Thank you...anything that clears up confusion and removes hostility seems like a good thing, if there are no major drawbacks.
Sort of related, does giving away free games increase a user's slots? If yes, should it? My impression was that slots exist to prevent new users from spamming fake GAs, I guess as a troll or some other reason. There are probably other reasons. If giving away free games increases slots, that could diminish the impact/effectiveness of GA slots, no?
And the "you can always ask support for new slots" argument is tenuous, it seems, given how overloaded support is and how long such a request might take to fulfill. Presumably, each case has to be reviewed by support. A new user who created 5 free GAs may not be granted slots, I would imagine, but that takes time from support.
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I agree that it should work both ways-- if it increases (or doesn't) sent games, it should increase (or not) won games. IMO, it shouldn't increase either.
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Oh yeah-- for some reason I thought that was an Enhanced Steam feature, but nope. :)
I mean, not everybody will use/notice tooltips, but it's certainly better than nothing...and probably a good compromise as you say.
Still shouldn't increase slots, though. :p
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Honestly, I think it turned kinda worthless with the release of the DIG store. For $5, you can increase your number of sent by 100 (at times that's been ever higher, I think the lowest I've seen are games for $0,02). Farming free games does at least take a smidgen of effort...
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I agree but for the moment you can see the number of free games\no CV games sent by placing the mouse cursor on the number of gifts sent in someone's SG profile, since the free game update and SG profile update.
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+1. I really don't see a problem with the ratio the above people have mentionned. If people want to check number of free games it can be done easily as you have said
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Knsys updated SGTools, after cg implemented the SG profile update, with the SGTools update 72.
The "Minimum Ratio for number of Sent/Won Giveaways" filter now only takes into account the full and reduced value sent giveaways and not the no value (free) giveaways.
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No farming free games sent to bypass certain SGTools reqs now. How you do your giveaways is 200% up to you because they are your giveaways. Your giveaways, your rules. I personally like them and have done 4K of them. :-)
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Good thing that community and creators keep on planning new features and helping us all to make site better place for the people even with things considered in background. :)
It's so good that even those that really don't like SGTools keep on entering SGTools giveaways! ^^
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I learned from your best buddy:
yes, i will enter all giveaways i see HOSTED ON STEAMGIFTS, no matter if they use sgtools or not.
At least I've tried public giveaways out and made hundreds of them.
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As I fully expected your type of answer, especially since it's about your buddy too. ^^
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I'm not into this grade-school level bullshit.
Again you forget to wipe before your own porch first and look at all your own grade-school level bullshit comments in the SG discussions.
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Then you must have missed all those very nice posts about SGTools and those who do use it a lot. Too busy playing the knight again, I guess.
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Sgtools is just two clicks after all,
Yes, if one can pass through the SGTools gate set by the giveaway creator. :-)
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I don't see the problem. The number of giveaway slots correlate with giveaway feedback (received / not recieved), not the number of giveaways created. A reliable gifter will get many slots, while an unreliable gifter will not. This is as it should be.
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It still makes it pretty easy for somebody to spam fake GAs; they just have to deliver a bunch of free games, then spam fake GAs. But I'm not sure how often this would actually happen. Giving away any game, even a free one, is at least setting the bar high enough to dissuade trolls from creating an account and spamming fake GAs. So I think I agree with you that it's not a real problem. :)
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Could we add the information to the giveaways that those specific games are currently available for free though?
This wouldn't require any more effort than previously banning the free games and then enabling them again, when the mass giveaways are done. One simple sentence would be enough, before people spend their points like mad, just because they aren't aware.
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Part of the reasoning for the suggestion was to reduce the work involved with managing these games. Adding/removing this information negates that time saving.
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Wrong. The reasoning was to avoid the troubles from people "being creative" with relabeling their temporarily banned games and others joining in on them.
Adding a simple "this game is currently available for free" info is a piece of cake in comparison, won't cause any hostility, is no greater effort than taking a game from the list and causes no other workload.
Not to mention that the work of setting the game as "free/no CV" must be done anyway.
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Part of
I made the same suggestions as Mully back when allowing free games was first announced. As the feature stood at launch the game had to be removed from the giveaway list and then added back in after the giveaway ended and marked as no CV this suggestion skips all that and cuts straight to marking it as no CV. It might not seem like much of a time saving but given all the potential giveaways elsewhere it soon adds up and support have plenty of other things they could be doing instead.
There'll still be people trying to give things away under the wrong item to circumvent the reduced CV but that will always be an issue even just for bundled items. The fact that people will now be able to find the right item in the list when creating a giveaway though will reduce the number of giveaways/reports that support have to deal with.
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As I said, the games must be set as "free/no CV" anyway, so this is in no way an incredible additional workload. And if deleting that info at the end of the mass GA is too much trouble, one could automatically take that info down after 1 or 2 days, as usually most should be aware by then anyway.
I really don't see your concern about that being too much work, considering what must be done anyway and what was the standard up till now.
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Marking it free/no CV and leaving it at that is a single step and one that will be unavoidable as long as these giveaways are allowed. Anything more than that is an unnecessary excess. It might seem like it saves much time but there are currently more than 20,000 open support tickets, they have better things to do with their time on site.
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I doubt such a feature would be implemented since we do not control the originating source of the promotion and directing traffic to it would give an air of legitimacy to an otherwise shady source. While Humble may be the most popular site to give away freebies, they are not the only one. We have gleam and marvelous that require a boat load of social media tasks (both of which are not allowed to be posted on the site) and another popular one that requires installing a browser extension.
A few weeks back there was one promo that required users to visit an unknown site and play a browser game to get a Steam key. It is one thing for me to visit the site and check to see if the promotion is true, but it is quite another to send several thousand users from this site there to do the same.
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I didn't request to link to the freebie, just the information that it is a current freebie.
People interested in the game can to do some investigation (check forum) on their own. My suggestion is only about one thing: Preventing that people spend all their points for nothing. Considering the limitations we have now, this would seem appropriate.
Of course we could also consider for which kind of freebies that is necessary. Even if it only were for Humble, that would already be quite something.
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Will not change anything. The games will still giving away under another name because free games give no cv. Just look at all the fake pirates of the black cove giveaways.
ps.: When do you want to change the punishments for not activating gifts? You created a poll some months ago but still nothing changed.
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Will not change anything. The games will still giving away under another name because free games give no cv. Just look at all the fake pirates of the black cove giveaways.
It's been made clear that a lot of the "fake giveaways" are actually listed as the wrong item as the correct item isn't available. Fake giveaways to circumvent reduced CV do happen but that isn't always the case. Pirates of Black Cove is actually a case of the former and not the latter. You can't give away the Gold Edition as it isn't in the list due to it being removed from Steam.
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Then, when are going to be in the list the already removed games?
Thank you :)
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To hide a game individually, click the Hide Game icon. On a giveaways page, after the giveaway name and number of copies (if it's more than one), there should be three icons: a Steam symbol to view the game's store page, a magnifying glass to see a list of all giveaways for the game, and a hide game icon that looks like an eye with a diagonal line across it. If you later want to un-hide a game, you can edit the list from the Giveaways settings page.
I filter out any game I don't want so I only have to see it once. As a result, when I view all giveaways, I only see a page or two of giveaways. It may seem like a chore to filter out over 8000 games, but doing it once is very little effort and saves me from having to page through them later.
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Really? Show me please. I saw many of these giveaways but all were fake. To avoid calling out send me a friend invite or post the link in the comments on my profile.
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Gar nichts. Es ist nur neben Pirates of Black Cove ein beliebtes Game welches man leicht als Fake Giveaway tarnen kann. Der Winner bekommt ja nur angezeigt das er Journey to the center of the earth aktiviert hat, viele schauen allerdings nicht nach, bzw. ignorieren jede Warnung im GA von anderen, was sie wirklich aktiviert haben.
Und das was sie tatsächlich weggeben:
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Wenn mit Absicht gemacht natürlich übel.
Da jedoch gleiche Schreibweise, wenn man von den Großbuchstaben anstatt Kleinbuchstaben absieht, kann das auch unabsichtlich passieren FALLS das "Billigspiel" als oberstes/erstes auftaucht (jemand kennt sich nicht aus das es zwei verschiedene gibt oder man ist abgelenkt/unaufmerksam/sehr müde und schwupp... passiert).
Hab bisher noch kein Spiel gesehen wo die Namensähnlichkeit so extrem ist.
Danke für die Info
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Vielleicht nicht mit Absicht, aber als Dummheit.
Wenn sie das Game irgendwo 4free erhalten, sehen sie aufjedenfall das Logo (rechts) und dann brauchen sie das nur noch bei SG zu vergleichen (links). Außerdem sieht man bei den free Games halt diese 2 Sternchen, bei unbundled keine. Wieso also sollte ein free Game plötzlich unbundled sein.
Das gleiche auch bei Pirates of Black Cove.
DLH vergibt Keys für aber weil das Spiel nun mal nicht auf SG verfügbar ist werden Giveaways für erstellt. Das ist so als würde ich Resident Evil Remastered kaufen aber nur Resident Evil bekommen -.-
Du kannst ja mal nach Giveaways für suchen. Du wirst keinen finden der das Spiel tatsächlich aktiviert hat obwohl er auf Received geklickt hat ^^
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Klar sollte man blicken das nen Free Game nicht auf einmal cv bringen kann.
Gehen wir aber mal davon aus das es jemand ist der den Key for free bekommt, irgendwo in ne Textdatei speichert (in diese speichert er mit der Zeit noch mehr Keys) und nach nem Jahr einstellt.
Da kann es vorkommen das derjenige dann nicht mehr weiß das er das Spiel free bekam. Und das er sich nicht mehr an das Bild oder die Optik des Spiels erinnert.
Ich unterstelle daher nicht jedem ne Absicht oder völlige Ignoranz / Faulheit.
Aber natürlich werden 99%, oder noch mehr, natürlich zur Fraktion der Abzocker gehören und/oder nicht die hellsten Leuchten sein^^.
Das so viele recieved anklicken ohne es zu blicken lässt auch vermuten das die Autojoiner und extrem Leecher sich wenig Mühe machen (eventuell dafür auch nen automatisiertes Script ?). Joa ich bin böse :D
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Gehen wir aber mal davon aus das es jemand ist der den Key for free bekommt, irgendwo in ne Textdatei speichert (in diese speichert er mit der Zeit noch mehr Keys) und nach nem Jahr einstellt.
Dann muss man aber bedenken das es von dem Spiel keine Keys gibt. ^^ (von dem unbundled)
Wenn einer schreibt, "Hier ich habe nen Key für das Unbundled Game.", kann man sich sicher sein das es ein anderes Spiel ist :P
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Keine Ahnung. Ich weiß nur das es so ist ^^
ps.: Die Informationen auf isthereanydeals sind komplett falsch. Brauchst dich da also nicht zu wundern ^^
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Na ich denke, unter anderem, du würdest selbst ohne das X keinen solchen Bockmist bauen ^^ :o)
Aber sind wir doch mal ehrlich auf sg rennen viele rum die sich eher weniger Arbeit machen und eher auch nur mit halbem Hirn dabei sind (mit viel Glück^^).
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Ich muß gestehen ich steh noch ganz am Anfang mit Keys außerhalb von Steam besorgen.
Mache das erst seit ich hier auf der Seite bin.
Gehandelt habe ich somit bisher nicht mit den Games. Sollte ich aber bei dem ein oder anderen mal machen....
eventuell würde ich dich dazu in den nächsten Tagen mal ein oder 2 Dinge fragen.
Wäre das für dich ok ?
Heute bin ich viel zu müde für irgendwas. War nen langer, anstrengender, Tag und ich werd bald ins Bett kippen und wie nen Stein pennen.
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Kein Problem und Ich habe die Anfrage angenommen. Bin am Wochenende meist zwischen ca. 15:30 und 22:45 über Steam erreichbar... auch wenn mein Status offline behaupten mag. Wochentags so ~ 17:00 bis 22:00.
Schönen Feierabend und Gute Nacht. 🙂 💤🛌
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They weren't allowed at all until a few months ago. The practice of de-listing them was simply grandfathered in from before. It was never really needed any longer.
A secondary reasoning is the point-flood from mass GA-floods, but that is gone now too.
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Keep in mind, these games will still be assigned reduced or no CV when appropriate.
That will probably be the reason that even with this new change people will still be making giveaways under incorrect names, to get some CV.
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The problem is the winner needs to notices that it is a wrong game version they got, and trust me when I say a lot of people don't notice that.. :/
I even won 1 game and didn't check it, a few weeks later SGtools said I didn't activate it and when I looked at it the problem was 2 games with the same name and the GA maker choose the wrong one on here XD
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But all of your won giveaways you marked as received. Just mark the giveaway as not received. Problem solved.
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That GA was deleted since it was a 5 copy GA and mods said it was easier to delete it then to change the name that is why all are marked as received :)
Just gave that example to show how sometimes some people will not notice the difference between lets say a gold edition and a regular one which was free.
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Yes, some greedy bastards will willfully create giveaways under incorrect names to try to cheat the system, but support will no longer have to deal with those who out of ignorance creates giveaways under incorrect names because they can't find the right game in the list.
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This announcement and change is in response to a recent suggestion.
In the past, we would temporarily remove games from the giveaway list when they were available in a sizeable promotion. For example, another website giving away 10,000 keys, or a game developer distributing free keys for a weekend as part of a marketing campaign. These games would remain disabled until the promotions ended, and then we would add the games back to the giveaway list.
However, as mentioned in the suggestion, attempting to temporarily block these games resulted in a number of issues. This included users posting the games under incorrect names, which lead to a wide range of tickets and suspensions. It also caused some confusion in the community about which games could or could not be given away, resulting in unnecessary conflict between users.
Therefore we're removing the restriction, so that users will now be able to give away these games while the promotions are taking place. Hopefully this will allow the community to run a little smoother, and free up time for us to focus on more important tickets. Keep in mind, these games will still be assigned reduced or no CV when appropriate.
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