Hi guys, I'm doing a survey so I could really use your help.
There are many things that affect what you choose (genre, real players/NPC, time,age...). Explain to me why you chose one of the options.

Here are a few questions that can help:

  1. What's your favorite game genre? (also you can put favorite game,game series...)
  2. Has a game's storyline ever made you cry?
  3. Worst game that you've played?
  4. What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated?
  5. What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking?
  6. Multiplayer/Singleplayer?
  7. What emotions do you feel when you play video games?
  8. Have you ever had a crush on a video game character?
  9. Video games are good for?
  10. In which genre do you see yourself as the main character?

It would be great to answer all the questions.

Thank you for your help! And I love you all! <3 :D

Example of mine answers:

  1. World of Warcraft is my favorite game. Genre - MMORPG,Adventure,Atmospheric,Point & Click... Game series - Syberia, Witcher...
  2. Telltale The Walking Dead almost made me.
  3. Don't have.
  4. Lord of the rings - The battle for the middle earth first part.
  5. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, when i sow first time i was in "i will probably stop play",but its was one of my fav. (Ghostbusters, Skyborn)
  6. Both
  7. Depends of genre. (excitement, anger, fascination...)
  8. I can't write, maybe my wife is reading my comments. :D
  9. Fun, better decision maker, slow down aging, can enhance your ability to learn...
  10. Adventure with great story!

From my answers you can see that the story is more important to me. Of course, there is little action, but action is on second place. It is important to me that the story is rich with great details, long, intricate, with a beautiful world around it ...

4 years ago*

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Your opinion:

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I am sincerely surprised by the current results of the poll. I can get a good story from a book, a movie, a tv show... videogames are the one medium where I am part of the action. A decent story is always welcome in a game, but my expectations are low.

4 years ago

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Nice one! Ty for answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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Hope you like a good text tsunami.

  1. Action-Adventure is my favorite, and that's actual Action-Adventure, like your Zeldas, your Darksiderses, etc. I've been seeing a lot of sources call things like God of War Action-Adventure, when they're really more straight Action, or a 3D Brawler, if you really want to get down to it. I like most any kind, whether they're the oldschool top-down type, the 3D type, or even the sidescrolling type that I call Platventures and everyone else calls Metroidvania (I don't care for the term, but that's a full-scale rant in and of itself). I do also enjoy 2D Platformers, Adventure (most anything from Point-and-Click to Walking Simulator), and RPGs (but I'm really picky with them; SNES-era are my favorites).
  2. No, but I'm not emotionally capable of tears, because- that's a long story, too. I will say that games have gotten me emotional, so on my scale, maybe that counts as a yes.
  3. Shadow of the Colossus with Kingdom Hearts following closely behind. It was atrocious on every front: gameplay, graphics, story, and sound; Kingdom Hearts was at least pretty. Now, to sit back and watch the blacklists roll in...
  4. My Backloggery page says that there have been 121 of them in the last 2 years; I'm an unpleasable jerk! lol So, let me tell you about the bitch that broke my heart. Her name is Hyper Light Drifter, and she was beautiful. We spent such wonderful evenings together in serene, neon wonderlands. She bought me such lovely outfits, and we'd accessorize together before going out on some wonderful, challenging adventures. She was everything I'd ever wanted in a game, including things that I never even knew I could have. And then... she started chain-dashing. Oh, it was just a little at first, but in time, it was all she wanted to do anymore, and for inconceivable periods of time. Now, I'm an older gal; I don't have the patience for absurdly long stretches that require absolute perfection, but she wouldn't even try to understand or meet me halfway, so I had to break it off.
  5. Shining Soul 2. The first one started out fun, but by only the third area, fighting enemies was like trying to destroy a car with a toothpick. The second game rebalanced everything extremely well, and gave you 8 different classes to play, almost all of which were excellent. I usually hate playing a magic user, but they were my favorites in Shining Soul 2.
  6. 1-Player. I've always been ferociously self-sufficient and usually pretty solitary (they called me an only child in a family of four), so I don't like the idea of having to rely on others' availability to play a game. I do enjoy playing with others now and again; I just like the consistent availability of playing by myself.
  7. Anger, if the game is frustrating; anxiety, if the game is overwhelming; and sadness, if the story strikes me just right. Could maybe be more, but that's a full deck for me.
  8. I think we all have at one point or another. Not recently, though.
  9. Anything that any other medium is good for: escapism, exploring societal issues, etc. Also good for relieving stress, developing sharper reflexes, etc. Lots of things.
  10. I'm not really sure that I understand the question, but probably Action-Adventure with some RPG elements. I like doing and I've always loved to explore, even if I was just making a delivery to some old lady who wanted to give me the tour of her house. I like oldschool RPGs, but if I got into a fight, an old battleaxe like me wouldn't be into menu-based combat. I really like class systems, though, because I enjoy trying out different roles, and my mood can fluctuate wildly when it comes to that sort of thing. I'd be a main character only in the sense that it is my story, though; I'll be the best follower you want, but I'm not much of a leader, because I don't like telling people what to do. I like to just do the work, rather than delegate it out to others, because as I've said, I'm ferociously self-sufficient, and don't like relying on others. That said, if someone came to me for guidance, I'd be good with that, so maybe I'd be more like Brad Evans from Wild Arms 2.

It's definitely action for me, because I've loved many games with solid gameplay and dumb story (Mega Man is a favorite), but I couldn't stand quite a few games with a solid story and crap gameplay (Suikoden 3 comes to mind). That said, I'm fine with a solid story and mediocre gameplay, like the myriad Dragon Warrior clones that the NES has (Musashi no Bouken and Doraemon: Gigazombie no Gyakushuu among them). But yes: a game needs decent gameplay to be a decent game; all the pretty graphics and good story and great soundtracks in the world aren't going to make it better than a great movie. I could easily watch American Beauty while shooting myself in the foot with a nail gun every 5 minutes, if that's what I wanted.

4 years ago

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"And then... she started chain-dashing." - This is so original! Amazing answers. Congratulations. You hit every question in the center! :D
As for the last question. I prefer the reader to have freedom. And the first thing he thought, he wrote it. You can put yourself in situation like when you are creating games, imagine that if the world were a game and you were the main character, what would that world look like... Ty for great answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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Hey, no problem; it was a fun survey! Not only did I make part of my living as a writer for a while, I'm also weird and have to constantly explain myself, so I have a tendency to be loquacious... when you can actually get me to talk, anyway. In any case, I'm glad that my answers were useful to you.

4 years ago

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For the general question of "Story or Action" I'd say.... gameplay. The most important thing for me is the game having fun and engaging gameplay. That doesn't necessarily mean "Action"- a game can have interesting gameplay without it involving any explosions or guts flying around. Overall I value Story pretty low. I honestly don't even have all that many criteria for a "good" or "bad" Story. For me if it's a happy story (or at the very least ends happily) then it's good, if it's a depressing story that ends depressingly then it's bad (with some exceptions- For example, I don't expect a good ending from any Lovecraftian story, yet I like those.). I generally tend to like characters unless they're completely irredeemable so that further makes all stories feel the same.
Anyway, the questions:

  1. All the genres that typically have good gameplay. It would be easier to say which genres I tend to dislike- Point and Click/Adventure Games (in particular "Walking Simulators"), generic <Insert Activity> Simulators (including Sports games), ""Survival"" Games, Multiplayer-Only stuff like Battle Royale... Probably more but I don't think much about the stuff I dislike. XD

  2. Yes. That's not really much of an achievement since it's suuuper easy to achieve. I hate it and I hate when I game does that. :D

  3. Hmm, that's actually a surprisingly hard question. I tend to abandon games that I don't like and then never think about them again and most games that I play till the end, even if I had a lot of criticism towards them, I tend to conclude that overall I liked them in the end. Looking through my most played games, I'd say the one I disliked the most was definitely Torchlight. It very, very quickly got boring, grindy and repetitive. I guess it's a good example of "having gameplay doesn't mean you have good gameplay". Another contender would probably be The Binding of Isaac- it's so heavily RNG-centric that at the whims of the random upgrades you run into you either become stupidly overpowered or pathetically under-equipped in any given run. Other Roguelikes either make everything at least somewhat useful or give you a way of controlling what you can get.

  4. Torchlight.

  5. I dunno... I don't really go into games expecting to dislike them. I guess Root Double was sorta like that. It was an experiment to see if I'd tolerate a very lacking-in-gameplay Visual Novel. The results are... mixed. Honestly, there were huge stretches of time where I was super bored, but I generally like mystery stories and, like I said, I get attached to characters easily so at the very least I wanted to get to the end to decide if it gets the "depressing" or "good" story label. It ends well, so I guess it wasn't all that bad in the end. Only needed to go through ~50 hours of filler. <.<

  6. Singleplayer.

  7. Hopefully fun. Anything to make the depression go away.

  8. Not really, but I have had a crush on an Anime character (and still do... it's been 10 years already and still no-one could replace her...). I do acknowledge when I find a female character very cute though. :P

  9. Fun. Amusement. Humor. Distracting from the depression for a few hours at a time.

  10. Probably a very boring one. Since I'm not an interesting person. XD

As a little side-note: I remember reading a short little article about how we should consider a third factor in games, other than Story and Gameplay/Action... or more like how Gameplay can be divided into two- Challenge and Gratification. Have a look if you want (it's written by Yahtzee so expect a fair bit of crass humor). There's also a little follow-up to that going more in depth on the third factor.

4 years ago

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"Since I'm not an interesting person" - your answers say otherwise! :D As for action/gameplay i left freedom to reader,first thing he think when he read "action", that should be his answer. But your wrote really great answers. And ty for side-note,I read, it's really good! :D
Ty my dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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What's your favorite game genre? aRPG - like Diablo, not like Devil May Cry
Has a game's storyline ever made you cry? No
Worst game that you've played? E.T. on the Atari 2600. Recently, State of Mind
What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated? State of Mind
What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking? Fallout 3
Multiplayer/Singleplayer? Singleplayer
What emotions do you feel when you play video games? Frustration, exultation, boredom, curiosity
Have you ever had a crush on a video game character? No
Video games are good for? Entertainment, puzzle-solving
In which genre do you see yourself as the main character? None

4 years ago

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Ty for great answers my friend! <3

4 years ago

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If by action you mean gameplay? Then gameplay is my favorite
It depends but I can forgive bad story for great gameplay (sport/Action), and a bad gameplay for an interesting story (walking sim/horror)

Favorite genre changes now and then, but based on my most played I'd say strategy is where I find my comfort
I like the option to go in and out at will

I don't think I cried from a game, got emotional maybe, but i always feel emotional removed from works of fiction (film/books)

Too many bad games to count, broken gameplay or non existent always get me to quit

I hate Hidden object games.

I play games with fun in mind. But I was surprised with a detective game recently

Single player for a good story, multiplayer the story is created by the players

I feel Joy, sometimes shock. And RAGE if its multiplayer XD

Have you ever had a crush on a video game character?
Nope, fiction is fiction

Video games are good for?
Entertainment, learning

In which genre do you see yourself as the main character?
I don't understand?

4 years ago

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Last question i left to readers what they think first,write it! :D Example: When you are creating game will you be main character, what kind of game will it be, what genre, When you played a game, did you ever want or see yourself as the main character. What a game it is, what genre... And lots of others. Ty for great answers my dear friend! <3

4 years ago*

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I think all Games are kind of a role play, so depending on the game I may be a team manager or Lara Croft.
I just don't inject my life into it. Again I have a distance with all fiction I just don't get that involved
Unless it a multiplayer game, trash talking my friends for my supreme tactics is just fun

4 years ago

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Ty for answers my dear friend! ❤️

4 years ago

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  1. Probably FPS
  2. Can't think of any game that did
  3. Too many to pick one
  4. Far Cry 2
  5. Hammerwatch
  6. Multiplayer
  7. Excitement, humor, frustration, cynicism, empathy, boredom, annoyance
  8. No
  9. Entertainment, socializing
  10. Adventure game?

To answer your question of what's more important, action or story. It depends on the genre. If it's action-oriented game then I would say action. If it's a story driven, adventure type game then I would say story. Sounds obvious but that's what I think. If you're playing an FPS or looter shooter and the gameplay is terrible you're not going to care about the story. Most people will not suffer through a bad action game just to hear the story. Likewise if you're playing a more story focused game then the action takes a back seat.

4 years ago

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Ty my dear friend,for great answers! <3

4 years ago

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  1. First person adventure and Racing
  2. Unreal and Chrono Trigger (Not really the storyline but the culmination of everything at the end)
  3. Gears of War - too many reasons...but in summary it was a big disappointment for me after all the hype. IMO its basically a dumb Quake 2 clone in 3rd person made to pander to console enthusiasts and bullet sponge lovers.
    -Runner up: Medal of Honor 2010 - This is not a game...its a documentary
  4. Moto RKD Dash - Looks great but the magnetic walls ruins gameplay
  5. Mafia III...proves that opinions are just...opinions
  6. Singleplayer and co-op games...Multiplayer has been ruined by battle royale IMO
  7. All
  8. Diana of the Hitman Series...still the best female voice in a video game
  9. Fun and learning (learning about things, places, and improving your reasoning and reaction time)
  10. Don't think I really understand the question - If you mean a specific game...then Raziel, Adam Jensen...& Twinblast
4 years ago*

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Ty for great answers my dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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Basically, I can forgive almost anything to a game that delivers a good story. There are whole genres that ignore narrative almost completely (like shoot-them-all or tower defense); coincidentally, what you call "action" usually repulses me in these games, so ignoring them is easy.

  1. Adventure games (The Cat Lady, Grim Fandango, Gabriel Knight 1-3, Unavowed, The Lost Crown and so on) and RPG (Disco Elysium, Planescape: Torment, The Banner Saga, The Witcher 2-3 and so on). Basically, the story-rich stuff.
  2. It's the presentation, not the narrative per se that can make me cry. And yes, that was Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (so unoriginal, I know). Also an ending of Dreamfall Chapters, but that's mostly because of my personal history with this trilogy.
  3. Maybe D4 or Blades of Time?
  4. Deus Ex. It's such an impressive mess narrative-wise. Also probably Myst (the original one back in the 90's).
  5. I don't play games I don't expect to enjoy.
  6. Never multiplayer.
  7. That depends. A proper game results in a wide range of emotions - like any art form should. But yeah, a superficial excitement is enough sometimes.
  8. Yes. Baron Friedrich von Glower from Gabriel Knight: The Beast Within. You know, that gay werewolf aristocrat. I was maybe 15.
  9. Escapism, mostly.
  10. An super-niche short indie side-scroller adventure about a lonely depressed woman. And yeah, no one has ever bought it.
4 years ago

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" Escapism " - interesting! Really nice answers my friend! Ty! <3

4 years ago

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hmmm, got me thinking for a bit before i could write my answers down, but i chose Story as most important.

o1. What's your favorite game genre? (also you can put favorite game,game series...)
RPGs as a broad generalization. i'm willing to try other genres if the worldbuilding is intriguing enough (Borderlands comes to mind, since that's a FPS with amazing worldbuilding) but i'm more confident i'll enjoy games that outright carry the RPG label.

o2. Has a game's storyline ever made you cry?
nah. typically overwrought scenes of character death or great sacrifice tends to make me roll my eyes and just endure the moment until it is over.

o3. Worst game that you've played?
in terms of story, the first Witcher game. the sexism is just so unnecessary and yet so prevalent it feels like a slap in the face the entire playthrough and completely overshadows the gameplay, whatever story it's trying to tell, everything. once i got to the first major city and found the one woman who wasn't dressed with her tits out previously lounging around in boutique underwear i gave up.

o4. What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated?
Fallout 3! i got only ten hours in before i gave it up. i'd come into it after already playing New Vegas, so it was a steep drop in quality, and your followers can just outright die so rather than Dogmeat biting it i just traversed the Capital Wasteland solo which was...... lonely. and unfulfilling.

o5. What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking?
Hollow Knight. i am so, so shitty at platformers but the unspoken story in that game made me persist beyond dying a million times. i'm looking forward to the sequel, whenever that is finished, and plan on purchasing it at full price despite how many times i am sure to die horribly in that one too.

o6. Multiplayer/Singleplayer?
Singleplayer. i don't like relying on other people for my experience, and the few times i've extended myself to play with others they all turned into big messes anyway, so. singleplayer, most def.

o7. What emotions do you feel when you play video games?
i have chronic depression and unmedicated ADHD, so the minute serotonin and endorphin dumps that come from successfully completing tasks in any game i play helps me feel just better in general. i stopped giving myself shit for playing video games every day when i realized that an hour or two minimum of gaming per day left me in a good mood and better suited to approach overwhelming tasks that i would normally feel great anxiety over. so uh, they make me feel confident? is that a feeling?

o8. Have you ever had a crush on a video game character?
Garrusssssssssss. and i guess Majima, tho seriously in real life i'd run in the opposite direction if faced with that trainwreck. i'm sure there have been others since i've been gaming for over twenty years now, but those two are the recent ones.

o9. Video games are good for?
distraction, encouraging creative problem solving, interactive storytelling, confidence boosting.

10. In which genre do you see yourself as the main character?
i don't really replace myself with main characters in games so i can't answer this one, sorry. there's always a distinct difference between myself and the character who i'm very aware that i am controlling to complete the tasks, progress in the story, etc.

4 years ago

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" they make me feel confident? is that a feeling? " - Confidence is not emotion. Confidence is a way of being or an action associated with optimism, hope, and an expectation of being able to handle any resulting outcome (positive or negative).
But I like when people do things that make them confident. Great answers my dear friend! TY! <3

4 years ago

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optimism is a good word for it. i'll try to remember that if i ever have to articulate this kind of thing again :D

4 years ago

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RPG of course
Yup, i remember crying on some games (Walking Dead, finale main character infection/dead)
There is none yet, i'm really watching what im playing and select good games
Can't remember
Borderland PRE-SEQUEL
Mostly single, as i can really enjoy game without any griefers. Also i can pause anytime. CSGO is the only one game now which im playing multi
Every possible
Cant remember
Reflex, logical thinking etc
RPG of course....or games like Lula: the Sexy Empire xD

4 years ago

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Ty my dear friend,for great answers! <3

4 years ago

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  1. What's your favorite game genre? (also you can put favorite game,game series...)
    • RPG, MMORPG and FPS/TPS, but I like mostly all genres (except strategy/management)
  2. Has a game's storyline ever made you cry?
    • Nope, I'm not really a "cryer". I've felt emotional, but no tears.
  3. Worst game that you've played?
    • Ah fuck. I've played lot of really bad games, mostly free trash I got from somewhere. I remember playing some shitty horror games, but it's been a while so I can recall the titles. Cry of Fear is one I played which was trash for me despite the good reviews. Can't understand how people liked that one, I spent a few minutes playing and already hated it...
  4. What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated?
    • Wolfenstein: The New Order. The game was certainly decent ONCE I could play it, but on my AMD card it was impossible to play. I had to switch to my spare Nvidia GPU to play the game, then switch back to my AMD after. Other than due to performance issues, Mafia III is a game I really, really hoped and wanted to like... but after Mafia II, Mafia III is nothing short of a disappointment.
  5. What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking?
    • Hacknet, Lovely Planet, Super Ledgehop: Double Laser, Slay the Spire, Shadow Tactics: Blade of the Shogun, Door Kickers, Princess Remedy, Evening Surprise, Disturbed, Eternal Senia, And Yet It Moves, Celeste (I don't like hard games) aaaand I could go on but I won't. Pleasant surprises are the best surprises.
  6. Multiplayer/Singleplayer?
    • Singleplayer. No question. Mutiplayer is fun occasionally, especially co-op (and I am also an MMORPG junky), but the most fun I've had was solo.
  7. What emotions do you feel when you play video games?
    • Contentment, joy, nostalgia, euphoria, and sometimes frustration... depends on the game.
  8. Have you ever had a crush on a video game character?
    • Kinda. Not huge though, and not anymore. Kind of more admiration than a crush, I'd say.
  9. Video games are good for?
    • Depends what you mean. Mental benefits? Or entertainment? Some video games improve your memory, reflex and problem solving. Most games though are good for providing players with an experience, a bit like when you watch a movie or go on a rollercoaster. It also helps ease your mind/kill stress, and cope with mentally-straining issues.
  10. In which genre do you see yourself as the main character?
    • None. I tend to roleplay in my head with every game. I'm not an interesting, successful or talented individual in real life, so I don't play as "myself" in games. I play the role of my character in the game. At best I would see myself as the main character in a management game since I'm actually the one doing the tasks, and most management games do not give you a character to play as - you are yourself. Buuuut I don't like management games.
4 years ago

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" after Mafia II, Mafia III is nothing short of a disappointment. " - I agree! And for question Video games are good for? you guessed right in the core. Great answers my friend! <3 TY!

4 years ago

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I like it simple.
For action I play video games.
For story I watch movies or read books.

4 years ago

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Great simple answers! Ty friend! <3

4 years ago

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A game needs to be a good "game," first, as many games don't even need to tell a story.

Heck, I enjoyed Super Mario Bros 2 as a kid, and the story really sucked. You don't play games like that for the story.
The stories in Street Fighter games are garbage. When I buy a SF game, it's definitely not for story.

I think the story-vs-action gets the closest to being a grey area when you have an RPG.

Take a game like Mass Effect: Both the story and game-play need to be "good enough" for you to keep playing it. It's a long game, so if the game-play sucked too much, you might be willing to quit and miss out on the story. Conversely, since the story (including side-missions) is so integral to the experience, you might not care to play it if the story sucked too much.

  1. I don't have a favorite genre. Discovering "tower defense" back in 2009 or so was neat, though.
  2. No. Even movies don't do that, and they've come a lot closer than any game.
  3. E.T. for Atari 2600, Luna: Shattered Hearts: Episode 1, and Tesla Breaks the World! to name a few.
  4. Helldivers. On one hand: top-down sci-fi action! But on the other hand: the less-than-perfect controls and the numerous, re-spawning, persistent enemy scouts make this game a super frustrating experience.
  5. Garden Rescue: Christmas Edition. It looks like another trash indie title, but it's actually not bad, if you like tower defense.
  6. Single-Player. I have practically no friends, so playing multiplayer is often a pain.
  7. Frustration, mostly. I've come to a point where any initial positive feelings of playing a game quickly wear off, and then later are followed by the aggravation of achievement hunting.
  8. No! WTF?
  9. Keeping your brain active.
  10. I'm not sure I see myself as the main character in anything.
4 years ago

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" I think the story-vs-action gets the closest to being a grey area when you have an RPG. " - I totally agree! Ty for great answers dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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I concurr with Morak's response. Action and Story are two different parts. If a part is present, it can either be done well or done poorly, and the game will improve or suffer as a result.

As for your questions, ...

  1. What's your favorite game genre? RPG. Baldur's Gate is my favorite series, but Planescape: Torment is my top game.
  2. Has a game's storyline ever made you cry? Many times. A few games have been so bad they made me want to cry.
  3. Worst game that you've played? I cannot remember. It was so bad that I have blocked it from my memory.
  4. What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated? Homefront. I don't hate it, but the game is painfully bad.
  5. What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking? Grim Fandango. I bought it due to branding. It's a gem.
  6. Multiplayer/Singleplayer? Yes.
  7. What emotions do you feel when you play video games? What emotions do I not feel? Hopelessness is out.
  8. Have you ever had a crush on a video game character? Of course. See #7.
  9. Video games are good for...? For working your brain. For stepping outside reality. For entertainment.
  10. In which genre do you see yourself as the main character? Epic roleplaying adventure.

I hope that helps. Now, please excuse me. I have to go save the galaxy, again.

4 years ago*

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" Many times. A few games have been so bad they made me want to cry. " - Epic answer! Action and story are different part i know, but the point is that I want to see what people pay attention to first, whether they enjoy the story, events, happenings, environments , characters... Or they just care about the action. The action can be varied. Fishing, swimming, running, take up weapons and shoot. It would be great to give them a couple of games they have never played. And when they are done then answer the questions. My goal is also to see how they feel when they play. TY for great answers dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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Has a game's storyline ever made you cry? Red Dead Redemption 2 Cried Just For Arthur Hes Life is kinda Like mine we both did not see happiness we did much no one took us real we both are okay with what we have but we had no one who really cares and appreciates what you do we both had many ppl betrayin us . he and me we both had hard life he died i`m still alive the thing is we will never see redemption
You Need To Understand How he Suffered it makes a real man to cry believe me

Worst game that you've played? I cant Think of one right now
What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated? Last Of us 1 most because i dont like someone make me doin something i dont like u know what
What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking? Witcher 3 Wild Hunt . Played the game At first i didnt like it but after playing 6 hours it become the best game in my life
Multiplayer/Singleplayer? Singleplayer some times multiplayer
What emotions do you feel when you play video games? like i`m living a life i dont have atleast there is hope in video games wich is not in real life . life is hard dont think of this movies sometimes no matter how hard you try you will fail cause its not meant to be everyone knows some things cannot be changed yeah you can try and make a diffrence but the important thing is when you want something most ! nothing can replace it
Have you ever had a crush on a video game character? Triss On Witcher i`m still angry why to pick yennefer instead of Triss why Geralt ?shame on you
Video games are good for? idk what you mean
In which genre do you see yourself as the main character? RPG

4 years ago*

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From your answers I can see that you've been through a lot. I see that you are a great fighter, and I see that life, no matter how much it attacks you, you will always find a way to fight back. I didn't get to play Red Dead Redemption 2,but i will when i catch some time!
Here is one of my fav " Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. "! Ty for great answers my dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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thanks mate i wish you luck and happiness may the god be with you and protects your kind heart ...

play read dead 2 as soon as possible its a great game its story can be compared to series like games of throne and westworld from HBO
it will make you cry i promise you and as you know it got 97 meta !! near to Zelda and above of The Last Of us 1

i cried 5 times in this game wich i did not in any game did not want to mention it but . every secound of the game was a miracle happend by Rockstar i had hours enjoyin the night in camp where the atmosphere is enough to enjoy alone .

some words that still make me cry ,
your world is not the world wich one can scape . those musics ..oh boy im cryin now that im remembering the game and arthur ill never forget him .. it was to much for me

4 years ago*

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I will try RD2 dear friend! Thank you so much for the tips! <3

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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1) Platformers, puzzle games, Point 'n Click

2) Yes, To The Moon :,)

3) Oh there were a lot but one I still finished was Pottery Crafts: Hand-Made Simulator

4) Super Rude Bear Resurrection: I usually like platformers but this was so difficult (to me) that it was just frustrating and I gave up :D

5) Suicide Guy, while not perfect it's actually fun despite looking like total trash ;)

6) Singleplayer

7) Guess everything between frustration and joy :D

8) No

9) Relaxing, fun

10) A very bad selling game I think :D

4 years ago

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" A very bad selling game I think " - nice one! :D Ty for great answers my dear friend! :D

4 years ago*

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  1. A like immersive sims, favourite series being Deus Ex, Metal Gear, Yakuza
  2. Probably not
  4. Styx: Shards of Darkness, Shadow Warrior 1 and 2, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Overlord 2, Homefront
  5. Minecraft with technical mods
  6. Singleplayer
  7. If game has a good story, I feel what developer wants me to feel. If game has a good gameplay, I feel satisfaction
  8. No :D but some of them hot
  9. Play and forget about real life problems and struggles
  10. I guess I can immerse to the main character in every game I play. So the answer is none (?)
4 years ago*

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Ty for great answers my dear friend! :D

4 years ago

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  1. RPGs, with System Shock on top.
  2. Not quite cry, but I got emotional in a few games: The Last Express, Brothers, Papo and Yo, for example.
  3. Escape This, closely followed by 150,000 B.C... If you discount the "games-that-your-cousin-can-put-up-on-Steam" category, I would choose Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Mummy.
  4. Galactic Civilizations II. The reviews are really excellent, but somehow it hit me in all the wrong ways.
  5. Papo and Yo. I mean, I expected it to be somewhat enjoyable, but at the end I was fascinated.
  6. Singleplayer for me, mostly.
  7. For some rare games: Awe; Sadness; Satisfaction.
  8. A little: Fall-from-Grace, from Planescape:Torment; Yennefer, from The Witcher 3; Elizabeth, from Bioshock Infinite.
  9. Relaxation, story-telling, excitement... Fun!
  10. Definitely RPG or Adventures -- I am not the "action" kind of guy.
4 years ago*

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Ty for great answers my dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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I think a Google Form would have been a better platform for something like this.
I don't think separating games to action and story is useful or relevant. Oxenfree has no action, Blood has no story. Both are decent games.
What do you plan to gain from this research?

1) Don't really have a favorite genre, I try to play different kinds of games. If I had to pick one it would be systemic sims.
2) Almost, Mass Effect 3, The Walking Dead,
3) So many terrible indie games...When it comes AAA, maybe Lords of the Fallen?
4) Metro Exodus, badly written and boring open world with not a single unique mechanic.
5) Didn't really happen... I usually don't start playing game I don't think I will enjoy.
6) Singleplayer
7) All the same I feel when I enjoy books or movies.
8) Nope
9) A lot of things. I like the way they make me think or inspire. They are also great for relieving stress in my case.
10) Stealth

4 years ago

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I do a little research. How do video games affect your personality? How do video games make you feel? ... And i thought google form to make, but better here. I will make more probably, but ty for advice! And ty my dear friend for great answers! <3

4 years ago

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My favorite genre is bullet hell and rhythm and I believe I have cried with a game storyline. (probably starting with kh bbs)
I can't remember the worst game I have played, maybe because I normally don't play games that I see that I'm not gonna like either if it's not my genre of if I know it's gonna be bad.

Game I expect to enjoy: Dragon quest and the damn king (that's not the exact game but well). I never managed to finish that game, so complex for me back then.

Game that I didn't expect to enjoy: Furi, one gem given for free on ps plus years ago which didn't look good at all, started playing and now it's one of my top 10 favorites.

Single/Multi Player: Now, I'm more into Singleplayer because my Internet connection succ.

Virtual crushes: Not crushes bud feeling bad for some, if that's a thing.

Videogames are good for: Evading reality, entertainment and stuff like that. They are a waste of time if you are a teenager.

Main character I'll be on: Rock simulator. I won't risk myself into an action Kirito type of game.

4 years ago

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Ty for great answers my dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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  1. Narrative adventure.
  2. Yes.
  3. N/A
  4. N/A
  5. Transistor.
  6. Single player.
  7. Depends on the game.
  8. No
  9. Entertainment, increasing knowledge of language, and can increase your general knowledge depending on the game.
  10. Non.
4 years ago

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" increasing knowledge of language " - I agree in total! Ty for great answers my dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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  1. RPGs with Survival mechanics, or vice versa.

  2. No, never. Regardless, Life is Strange my favorite in terms of emotional weight.

  3. I've downloaded a few of those shovelware games to see how bad they could possibly be. Maybe Mini Attack Submarine?

  4. There are too many to count. My top pick would probably get me crucified here, so I'll go with something safer and say Undertale.

  5. As with the last question, too many to count. Off the top of my head, L.A. Noire. I thought it would be another boring whodunnit, but I was pleasantly surprised.

  6. Singleplayer

  7. Mostly anger, after blanking out during a cutscene and missing something important :P. But seriously, hopefully I'm just having fun.

  8. Nope. Emotional investment maybe.

  9. Enjoyment.

  10. Point & Click I guess.

4 years ago*

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Ty for great answers my dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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What's your favorite game genre? : Fantasy. Third person like Prince of Persia, Witcher 3. Also like platformers like Child of Light and Ori.

Has a game's storyline ever made you cry? : Yes, Ori and the blind forest.

Worst game that you've played? : Cant answer this one. Worst ones are the ones I probably played for a few min and then gave up. They dont stick around in my memory.

What's a game you thought you'd like but actually hated? : Blades of time.

What's a game you didn't expect to enjoy but ended up liking? : Talos Principle

Multiplayer/Singleplayer? : I like single player games with co op story mode. Multiplayer games are less fun, but I spend more time there.

What emotions do you feel when you play video games? : Depends on the game. Frustrated, annoyed, happy, excited, bored. Depends on the game and how its going.

Have you ever had a crush on a video game character? : Nope

Video games are good for? : Entertainment. Plenty of life lessons to be learnt as well if you pay attention.

In which genre do you see yourself as the main character? : I cant ever see myself as a main character. Have no desire to actually be in a video game.

4 years ago

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" Plenty of life lessons to be learnt as well if you pay attention. " - Really good! Ty for great answers my dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Ty for great answers my dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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obviously, the "plot" :)

4 years ago

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Ty for great answer my dear friend! <3

4 years ago

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