Hi guys, I'm doing a survey so I could really use your help.
There are many things that affect what you choose (genre, real players/NPC, time,age...). Explain to me why you chose one of the options.

Here are a few questions that can help:

  1. What's your favorite game genre? (also you can put favorite game,game series...)
  2. Has a game's storyline ever made you cry?
  3. Worst game that you've played?
  4. What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated?
  5. What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking?
  6. Multiplayer/Singleplayer?
  7. What emotions do you feel when you play video games?
  8. Have you ever had a crush on a video game character?
  9. Video games are good for?
  10. In which genre do you see yourself as the main character?

It would be great to answer all the questions.

Thank you for your help! And I love you all! <3 :D

Example of mine answers:

  1. World of Warcraft is my favorite game. Genre - MMORPG,Adventure,Atmospheric,Point & Click... Game series - Syberia, Witcher...
  2. Telltale The Walking Dead almost made me.
  3. Don't have.
  4. Lord of the rings - The battle for the middle earth first part.
  5. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, when i sow first time i was in "i will probably stop play",but its was one of my fav. (Ghostbusters, Skyborn)
  6. Both
  7. Depends of genre. (excitement, anger, fascination...)
  8. I can't write, maybe my wife is reading my comments. :D
  9. Fun, better decision maker, slow down aging, can enhance your ability to learn...
  10. Adventure with great story!

From my answers you can see that the story is more important to me. Of course, there is little action, but action is on second place. It is important to me that the story is rich with great details, long, intricate, with a beautiful world around it ...

4 years ago*

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Your opinion:

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4 years ago*

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Sure,why not! <3 Let me edit! :D

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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Ty my dear friend,some games don't have story at all,but they are really good,like PUBG. Ty for answers! <3

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Yea,but my focus was in- game story. I know some games have story behind them,and how they are made. :D But ty once more! <3

4 years ago

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story if [sic] the foundation...Without it nothing can even begin.

I see story more as the framing device for the action, the excuse for the game to happen. If a game is good, you should be able to swap out the graphics and re-write the dialogue and still have an equally enjoyable game, whereas if the game is bad, the story won't save it.

4 years ago

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Great my friend! I'm really thrilled with your answers. Ty once more! <3

4 years ago

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  1. RPG (western ones, not the J kind)
  2. No, as long as I remember.
  3. Uh... Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale I guess. What an atrocity it was.
  4. Divinity series as a whole... and that kinda explains my answer to your main question (see below). Gave lots of tries to various games from this series but never managed to finish one. Gameplay-wise those were okayish, but storywise...urgh, I wrote better stories with more complex and interesting characters when I was a teenager.
  5. Hmm... I generally don't even try games I don't think I'd like, but... Saints Row the Third perhaps? Only played it because a friend was very insistent in his recommendations, but ended up totally loving it.
  6. Strongly singleplayer.
  7. Mostly frustration if a game's too hard. Other than that...none in particular?
  8. I think so. A long, long time ago when I was young and girls in videogames were fresh and new and unique and whatnot. :)
  9. Everything, really.
  10. Was never for being the main character in anything. I do better as a supporting one. ;)

And, to answer you main question which I already partly answered: in games which are supposed to have a story (RPG's, adventures, some strategies and even some action games), story is definitely more important. No kind of awesome gameplay will make me play a game if storyline sucks. Action can be more important for games which don't have a storyline, but I generally don't play those anyway.

4 years ago

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Great answers my friend! TY!

4 years ago

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  1. Farming sim
  2. Yes, To The Moon is what comes to mind
  3. Corpse Party: Blood Drive
  4. Watch Dogs maybe? I remember getting it at release but both gameplay and story was lackluster. Got a bug that made me unable to play the game for a month. Didn't finish the story. Not interested in playing the other games.
  5. I don't think I have an answer to this one.
  6. I prefer multiplayer (where you don't play with strangers) with friends, but I do play a lot of games on my own.
  7. Depends on the game. Some games are annoying, others I'm having fun.
  8. Kind of, Simon Blackquill from Ace Attorney is still my favorite character of all time.
  9. Having fun?
  10. Uhh I don't? :s

Games need to be fun. Of course I enjoy a good story, but with bad gameplay it will just be annoying to play. I'm often giving popular games negative reviews (example: GRIS) because the only aspect of the games is the story or art, while having bad gameplay. Is that what you mean by action though? Not all games are action games. My favorite genre is farming sims, not much action there.

4 years ago

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Great answers my friend! Ty for helping! <3 You hit right in the center. And GRIS is great example! :D

4 years ago

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  1. Grand strategy games à la Paradox Interactive and JRPGs. Strategy and RPG in general.
  2. I get emotional, feeling with the characters, but no crying.
  3. I prefer to forget about those. I neither want to remember them nor to compare them.
  4. Didn't hate Factorio but I enjoyed it far less than I expected.
  5. Brütal Legend
  6. Single is the best
  7. Many. Of great variety. Sometimes multiples of them at once! :p
  8. Of course. More so in my younger days.
  9. To relax, to get challenged, to enjoy your time alone or with others. And to learn.
  10. In every game which I play alone. So most of them.
4 years ago

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Ty for answers my friend! Great! <3

4 years ago

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  1. MMORPG - However, I really want a new MMORPG to be released.
  2. Yes - When I was a kid I cried during the ending of pokemon mystery dungeon hahaha
  3. Any shitty f2p game on steam that is not very well known - It's just pure garbage.
  4. Simulator games (House Flipper, Thief Simulator, etc.) - I thought I would like them, but they are way too grindy.
  5. Warzone - I thought it would be shit like all other Battle Royale, but I kinda like this one.
  6. Multiplayer - Playing with a friend is always more fun
  7. Ecstasy + Anger/Frustration - Depends on the game
  8. I think I did when I was younger, cant think of anyone tho.
  9. Fun, training your brain
  10. Bioshock - Honestly no clue tho
4 years ago

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Me too! I can't wait new MMORPG, but need to get my attention! :D Ty for answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Ty for answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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  1. RPG
  2. I usually never cry, but To The Moon was really really REALLY close.
  3. Bitcoin Clicker
  4. I rarely HATE a game, but there are a few that disappointed me. For example Fallout New Vegas or Gothic 2. Both games are known as masterpieces, but disappointed me for one or two reasons.
  5. Ace of Spades. It's a mediocre block based multiplayer shooter. For some unknown reason, I played it quite a bit and ended up enjoying it.
  6. Singleplayer. But sometimes coop.
  7. Mostly ... concentration? Is that an emotion? Dunno. Apart from that it depends on the game or the scene of the story.
  8. No. I sometimes think that some girls in games are more or less cute, but I don't think I can develop a crush on a fictional person.
  9. For me, games are just like tv series and films. Games can be great at telling a story where you as the player feel like you ARE the protagonist. For example, when you watch Apocalypse Now, you SEE people doing horrible things. But when you play Spec Ops: The Line, you may BE the person who does horrible things. That's a neat narrative trick that tv series and movies can't really pull off.
  10. I would probably feel best if I was the main character in an adventure game. One without any fights. But realisticly speaking, I'm probably more like the side character that gets friendzoned by the main character.
4 years ago

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I have same example in Fallout New Vegas,i was thinking it will be better,but after Fallot 2 (my fav) nothing take my attention so much. :D Ty for answers friend! <3

4 years ago

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If by action you mean gameplay, than I take gameplay over story any day. If you look at my choices in the answers to your questions, they are pretty story heavy games, however, they are also fun to play. There are a very few exceptions, where I don't care about the gameplay because the story is so incredible, like Soma for example, which is basically a walking simulator. On the other hand, I take a cookie cutter or even bad story, if the gameplay is engaging and really fun. Let's be honest here, Resident Evil will never win a prize in storytelling, the stories are pretty mediocre to bad, and it's still one of my favorite franchises, because I love the gameplay. And I do tend to enjoy schlocky B-movie plots lol

  1. Probably Survival horror (RE, Fatal Frame, Silent Hill...)
  2. Sure, couple of them (To the Moon, Metal Gear Solid 3, SH: Shattered Memories, The Walking Dead)
  3. Silent Hill: Homecoming (I know, ironic, but it was dogshit)
  4. Shadow Man 2nd Coming
  5. Metal Gear Acid
  6. Single player
  7. Honestly? Frustration most of the time xD but also joy, it depends on how well I play
  8. Yes, but only recently; Claire in REmake 2, and now Jill in REmake 3 :D it probably has something to do with giving them faces of actual human models via 3D scanning. They have so much personality now.
  9. Distracting from your everyday problems, but also as an art form, i.e. like literature. I talked about bad plots in video games, but a certain few actually had better stories than I ever witnessed in a book or a movie.
  10. RPG, because life is a quest, and I get sidetracked by pointless sidequests every day.
4 years ago*

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"They have so much personality now" - You made my life better! :D Great examples and i agree "life is a quest"! I let public to choose what they see when they read action. Each game has its own action. In some games the action is to take up weapon and shoot/hit, in some it is to plant, dig, swim,run... Ty for answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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Glad to help :)

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Ty for answers my friend! <3 Great!

4 years ago

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What's your favorite game genre? RPGs, Digital Board Games and Strategy
Has a game's storyline ever made you cry? Nope, not yet lol.
Worst game that you've played? Lines X. Achievement spamming scam.
What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated? Detective Grimoire. Incredibly boring!
What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking? Dungeons 2. I loved it!
Multiplayer/Singleplayer? Singleplayer. I only enjoy multiplayer if playing 4x or board games with friends.
What emotions do you feel when you play video games? Never really thought about it.
Have you ever had a crush on a video game character? No. lol. Can't say that I have. I've always seen them as "not real."
Video games are good for? Relaxing, Games night with friends, and also killing boredom
In which genre do you see yourself as the main character? RPGs, I suppose. If the story is good, they're more immersive.

4 years ago

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Ty my dear friend! <3 Great! :D

4 years ago

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The answer that question would be a simple one. Yes.

4 years ago

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Nice,this i will count like 50/50! TY! <3

4 years ago

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  1. What's your favorite game genre? (also you can put favorite game,game series...) Personally, when I think of my favourite game I seek a game that I can go back and play, so it's anything with great replayability. The RPG genre tends to hold that the most for me as many RPG games have elements in place to make me not only play them again but give the player a different experience.
  2. Has a game's storyline ever made you cry? Unfortunately, I cry at TV adverts so this question is kinda... I guess the first time I genuinely cried at a game was actually the ending of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I don't really know why I guess.
  3. Worst game that you've played? In terms of just games that just didn't care, lots of shovelware, most of them asset flips. In terms of big game studios, has to be Fallout 76. Reason being is that I was invested in the franchise, secondly, you can smell the potential for a great fucking game and they fucked it. The way the game makes you feel is when a person you're dating is trying to let you down gently that they dont love you anymore and instead you're crashing like a ship entering orbit.
  4. What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated? Sunset Overdrive. I genuinely thought it was going to be some crash bandicoot/ saints row/ borderlands/ dead island game, but something for me just didnt click.
  5. What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking? Mount & Blade. I hate things that are not first perspective, not for any particular reason other than I love immersion and for some reason I just cant fuse. I honestly dont know why I love this game despite hating other games that are so damn similar.
  6. Multiplayer/Singleplayer? Singleplayer, I have no friends kek
  7. What emotions do you feel when you play video games? The best feeling while playing a game for me is intruigue and a sense of vulnerablility that I can control. Yes, my character is OP, but they're OP because I am influencing to be that way.
  8. Have you ever had a crush on a video game character? Ehh, I had a semi-crush on Cortana from Halo, and maybe a semi-crush on Kinzie from Saints Row.
  9. Video games are good for? Lots of things, escapism, relaxation, learning, learning to appreciate the different arts. I mean I quote lines from Assassins Creed quite frequently from the Italian era, in Italian. So thats fun.
  10. In which genre do you see yourself as the main character? Anything first person, if the story has at least 5/10 in immersion and its first person I can usually slot in really well.
4 years ago

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Great answers! I forgot about Cortana, really nice! And we have same opinion for Fallout 76. A big disappointment for me. Ty my friend for answers! <3

4 years ago

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I play Fallout 76 every day for maybe 10 minutes. My head says, oh yeah lets play fallout 76 that shit is fun! And it is, but it get so boring after 10 minutes.

4 years ago

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Yea,i did play i think 8-9 hours. But nah,after Fallout 2 those modern fallout games never held my attention over 10 hours gameplay. I think only one was mobile game,i played on work Fallout Shelter for 2 or 3 month. :D

4 years ago

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See, I'm not a fan of isometric games, especially ones with non-turn based combat. So as much as I loved what happened in both Fallout and Fallout 2, I had to drag myself through it because I cant focus on the isometric-ness.

4 years ago

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Yea,everything is a habit. I needed time to get used to Fallout 3! Its really good game,but its changed my view of Fallout franc. But still second part is on top for me! :D

4 years ago

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  1. Mainly RPG, Adventure and Platformer i guess. Honestly i don't really have a favorite genre. As long as i enjoyed playing it
  2. A few times (Walking Dead, To the Moon, etc)
  3. I tend to avoid shovelware so i guess my worst would be Warcraft 3 Reforged (shame, original W3 is my freaking childhood)
  4. More disliked than hated. Monster Hunter and other similar monster hunting games. I just found it pretty boring.
  5. Super Smash Bros series. Fighting game is never my thing but i enjoyed Smash since Brawl. Glad i give it a try.
  6. Depends. But mostly single player.
  7. "If it's not fun, why bother" -Regginator
  8. Not really.
  9. Having fun and enjoying it! Also some kind of way to relax.
  10. Some kind of openworld adventure where the world is beautiful and i can explore it. Or maybe i could just go outside if i'm not stuck in my home (quarantine)
4 years ago

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W3 - we probably have same childhood! :D Ty for answers friend! <3

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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  1. Rpg's like Baldur's Gate, Divinity, Icewind Dale, Diablo series.
  2. I almost cried at the end of What Remains of Edith Finch. Good storytelling.
  3. Assassin's Creed series. I really want to like this series but whenever I start a new assassins creed game, I get bored in a few hours.
  4. Same as above.
  5. The Binding of Isaac. This game opened the gates of Indie games for me.
  6. Singleplayer. Playing a game with a good story and a good game mechanics alone is the heaven for me.
  7. Since I stopped playing multiplayer games i feel happiness and joy, even when i play soulslike games :)
  8. Yennefer. Man, she is beautiful.
  9. Depends on what game you play. You can learn interesting things about cultures, history or you can think faster when you play games.
  10. Any kind of games which my choices are matters.

In conclusion, both is important but story is the main thing about video games for me.

4 years ago

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Yennefer from Witcher! Yea she is really beautiful! Ty for answers friend! <3

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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"The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human", as a fancy Metroidvania.
See above... I couldn't continue because of technical and balance issues.

What techniacal issues did you get? I played that and yeah some first bosses are kinda hard but when it ticks, i loved the challange.

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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Ah shame you had a glitch with the game. But i felt none of the control things. Maybe because i was playing with a gamepad idk. Also i kinda get color scheme, didn't effect me much though. Only thing for me beating the second and third bosses was massive pain. :D

4 years ago

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4 years ago*

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"Imagination" - nice unique answer! :D Maybe i needed to put third option,but I left the reader to decide what he think when he read action. Like each game has its own action. In some games the action is to take up weapon and shoot/hit, in some it is to plant, dig, swim,run... And a lot of games don't have story. Or story is bad. Ty for answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 months ago.

4 years ago

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  1. What's your favorite game genre?
    My favorite genre seems like Metroidvania but my favorite game is Dark Souls. Also i don't like the term of "souls-like" since i have yet to play a game with similiar experience as Dark Souls. (Sekiro is a different game but same company so i don't count that as different)

  2. Has a game's storyline ever made you cry?
    Nope not even one. But there are some really i found fascinating "Transistor" and "Nier: Automata"

  3. Worst game that you've played?
    This is kinda hard to answer. I can't say "worst games" most likely personal preferences, "Battle Chef: Brigade" and "Chasm" (These are the recent ones, cant remember old ones.)

  4. What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated?
    "Chasm" fits here perfectly. I mostly run games on Hard while i am starting but that game's structure wasn't very good to play on hard. or play at all idk I hated the game around half way around.

  5. What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking?
    I don't think there are much because i choose my games with good research. But with "Nier: Automata" i went in blind and i thought yeah hack slash it will be fun. It blew my mind with the story and world around it.

  6. Multiplayer/Singleplayer?

  7. What emotions do you feel when you play video games?
    I usually don't feel anything from games. Only enjoyment. But there are 2 times i was like "YEAH GET THAT YOU STUPID GAME" one of them was "Dark Souls" and the other still is "Darkest Dungeon" Also "Darkest Dungeon" is one of the most good kind of stressful game i have ever played if that counts as an emotion.

  8. Have you ever had a crush on a video game character?

  9. Video games are good for?

  10. In which genre do you see yourself as the main character?

Sorry last three question was really not relatable for me.

4 years ago

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"I may be but small, but I will die a colossus." - Great game series Dark Souls! I really loved them. Ty for answers friend! <3

4 years ago

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Between story and action, I just can't choose one over the other... I need both though it doesn't have to be in the same game

For example:
Currently I'm playing Telltale The Walking Dead, Vampyr and Ghost Recon Breakpoint:

  • The first is pure story, the second is a mix of the 2 (but story is better than the action in this one even though I do enjoy Vampyr combat), the last one is all about action (despite the MOUNTAIN of technical issues)

My favorite of all time Splinter Cell Conviction and Mass Effect 3 .. I can't choose one over the other.

I like Single player and then co-op, can't stress enough how much I HATE PvP (I hate PvP so much it makes me really hate being a Achievement hunter)

Games make me emotional, not crying but just a single tear.

Favorite genre Stealth-3rd person view- rpg elements of Mass Effect or the latest 2 Assassin's Creed titles

4 years ago

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Yea,great examples with those 3 games. Ty for answers friend! <3

4 years ago

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  1. Hard to answer. I'm probably going with "Survival" games. Such games that offer me crafting, survival elements (thirst., hunger). Selection would be huge, but I'd like to mention The Long Dark, Subnautica. Games like that. If it has RPG elements all the better (Fallout, Elder Scrolls) but for the sake of poll - Survival. (Couldnt decide between this and simulators, because I probably have the most hours into those - Dirt Rally 1 and 2, Euro truck simulator, farming sim)
  2. Yes, I have shed a tear or two over the more emotional stories - walking dead for one. I think Mass Effect 3 as well. Probably about Life is Strange as well. I do remember the story being emotional but played it quit some time ago.
  3. I'm going to go with Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. I was very disappointed, the quality and visuals are great. But damn the story is one huge pile of shit and its soooooo glitchy. Character constantly gets stuck or game crashes. There are a lot of cheap ass abandoned games that are horrible, but they already have negative reviews and theres no hope going into those.
  4. CS:GO probably. I enjoy shooters and I thought I'd like this one as well. I do play from time to time, but overall its a disappointment for me. I dont hate it, but I dont have any other games I have started and would have hated as I rarely experiment with new games I dont know
  5. Hand of Fate. I dont play card games. Simple as that. But I liked that one and I play a round or two from time to time.
  6. Singleplayer
  7. Depends - For story oriented games I like if it can stir up emotions (like previously mentioned walking dead, mass effect) and I can immerse myself in it. Rally sims make my hearth beat faster. Survival games make me feel the desolation of games setting. Make me feel like I'm alone as well. It really depends on how I'm feeling in general on what game I will play
  8. Being a very affectionate person I develop crushes on movie/TV show characters constantly. Games probably rarer, but from time to time yes. One that I can remember I really liked was Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. Lara Croft as well. Latest was Suvi from Mass Effect Andromeda, That accent was hot.
  9. Doubt that its good for anything other then having fun. Of course if you dont specifically play educational games. Maybe they help you with your reflexes, but I highly doubt they actually benefit anything substantial. Just like racing games dont make you a better driver or shooters dont make your reflexes better. You just get used to the game and mechanically learn to be better at that one single type of activity on computer. Long story short - I think its good for fun and thats about it. To be honest I think gaming does more bad then good. A lot of people who have pent up aggressions become more aggressive due to games, procrastinate more, get addicted. Games are a good fun if you moderate it. Other then that - more bad then good.
  10. I wanted to say simulator games - but they are designed to put you in the characters place. So I'll say post apocalyptic survival genre games. Thanks to these games I've fantasized alot about what would I do in such a situations. I'm actually pondering writing a book based on post apocalyptic setting

That came out longer then expected :D

4 years ago

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The longer the better! :D Really nice opinion. About good things,i think there are couple good benefits games give us. For example,i read somewhere "video game use is known to affect attention. The studies included in the review show that video game players display improvements in several types of attention, including sustained attention and selective attention. Furthermore, the regions of the brain that play a role in attention are more efficient in gamers compared with non-gamers, and they require less activation to stay focused on demanding tasks.". I can confirm this. How video games affect the brain? Depends on many factors. People, thoughts, playing time, age, social intelligence, habits ... Ty for answers friend! <3

4 years ago*

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I suppose everything affects our brains in some way and theres bound to be some things that are good out of playing games. Its not as we fully understand the brain anyway, and who am I to argue with actual studies done into this. I think I've read similar things as well.

I think I like to generalize when it comes to stuff like this, but when going into detail I agree - it can be positive. Its something similar to the old foolish comparison with successful people dropping out of universities. That has evolved into "people who drop out of universities will be millionares". Yes, people who are successful have dropped out of universities, but it in no way states that you are more likely to become rich if you drop out. Same with gaming - it does help positively for brain, but then again - we probably have to take into consideration what kind of games and for how long have these games been played in such studies. as well as what kind of people have played these games. For the regular joe having it out in CS voice chat about how he lost or playing away his 3rd day non stop will probably rot his brain instead of improving stuff.

The thing is I have been playing games for some 10+ years at this point. I am currently studying business at masters level in university. I have engineering degree and experience in IT...... has gaming helped me hone my brain ? who can answer that. But I can positively say that gaming has affected my procrastinating negatively and at times been more as a distraction then anything else. I still remember playing my days away when I had to write my bachelors theses because I was stressed out and writing wasnt going well...

4 years ago

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Nicely said. I finished criminology. But I’m currently into programming. So I connect those two areas. Im right now into the association between video gaming and psychological functioning, and collecting data,so ty for extended answer dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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Reading over other peoples answers I realized that at no point I actually answered the main question - story or action :D For me it's mainly story. Being a book geek and dreaming of writing a book myself at some point I really go for games that have very colorful story - emotionally and in content. As I already mentioned - Long Dark, a great survival experience AND it has beautiful story. Simulator games are a treat for me if they have a story underneath it all. If rally game has interactive career mode Im a happy camper. The F1 2019 which I won here thanks to SG gods :D has brilliant story - simulating actual rivalries between you and others, having meetings with your agent... I mean its all very linear and hardly anything you can influence - but if its got a story I'm happy

btw. criminology sounds awesome. Being a detective and studying criminology has been a dream that has grown up with me since I was a kid. I love reading detective novels and trying to figure crimes out along with protagonist. But life is life and you cant turn back clock, whats done is done, got to stick with what you have :D Who knows - maybe I'll pick up something of that nature for another masters degree or even go as far as studying for doctorate if life will play me such cards down the way. University near me doesnt offer such a program, but I may move, so who knows Good luck with your survey :)

4 years ago

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Why dreaming? Its easy, better start writing a book and if you have great subject you will be famous! Never give up on dreams. Im more in forensic psychology. It's quite interesting to me. But I've been involved in programming since I was little. And somehow I don't know either, programming has won. But i found way to combine those two! :D I'll do more polls these days. Thank you so much for the answers and for your help. You're great.

4 years ago

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Thanks for encouragement, I've been putting down some ideas I have. Just need to really get at it. Hard to find motivation at times and I dont really want to do some half-ass job writing without motivation but I suppose I should just get in the groove and put things on paper (or computer screen if we want to be technically correct)

I'll be looking forward for another polls then - I enjoy such discussions

4 years ago

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Maybe they help you with your reflexes, but...shooters dont make your reflexes better.

So, do they or don't they?

A lot of people who have pent up aggressions become more aggressive due to games

I heard the opposite of that is true: games help people release those pent up aggressions. Even besides that, there are plenty of studies that show no link between games and violent behavior in real life.

gaming has affected my procrastinating negatively and at times been more as a distraction then anything else.

And that's pretty clearly a you problem. If video games didn't exist, I'm sure you'd have found some other way to procrastinate. I'm not saying that I never procrastinated, I'm saying we shouldn't blame our own faults on external factors.

4 years ago

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Yeah sorry for a bit of a hectic writing, what I meant is - I dont think they help. Maybe they do, but I'm not a scientist or specialist on behaviour to make any claims - just saying that I dont think they make any significant improvement

I suppose that comes down to the person as well doesnt it ? Its not that there arent cases where a kid playing GTA or CS somehow starts to think violence is good and shoots someone or hurts others. An easily impressionable or below intelligence person will no doubt be affected differently then, lets say you or me. All in all its not really a "black and white" problem, obviously you cant say that it certainly doesnt affect or does affect. For some its better, for some worse.. Cant say that I dont calm down with playing games when something has upset me.. but as always - its just me and in no way comparable to others

As for procrastinating - yeah definitely.. if not games theres movies, books, tv series. But how does that change the fact games are huge time waster in their essence ? Its hundreds of hours aimlessly sitting in front of PC or TV. Yeah we are gamers and we enjoy the games - but when you get down to it its essentially a time waster that helps fuel anyones procrastinating.... Dont get me wrong - I will continue playing games as much as I like and you do as well if it makes you happy, but I just dont like looking at it all with rose-colored glasses. I'm also not really blaming games for it - its definitely my lack of discipline here. You can definitely say that hobbies as such are time wasters and gaming is just one of many things someone can take up. I hope you dont get the wrong impression here. If you are disciplined person and can easily plan your time that you can balance work, education, sporting, friends and trow games in it - great, but if you start to sacrifice other things in favor of gaming - its starting to affect you badly in my opinion. When there are periods in my life where I have to work excessively or study I can put down gaming and come back to it in a month or two after not playing anything. If you can as well - kudos to you. But dont sugarcoat addiction - more and more people become addicted to games and addiction is never good, and you cant really put all the blame on the person as well... then you can just as well say that its not the fault of drugs people get addicted but its the person while we know the drugs are the culprit there. Gaming isnt that white and black as I said - there are just as many good as there are bad points to it. Just digging down to essence of it as the talk is about psychology here...

I suppose TL/DR version would be - game moderately and dont sacrifice your life for gaming and it will be alright :) cheers

4 years ago

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An easily impressionable or below intelligence person

So far below average intelligence that they can't differentiate between social standards and game objectives? I think those people are legally required to have a caretaker who can help explain the difference (among more important things).

But dont [sic] sugarcoat addiction...you can just as well say that its not the fault of drugs people get addicted...Just digging down to essence of it as the talk is about psychology here...

Last I checked, video games can't enter a person's bloodstream and cause physical damage to the nervous system when used as intended. A more apt analogy would be slot machines: sure, they're designed to be as enticing as possible, but they're only tangentially related to the core issue; they're 100% external. You're not gonna get addicted to either unless you have an addictive personality (or are a child, but again, they should have caretakers), and at that point, there are plenty of other activities you'd be susceptible to being addicted to. Like you said: the essence is about psychology, not video games. Not wanting to look at it with rose-colored glasses is one thing, but let's not sport super-cynic spectacles, either.

4 years ago

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I prefer good story over action in games. Game that made me realise this was Nier:Automata. Gameplay of it wasn't anything special but story had something that made me remember it everyday after playing it.
Opposite of this for me is Witcher 3. While gameplay is great , I didn't enjoy story at all and because of it I don't want to go back to it.

  1. What's your favorite game genre? (also you can put favorite game,game series...)
    RPG, Sandbox (Terraria, Minecraft)
  2. Has a game's storyline ever made you cry?
  3. Worst game that you've played?
    Esports games. I just hate competitive nature of those games.
  4. What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated?
    Witcher 3. Story wasn't that great in my opinion as it could be brought to:
    Geralt: I want info about Ciri.
    Someguy: I will give you info if you do this for me.
    Repeat until you played for 25h...
  5. What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking?
    Can't remember any.
  6. Multiplayer/Singleplayer?
    I prefer playing Singleplayer games but it's mostly because I don't have anyone to play with.
  7. What emotions do you feel when you play video games?
    Depends on game I'm playing but mainly I feel same as main character of game.
  8. Have you ever had a crush on a video game character?
  9. Video games are good for?
    Video games are great to tell stories from different perspectives. Something that may appear good maybe way different If you put yourselves in shoes of different person. (Nier:Automata does it pretty good)
  10. In which genre do you see yourself as the main character?
4 years ago*

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I'm still laughing. This was amazing - "Repeat until you played for 25h...". But its kinda like that! Ty for great answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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  1. What's your favorite game genre? Adventure/Platformer and Point and Clicks
  2. Has a game's storyline ever made you cry? Yes, Valiant Hearts: The Great War
  3. Worst game that you've played? Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
  4. What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated? Rage 2
  5. What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking? Kingdom: Classic
  6. Multiplayer/Singleplayer? Singleplayer
  7. What emotions do you feel when you play video games? depends on the game... all of them: fun, joy, anger, desperation, satisfaction, frustration...
  8. Have you ever had a crush on a video game character? no
  9. Video games are good for? depends on the game sometime it's like a dull blockbuster movie and sometimes it's like a meaningfull book. sometime it's for fun, sometimes for brainjogging.
  10. In which genre do you see yourself as the main character? not sure about the question is it: if your life would be a game, what genre would it be (non violent rpg i guess) or more like which genre gives you the most feeling of beeing the maincharacter (scifi fps adventures)
4 years ago

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Last question is about what you think first when you read question. But, answer is really good. Do you ever want to find yourself in situations or in the world of the game you play? When you create game,will you put yourself like main char? What genre of game you will made?... Ty for great answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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sometime it's like a dull blockbuster movie and sometimes it's like a meaningfull [sic] book.

But are they ever like a meaningful blockbuster movie or like a dull book? ☺

4 years ago

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no. never! :)

4 years ago

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For a survey asking if a game's action or story is better, those questions seem awfully biased in the story's favor. In my opinion, the action is always more important because that's the only thing games have to separate them from other entertainment mediums. If I wanted story, I'd watch a movie.

  1. Platformers, SHMUPs, and puzzle games that actually build on their mechanics (and maybe Zelda clones, too).
  2. LOL, nope. Maybe cry of laughter, but I don't think a game has done that, either.
  3. Tie between Antichamber and Dark Souls III Nevermind, it's Xenonauts
  4. Too many to list here
  5. N/A (If I don't think I'll like a game, I won't buy it)
  6. Single player
  7. If the game is too easy: boredom. If the game is challenging due to cheap design: frustration. If the game has well designed challenge, like Splasher or The Messenger: enjoyment.
  8. I guess.
  9. ...playing?
  10. The Game Boy Camera has some mini-games in it, and it lets you take a picture of someone to be the face of a character in those games. My brother took a picture of me with it when I was a child, so now I'm the protagonist of "Run! Run! Run!" and its port of Game & Watch's "Ball," as well as the final boss in "Space Fever II."
4 years ago*

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" those questions seem awfully biased in the story's favor. " - you got me! :D But people answer in detail. So from their answers you can see what is more important to them. Ty for great answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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After reading through other peoples' answers, I think I misunderstood #8. If you meant "Would I want to spend time with these characters if they were real," the answer is a hard "no, never."

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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If it's still possible to alter my answers, I'd like to change number 3 to Xenonauts (no tie).

4 years ago

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1) I really like story focused RPGs, but I am not such sticked to genre, I play what looks good to me. Usually I see screenshots and I decided about it, sometimes even games with terrible graphics has some good gameplay features.
2) Not really, I had bad feeling during playing The Walking dead season 1 and 2, but I were able to hold my feelings and do not cry. Almost laught made me cry at Saint Rows: Gat out of hell at singing scene.
3) Hard to decide, I try to find good spots in everything I play, but I guess Gothic teaser, which was given to players as a demo before they'll do remake- When I compare it with original game from 2001, it was something disgusting.
4) Definitely Titan Quest, I bought it after my friend's recommendation, but after few hours I really hated it, cause it was same all the time. Just killing everything and running and stary was just to tell you go far far away again and again. Not a game for me.
5) Metro 2033 and Last light. I got it for xmass and I were a bit uncertain, cause playing Left 4 dead learnt me never save bullets. I played Metros on normal difficulty, but I had almost no problem to finish it. Same I had it with Alien:Isolation, I bought it just cause the sale and everyone else were buying it. I really hate hiding games, where you can't just kill them all, but now it is one of my favourite games.
6) Singleplayer, no doubt.
7) I play game for relax, so I prefer no stress games, for getting to rage I have a job lol.
8) Of course, I grown up on Dragon Age and who hasn't loved Leliana? I guess it kinda helped me to realize I am into girls:)
9) For me it is for amusement, you can do what ever you want, you can be a hero which save princess, rob a bank or having some fun with cooking simulator. If you play online games, you can also meet interesting people.
10) Probably rpg or some relaxing simulator. I like fishing in real, so during caranteen I bought Fishing simulator to waste some time at home.

4 years ago*

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Leliana yeaaaa. I will probably play Dragon Age again this week. :D Ty for great answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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Action and story are just two potential parts of a greater whole, one is not more important than the other. To say one is more important is like saying string instruments are more important than percussion in a piece of music. Sometimes you can have one more prominent than the other, or even omitted and still end up with good music.

  1. Its hard to put just one but i'll go with RPG. Mass Effect, Witcher, Fallout, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, etc.
  2. No but they can get pretty sad sometimes.
  3. I don't know, probably some carbon copy yearly release sports game.
  4. Occasionally a game disappoints me but I can't say I end up hating any.
  5. Celeste, not as frustrating as it looked due to quick respawn and frequent checkpoints. Also the wholesome story bits aren't bad.
  6. Single player, I like immersive stuff and single player games are best suited for that.
  7. I find all the same emotions in games that you already see in other mediums like movies and books.
  8. Yeah I suppose so.
  9. Delivering an experience you'll remember forever. Killing time, taking breaks, being a fun group activity,storytelling, learning, take your pick.
  10. Strategy, I guess?
4 years ago

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"Delivering an experience you'll remember forever!" - I agree! :D Ty for great answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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