and go to that Bardo system were among my favourites though.
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Travelers – hidden gem
Death Note – hidden gem if you think all anime is for kids or weirdos
Breaking Bad – if you haven't seen it yet
Better Call Saul – watch it after Breaking Bad
BoJack Horseman – first 5-6 episodes are a struggle that was necessary to intruduce themes that could shine later till the end of the last season (after giving it a bad rating, Metacritic even changed the way they review series – they used to review series after 5 or 6 episodes and because they made such a mistake with BoJack they now watch whole seasons before reviewing it)
Rick & Morty – it was kinda meh for me for more episodes than BoJack but then I fell in love with it (I don't know why I continued to watch it but I'm glad I did)
Jessica Jones season 1 — it has one of the best villains of all time
Punisher – as solid as Daredevil
I consider all of them, except maybe last two, as top notch shows.
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Ok 😅 Last reply until after dinner but then I really have to go to the kitchen make some homemade croutons 😍
Some good stuff in there I've been meaning to watch like Death Note, Better call Saul or finishing Breaking Bad. Haven't heard about Travelers yet but since it was recommended today repeatedly I'll definitely check it out.
I'm up to date on Rick and Morty.
But while I've seen quite a bit of it to give it a fair chance (at least the full first season) I really don't like BoJack Horseman. I just don't get the premise.
Somebody told me it's not supposed to be funny but rather a serious drama, with real feeling and real characters but if that's what you're going for why not use real actors instead of anthropomorphised comic animals?
Maybe I went into it with the wrong expectations but when I see anthropomorphised animals I expect a comedy (in this case a dark one judging by the promotional material) or something like that.
Edit: Also how and why did you manage to slip off my WL? 🤔 You and Tewam are probably the most friendly and non-controversial people I've met in my time on this site.
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It was incredibly funny to me, I even think it has the best depiction of improv everrr (it was hilarious but I do it for life so maybe it was funnier for me since I know it from the inside) :) It also has dark moments, like really dark so it's a very interesting combo. I get it how somebody would not enjoy its humor though. If you didn't like it after 7-8th episode then it's probably not a show you'd enjoy. If you stopped watching on 5-6th episode I'd advice to give it a try because everyone I was recommending it to said to me later that they're glad I insisted on struggling through tjese 6 episodes :) By the way I totally get it how you didn't like the look of the characters, they pit me off as well :')
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I edited that in just a few seconds ago but I'm pretty certain I finished the complete first season.
But to be honest and please don't take this personally:
I was never a big fan of improv. Maybe I've just never seen a good performer (Whose line is it anyway isn't well known here in Austria and to be honest I never checked it out) but to me it appears that by definition it can never be as good as scripted.
Edit: Maybe it's also because we have 2 shows on austrian television that I think are both considered improv (Echt lustig & Sehr Witzig!?) and from what I've seen they're both atrociously bad. While traditional Austrian Kabarettisten like Lisa Eckhart (she's new but managed to climb to the top of my personal list with a single programm) or Josef Hader rank among the best of the world because of their incredibly dark humour.
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But to be honest and please don't take this personally:
I was never a big fan of improv. Maybe I've just never seen a good performer (Whose line is it anyway isn't well known here in Austria and to be honest I never checked it out) but to me it appears that by definition it can never be as good as scripted.
Not taken, the world doesn't have to like what I like :) And I also think that a lot of improv is just terrible to be honest :P And I think the reason is the approach that we've been taught. Improv is considered a safe place full of acceptance etc. Therefore a lot of improvisers live in bubbles even demanding not to give them any negative feedback. Living in that acceptance bubble where everything is awesome and you are awesome (and so on) is uplifting because you feel great as a person. And I think it's fantastic. On the other hand we suffer from a lack of professionalism, resistance to critique and just simple connection to the rest of the world. So yeah, I try a completely different approach when I teach which is a little ungreateful job because I give less ecstasy and more satisfaciton from learning a skill. And people don't care about it as much as for feeling good. Which is also sad because now improv is mostly motivational talks to me. Improv has such a potential wasted as an art.
If you'd ever think of trying improv again I can recommend Jacob Banigan's solo show Game of Death. He lives and performs in Wien. You can also find his work on YouTube. Although I believe improv is a little like music concerts – when you attend a concert that was a blast live and you rewatch it on YouTube, it lose all it's magic. I believe that's because a feeling that it is improvised just now disappears after it is recorded. And I can share a link to the best improv show I've ever been. Again – it's not as magical on YouTube but it's still can blow my mind at times.
Apologies if that's too much information, I simply love discussing about improv, comedy and art in general :)
Did you enjoy Rick & Morty?
Thank you for recommendations of comics I haven't heard about! I'm always up to get to know new comics, especially from a country that is not US!
Edit: Also how and why did you manage to slip off my WL? 🤔 You and Tewam are probably the most friendly and non-controversial people I've met in my time on this site.
Thank you, that means a lot! :) I am not very active here nowadays so I'm pleasantly surprised you even recognize me :)
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I was about to go to bed so I'll stick to Brevity is the soul of wit for now and maybe elaborate further tomorrow ;)
What you said about improv makes a lot of sense.
Reminds me of that character from Lucifer, the ex-husband of
Chloe, who also does improv, although he tries to keep it a secret from his ex, Lucifer and their colleges at first, and he says he started doing it to open up more.
So yeah, I try a completely different approach when I teach which is a little ungreateful job because I give less ecstasy and more satisfaciton from learning a skill.
Yeah, the steep road is usually less popular but generally speaking often more rewarding.
Did you enjoy Rick & Morty?
Very much. Maybe not as much as Community but Dan Harmon, the creator of both, is a genius in my opinion.
Sadly where I live he doesn't get the recognition he deserves IMHO while Chuck Lorre's I have 3 different jokes drivel is all over TV all day, every day. (I used to like those shows but started growing bored of his kind of humour)
I tried showing Community to my buddies but they didn't particularly like it. Granted they saw part of it in german where it loses A LOT in my opinion Then again they do like Rick & Morty so I guess that counts for something.
Oh 😅 You mean comics not comics 😄 I was about to recommend you the works of Christophe Arleston, particularly everything of Troy.
I got confused there for a second because I also briefly mentioned anime in this thread.
Well, you were rather active when I started using SG and also you were "The owl guy" 😄 Us people with personas (like Tewam being the Yes guy or me as SG's favourite Corgi) are probably easier to remember than just a nickname and a profile picture that might change every couple of month.
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Rick & Morty reminds me a lot of what improv looks like (at least one style of it) so I'm a little bit surprised you liked it :) I didn't know Community was from the same author!
Reminds me of that character from Lucifer, the ex-husband of
Chloe, who also does improv, although he tries to keep it a secret from his ex, Lucifer and their colleges at first, and he says he started doing it to open up more.
Exactly :D And BoJack makes fun of some improv issues and attitude of improv students which is beautiful and spot on in my opinion (of course it's heightened but still spot on) :)
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Thanks for elaborating further on the connection between BoJack Horseman and improv. That really confused me yesterday because to my understanding no animated show can be improv, but it was just too late to adress everything yesterday.
By the way Thanks for your improv recommendation here in Vienna! I'll check out if he still does stuff despite Corona and if not I'll try to remember for when all of this has passed.
Could you explain a bit more how Rick and Morty resembles a certain style of improv? I get the connection with BoJack now but I'm still a bit confused about the whole thing where an animated show can't improv.
On a sitenote: If I remember correctly Rick and Morty is written by a team of four writers. I assume, simply because of the prominence of the names, Dan Harmon is the main playwright, also because he's been there since the beginning while some of the others joined the team later. But I explicitly remember reading they brought a female writer into the fold for the later seasons because the show was lacking female perspective in the early seasons.
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Could you explain a bit more how Rick and Morty resembles a certain style of improv?
Improv usually is in the same quirky and dynamic style as Rick and Morty. Like you can sense that the authors had tons of fun with writing the show and coming up with all these crazy ideas – same with improv only the 'writing' happens in front of you as improvisers go.
Whose Line Is It Anyway? is so called short-form improv and it consists of short games with funny rules. Rick and Morty reminds me of a long-form improv which is usually one long improvised story. While short-form is always quick and fun, long-forms have a range of styles and genres. From dramatic improv, through slow comedy to Rick-and-Morty-ish improv. There are also improvised silent comedies, improvised recitals of made-up music stars, comedic improvised university lectures and Ted Talks. One of the best improv shows I've been to was 40 minute silent western comedy in a style of the Dalton brothers from Lucky Luke, The Fraltons (played by French team, hence the title).
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Oh, now I see. While I still think the result is usually more polished in a traditional, scripted process I do like that crazy "the story can take any direction at any point" approach to storytelling. Afterall I've read and was a big fan of Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus Trilogy when I was younger. PLEASE nobody confuse that with Dan Brown's book Illuminatus Angels & Demons! While it uses some of the same themes it's actually very different, much more psychodelic, and most likely where Dan Brown got the idea from.
So I suppose those two Austrian shows I mentioned Echt lustig & Sehr Witzig!? are both short-form improv. I've seen very little but some of the set-ups they use are the audience sends in some obscure object (or a word from some very specific jargon or technical terminology) and the comedians on the show have to come up with theories what that items intended purpose is or what the word means.
If they don't come up with the correct solution the person who sent that item / word gets ~ 50€ and also a shoutout in either case.
Recently I've seen them simply drawing cards with words on them and then having to come up with a joke involving that word.
But to be fair the comedians who appear on those shows are not Austrian or German A-listers but rather C or B-listers at best.
I'd probably enjoy long-form improv more due to more variety.
By the way I've checked out that performer you recommended and as I expected there aren't currently any shows scheduled for 2020. But I might actually go once things have gone back to normal.
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I havent' heard of Robert Anton Wilson. I'd check him out if I haven't so many improv, comedy, acting and directing books waiting to be read :')
I've checked these Austrain shows out of curiosity and I managed to only find a snippet from Sehr Witzig?!. Personally I wouldn't call it improv although they improvise some bits of the show. Same with British Hypothetical even though this show has AAA-class comedians like James Acaster.
We want to hire Jacob Banigan to learn from him and perform a show together. I enjoy his physicality and ability to improvise something stunning without using words. And it still has a story attached to it, it's not only losely connected jokes :) So these are two factors I love the most in comedy: storytelling and physicality.
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Apparently I was mixing up two shows.
The one where the audience sends in obscure stuff is called Was gibt es Neues? and they refer to themselves as a Comedy quiz.
I'm not necessarily saying you should check it out. As I said I personally think its atrociously bad. I just had to correct myself, sort of obsessively, because I just hate to provide wrong informaton and let it sit there even after I find out it's wrong.
I'm trying to come up with excections where I did like physical humour but pretty much drawing a blank. Not really a big fan of physical humour. Generally speaking physical or clownesque humour is more popular in Germany, not so much in Austria.
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The Good Place. I think that's one that you'd probably enjoy, and Season 4 was just released fairly recently so the whole series is watchable now.
I hadn't heard about what Netflix did with Community, I thought that episode was still available last time I watched through it, that's too bad...
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Thanks 😉
The Good Place was one of the suggestions that kept popping up multiple times together with Travelers so those are probably the first ones I'll check out.
I'm sort of a basic bitch 😅 when it comes to my tastes (despite actually being a sire 😋) so the fact how often something gets recommended is quite helpful to me.
I like stories that have to do with heaven and hell, angels, demons and mortals without taking themselves too serious like Good Omens or to a lesser degree American Gods.
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A few more:
Orange is the New Black
I Am Not Okay With This
The Frankenstein Chronicles
Cobra Kai - first season is best
Dracula - mixed. Some hated, some loved. I thought it was interesting and worth the time.
The King
Russian Doll
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Thanks 😉
I've been aware the show exists for several years but was kind of prejudiced against Orange is the New Black but then again so was I about The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and that show turned out to be absolutely hilarious 😅
One of the probably fewer than 10 shows on Prime I would recommend.
Good Omens being #1
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I avoided it for a long time, myself. The title just made it seem like a frivolous treatment of a serious subject - but I was wrong, it's far from that. Nor is it really a comedy, though it does have comic relief. Mrs. Maisel is on my to watch list. There's been a few shows on Amazon that I like - Fleabag, Bosch, Hanna, The Expanse (not really Amazon, but they get credit for keeping it alive), but generally, their offerings are unappealing or just uneven, where a first season is good/decent and next one very subpar.
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+1 on Ozark
Man crush aside for Jason Bateman, that show is pure gold.
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Are there any notable ones except Neon Genesis Evangelion and Attack on Titan?
When it comes to anime I like stuff like Cowboy Bebop (well, duh I suppose😅), Samurai Champloo, Space Dandy, Golden Boy, Van Helsing, Shokugeki no Soma I just wish they'd tone down the pedophila adjacent stuff in that last one just a little bit.
I've also seen The Vision of Escaflowne and Tokyo Ghoul but I did not like those as much.
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With the picture and the whole vibe I first thought this is like an old big band record from the 50s or 60s but apprently it's new 😅
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That 100% descripes the role Netflix has in my life :>
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I need 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Dolars, please paypall to IamDirtyBeggarAndShould beBanned@Soemthign soemthingfakemail.69XCOM.
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No! I accept only dolars and souls of firstborn sons!
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Yes my dear long lost relative. Unfortunatly i am on ym dead bed and have to relish my vast fortune worth 39848348734783 GAZILIONS Space Dolars. If you kindly pay 2000 dolars for bank fee i will gladly send you them.
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Never knew about that (have access to Netflix already). On that list, I've watched Bird Box (good), Stranger Things (mostly good), and am currently watching Elite (learning Spanish from this, soap opera-ish, not bad and it's got actors from the very good La Casa de Papel aka Money Heist in it).
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learning Spanish from this
That actually works great. I vastly improved my English since I made the change to watching TV mostly in English.
Just pay attention you don't end up talking like a softcore porn writer since you mentioned it's soap opera-ish 😋
Manu Chao songs like the album Clandestino are also a fun way to practice Spanish.
Edit: Los Delinqüentes are also really good if you like that kind of music but a bit harder to understand than Manu Chao.
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It all depends on your personal taste... I think there are some good movies and series on Netflix. I'm still not done with it, but I do enjoy Orange Is The New Black. Rupaul's Drag Race. I absolutely looooved Medical Police, which sadly probably won't have a second season. The Mist, based on Stephen King's novel was nice. And I've recently discovered Norsemen, a Norwegian spoof, I would say, of the popular Vikings series. Fun fact: they filmed each scene twice: in Norwegian and in English. Now, my biggest gripe with a streaming service like Netflix is that movies/series come and go. Say you'd like to watch... dunno... Hereditary again because it's such a good slow-burner horror flick? Eh, it may not be available for viewing anymore. :(
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That's a pretty ridiculous comment. There are currently over 2k movies on Netflix, 100+ of them with a IMDb rating of 8.0 or higher and from this century.
For tv series the situation is even better.
So maybe you found nothing of value, but that's really just up to you then and not Netflix.
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Well I used it only for 20 minute and then I gave up, I was unable to search for anything else than what was in the featured list, it offered me the same 10-15 show in both the history and documentary section. My question was genuine because I did not find anything valuable there, didnt even tried the movie section, and was curious if there is anything actually there.
See guy above you who shown a lot of show he enjoys, and even though it looks like im not sharing the same taste, for him, netflix has worth it.
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I recommend using oder, they both allow to sort and filter content for pretty much all relevant media service providers, in many countries. It's always the best option to judge services by yourself and your personal preferences.
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Well it appears anything I would be interested in currently not available as an offer in any streaming service (at least provided by the info of justwatch) I still want to thank you for helping me out like this, as I found 4 new tv series that i'll look around the net to find.
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Lots of good docs on Netflix - some even originals like Wild, Wild Country. Helps to know what you are looking for. You can enter the title or even director (like Alex Gibney, Ken Burns, Errol Morris etc) of what you are looking for in the search bar. They even have some PBS historical docs if you are interested. You really can't sit back and wait for Netflix to make suggestions - they have too much content and some pretty terrible algorithms for that to work out well - at least in my experience.
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I feel you. I wish they had just a library with everything in it so I could go and explore stuff outside of the given featured list, which is very limited. I used to think the same thing about Netflix as you until my sister shared her account credentials with me (she's paying a double one b/c of her kids and since they are still young they almost never watch in the evenings), so I effectively have Netflix for free, praise her, and was able to dig a bit deeper.
I still find it hard to find anything worthwhile that I'm not actively searching for - because I probably don't know it even exists. If anybody knows how to just go and explore the unknown depths of Netflix or how to access the entire library, please point me to it!
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If you were using your sister's Netflix profile, then you were being recommended stuff based on her tastes and not yours. There are 1,000s of movies and shows on there, so it does start organising stuff based on what it thinks you will like.
You can create different profiles on the same account, so it would have been worth setting up your own to have a proper look, you can always delete it when done. =)
I have set several profiles on my Netflix account (I pay for 2 screens) so that the other people who use it stay to heck out of mine. lol.
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