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Half this thread is full of bitches that are the root of the god dam problem! jus' sayin

And to the comment above mine, so what, we should all just conform? Just keep our mouths shut because the inept can't comprehend? Doing so just adds to the problem

11 years ago

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Look, there's no way that this student from 4chan would reason his teacher or classmates. Why did he start the argument then?

11 years ago

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Exactly what I'm saying. Stupid pride is stupid pride. And pride is more often stupid than anything else, especially in this day and age.

11 years ago

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While he made valid arguments, he ruined it by using slurs to insult his classmates.

This could all very well be fake of course.

Personally I have come across similar situations as a native English speaker in Germany and Macedonia. Try telling a teacher that the text book is wrong. That you cannot say "family are sitting" even though it is the same in German. I never gave up, I never apologised, never backed down on this. Eventually the teacher had to teach the correct form and everyone knew that this meant it is an indirect acceptance.

As for his case, there was plenty of oppression of women, quite clearly stemming from evolutionary benefits. Much like how men are better at driving because their spacial reasoning is more highly evolved for evolutionary reasons (men used to hunt, throwing spears, calculating trajectories on the fly, etc). This is of course altering, but it's a slow process.

11 years ago

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>Much like how men are better at driving because their spacial reasoning is more highly evolved for evolutionary reasons

This is hilarious.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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See below. Please accept science into your heart Hillary. I dont follow US politics, so I dont know your stance, but half an hour on google can open up your world.

11 years ago

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I have no heart.

11 years ago

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see? if you followed us politics you'd have known that. half an hour on google can open up your world.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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No, it is fact by evolution. Men have better spacial reasoning. There is no argument against millennia of evolution. Men went to hunt. They stalk prey, keeping distance and speed. When it was time to attack, using the data and their spacial reasoning, they find the best method and kill the prey. That or go hungry, or worse, be attacked. This carries forward even into modern military which is mostly male.

You can go read this up yourself with one quick google search. You will find studies linking the low number of women in certain postgrad science fields to this evolutionary trait that men have. As well as professional fields related to construction.

Of course there are good female drivers (also bad males), but this doesnt alter evolution. Maybe in another millennium it will be an equal playing field.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Actually I look more like this

I am too tired to garner more responses right now :(

It was fun though to push out some pseudo sciences and see what the response would be. Akin to the pseudo science the 4chan op used.

11 years ago

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You seem to be confused as to what 'science' actually means.

No, it is fact by evolution
Evolution is not a fact. It's a scientific theory (and a good one at that, don't get me wrong). That's a huge difference.

You will find studies linking the low number of women in certain postgrad science fields to this evolutionary trait that men have.
Correlation is not causation
You will also find quite a lot of well-reasoned studies linking the low numbers of women in said fields to systematic institutional exclusion based on gender.

This carries forward even into modern military which is mostly male.
And evolution is the only explanation for that ? :D

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

11 years ago

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If men are so clearly superior in those aspects, it shouldn't be hard for you to do a quick Google search and provide some facts for a change, because until now all you've done is claim one thing after another.

Now, let's take a look at some American driving statistics, shall we? According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety in 2008 male drivers were involved in 50% more fatal car crashes, per 100 million miles driven, than female drivers. Feel free to check different dates, the ratios stays pretty constant.

Furthermore men "more often engage in risky driving practices including not using seat belts, driving while impaired by alcohol, and speeding. Crashes involving male drivers often are more severe than those involving female drivers."

So, it's pretty clear that women are safer drivers and you wouldn't go out on a limb if you'd declare them the better drivers for this reason. I'm inclined to say that you are flat out wrong. Sorry, mate.

11 years ago

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Where does it say that men are involved in more crashes per capita ?

11 years ago

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Here. It's not per capita, though, but per traveled distance. Otherwise the numbers would be distorted against men, since they drive more.

11 years ago

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also women have better color perception(also had tests show it like with male depth perception) and sense of smell for harvesting berries

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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If what was posted is literally true then the issue isn't even if he's right or wrong in his opinion. He made a coherent argument (I don't care if it's right or wrong) and is entitled to a coherent response. Specially from a TEACHER. Dismissing a kid who is trying to express his point of view (be it right or wrong) without attending the actually points he discussed and sending him to detention for politely expressing a "radical" opinion (in what seems to be a non-hateful and somewhat respecting way) should earn the "teacher" a reprehension!

I understand the arguments the kid gave aren't that solid and vulnerable to a lot of fallacies but never the less the kid tried to express individual and critical thinking. That sort of attitude should be cultivated and (if wrong) guided by the teacher. Never silenced in a veil of censorship because the kid happens to think differently. If he's wrong show him how and where he is wrong. Don't just shut him up!

This is one good example of what is wrong with our society. I hope we find a way to change this soon otherwise "we" will become an Orwellian nation. I also really hope the kid refused to write the apology letter and I also hope his parents got his back.

Of course the original text was posted on 4chan so who knows how accurate this story is...

11 years ago

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Everyone is that little thing seems retarded. "Thats racist" lmao!

But, I don't see how you could still use the "woman are oppressed" argument, as they are most definantly not "oppressed" they have just as many, if not more, rights as men.

But yeah, it seems the woman were sexist, and them and everyone else were also mentally challenged as well.

11 years ago

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Racism, this isn't!

11 years ago

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No wonder there's school shoot-outs.
I'd be pretty damn pissed if that happened to me.
Bloody hippies nowadays.

11 years ago

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soo fake. you're an idiot for believing this.

11 years ago

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The world is fucked up already, 4chan came to ruin it more.

11 years ago

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That's dumb. Not that I couldn't see it happening, but anecdotes are anecdotes.

That's an interesting way of putting the historical argument of "patriarchy" though. Needs some refinement, but there could be something there

11 years ago

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His argument is valid imo, but the story could be fake

11 years ago

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The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
read this

11 years ago

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These extreme feminists are the biggest pieces of shit in the world. Most unappreciative bitches ever. Always going on and on about how men are oppressing them but really and truly, they lack the understanding to deal with this properly. If we are equal then I don't wanna be judged for punching a woman in the face next time she gets rude to me. But is this how life is? No, therefore, they need to sit down and keep their complaints to themselves. Now I'm not saying women are bad people or inferior, I'm saying radical feminists are, they're just stupid beyond anything I've ever seen.

11 years ago

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What a bunch of bullshit (if it's real). The poor guy just expressed his opinion. A valid and sane logical one. What a dumb teacher!... and THEY're the ones teaching these kids...

11 years ago

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Ceil, oh you.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by ceildric.