I want to share with you a couple of articles.
I was surprised by how they relate the loss of workforce of millenial men to video gaming (among other causes).
The first is easy to read, the second is much deeper and you may want to skip the more technical parts.



6 years ago

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Since video games already cause most of violence and other crime, they are easy to blame for this too. It can't be that unemployed bored young men just want to do something fun with all their free time. I haven't yet met anyone who refuses to work because they need to game all day, but plenty of people who have to work to afford keeping their gaming PC up to date. Also people who aren't working because of some issue or other, who don't have anything better to do than gaming.

I wonder when will we see a first study that estimates the relation between ideologies hostile to men gaining publicity in media and young men losing any purpose in life. If they get told over and over that they are the cause of all problems in the world, why would they even bother to try to succeed in life, since that apparently makes things worse for everyone.

6 years ago

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Since video games already cause most of violence and other crime

say WAAAAT? (⌐■_■)

I disagree. Video games are a leisure a lot of people cannot afford. Maybe a better direction would be to blame poverty and low-income lives. But, I can't source my opinion either though, so, my point is moot ζ༼Ɵ͆ل͜Ɵ͆༽ᶘ

6 years ago

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It was sarcasm. Read their next sentence :)

6 years ago

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Try reading bit further to spot the obvious sarcasm explained.

6 years ago

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I tried reading, and I did read it, but I missed any sort of sarcasm at all.

Where's that darned /s I keep looking for.

i still don't see it, but that doesn't mean it's not there. Just that I can't comprehend some things properly. Ah well, ignore my rambles.

Happy trails!

6 years ago

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You want to escalate the situation by implying it's /superserious?

6 years ago

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You're starting to really confuse me now :( Did you miss my sarcasm?

Can't comprehend everything anybody says 100% of the time, so I ask questions and/or make comments and then people can educate me on my ignorance!

)_+@$&$@$ extra edit @$!@#(@#$%

Not trying to escalate anything. That's what these are for:

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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No worries, I was just goking to lighten the mood. But the original sarcasm starts in the 2nd sentence with "it can't be <the obvious reason>" and becomes apparent with the 3rd and 4th sentence being in contradiction with the 1st. If you missed the obvious fake news quality of the 1st to begin with.

6 years ago

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glad i'm on the same page now. I really struggle with those sorts of things. Take things a bit too literally, and often am pretty daft at picking up those subtle hints.

6 years ago

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At least you realize the issue and try to understand others by asking more, instead of just taking everything too seriously and getting angry at silly humor like many do.

6 years ago

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Seeing a psychologist (or the likes I guess) definitely helps to learn about yourself a whole lot more.

I feel like an Alien most times because of things like these. How come I can't pick up on those things? Why not this or that? What does yellow smell like?

6 years ago

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People's brains are just wired in different ways. It's not like many things others do or say make that much sense to me either.

6 years ago

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Normally, I wouldn't do this, but since you're already open about certain things, I'm going to ask/suggest: Have you ever tried reading about Asperger Syndrome? If not, maybe you'll find something interesting (or even enlightening). Or you may ask the psychologist you're mentioning.

6 years ago

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You mean that South Park episode, right? ζ༼Ɵ͆ل͜Ɵ͆༽ᶘ

I've definitely heard about and read about Asperger's but don't think I'm on that scale. Thrown around (mild, functional) autism as well, but never gone to try and diagnostics or anything. I definitely fit several of the criteria though.

Oddly enough, I used to be a social butterfly. One day, things just kind of changed.. like a light bulb exploding under extreme current of electricity.

6 years ago

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Actually, no South Park reference was intended, as I haven't seen it. (Although I like the series, it's not readily available to me in my country. Do you happen to remember which episode it is?)

In your posts, you came across as a bit perplexed (and I thought I recognized some treats), but I didn't mean to imply anything, and I certainly meant no harm.

Now, I'll just go over to that corner and be quiet.

6 years ago

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Almost forgot what we were referencing here (⌐■_■) Season 15, Episode 08

No harm experienced my person! Sorry to have evoked such thought. I'm always open to input and thought; everybody offers different opinions and everybody has their own way of thinking so I always welcome other peoples' comments. They may get me to view something in a different way than before. Sometimes I just more than casually speak my mind.

Is it a rounded corner? ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°) Those are comfortable!

6 years ago

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Sometimes I just more than casually speak my mind.

Indeed you have, although not everyone understands most of the time or at 1st, in this instance. Its not possible to please everyone but overtime we all understand each other's character with each interaction.

Is it a rounded corner? ( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°) Those are comfortable!

I enjoy you being yourself and your out of the norm humor. XD
Have a great day ahead, Cruse~

6 years ago

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although not everyone understands most of the time

Ain't that the truth ζ༼Ɵ͆ل͜Ɵ͆༽ᶘ 🎯

I enjoy you being yourself and your out of the norm humor. XD

Always appreciate the kind wordo's! Pleasing internet strangers seems to be something I can do quite well ♻

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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I feel there's no need to go to a corner and be quiet. ;)

You offered your opinion and of course I am sure @Nordberg in this case know's you are not a professional, even if you are. You aren't the one serving her. She also mentioned about opening to inputs and thoughts. Which is exactly if you think you have any input that may help or assist her. I see no harm and as she had replied may open to other ways of thinking. :D
Warmest Regards, Cruse~

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I liked that video, thanks!

6 years ago

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I think it's probably true. Might be silly to say this on a gaming forum, but that's probably the case.
Read the second link and you'll see that while video gaming is there, it also mentions "other recreational computer
activities.". So watching Youtube, Netflix, browsing Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, 4Chan, Steamgifts.

The idea that we live in a time where entertainment is more available than ever before, freedom is more present ever before, financial security is more firm than ever before isn't some crazy wild thing.

Of course, there are most definitely other reasons why manpower has lowered over time. The workaholic status is no longer as much of a badge of honor. People are encouraged to no longer work at a place they dislike. Even I'm being fed this bullshit as I'm in university. "Only take what satisfies you" while also saying "You're deserving of so much more". I find myself being warped by that sensibility way too often as well.

People are inherently lazy. You enhance their access to be lazy and they'll take it. As per usual, this isn't a blanket statement. I'm just saying that it definitely affects people a lot. Back then you had cable TV, but it was expensive to upkeep and you'd get bored quickly because it was a set schedule. Now you buy 4 games for a dollar, play them when you want and as much as you want, spending around 50 hours beating them all. We live in a loop of consuming media and accumulating more of it. It's just that 15 years ago you'd accumulate the entertainment slower than you would consume it, motivating you to actually get a job and work to afford more stuff or to just pass the time to get more of it.

If you want to argue against that point, then first think if you've recently bingewatched a show or played a game for a longer period than you should've. It's easy to binge now.

There's no reason to not waste time and not work. Our culture promotes our laziness indirectly by not forcing us to go and work wherever we need to to just get money, our culture also supports the idea that kids should live with their parents until they're much older because the older generations know that it's hard to have to start from nothing. Our media entangles us in its wonders daily and we always fall for it. No wonder we don't want to work as much. There's no point in pretending that online leisurely activities are this perfect thing. People who get offended by their hobby being bad tend to be people who know that they spend too much time with it and are insecure. It's otherwise hard to ignore simple facts.

And I say that as a person that could've done his coursework a few days ahead of time, but I'm instead procrastinating, playing Payday 2, watching Arrowverse shows to catch up with the seasons and typing this very comment.

6 years ago

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But lets not mention the amount of companies that require you to have 10 years of experience (even when you just finished your degree..) or not giving you the chance if you don't got the right papers, jobs that are going to be taken over by drones, the workpressure. etc etc.
Sure there might a bunch because of videogames, but it isn't just the cause of it all.
Then again it's america we are talking about so i have no idea about there, just here, but i know 1 guy there working his ass off at 60 hours a week and he needs more coworkers to get some pressure off but the company isn't really threating their employees okay and why alot left.

As with many things in life things are often not just that black or white.

Believe me when i say there won't even be enough jobs for the next generation or maybe the one after it.

6 years ago*

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People would rather play than work, imagine that.

6 years ago

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I haven't read the articles, but the title suggests this only affects men. I obviously have to disagree.

6 years ago

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It's probably based in a statistical reality but I agree with you, the gender spread may make it more of a "male issue" statistically but psychologically, it's not.

Ofc course they couldn't blame video games if they also included women because, as we all know, women are not gamers </sarcasm>

6 years ago

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What?! People don't want to work minimum wage jobs to fatten the wallets of old, white men?! BLASPHEMY!
Get me my whip Margaret! I'm gonna whip some work ethic in those lazy slacks. But first let me enjoy my cigar and whiskey while reading the newspaper. In the meantime I'm making more money from my investments than those poor slobs make in a year on minimum wage.
The nerve of those people!

6 years ago

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Of course. It's never about the lack of decent jobs, it's always about videogames.

6 years ago

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mmm. . .instant gratification. can't beat that taste! I relish its seductive deliciousness wholeheartedly!

6 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by andreadandrea.