Which theme would you like to see for August?
SG username | Number of achievements | Hours of Playtime | Games beaten |
andreeeeeww | 84 | 158.2 | 1 |
DarkRainX | 40 | 154.7 | 3 |
Naitas | 252 | 115.5 | 9 |
KoRayven | 198 | 104.1 | 7 |
Millsshogun | 89 | 102 | 2 |
goplayer7 | 125 | 99.4 | 1 |
Zelrune | 204 | 92.6 | 10 |
Thexder | 43 | 79.9 | 3 |
samwise84 | 150 | 79.7 | 13 |
Fluffster | 104 | 76.2 | 4 |
Moony1986 | 271 | 75.4 | 11 |
Cece09 | 308 | 62.5 | 24 |
Q09066930 | 36 | 60.5 | 1 |
Mitsukuni | 75 | 59.6 | 3 |
krol7 | 141 | 59.1 | 8 |
Ninglor03 | 173 | 57.4 | 9 |
ZPE | 178 | 56.9 | 9 |
xxxka | 85 | 55.2 | 3 |
axolotlprime | 95 | 54.1 | 3 |
Noxco | 138 | 52.2 | 12 |
SolubleCrow | 116 | 50.2 | 3 |
VicViperV | 185 | 49.8 | 5 |
GauFF | 30 | 47.6 | 1 |
galiane | 27 | 45.4 | 9 |
escollo | 97 | 42.4 | 4 |
robocub | 121 | 41.2 | 2 |
ComNguoi | 7 | 39.7 | 1 |
lav29 | 144 | 36.4 | 5 |
cassioht | 93 | 36.4 | 1 |
LaVolpe99 | 32 | 28.3 | 1 |
stfmnsl | 48 | 27.7 | 2 |
Gellax | 95 | 27.5 | 4 |
Fun532 | 64 | 24.5 | 2 |
Pinajet | 81 | 24.1 | 4 |
sunmi | 51 | 24.1 | 1 |
RavenWings | 74 | 23.2 | 3 |
rurnhani | 13 | 23.2 | 2 |
Filipi | 112 | 22.4 | 2 |
salemSamwise | 6 | 22.3 | 1 |
mulchand | 18 | 22.2 | 1 |
SpiderDen | 33 | 22 | 2 |
alancml | 60 | 22 | 1 |
amst4d | 58 | 21.8 | 2 |
Dux80 | 24 | 21.8 | 1 |
aklgupta | 36 | 21.1 | 2 |
Valmar666 | 23 | 20.9 | 1 |
pilo | 29 | 19.1 | 1 |
BlackStark | 48 | 17.3 | 1 |
BubbyBobble | 20 | 16.5 | 2 |
Zarakkii | 46 | 16.4 | 2 |
LupoSilente | 25 | 16.1 | 1 |
AndyFrost | 73 | 15.8 | 2 |
JohnRyder | 83 | 15.2 | 1 |
RePlayBe | 10 | 14.3 | 1 |
AlvinCanCabbage | 25 | 13.9 | 1 |
86maylin | 17 | 13.2 | 5 |
Kyrrelin | 22 | 12.8 | 1 |
Gozu | 27 | 11.2 | 2 |
DarkX | 17 | 11.2 | 1 |
juhaszandor | 31 | 10.8 | 1 |
Hangack | 26 | 10.5 | 1 |
Greenule | 10 | 10.4 | 1 |
Slide95 | 25 | 10.3 | 1 |
Ivannes | 7 | 10.3 | 1 |
Zlia | 16 | 10 | 1 |
Nariel | 40 | 10 | 1 |
Vasharal | 23 | 9.8 | 1 |
Yukiin | 7 | 9.4 | 1 |
Vikost | 19 | 9.1 | 1 |
SINNEDUE | 25 | 9 | 2 |
LosingMyEdge | 29 | 8.8 | 1 |
Mikoy7 | 26 | 8.8 | 1 |
Nightshine | 14 | 8.6 | 1 |
BllueSmoke | 14 | 7 | 1 |
EyeofArrow | 49 | 6.8 | 2 |
Wildstorm | 24 | 6.7 | 1 |
aza3l12 | 9 | 6.2 | 2 |
ThePonz | 46 | 6.1 | 2 |
moemustaine | 72 | 6.1 | 1 |
Allison8Bit | 13 | 5.8 | 1 |
quijote3000 | 7 | 5.7 | 1 |
wifishark | 30 | 5.6 | 1 |
Roleri | 0 | 5.6 | 1 |
Droj | 1 | 5.6 | 1 |
xymjak | 24 | 5.5 | 1 |
mjy | 18 | 5.3 | 1 |
LordSpyMaybe | 15 | 5.1 | 1 |
JadeNic | 30 | 5 | 1 |
microporoso | 30 | 4.9 | 1 |
AiKirika | 18 | 4.9 | 1 |
LightX | 35 | 4.9 | 1 |
Charlie22 | 20 | 4.7 | 1 |
camplify | 18 | 4.5 | 1 |
digitaldictator | 0 | 4.4 | 1 |
ngrazer | 0 | 4.4 | 1 |
Arcsurvivor | 15 | 4.3 | 1 |
ponyzel | 6 | 4.3 | 1 |
Lunaedge | 16 | 4.2 | 1 |
MouseWithBeer | 285 | 4.1 | 3 |
gargamelus | 12 | 4.1 | 1 |
SnowyWing | 24 | 4.1 | 1 |
Xeloses | 0 | 3.8 | 1 |
RiderOfPhoenix | 4 | 3.8 | 1 |
Devirk | 10 | 3.8 | 1 |
Aldcoran | 20 | 3.7 | 2 |
tungmapu | 15 | 3.7 | 1 |
eeev | 19 | 3.6 | 1 |
TheNothing | 17 | 3.6 | 1 |
PsychoApeMan | 16 | 3.5 | 1 |
Kappaking | 10 | 3.5 | 1 |
kiseli | 37 | 3.3 | 1 |
Heprer | 9 | 3.2 | 1 |
nanji | 12 | 3.1 | 1 |
Arthur13 | 11 | 3.1 | 1 |
KingCalifornia | 12 | 3 | 1 |
Metalhead8489 | 51 | 2.9 | 2 |
AFAK | 47 | 2.8 | 2 |
ManlyMeatMan | 7 | 2.8 | 1 |
PapaSmok | 6 | 2.6 | 1 |
Radicalutopian | 8 | 2.6 | 1 |
doubleomurfy | 17 | 2.5 | 1 |
Sylom | 0 | 2.5 | 1 |
scigant | 12 | 2.5 | 1 |
Frannc | 10 | 2.5 | 1 |
myronarth | 31 | 2.4 | 1 |
Rinocap | 14 | 2 | 1 |
SilentBlood | 4 | 1.9 | 1 |
AnuPatel | 4 | 1.8 | 1 |
Lucifera | 16 | 1.7 | 1 |
ViddaX | 5000 | 1.2 | 1 |
jesuswarjesus | 48 | 1.2 | 1 |
NoSenses | 15 | 1.2 | 1 |
Whoosh | 0 | 1.1 | 1 |
RayOfLight3 | 8 | 1 | 1 |
sweetcuppincakes | 7 | 1 | 1 |
Blueaquapearl50 | 6 | 1 | 1 |
damianea103 | 99 | 0.8 | 1 |
droha | 0 | 0.6 | 1 |
aleluist | 6 | 0.5 | 1 |
Tristar | 1 | 0.3 | 1 |
GabbyGabe | 5 | 0.2 | 1 |
RiseV7 | 12 | 0 | 1 |
Total | 11634 | 3010 | 312 |
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86maylin - 76561198142746975
AFAK - 76561198155124847
AiKirika - 76561198287468787
Aldcoran - 76561198062660320
Allison8Bit - 76561198383931571
AlvinCanCabbage - 76561198296872531
AndyFrost - 76561197987167534
AnuPatel - 76561198345906612
Arcsurvivor - 76561198107078391
Arthur13 - 76561198023788861
BlackStark - 76561198415650031
BllueSmoke - 76561198048984104
Blueaquapearl50 - 76561198211520780
BubbyBobble - 76561198017214962
Cece09 - 76561198140547710
Charlie22 - 76561198119519665
ComNguoi - 76561198197903170
DarkRainX - 76561198967999484
DarkX - 76561198104124095
Devirk - 76561198043240987
Droj - 76561198162768792
Dux80 - 76561198113664675
EyeofArrow - 76561198030464920
Filipi - 76561198009106967
Fluffster - 76561198116544343
Frannc - 76561198864609429
Fun532 - 76561198883771677
GabbyGabe - 76561198001080350
GauFF - 76561198225895948
Gellax - 76561198352939969
Gozu - 76561198073351098
Greenule - 76561198155944727
Hangack - 76561198088046114
Heprer - 76561198046535688
Ivannes - 76561198118726910
JadeNic - 76561198034339992
JohnRyder - 76561198021903646
Kappaking - 76561198075351784
KingCalifornia - 76561198049160007
KoRayven - 76561198064274333
Kyrrelin - 76561198036297204
LaVolpe99 - 76561198376046355
LightX - 76561198120285206
LordSpyMaybe - 76561198001148159
LosingMyEdge - 76561197973803229
Lucifera - 76561198049840570
Lunaedge - 76561198059261733
LupoSilente - 76561197999386018
ManlyMeatMan - 76561198012473463
Metalhead8489 - 76561198069420656
Mikoy7 - 76561198054907249
Millsshogun - 76561198075996214
Mitsukuni - 76561198036913791
Moony1986 - 76561198249392362
MouseWithBeer - 76561198063952731
Naitas - 76561198054939035
Nariel - 76561198137420576
Nightshine - 76561197999330959
Ninglor03 - 76561198007224367
NoSenses - 76561198107994152
Noxco - 76561198047132749
PapaSmok - 76561197982447568
Pinajet - 76561198020728219
PsychoApeMan - 76561197994025244
Q09066930 - 76561198825575204
Radicalutopian - 76561198031335027
RavenWings - 76561197976457279
RayOfLight3 - 76561198052900321
RePlayBe - 76561197960990984
RiderOfPhoenix - 76561198886227993
Rinocap - 76561198044604507
RiseV7 - 76561198069480389
Roleri - 76561198184693922
SINNEDUE - 76561198072201915
SilentBlood - 76561198054273498
Slide95 - 76561198444127759
SnowyWing - 76561198146443901
SolubleCrow - 76561198423956440
SpiderDen - 76561198050400321
Sylom - 76561198028338018
TheNothing - 76561198000660439
ThePonz - 76561197993524388
Thexder - 76561197989280149
Tristar - 76561197982136630
Valmar666 - 76561198203134216
Vasharal - 76561198026481132
VicViperV - 76561198071754116
ViddaX - 76561197989187753
Vikost - 76561198028825869
Whoosh - 76561197966778988
Wildstorm - 76561197989463326
Xeloses - 76561198163759050
Yukiin - 76561198015626617
ZPE - 76561198007145340
Zarakkii - 76561198054890119
Zelrune - 76561198201613371
Zlia - 76561197999536618
aklgupta - 76561198242625678
alancml - 76561198139162457
aleluist - 76561198032550800
amst4d - 76561198012567993
andreeeeeww - 76561198023327915
axolotlprime - 76561198051261596
aza3l12 - 76561198042775435
camplify - 76561198080347710
cassioht - 76561198094715296
damianea103 - 76561198113581790
digitaldictator - 76561198025473646
doubleomurfy - 76561198041749780
droha - 76561198110922738
eeev - 76561198020386807
escollo - 76561198071731888
galiane - 76561198055205614
gargamelus - 76561198343018463
goplayer7 - 76561198040715710
jesuswarjesus - 76561198060501227
juhaszandor - 76561197998619018
kiseli - 76561198040188513
krol7 - 76561197998466535
lav29 - 76561198271692078
microporoso - 76561199030769754
mjy - 76561198026492008
moemustaine - 76561198025889911
mulchand - 76561198028260044
myronarth - 76561198049404551
nanji - 76561198027120088
ngrazer - 76561197993897227
pilo - 76561198434441192
ponyzel - 76561197968028082
quijote3000 - 76561198014144429
robocub - 76561197992633946
rurnhani - 76561198078209394
salemSamwise - 76561198078006018
samwise84 - 76561198100730699
scigant - 76561198451823771
stfmnsl - 76561198132214571
sunmi - 76561198333940820
sweetcuppincakes - 76561197970536949
tungmapu - 76561198426034921
wifishark - 76561198060528934
xxxka - 76561198329951470
xymjak - 76561198027967076
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Name | Subcategory | Won From | Won/Activated on | Status |
The Uncertain: Light At The End | Tag Point & Click | thenthomwaslike | Sep 28, 2021 | ✅ |
Syberia 3 | Tag Point & Click | GediKnight | Dec 25, 2020 | ✅ |
Sweet F. Cake | Game title includes cake | Majesti | Aug 2, 2020 | ✅ |
The Last DeadEnd | Wins from prime number entries | SoldierWithLaser | May 22, 2021 | ✅ |
Hard Reset Redux | Wins where entry count is a big historical event date | Adzik | Jul 13, 2019 | ✅ |
Rune Classic | Tag Mythology | Attila777 | Mar 25, 2019 | ✅ |
Super Hexagon | Tag Rhythm | skycycle | Dec 16, 2020 | ❌ |
Cookies vs. Claus | Games with cookies | Eiion | Nov 30, 2018 | ✅ |
Fairy Lands: Rinka and the Fairy Gems | Games won in a year ending on 7 | grez1 | Jun 21, 2019 | ✅ |
Ice Cream Factory | Games with chocolates | venila | Aug 21, 2018 | ❌ |
The Mystery of Devils House | Games with poltergeists | KeelDrak | Feb 17, 2019 | ✅ |
Streets of Red : Devil's Dare Deluxe | Game title includes deluxe | Fiztan | Jun 18, 2020 | ✅ |
Dracula: Love Kills | Game title includes love | Gelweo | Mar 20, 2021 | ✅ |
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Game | Subcategory | Status | Note |
The Looker | Tag Colorful | Completed | backlog |
Puzzle Agent | Tag Hand-drawn | Completed | backlog |
Puzzle Agent 2 | Tag Hand-drawn | Completed | backlog |
Cyber Hook | Tag Colorful | Completed | backlog |
Supraland | Tag Colorful | Beaten | backlog |
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I'll be playing:
Casual tag - Endless Furry Killer 2020 - Completed!
Games without trading cards - Regrowth
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I'll join the event this month unofficially with game pass games. Don't worry, i won't submit it to the site.
Let's see, umurangi generation has a casual tag so i'll play it first. dropped. I don't like the time limit and how you need to be very precise to complete the missions, especially since you only have limited shots in each level. I had to redo a level several times before I gave up with the game since I didn't want to waste more time with it. The mission was an optional one, but since the game is about photography, I felt like missing out for not being able to complete it.
Game | Subcategory | Status |
Life is Strange: True Colors | Games with pets | Beaten |
The Artful Escape | Tag Colorful | Beaten |
Young Souls | Tag Beat 'em up | Beaten |
Twelve Minutes | Games without trading cards | Beaten |
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games | Tag Point & Click | Beaten |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge | Tag Beat ‘em up | Beaten |
The Pedestrian | Tag Minimalist | Completed |
Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising | Tag Casual | Beaten |
CARRION | Tag Pixel Graphics | Completed |
Garden Story | Tag Pixel Graphics | Beaten |
Chinatown Detective Agency | Tag Point & Click | Beaten |
Omno | Tag Casual | Beaten |
Escape Academy | Tag Casual | Beaten |
Citizen Sleeper | Games without trading cards | Beaten |
As Dusk Falls | Games without trading cards | Completed |
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition | Tag Cute | Beaten |
Lake | Tag Indie | Completed |
Ori and the Will of the Wisps | Tag Cute | Beaten |
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Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status | Note |
Redeemer: Enhanced Edition | 32/40 | 5.9/4h HLTB | Beaten | Tag Beat 'em up; Won on SG. |
Slime Rancher | 41/57 | 9.9/14½ HBT | Beaten | Tag Cute; Won on SG. |
TOTAL: | 73/97 | 15.8h | 2 |
Redeemer: Enhanced Edition aftertaste: Overall impression is very good: I liked how the fighting part is done and the graphics. Also as that gaming sessions can be 15-30 minutes made me able to beat the game in a very leisure manner. Oh, and that there are extra condition in every chapter (like kill everyone, or don't brake something or kill X in a specific way) made the game more interesting.
On bad part: Storyline is weak, but not boring. Last 3 chapters and final boss were slightly disappointing. The game worth buying during sales if you like "Beat 'em up" games.
Slime Rancher aftertaste: I liked the game in common. Can rate it 7 out of 10. But it also can be called "Shuttle Run Simulator". Many repetitive actions, while they are not meditative. Very limited inventory - it does not allow you to fully immerse yourself in either the exploration part of the game or the collecting/farming part. You often have to run back and forth and it gets boring. Probably it can be improved with automation and teleports, but they are too expensive and I didn't have the patience or spare time to grind it. Nevertheless I liked the game in the end: exploration part is grate, some locations are truly beautiful, setup of basic economy is fun.
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Name | Subcategory | Won On | Status |
DOOM | Tag Demons | June 6, 2022 | Beaten |
Pumpkin Jack | Tag Colorful | June 27, 2022 | Completed |
The Padre | Games without trading cards | May 3, 2021 | Completed |
Return to Mysterious Island 2 | Games with pets | September 12, 2021 | Beaten |
The Deal | Tag Casual | February 5, 2021 | Completed |
AVICII Invector | Tag Rhythm | February 15, 2022 | Completed |
Trivia Vault Football Trivia | Tag Indie | July 22, 2022 | Completed |
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard | Tag Mythology | September 4, 2020 | Completed |
Hentai Dates | Tag Point & Click | June 18, 2022 | Beaten |
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Game | Subcategory | Achievements | Playtime | Status | Notes |
Lost in Blindness | Tag Indie | 0/22 | 0h | Unfinished | - |
Monsters' Den Chronicles | Tag CRPG | 0/14 | 0h | Unfinished | - |
Charm Tale Quest | Tag Casual | - | 5.5h | Beaten | - |
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Game | Subcategory | Status | Note |
Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek | Tag Point&Click | Beaten | Won on SG |
Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood | Tag Point&Click | Beaten | Won on SG |
The Wolf Among Us | Tag Point&Click | Completed | Won on SG |
SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE | Tag Minimalist | Unfinished | Won on SG |
Guess its time for me to finally play a HOG or two xD
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Wasn't able to finish Metro Exodus last month :shame:
This month's entry will be Supraland (Cute, colorful)
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Karen: An Outrage Simulator
The Queen of Blackwood High
Twilight Town: A Cyberpunk Day In Life
I Am The Prosecutor: No Evidence? No Problem!
My Inner Darkness Is A Hot Anime Girl!
Spearmint Goose
A Gay Love Story
Dab on Darkness!
Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash
Long Live the Queen
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Adapted Adventures: Crystal Cave
Mister Burnhouse
Sorry, James
Love Name
Don't Make Love
Lockdown Lewd UP!
Point & Click
Out of the Box
The Last NightMary
Winnie the Pooh
Sea Legends: Phantasmal Light
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I'll go with:
Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.2 Watanagashi (Cute tag) / done
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Game | Achievements | Hours of Playtime | Subcategory | Status |
Call of the Sea | 24/34 | 5.8 | Indie | Beaten |
Firewatch | 7/10 | 4.6 | Indie | Beaten |
FRAMED Collection | 18/18 | 2.9 | Indie | Completed |
Jalopy | 5/23¹ | 3.4 | Indie | Beaten |
The Light Keeps Us Safe | | 2.6 | Indie | Completed |
Metrico+ | 1/18 | 5.5 | Indie | Beaten |
Paradise Lost | 8/12 | 2.9 | Indie | Unfinished |
Paratopic | 11/20² | 1.4 | Indie | Beaten |
Scanner Sombre | | 2 | Indie | Completed |
Stories Untold | 13/13 | 3.9 | Indie | Completed |
Timelie | 22/22 | 7.2 | Indie | Completed |
Trüberbrook | 29/34 | 10 | Indie | Beaten |
138 | 52.2 | 12 |
¹ Technically you can keep playing this game endlessly if you wish to drive back and forth, but the new destinations only go as far as Turkey and that's also when your uncle leaves you and will not return unless you restart the game entirely.
² For some reason in this game the achievements all unlock at the end of the game.
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Game | Link | Hours of Playtime | Subcategory | Status |
Demon Hunter 3: Revelation | Achievements - 24/24 | 3.0 | Demons tag | FINISHED! |
Demon Hunter 4: Riddles of Light | Achievements - 22/22 | 3.1 | Casual tag (..no 'Demons' tag, srsly!? >_>) | FINISHED! |
Shenmue I & II | Achievements - 21/55 | --- | Pets (just look at this cute little furball! :3); no trading cards/points shop; historical events (642) | --on hiatus-- |
maybe | soon™ | --- | --- | --- |
Total: 46/80 |
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Wow, I've got a lot of pixel-art games to choose from :). For now, I'll go with Don't escape 4 days to survive for Pixel Graphics tag
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Game | Category | Status |
A Sceptic's Guide to Magic | Pixel Graphics tag | Completed |
Aarklash: Legacy | CRPG tag | Beaten |
The LEGO Movie - Videogame | Casual tag | Completed |
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War GOTY | Oldest unfinished win | Unfinished |
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Game: A Mortician's Tale - Tagged: Casual and Indie - Completion: New win, now with 100% completion. Here are the ending screenshot and achievements.
Game: Obulis - Tagged: Indie and Casual - Completion: Untouched at start of event, now 100% completed with 347 of 347 stars and 17 of 17 achievements obtained
In queue:
Game: Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered - Tagged: Point & Click - Completion: Untouched at start of event
Game: Syberia II - Tagged: Point & Click - Completion: 2.8 of idle time.
A Mortician's Tale was incredibly good. It's an emotionally complex and death positive look at the funeral industry, which is very calming and easy to get into. There's literally no way to fail this game. While some may see this as a negative, I think it's nice that some games are accessible to everyone. Especially something like this. It's also a shorter game, which means it's just long enough to never overstay its welcome. It never makes you want to quit due to burnout.
I highly recommend checking out the soundtrack edition, especially at its current sale price. Its music is so chill and relaxing.
Obulis is actually pretty damn annoying at times, due to needing twitch reflexes in some areas. One example is how you have to drop an orb at specific time, in order to collide it with another orb, so they can both get to where they need to be.. Another example of this game's fickleness is how the red ball in this level sometimes bounces into the blue pot, even though there shouldn't be many variations in where it goes, because the catapulted grey started out at rest. I could understand if it was launched in motion, but it was not. All outcomes should at least be more similar than this. The orbs seem somewhat random, and don't always go where they should even when the same circumstances are met, which means the necessary timing can be way off from the previous tries. There are tons of levels like this.
However! When levels don't rely upon that sort of puzzle, they're usually quite fun. Especially the levels which can be played at a bit more of a relaxed state. Those are also quite abundant. Overall, it is worth redeeming a key for this, if you have one. Especially if you're a puzzle fan with strong reflexes. The puzzles are mostly solid, without too much annoyance.
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I think I'll play "Smile For Me". It has the "Point & Click", "Cute", "Hand-drawn" and "Casual" tags.
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The Gardens Between - Games without trading cards.
Midnight Protocol - Tag Indie.
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Game | Theme | Status |
Pang Adventures | Casual tag | Beaten |
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Well, I've been told to play games that are "more relaxing" so there we go. Starting in Disneyland, it can't be that stressful, right? Since I don't have to work there :P
And yeah Life is Strange was not a win. I got confused because it was given to me by a SG user but not through SG. Sorry about that.
Game | Date | Playtime | Achievements | Status |
Disneyland Adventures | tag:Cute | 41.7h / HLTB (30h) | 49 / 49 | Completed (Achievement: Happiest Place on Earth) |
I am Fish | tag:Cute | 7h / HLTB (5h) | 14 / 29 | Beaten (Achievement: Free At Last!) |
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter | tag:Casual | 14h / HLTB (12h) | 23 / 25 | Beaten (Achievement: The Drawn Curtain) |
The Sexy Brutale | tag:Point & Click | 15.4h / HLTB (8h) | 18 / 18 | Completed (Achievement: The Tale of the Sexy Brutale) |
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Continuing my backlog slaying.
Game | Subcategory | Notes | Status |
Blue Fire | Tags: Indie - Games without trading cards, points shop | - | Unfinished |
Resident Evil 2 | Wins from prime number entries | 7 entries | Unfinished |
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I will play Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter (casual tag).
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Alright, let's give this a try!
Name | Category |
Calico | Games with pets |
A Case of Distrust | Indie |
Valfaris | Pixel Graphics |
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Congrats on beating a win for July is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Congrats on beating a win for July is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Game | Tags | Playtime | Achievements | Status | Notes |
Red Riding Hood - Star Crossed Lovers | Casual | 1.1h | | Beaten | December 10, 2021 |
Kingdom of Corrupts | Casual, Indie | 3.1h | 12/12 | Completed | December 15, 2021 |
Gamedec | CRPG | 21.4h | 52/52 | Completed | July 12, 2022 |
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Congrats on beating a win for July is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Game | Category | Status |
Finding Paradise | Indie Tag | Complete! |
One of my oldest unfinished wins. It feels good to finally finish it--I've been meaning to for a long time.
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Game | Subcategory | Playtime | Achievements | Status |
The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse | Tag Cute | 7.1h | 10/20 | Beaten / Defeat Mormo |
Spec Ops: The Line | Games without trading cards | 6.2h | 29/50 | Beaten / We Were Soldiers |
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Congrats on beating a win for July is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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I was going to take a break but I think I'm up for at least trying this month.
Game | Subcategory | Status |
Island Farmer | Casual/Colorful/Minimalist/Point & Click tag | Completed |
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Awkward question- What if my oldest unfinished win is this one. (Yes, when bundles were still new cg made custom entries for them.) Technically, the games from it don't "officially"/automatically show up as SG Wins anywhere.
So, um, would it be ok for me to pick Alien Shooter under "Oldest unfinished win"? (And maybe A.R.E.S. if I can manage... I probably shouldn't have left this for so late in the month. :X )
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Done... Sorta.
(That last Survival achievement is being kind of a drag, because apparently even in an old-school shooty game I can't get away from RNG. So, um, yeah, I'll mark it as Beaten for now in case I don't manage to pull off 100% in the next two days. >.< )
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Congrats on beating a win for July is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Going Under. Tag: Beat 'em up.
Neat setting, but the gameplay got old after some hours. The difficulty didn't suit it - too much going on on the screen to see the attacks properly - but I liked the music and the world.
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Terribly late, but I'm going to play Detention. It's a game that really looks good, and I want to see how good it is.The reviews are excellent
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Tags: Beautiful, Colorful, Farming, Farming Sim, Great Soundtrack, Hand-drawn, Hunting, Nature, Noir, Relaxing, Replay Value, Walking Simulator
Games with: crops, fog, hedgehogs, leaves, squirrels, stormy/rainy weather, wine
Games with an overwelmingly positive rating or positive reviews from Steam friends
Games with a lot of yellow, orange or red coloring (game image, characters, landscape)
Game title where all words start with the same letter (2 words minimum)
Poll Format: Awesome Autumn - Tags: Beautiful/Colorful/Farming/Farming Sim/Great Soundtrack/Hand-drawn/Hunting/Nature/Noir/Relaxing/Replay Value/Walking Simulator;Games with: crops/fog/hedgehogs/leaves/squirrels/stormy|rainy weather/wine;Games with an overwelmingly positive rating/positive reviews from Steam friends;Games with a lot of yellow, orange or red coloring;Game title where all words start with the same letter
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Poll Format: Your Garbage or Your Life – Tags: Base Building/Collectathon/Detective/Hidden Object/Isometric/Loot/Management/Resource Management/Simulation/Stealth/Story Rich;Games with raccoons/bandits/thieves/prisoners/pirates/stripes/masks;Games with mixed rating where your friend has a positive review or games with very positive rating where your friend has a negative review;Free games you added to your wishlist at least 1 year ago;Wins from a group giveaway and you haven't started to play
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Also two questions concerning this months theme:
"Game title includes juice, sweet, cake, milk, love, deluxe, mix"
Does only the word itself count or is "remix" or "Lovely" also okay?
And second question regarding this: I won for example NEON STRUCT as a package named NEON STRUCT Deluxe Edition, does this count or does the game itself has to have "Deluxe" in the title? (e. g. Woodle Deluxe)
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hi, i have a question...
i wanted to play Tile Tale for this month that i just won. it has both the tags colorful and cute.
but i am unable to choose this game when trying to add it in the event.
HLTB doesnt show any time, just "-".
i havent started the game yet so i dont know if there are any levels or other indicators for "finishing" it.
but it has achievements so i thought i would at least be able to make the rule of 25% achievements count (or try to complete them all)
could you give me some pointers?
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I have a question:
What is the difference between "Beaten" and "Completed" and is there an established win achievement per game?
In my case, I signed up through the website for Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate, but I am unsure if I just need to complete the main island or the additional islands too. There are also some 2-player only achievements that may be a bit difficult to get, and I am unsure if the extra missions outside the main island progression should also be included.\
For context, I see two achievements that may be candidates for beating the game (not 100%):
Tiki Really Just Do That?: Clear 'The Final Stage' on Tiki Island
Island Defender: Clear every stage!
There are also achievements for perfect clearing every stage, clearing every stage on hardcore, and perfect clearing every stage on hardcore. I am unsure of the scope to at least beat the game (I am assuming the "completed" status means 100% achievements), so any established precedent would be nice.
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Congrats on beating a win for July is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group if you want. Giveaways are available on the event website.
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Thanks, sent out the request now and will take a look at the GAs later.
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33 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by doomofdoom
23 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Inkyyy
1,177 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by J1mmyG1ft
2,317 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MonoceroS
330 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by aquatorrent
4 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by hbarkas
207 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by anditsung
5 Comments - Last post 59 seconds ago by schmoan
1,608 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Casino0
22 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by PsyKo
160 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by OneNonLy
29 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by AceBerg42
2,889 Comments - Last post 49 minutes ago by JMM72
39 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by PapaSmok
The event officially opens at 00:00 UTC, any playtime/achivements before that won't be counted.
Countdown until event ends
Congrats to everyone who participated in June! The stats are the following:
Hope to see you all again this month :)
Due to timezones/people not being online 24/7 I am still accepting any edits/applications for June for the next couple of days (till the June thread is closed).
The theme for this month is
Sacrifice for the Sweet Lord
(Thank you to Mitsukuni for the suggestion!)
Tags: Beat ‘em up, Casual, Colorful, CRPG, Cute, Demons, Hand-drawn, Indie, Mythology, Minimalist, Pixel Graphics, Point & Click, Rhythm
Games with cookies, cupcakes, chocolates, lollipops, puddings, fairies, goddesses, poltergeists, pets *
Game title includes juice, sweet, cake, milk, love, deluxe, mix
Games without trading cards, points shop
Wins from prime number entries, entry count is a big historical event date (as year, BC is acceptable) *
Oldest unfinished win
* Please provide some kind of explanation/proof (screenshots or link to some proof) in the notes or it will be rejected.
No win that fits the theme or played them all?
Please use the "Note" section when submitting the game to inform me of this situation.
You can submit this months games you are going to play here:
FAQ, Updated Version on our new Discord Server
Who can participate
Anyone who does not have any unactivated wins, multiple wins or a VAC ban. You can participate even if you don't have any SteamGifts wins, see the "Have already completed all your wins?" below as it applies to this scenario too.
Extra Rules:
If it gives you one bundle of games with one steam ID then it depends. Do they each have achievements of their own (including an ending achievement)? Then go ahead and play them separately. Though make a note in the notes section, so we know what to look for. Non achievement games or games that play continuously (e.g. all entries play through without an ending between them) are not allowed atm since we do not have a good way to track them separately.
Theme for August
Harvest Moon
Left Is Right too
Why haven't I played this before?
If we only get 2 theme suggestion I will revive the second runner ups from previous years.
Theme for September
Do you think you have a good idea for a theme for September? Leave it in the comments below. If there are not at least 3 suggestions I will take some of the previous runner ups for this month and put them in the poll next month and the one with the most votes will become September's theme.
Everyone who beats at least one win this month will get the chance to win any of the games listed below :
Greak: Memories of Azur by samwise84
LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes 2 by samwise84
Heaven's Vault by samwise84
Forager by samwise84
Tales of Zestiria by samwise84
Carto by samwise84
Beyond: Two Souls by samwise84
Supraland by stfmnsl
River City Girls by stfmnsl
Partisans 1941 by stfmnsl
Dead Island Definitive Edition by stfmnsl
Barotrauma by stfmnsl
Blasphemous by moemustaine
Rustler (Grand Theft Horse) by Naitas
The Surge 2 by Naitas
The Red Strings Club by Naitas
Tangledeep by ithamore
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night by axolotlprime
Copy Kitty by axolotlprime
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator by axolotlprime
Death end re;Quest by axolotlprime
Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?! by Zelrune
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series by NoSenses
Tacoma by AndyFrost
Have already completed all your wins?
Then feel free to participate with your normal Steam backlog instead :)
Useful links:
Steam group - please don't bother requesting to join unless I told you to do so, you will get denied.
How Long to Beat
Do You Even Play, Bro? – kelnage’s script
BLAEO website - BLAEO application thread
Source code of the website.
Steam Library Filter
FAQ, Updated Version, Discord
Previous months:
2022: January - February - March - April - May - June
2021: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2020: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2019: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2018: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2017: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
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