I put a spoiler alert in the title ... just saying.
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I never watched the show ... Only played the games. You should! But maybe wait until Season 2 is finished .. it's so annoying having to wait months for another episode
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I thought the third episode was pretty poor. There were no tense moment, e.g. the sneaking around wasn't scary at all and Carver didn't look that menacing at all to me since everyone has done the shit he has by now.
No hard choices either that mattered much to me, it's hard to care about anyone but Kenny at this point. I thought Kenny was going a bit insane in the last episode so I kept my distance, but he really sacrificed himself for Clem, so it's hard not to stick with him now. The others are just fodder, Sarah is just a danger to everyone and I'd get rid of her asap.
Also not much action except for the two brief zombie moments, which were same old.
Probably liked Episode 2 the best so far on the overall enjoyment from the second season. But not nearly as good as Ep 3/4 from the last.
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Oh dear, I hate that "do you prefer Nick or Kenny" thing. I mean, well, first of all, let's say I played through those three episodes yesterday. Um, I couldn't really decide. I mean, Kenny is an "old friend" but Nick is a kinda cool guy as well and I don't really know who to stick with. At the table I sat with Nick as well, I don't really know why. For me this is a really hard decision but I guess I do trust Kenny more than I trust Nick.
All in all I can say that I don't really like the new characters in Season 2. Most of the ones in Season 1 were so much more likeable, in my opinion. The guys in Season 2 are just so.. unfamiliar still. It's been so long now since this whole zombie thing started and I don't really trust them, like, everyone is just trying to survive. In the beginning it was more of a group thing. At least that's how I feel about it. I just don't really like the new characters that much. And especially Sarah. Who the fuck does she think she is, starting to shout in the middle of those zombies. Seriously, if I have had the option, I would have punched her right in the face. Sorry for that but she made me really angry during that scene. (Actually not just there but oh well.)
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Yeah, episodes 1 and 2 were, if not awful then at least "blah". Episode 3 is surprisingly good after all that crap. I was a bit sorry that there was no option to join Carter, because I was forced by the developers to ruin something many people liked and found it functional, and they were doing well for themselves. OK, carter was a bit stressed, but he did have the responsibility for all those people and a lot of kids. In the last seconds of the episode, while Sarita and Sarah were screaming, I was thinking to myself: "Damn, they are sheeps".
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Best of the endings so far.
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So, I know the third episode has been out for some time now and I'm a bit late to the party, but I was away and only yesterday had the time to play through it and now want to talk about it.
I really loved the first Season, I loved Lee, I loved how he took care of Clementine, I love the small puzzles you had to do and I loved the ending. It was one of the few games I nearly finished in a sitting.
Obviously I also got the second Season and was a bit disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I still liked the game, but I was disappointed. I like how you can see how this apocalypse affects Clementine and how it changes her, forcing her to mature and leave her innocence and childhood behind.
But what about the puzzles? There were none ... and most of the newly introduced characters just made me want to punch them right in the face. Especially Carlos and his daughter. How delusional does one have to be to raise their kid like that in a time like that? Another thing that bugged me .. How can Alvin stay so fat after living in the apocalypse for so long? How is that possible?
After I finished episode 2 I wasn't really eager to play through the third anymore, only thing keeping me going was to see Clementine and Carver awoke my interest. Third episode changed everything though, I fucking loved it. This episode right here was the best, hands down, in my opinion. Carver was an asshole (how do you dare hit Clementine), but at the same time I could understand him somehow. He actually is right somehow. In such a time you can't tolerate people who will endanger you and your group, like Ben, Duck, Reggie and Sarah. Even though turning in a madman won't help either.
I made Clementine watch as Kenny bashed his head in, I did not help Sarah with picking the berries, as she finally has to learn to control emotions and realize every action causes a reaction.
So, after this episode I can say I like the second Season actually more than the first one, what about you? Is the second Season living up for you to your expectations or are you disappointed? Are you gonna stick to Kenny or to Nick?
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