No, no it isn't. When compared with other co-op games, it's subpar at best.
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I've liked all of the numbered Resident Evil games. Sure, Resident Evil 5 is my least favorite of them. However, it's still a good game. Resident Evil 6 is just fun for me. The way all of the stories come together really makes the game shine. Whoever wrote it didn't try making it realistic though. There were so many parts that I had to just say "Resident Evil logic" at just to continue playing it. Kind of like how Simmons magically grows body parts without sucking up any external materials.
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Revelations is pretty good, but the other three are complete and utter crap. Five is okay if you have a friend to co-op with, but it's not worth it when there are so many better co-op games.
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Revelations may not be the most terrible one, but it's still a Wii port and having to use that annoying scanner to find ammo is pretty boring.
RE4 is very good
RE5 is so much fun in Coop! I replayed the game like 5 times, since the item system (upgrading and all) with the mercenary mode makes it so much fun
RE6 is good, not as good as 4 and 5 but still good. The campaign is long as fuck and its enjoyable too.
From RE4,RE5,RE6,Revelations Revelations would definately be the one I say is the worst. RE4 might be old so graphics dont coun't, but RE5,RE6 look so much nicer than revelations. Revelations just has the terrible wii port smell that won't go away.
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Resident evil 4 is probably the best for the SP experience.
I found Resident evil 5 to be the most fun in Coop, it has so much replayability.
Resident evil 6 has a long ass campaign which is fun and all, but it lacks the item customization/upgrading and inventory system that (in my eyes) made RE5 so great.
Raccoon city is total shit
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I like Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City. This game is better with other people, and can be REALLY fun in the non co-op mp modes but I am not sure what times people play it.. almost every time I go and try there is like.. no one.. :( ( on PC at least. Makes me soo sad due to when I played the console version. Played it online a lot and had a ton of fun. ) As others said though, if you play with the AI, they are not that smart at all. ( and will do strange things at times.. things that might either piss you off or make you laugh at what the AI is doing. ) The voice acting is kind of funny at times as well, in particular I always kind of laughed at Specter's voice actor. Its soo hammy lol.
I can not say anything about 6 or Revelations as I have not played them. Personally not fond of RE5 ( played the console version ) but if you have a friend to play it with you could end up enjoying it. RE4 to me, controls/mechanics where better than the previous games, but I did not care for what they decided to do with it story wise. Lot more of an action game than a horror game as well. So to me, the key thing is if you are ok with the story, you will probably end up liking it quite a bit.
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Maybe I will play with you if you are ever in the mood for co-op in ORC.
And get yourself Revelations, it is kick arse awesome.
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Well i've finished recently RE Revelations and it was a good game overall. Loved 5 (but that i've played on Xbox 360 so many times). I will try tomorrow Re 6, and if i can i will buy Operation Raccoon City in the winter and if i have the money to do so (i'm a big fan of Resident Evil and played from the first one to Revelations with some exceptions, and even if the series went another way that i actually don't like, i do enjoy their games and their anime made films hehe).
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Well i don't mind to buy that game and as for that i'll wait for a better sale, have a huge backlog and someday i will buy raccoon city just to play and enjoy (and maybe laughing about the game itself). Btw a quick apart, I didn't liked how RE4 needed a hotfix fan made ( i think ) to play with mouse+keyboard as with the keyboard only felt like very bad when i needed to aim and shoot (but i didn't had any problem with the previous Resident Evil games as it was made from a "third person perspective" and actually enjoyed that way.
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If you plan to get it later, try for a console copy, as there is no guarantee it will have GfWL removed to my knowledge.
Fun enough game in my opinion though.
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I do believe so but I don't have MS Gold subscription neither money to buy through retail (even cod4 is 50/70€ depending of the edition, and some other games not related to Activision but i've only remembered this one) and the last time that i've saw that game was about 50€ (maybe passed a year but here the game stores don't do price drops usually except for pc games). And i usually tend to buy it for single player action and play. as i do struggle to find some partners/people to play this kind of games with me (same with kf, have a few friend that have the game but only one plays with me and if he is not playing and he is bored).
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For me, both. The black screen issue was an annoyance, as waiting 15 minutes for the game to run was rage worthy. Even after tinkering with the INI file, I still only managed to get it down to 2 - 3 minutes.
The gameplay on the other hand, is little more than uninspired action game scripted actions and quick time events. Had I been shown the intro, I wouldn't have known it was Resident Evil.
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Yeah,me too.And i dont like RE:Revelations.People always say RE:Revelations is better,but look at this .More people prefer playing a worse game? sorry google translate @_@
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If you don't like hunting for your items every time, I recommend RE6 if you got no co-op partner except the AI. If you have one, RE5 is the one.
If you like hunting for your items however, Revelations is darn good.
ORC just plain sucks for a RE game.
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How are the latest Resident evil games? They have a deal on 5,6,Operation racoon city and Revelations on Greenmangaming so how are the games compared to each other and which one's "the best"? :)
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