So i saw this and it seems pretty interesting. I've never backed anything on kickstarter but this project just might take my kickstarter virginity. I was wondering what were your thoughts on this ?

Also, if anyone has had experiences with kickstarter, did you feel as tough it was worth it ? I mean, in 2 years time (maybe even less) it could be possible i can get it for a 1/4 of the price ! There's also no way to know for sure i'll actually like the game.

TL:DR : What were your experiences with kickstarter/backing, was it worth it ? What do you think of this project ?

EDIT : Totally forgot link ^.^''

Click me

EDIT : Pretty sure i'm going to back this now :) Thank you all for your time !

1 decade ago*

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Link to le kickstarter?

1 decade ago

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Done, sorry about that haha

1 decade ago

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they need to get their act together and make psychonauts 2 already v__v stop messing around with crap

1 decade ago

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so far all of my kickstarting has been pretty much awesome with the exception of Fallen City of Karez simply because they NEVER contact the backers with updates uhhhg! and half the people had import duties on their games they had to pay when it was delivered... and the promos that were supposed to be in the box were not...

as for videogames everything I have kickstarted has pulled through to my expectations or is well on its way (things like the dead linger, wasteland 2, FTL, Bannersaga, Nekkro (though I havent gotten the product is is updated frequently and looks epic) and of course REDS.)

I'm sure there are one or two kickstarter games out there that will let people down immensely but that is the price you pay for funding a development free from publishers "quality" control.

1 decade ago

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Allright, i'll keep that in mind thanks :)

1 decade ago

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Just took a look at Massive Chalice and I must say it looks pretty awesome, and Brad Muir has worked on a lot of my favorites from Double Fine. Pretty creative guy and he has a lot of drive. Given Double Fine's track record at least for me I would totally go for it.

1 decade ago

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Kickstarter is generally good, but with Double Fine you have pretty no concrete informations, even if the game sounds interesting...

1 decade ago

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You'll certainly be able to buy it cheaper later on, if you wait for a sale or something. But kickstarter is for projects you really want to support - you pay full price (or even a higher tier) to help fund its development, and you usually get updates to see how it's coming along. It's pretty cool if the project is worthwhile.

1 decade ago

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That's true, i'll also be able to play way earlier

1 decade ago

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A lot of times you are also able to buy the game at a discount.

1 decade ago

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*were your thoughts on this?
Heard about that. I never backed a project, but if you like Double Fine and the game they'll be working on, you should totally help funding it.

1 decade ago

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Sorry, not a native english speaker ^^ I sometimes make silly errors like that :P I still can't, for the life of me, correctly pronounce three :P I say tree xD

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I've wanted to kickstart a LOT of stuff, but I'm so very broke. But honestly, the idea of this one has me very intrigued. I think I'll kickstart this for $100. Bring the Jade Falcon bloodline to greatness.

1 decade ago

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I'd actually play with that bloodline :P Sorry for making your wallet lighter D: But hey, at least you'll have to carry less weight around ^.^

1 decade ago

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If you're dropping 100 and you want to kickstart a bunch of stuff why not spread it around? Unless of course you really want to support this one, in which case by all means go ahead. :)

1 decade ago

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Most of the stuff I wanted to kickstart ended months ago. :( I really, really wanted to kickstart that Elite game. I hope they release the ships as paid DLC later.

1 decade ago

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Kickstart this :P

I need it. In my veins. With all the stretch goals.

1 decade ago

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That looks absolutely adorable and right up my alley (cute games beat out realistic games nine of of ten times) but it's either Clan Jade Falcon or cuteness. I'm going to go for Clan Jade Falcon. Freebirth scum.

1 decade ago

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Many Kickstarter are simply there to steal people's money. What did Double fine do with the 3.3 million they got from it? Well, look at them asking for more money now.

1 decade ago

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Different game, different teams. They are still working on Broken Age. Research before you talk shit, please.

1 decade ago

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They mention this in the fucking description. Broken Age's funds are for, you guessed it, Broken Age. This is for a new game.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Double Fine are starting to piss me off.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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They got 3.3 million for Broken Age, 1 million from a random donor and they're suing THQ for 600,000. And now they've got their hands out again. What happened to making money by releasing a decent game?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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As my father always said, it takes money to make money...

1 decade ago

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im glad im not the only one. plus, its like... instead of making a good game, all they have to do is make a good video. its nice that they have the freedom to do what they want and not have to pitch it to bigger studios though, shrug

1 decade ago

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I'm with you. I for one didnt back Broken Age because I was broke, but I really wanted to. Now that i'm earning (well, not RIGHT now, but i'm far from poor) I refuse to do this one. Kickstarters should be used to help a company start from scratch, not pre-sell a game that isnt complete from a large developer.

1 decade ago

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Double Fine is hardly large, it only seems that way because of the very famous industry veterans that run/work within it.

also I assume you don't like InExile then?

1 decade ago

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I don't hate them, but I do believe they should have released one game before kickstarting another, if at all. Double fine may not be tiny but they are far from "independent" nowadays.

1 decade ago

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Its a different team from the one working in Broken Age. And if the games do not have a publisher, then they are indie, quite simple.

1 decade ago

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But they choose to be independent, which is fantastic, but its not the same as being independent in the original sense, which is why I used quotes.

1 decade ago

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No, its not for helping a company start from scratch. Its for funding of projects that wouldnt otherwise happen/ be complete. Games are not free, and Double Fine is not really swimming in money, as some people think.
For me, it is much better when the consumers directly fund the product, offering insight and suggestions. Much better than getting a publisher and have to meet their demands.

1 decade ago

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I agree with you to an extent and I suppose I should have used different words, but what I mean is that for a company like Double Fine with their many fans, I fear that they have less "stress" for when it comes to making something groundbreaking or great. They dont have to hope to sell enough to cover costs or feed their families, because the money is there before the game making has even begun properly.

1 decade ago

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I would argue two things then. First, all the things in kickstarter are like that. You ask for a funding, and that funding should be enough to do the game, break even, and maybe a tiny bit of profit.(stuff that people normally offer at high tiers is normally quite cheap to produce) So people dont have to "hope". Either they do get funded and make the game, or dont and they spend nothing they didnt already spent before.
Regarding your final statemente ("money is there before the game making has even begun"). I would argue that they probably have a very rough prototype, probably some skecthes,storyboard, initial designs. Essentially, the bases where the game will be built. But you then do need the money for the "bricks", and that is where Kickstarter comes along :)

1 decade ago

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I see what you're saying, but I think we'll have to agree to disagree. In terms of initial designs being already there, I would expect it to be on the kickstarter page. there are some illustrations but nothing that makes me even consider that there is a complete idea.

1 decade ago

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It costs a lot of money to make a game, and they can't use that 3.3million on other games,a s the people pledged it to Broken Age.

1 decade ago

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That is kinda what they are doing? People want those games and they pay to get them and to make them happen. These games wouldn't happen otherwise. They would have to get a publisher and would have to meet the publisher demands. Its much better when its the direct consumers making suggestions and the like.

1 decade ago

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I would also like to know why.

1 decade ago

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this looks awsum

1 decade ago

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What I've backed, and is it/was it/has it been worth it?...
Double Fine Adventure - New to Kickstarter and practically broke, I backed at the minimum level. I'll get the game, and it was supporting developers who make amazing games that I believe in. So... worth it, and I was happy to pay full price for Brรผtal Legend and The Cave on Steam release as a sort of compensation for not being able to pay more for DFA. That said, the game isn't out yet (you'll notice a theme here...) so I can't say with absolute certainty that it was a good investment. Still, it's a part of gaming history now, and it's nice to be a part of that, and Double Fine always has entertaining and informative updates.
Wasteland 2 - The work done so far looks pretty good, but I'll have to reserve judgment until I've played the game.
Sira - At the minimum level, it cost me $1. And so far, I've gotten to play a sort of alpha tech demo of it (it crashed after a short time, but that's almost expected). Worth it?... hmm... yeah, sure, why not.
Valdis Story: Abyssal City - The involvement with backers has been nice, but I'm not sure if the game is turning out to be as "tight" (gameplay videos so far look a little "floaty", whereas I think a good platformer should feel very solid) as I expected it to be, and the genericism of some of the fantasy RPG elements is a little disappointing. But, there's obviously a lot of work going into it between the two(!) developers, so I'm still looking forward to it.
Grim Dawn - nothing against the game (it looks great so far), but I probably shouldn't have backed this one. I don't have a ton of money to spare, and I have good ARPGs to play already.
The Banner Saga - So far, no, not worth it. Yes, there's that free sort of sampler game of it on Steam, but I got bored of that very quickly. I'm still anticipating the actual release, but if the gameplay's the same as the freebie... meh. Hopefully the story and animations are good.
"Defense Grid 2" - (technically... this was for the Defense Grid: Containment DLC and Defense Grid 2, but... well... it's complicated) But worth it? Defense Grid is my second most-played game on Steam. And I just finished playing through the Kickstarted DLC the other day. They're some of the best levels I've played, though really there's not much new new to it other than levels, cosmetics, and voice acting. Still, anyone who backed that project will get Defense Grid 2 whenever it releases. So yes, that one was/will be worth it.
Planetary Annihilation - Coming along better than I'd feared (I was pretty sure they'd get it wrong somehow). I'm still leaving room for them to get it wrong (most likely with paid content), but I'm liking how it's turning out so far. Worth it? Well... I had a bit of extra money for this one... time will tell whether that was really worth it, but if I was at the base level, I'd probably lean towards "worth it", especially if I'd gotten an early bird tier.
Project Eternity - Yes. Worth it. The art assets (and use of technology to deliver on those assets) demonstrated thus far are brilliant. I hope that the rest of the project can maintain that level of quality, and if it does, then yes, so worth it. I don't even remember how much I backed it for, but it probably wasn't enough. And I'm not even a huge RPG fan.
Jagged Alliance: Flashback - I backed at the minimal level for the JA classics. The devs are still on vacation, so I don't have the JA classics yet. It's exactly a week today, so I'm not really complaining (yet). And I have close to zero confidence in their ability to pull off JA:F at the level of a JA2 game. And the minimum level to get JA:F was too high for me, so... worth it?... not yet.
Armikrog - It's still running! I don't know! But probably. Through a post in an Armikrog thread here on SG, I was lead to reading some statements about TenNapel's religious/political beliefs -- they seemed close-minded, but not mean spirited. And they've not really entered into his games as far as I'm aware, so they don't factor in much when considering my support for this project. That said, I've no qualm with anyone who feels otherwise. To each their own.

As regards Massive Chalice... premise sounds interesting, but so do a shitton of my own ideas. Video's entertaining, but doesn't sell me on the game. I love DF, but I doubt I'll spare cash for this one, especially, as much as I hate to say it, on the heels of the Humble Double Fine Bundle and the precedent that sets.

1 decade ago

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Quite a read haha :) Thanks for your insight ^^

1 decade ago

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too much backlog, this can wait at the 75% sale bin

1 decade ago

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Don't think I'll back this but the video is awesome

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Flayre.