My problem is i recently gave away 2 games that were in some older bundle but still had the * at their names (doesn't really matter didn't give them away for the money) and after marked as received from both sides my contributor value didn't change, not a bit, i mean, literally nothing. Now my english sucks and i don't really understands what is written in the faq, something about 20% of the value but what does happen exactly? could someone explain please so i can understand what happened?

11 years ago*

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Bundle value over 30$ is "frozen" until you give non-bundle games. For example, you give 50$ in bundle games, your CV is 30$. If you give non-bundle game for 10$, you get 10$ of CV + 2$ leftover from the bundles.

11 years ago

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That 20% only increases when you successfully giveaway a 'non-bundled game.' For now, giving away more and more bundled games will not increase your cv since you'v already received $30 cv from bundled games.

11 years ago

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ah thanks for the help :)

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Jason369.