No problem, if CV would be removed - I promise, I would remove this topic also. But so far we had CV, so I made suggestion based on it.
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Contribution Value. The thing your level on this site depends on.
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This won't work. There's one person who adds games to the bundle list (Shobo), so they don't always get added immediately. It can take days before a game is added to the list, and people would exploit the hell out of every newly bundled game (remember, there are new bundles all the time and new games in those bundles) before they ever hit the bundled list.
People tend to forget -- these people don't get paid to do this work -- they volunteer, and have lives outside of SG. So Shobo has to be able to retroactively add games to the bundle list.
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i was going to post the same :3
also, the solution would be that people check prices before creating giveaways, it's not that hard (if i can do it...), install enhanced steam or check isthereanydeal.
some games will be almost impossible to detect (like talos, alien or trine 3) but for the rest it just takes 3 seconds to check the RU price and calculate if it's -95% or more.
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But for user to be warned about bundled game, it should get bundled before (s)he creates giveaway. And for most annoying type of bundling it's possible.
Perhaps I am misunderstanding him, but I took it to mean "no retro-active" bundling of games, and that every game that will only be getting 15% CV should be marked at the moment the GA is created, otherwise the creator gets full CV. Like I said, that could be very easily exploited with games that are appearing in bundles for the first time before Shobo can get them added to the list. Retro-active bundling will always be a necessity.
Some clarification would be nice. And yes, I read every word of his post, thanks for asking.
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Oh, of course no, I didn't mean that bundling should not be retroactive, I just proposing means to fill bundle-list faster, so that retroactive bundling would not be needed for those games. Of course games from real bundles, added to list manually, would still work retroactively. Sorry if it wasn't clear.
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But that's why I'm suggesting it! If it would be made automatically - it would be faster, and it would be less work for Shobo!
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But what about games that appear for the first time in an IndieGala, BundleStars, Humble Bundle, etc bundle? Everyone would be able to exploit those for CV until Shobo can get them added to the list, because their bundle price isn't reflected as a 95% off price on Steam.
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The games from actual bundles remain as it is now, there is nothing to do with it. But, think of it - this would make part of a work, so Shobo would get more time to add actual bundles, not worrying about steam discounts. Doesn't it good?
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It was suggested before, I'm still amazed its not implemented since it was functional in old website.
Imo even implementation of reason why something is on bundle list should be easy to do...
It would give Shobo bit more work, but would it be that much difference?
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It's for the users concerned about CV. People who give away games because they are nice have no problems already)
I, personally, don't need this features. But I see topics like "I made a giveaway for XXX, and now it's bundled!" too often, so I thought it would help to prevent it.
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Can someone not create a script which sync with SteamDB and check everyday if the price is on the 5% threshold or not? That way list can be updated on daily basis
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Recently there is a lot of topics about CV¹, where people are offended because games bundled because of low prices in certain regions. So, here is my thoughts about it.
Why people get upset? Because they actually buy the game, give it away, and then get 15% of CV. This is unexpected to them, no wonder they are upset. So, I thought - maybe, if they knew it before creating a giveaway - they would not be upset about it? They didn't spend money yet, why bother? So, I came to idea, that we need two things to achieve it:
This way, people would always knew what they got before creating the giveaway, so maybe they would feel better about it.
¹CV - Contributor's Value, the thing level on sg depends on.
UPD. Some people decided that I propose bundling not being retroactive. That's not what I mean! Bundling remain retroactive, just games bundled because of price in regions gets to the list faster.
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