(the reason why that last one happens should be obvious, huh?).
there you are wrong. i had so many winners with region restricted gas where they obviously gave away bundle games as region restricted. so they intentionally restricted their row stuff to a certain group. and i dont see why they should win my giveaway when they them self make only region restricted / group giveaways. private is still accessible for everyone.
such people are at fault that from now on, all my giveaways will be private only with sgtools gate and special rules. although im not a fan from and preferred public.
i dont mind ratios and dont care about how much people won / gave away.
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Even if you're right, I think it's, at the very least, very difficult to find out who is really doing it (unless you're seeing their keys, which would maybe mean you're from their region and are winning their giveaways)
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Ok, changed the vocabulary of the thread in order to make it even clearer
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Ratio imo means nothing, unless it is extraordinary bad and you contribute absolutely nothing. It does not take into account the financial state of the individual or even the quality of the GAs, let alone the overall contribution to the website. For example, jbondguy007 doesn't have an outstanding ratio or thousands of sent GAs, yet no one can deny that he did contribute and he is widely recognized among the forum users. Better even this guy, did he in your opinion contribute as much as a guy with 200/200 did? I'd say no, yet they have the same ratio. There were even time where his sent/won ratio went below 1.
Just don't bother with the ratios or what kind of GAs someone creates and focus on enjoying the website :)
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I don't think you got the point. Please re-read the thread
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What a lame topic. Being as the OP fills both criteria, I don't really know what your point is?
You have a win - give ratio of way over 10 and most of your 17 giveaways have been region restricted?
I mean really that's fine, I'm not going to blacklist you over that, anywhere people are giving away things for free you'll attract a crowd of those who are happy to take more, that's just human nature and it's silly to get worked up about it. But why, oh why, start a topic drawing attention to what a leech you are? You are clearly a masochist who enjoys farming blacklists? (Not from me, but I'm sure your graph will have a spike after this topic)
I get the point you have buried in there, whereby some high level users have got there on the back of group only giveaways or private giveaways for a few friends only, but for a start, most of those user's best wins are also going to come out of similar groups, so they aren't really 'stealing' from the general pool. And secondly, apart from a few syndicates where the users are just giving games to each other for the purposes of cv boosting, the fact still remains that the giver is still giving away a game to someone else they probably don't know that well, a game they could have traded for something else, or used themselves. That is called generosity. You don't only have to give away things to complete strangers to be considered generous.
But really, I actually just don't understand why people are obsessed with CV anyway? It carries very little benefit or meaning beyond level 5. Since getting to level 5 there have been maybe 10 giveaways I still couldn't enter because the level was too high. Most high level users I see on here actually gave away all those games because they are generous, and not because they wanted to get AAA games for free. If they were doing that because that was their goal they are pretty dumb. $5000 worth of games to increase your chances of getting games for free when the occasional high level giveaway drops? HA! just save the money for steam sales you dummy.
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Oh, gosh, I've edited the thread a lot of times. Is it serious that it isn't clear enough yet?
Again, the point is: there's nothing wrong with any kind of giveaway. Seeing people judging other people because of their giveaways is what is funny. It's some kind of an e-penis measurement. It's even funnier when those superb members who judge other people's ratio think they are a solid pillar to community by making extremely restricted giveaways. It's not wrong making restricted giveaways, but if you criticize other people's contribution to community and you just give games away for a few known people, you're not making any important addition to community as well. So what's the point of judging others? E-penis, I say.
Saying once more, see my list of threads and find out by yourself if I really care about blacklists. By the way, is there anyone who really loses their sleep by being blacklisted?
And... (again) I always assume that people who make region-restricted giveaways have region-locked gifts. It should be a rather obvious deduction, but as I see, it is not. Gosh, why isn't it obvious yet? Why isn't obvious that some people just don't even have how to change their currency to dollar/euro in order to buy ROW bundle keys as well? Seriously? Do people still need me to explain that?
Oh, and making a further addition to your last paragraph: is it serious that being able to give away like... $10k in games is the definition of being generous? Come on, if I had that money and could use it without getting bankrupt, I would certainly prefer to help poor unknown people who really need it instead of spending it with people who just want games and even demand them from you.
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Ahhh ok I think I started typing before your edit and got distracted by work... I do see your point I guess? But I think generally most people who are generous in nature aren't wasting time worrying about if others are getting more than they give. If those who have farmed a lot of CV giving games to only a few of their friends want to blacklist others who don't give as much, then so what? It's not like they contribute much to the pool anyway.
Personally, I prefer to give my better games to groups or in forum giveaways just because it's more likely that they will be appreciated there than to someone who is just looking for a plus one. It's not because I'm wanting to only give games to my friends or 'farm cv', as I don't think anyone on my friends list has ever won a game for me, so they are still essentially strangers to me, just strangers who are more engaged in the community which is what I actually enjoy rewarding. Yes, maybe others may think I'm not being as generous because I'm not giving away as much to the general population, but for me it's not about keeping my giveaways elitist, just about sending them somewhere they'll be more appreciated.
Oh the reference to the value of games given was a defence of those who are high level. People seem to have this idea that most people who are high level are only high level so they can access more giveaways. I was just pointing out the economical impracticality of doing that.
By the way, regarding region restricted giveaways, my country's steam store is restricted to only my country and it's not listed as an option when creating a giveaway, so I can't even create regional restricted giveaways if I wanted to. So i rely on bundle sites and ROW key sellers, which can be quite expensive when converting.
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But I think generally most people who are generous in nature aren't wasting time worrying about if others are getting more than they give.
That's it
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It sucks to give a game I actually care about to a person that doesn't give a shit about it, that's why sometimes I take preemptive measures and give those games to certain groups or categories of people that I know will generally care more.
If it's a game I don't care about, then... well, I don't care who gets it and what it does with it, but it would feel a bit nicer if it weren't bots, and it would definitely feel nice if I see the winner cares about the gift. :)
This might be some form of elitism, but I honestly don't really love giving to the Steamgifts community as a whole, I really enjoy it only as long as we're talking about the part of the community that acknowledges itself as a respective part and understands the purpose of the site.
But I think I get what you're saying, and while what I've said above is true, I don't think I've ever complained about those that don't give anything. I've never even blacklisted anyone.
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The only giveaways I complain about is the constant influx of shovelware from sites like IndieGala, BundleStars, etc.
I'd rather see far fewer giveaways on this website then see people giving away trash to hit higher levels and leech.
If anyone reading this consistently gives away shovelware, expect to be on my blacklist sooner or later.
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Well, most new users treat SG as a dumping ground for games they don't want from bundles and have no idea what else to do with. I can't see that changing anytime soon. One thing that might be nice though is if there was a 'Non Bundled' section next to the wishlist/group/new/etc. links on the left side of the giveaways page.
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That's not entirely what I meant, but close.
Just because a game is bundled doesn't mean it's bad.
Several games are on the "Bundled" list but are still of rather high quality (Braid, World of Goo, Stardew Valley, Portal series, Overlord series, Project Cars, etc)
What I am referring to as shovelware is all the "Simulation" games (Airport Fire Department Simulator, Farming Simulator, etc.),
RPGMaker crap, VR crap, Hidden Object crap, VNs (most aren't allowed to be on Steam in original form) and flat out troll crap that shouldn't even be on Steam (What's Under Your Blanket, Shower With Your Dad, Trump Simulator 2016, etc.)
There's a fine line between Bundle Trash and just Bundled Games, but it should be easy to discern for most.
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FWIW, I'm mostly on board with you here, but keep in mind that lots of people like "Hidden Object crap" (including me) and lots of people like "RPGMaker crap" (not including me). But yes, it's annoying to see people exploiting every Indiegala shovelware bundle happy hour to give 5xcopies of shovelware to maximize CV and games sent.
On the other hand, it's better than nothing, I guess. I try not to get too bent out of shape. *shrug*
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See, you fully understand. This is exactly why I hate Sent / Won ratio that people use on SGTools.
A ratio means absolutely nothing when you're giving away shit and getting diamonds in return.
I only call HO crap because they really don't appeal to me in their current form.
Now if there were games like "Where's Waldo / Wally?" or "I Spy", I'd buy them.
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Yeah, I never use sent/won or real cv. If I did, it would be extremely low just to weed out people who are clearly deliberately trying to contribute next to nothing.
As far as HOGs, I certainly get that they're not for everybody. Mostly I play them with my kids, but I enjoy them too. For a slightly different HOG, and a little "edgier," you might take a look at Adam Wolfe. I haven't actually played it myself (full disclosure), but I've had a friend describe it to me, and it seems pretty cool.
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But indeed. The SG community is far from perfect and has a huge aspect of elitism (and saying that will often get you blacklisted, so brace yourself haha). Some people are just making glorified trading groups with their friends, "trading" games via giveaways and getting CV in the process. Unsurprisingly, those people are often the loudest ones when it comes to pointing out someone's ratio.
People just need to stop sticking their noses into other people's business, if you ask me ;)
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I'm fully aware there's elitism on this website. If you get blacklisted by a certain person, that person will tell everyone else in their "clique" to blacklist you. They're just damn lucky we can't call out names on the website.
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Depends on what the offense is really. I don't care about ratios anymore, and I don't really do public giveaways. Maybe I'll do a private giveaway on my birthday, but not a train. Fuck Trains. However is someone is simply an irritating jackass of a person, this could probably include me, I'm very self-aware, and they blacklist me for that reason, eh. Who cares. Like seriously there are hundreds upon thousands of giveaways I could enter. I don't, but I mean I could.
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ratio means nothing when ppl can buy 46 games/$1 on bundlestars
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But that's won / sent ratio. Nobody who has been here a while uses that anyway.
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Region-restricted giveaways are not a problem in my mind. The only thing i deplore is that for the little things i gave in public, sometimes it was very hard contacting winner. And even harder when the person didn't connect on steam often and didn't check mail. And the hardest, when not playing on steam, no checking mail, and only had given region restricted giveaways because i couldn't let them a message on their giveaways. Can't enter -> can't message. /o\
But yeah happened only twice or thrice i know no more and yes not their fault, it's just it was not easy these rare times to run after the person during 1 week, don't take it bad, it's a consequence of the system. XD
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one of my public ga winners marked as not received and it's been a month since i contacted support. I'll probably never do a public ga ever again
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It goes like this ,,, you give away publicly ... untill you get to the point where your winners are all people who just hoard shit for the sake of +1 in their library .... and refuse to give anything in return ( even if its not mandatory to do so ) its kinda annoying .
Everyone has the right to give stuff however he want to , and just be a leech if thats what they desire to be ... but in the same time people have the right to choose who they give theyr games to ...
Making group only / whitelist giveaways targeted at people who give equallty or more to what they want is everyones right .
Like for example someone with profile like OP's its not really a usefull mamber to the site imo ... its just a hoarder who can clearly afford to give more stuff , but refuse to do so ... ofc thats his right , but i find it pathetic :)
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Like for example someone with profile like OP's is not really a useful member of this site imo.
But what about all the thought-provoking topics he posts ? :D /S
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As said, there are too many assumptions on this community. One of them was clearly exposed on the thread: the assumption that people can really afford many more giveaways and just choose not to do it. An assumption that, let's say, unless you know someone personally, can't ever be confirmed.
Again, there's no right or wrong way to make giveaways. The wrong is judging people while you're annoyed by being judged. It's pretty much like baby whinning, instead of just making your restricted giveaways and fulfilling your blacklist, both quietly, without having the pathetic and self-esteem feeder behaviour of pointing your dirty fingers to other people just to feel you're part of an imaginary generous elite of the community or to make your giveaways look as if they were gold that everyone want/can't live without them.
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You are correct, this is very much like a baby whining.
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I have a friend , who live on about 70$ a month , and still dedicate about 5$ a month to giving back cause he feels obliged to the community for winning stuff here.
Sorry but looking trough your profile i just see some guy atention whoring spaming garbage topics and leeching like there is no tomorrow ...
So yeah , assuming stuff is bad , but being you is far worse .
You think you are the edgy guy , trying to set people straight , helping the poor or w.e the fuck is going trough your tiny brain ... but alll i see is just pathetic socia l justice warrior attitude
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People are just different, period. Good for your friend that he thinks he should help a lot of orphan gamers instead of using his money to make something really worth for people who really need. Oh, once more: you're assuming $70 a month is the worst of the wages. Some people here really got $0 or, if they got some amount superior to that, you just ignore the real value of their country currency and the hardness of converting it in order to buy some games.
I'm not trying to set people straight. I'm not (and don't intend to be) such a goddess (I actually like to think about myself as a devilish person, which is way more stimulating than having pretentious divine aspirations).
I'm, indeed, mocking people the way those people mock others. That's hypocrisy, but it's fun enough for me, especially when people like you give me the sureness they got bothered. That's one of my little pleasures on this forum, beside of getting attention: bother people who like to bother.
Yeah... I leech. What's my punishment? Your blacklist? Fair and irrelevant enough for me (:
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Im not wasting a precious minute of my life to read your pointless wall of text justifying why you are a piece of shit
And i will gladly tank any form of suspension and blacklists for telling you that , cause i rather tell people what i think about them then being all rainbows and unicorns and beatin around the bush
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try that . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGmbCUlePE0
Usually makes me sleep like a baby
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Thank you for the advice and for keeping bumping my thread
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Can I just say that gaming is an expensive habit? Like even if you wait for steam sales which lets face it aren't that great to begin with, you're still spending money on games. You need a decent rig laptop, desktop whatever to play it, which costs money. You need electricity and internet, at some point all of these things add up. Like maybe I understand it if you're like fifteen and don't have a credit card to your name. Maybe. But at the same time shit costs money.
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...I think it was meant as a reply to Grim Phantasia and I just hit the wrong reply. I think I agree with you to an extent, but it was a reply to
"People are just different, period. Good for your friend that he thinks he should help a lot of orphan gamers instead of using his money to make something really worth for people who really need. Oh, once more: you're assuming $70 a month is the worst of the wages. Some people here really got $0 or, if they got some amount superior to that, you just ignore the real value of their country currency and the hardness of converting it in order to buy some games."
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No, I might have accidentally replied to you, I'm not sure. It was an accident. But I agree with you and selling cards is a thing that you can do.
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I just blacklist who blacklists me, what's fair enough and not that important
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So we are very similar. Even so, you get angry so easily. I think you just need more hugs
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I need a lot of medicines to take on a daily basis to keep me more or less well too, beside of being sick for a lot of time (now I suppose you can finally imagine the reason behind my incredible number of threads lately, huh?), which made me having to buy even more expensive medicines, which brang me even more debts
That's another reason for not having enough money for anything at all
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True that .... working just to hope to barely stay alive is not a nice thing ... i experienced that shit for the past few moths .... hopefully it will end soon for me at least tho .
It does take a huge toll on you both phisicaly and mentaly tho thats for sure .
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I'm not even working right now. I've been trying to find a job, but I got no luck. https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/H637W/those-who-never-found-a-job-opportunity-that-was-a-pyramid-scheme-disguised-as-multi-level-marketing LOL.
So I got very sick (more than I'm used to get), got a lot of stuff to do at university... maybe not finding a job was a good thing. Even so, it didn't make me less depressed
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Yeah, it's expensive. Especially when you live in a country with a lot of taxes and a devalued currency. Some people here don't live in countries like that and just think other people have the same easiness as them to make game purchases
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Im sorry to ask that , but where do you live ...
nvm found out .... Albania huh ... i guess thats on the same level as where i live ... so i can see partially your point ...
Yet again im 27 and been living alone past 9 soon to be 10 years , so i have that biased opinion that you can do it if you try hard enough , even if the average payment in your country hardly hits 250$ :)
Im sorry for being cancerous piece of fuck ( i tend to do that every now and then ) .... and i removed you from my naughty boys and ( girls lul ) list >.>
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Ok. Even so, I'm not telling you (i.e., it's not Albania)
Let's just say that what costs $54.99 for an American, costs about $250 here, for example, without taking into account you need to get an international credit card to convert your scarce money to dollars/euros. And it's not that easy to have an international credit card when you got a lot of debts and an insufficient income
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I am genuenly curious where you live now tbh .... if you insist i wont share it with pubic ... ( tho there is no way you will know i wont i guess ) .
But such pricing makes no sense to be fair ( unless you live in Korea >.> )
PS i read the reply to that ) https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/UoOpx/whats-the-difference-between-having-low-ratio-and-having-high-ratio-by-making-restricted-giveaways/search?page=2#sNi0Iwn post as Albania someow :D
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albina =/= Albanian
It's a genetic condition, but I don't really have it. I was just kidding because I'm really so white that I look as an albina
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It's less to do with where OP lives, and more to do with the fact that they are a minor.
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Point taken, this post has awarded you a spot on my WL. :)
Yeah, some people are just pots calling the kettles black, I have no idea what they want to achieve with this.
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Ratio is in fact just a piece of sh**
and it is totally meaningless because many ppl send only group giveaway
they can simply find 10 friends and form a group to do all the giveaway and level up together
However, I won't give a sh*t too because this is just internet
don't take this site too seriously
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Yeah, it shouldn't be taken too seriously. However, some people here really do. Sometimes it looks like a competition.
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