AND he had the audacity to go on vacation WITH YOU! Never a free minute...
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Good luck on your new job. :)
And ambivalent, honestly.
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Back in uni, a friend and I made a screenprinted image to put on tshirts, hoodies, etc with a picture of Bruce Springsteen and the phrase "The Only Boss Worth Listening to" (his nickname is The Boss) and even all these years later I have continued to question the need for so many levels of "managers"/bosses in job structures in general.
In honour of this thread and your comic , here is a giveaway:
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My previous employer was a true asshole. Actually I'm convinced he's a psychopath in the medical meaning.
But currently they are mostly cool. I'm also a manager myself and I know my teams like me so 🤷
Anyway, hope your new job will make you happy.
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If you work with somebody or for somebody long enough you will start to hate them. Maeby not all the time but you will get mad for something sooner or later. People are just like that complaining about money, coworkers, work conditions, benefits. Eventually nothing will be good enough. Your boss hates you the same way. Do your work best as you can and switch your brain off when you go home or look for something else if it is too much. No corporate or coworker is worth your mental health. And do not forget your coworker is not your friend, when shit happens they will stab your in the back.
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My boss is cool. Very understanding, gives me anything I ask for. I think the atmosphere is different with your boss if they and everyone at the company knows the employees could easily be working elsewhere, so they have to offer reason to stay.
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I have had 5 staff bosses and um...6-8 or something Department bosses (changes every several years). Some have been good, great, awful, frustrating. Some have grown into the job and mellowed, some went out in a fiery ball of budget problems. Generally pretty good though, even when there's some stress here or there, and they show appreciation.
Glad you got out of a bad situation, and hope things are better at the new place. Like the art on the comic. Good expressions.
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I don't have any boss right now. I've had several bosses in several jobs with uneven luck. In my last job they were two ladies, worth working with. The previous one? Stupid stubborn knowitall who likes to tell you the opposite of the last thing he said. And whatever you did, you did not do it well, of course, because in that particular case, you should have used "the way I told you yesterday, remember?" and not the one he said this morning. I should have reported him to Human Resources for bullying and physical threatening; but it's kind of odd to explain why I didn't.
About 2 years after I left that job, I was talking with an ex-coworker who told me my ex-buzz was moved to her department. That he changed the chip and it's really nice to work with him. I replied that I still hope he ends in a psychiatric hospital.
Here in Spain with rising unemployment, it's common to hear a threatening such as "I have a whole line of people out there waiting to take your place". That stupid boss once told me that. I replied "good luck finding one as good as me". Maybe I said "polyvalent", not "good". I really thought that his attitude, much more aggressive and incoherent towards me, was caused by fear. He feared someone up there would notice I could do anything in the department, including his job.
I also hate some of my friends' bosses just from what I've heard of them.
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Not currently but oh boy did i hate some...
Nice comic and nice art!
And some of us arent here just for games- sure mostly games, but its one of the nicest communities around.
I didnt even enter any of the GAs but wanted to bump the comic
Its nice you ditched then and is kickstarting the year with a new job, but what i find most positive is how you turned a sour experience into something creative and nice. Probably doesnt compensate the time you spent under a idiot, stress have its toll, but you got something really neat out of it. I generally always try to 'look at the bright side', but on that department 'awakening your inner creative and starting a comic' definetly is at the top, probably next to 'met my wife' or things like that
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I guess it's really hit or miss, and I've just been unlucky in a really small "family" business. I'm starting at a big company now, so I'm excited to see how that will go :D
Thanks for all the feedback people! :D Some things are grueling to read too :/
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That matches my experience. I only once worked for a small/family business. The owner was clueless, the boss behind him toxic. I quit that job within three weeks.
Besides that I worked for state owned giants and midsized companies. Midsize was by far the best experience.
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Well, let's just say I didn't wish him Merry Christmas or Happy New Year
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I don't because i am my own boss so it would be a sad state of affairs if i did!
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I'm disabled and no longer working, but at my last job any time anybody asked me about it my response was almost always some variant of "I absolutely love my job. The people, not so much." I worked at a machine shop, with two different buildings (that did different things, with my plant mostly doing deburr and part-marking which required typing the information into a computer and then having it spray that information onto a corner of the part, almost like an ink jet printer only it was onto metal instead of paper, but we also had a couple of CNC milling machines that first chance I got I took the initiative to learn how to both operate and maintain). In 12 years, I had three woman bosses, all 3 made my life living hell for some reason.
(to be clear, it was ME, and only ME, that they had a problem with, I'm not saying they were "men haters" or anything along those lines ... the first one said it was because I didn't go to her church, although I couldn't prove it so I never reported it, and the second one told me it was because my performance reviews ... which SHE was giving me ... meant that I was getting a bigger pay raise than her every year ... without ever considering the fact that it works the other way too, HER performance reviews meant SHE was getting a lower pay raise).
Here's just one example, the last boss before I was physically unable to do the work anymore would go to the other plant at least once a day, and would often text me to ask me to look for something that hadn't gotten sent up yet, or to make sure a specific job was getting done because they were waiting for the parts to assemble something. But if she WASN'T at the other plant and I happened to pull my phone out for five seconds because I got a message notification that for all I know COULD have been her and she sees it? All hell would break loose... "you're not allowed to have your phone on you while you're at work", and "this is why you don't get any work done" despite averaging getting about double the number of parts done of any one other person in the building. I finally took her to HR, and flat out asked HR "Since she texts me literally EVERY DAY, see here's all her messages on my phone, do I have permission to have my phone on me at work? Or should I start leaving it in my locker and she can just figure all this out on her own?" Of course they didn't give me a straight answer, but I now had it on record that she was directly responsible for me having my phone on me while I was working and now there was nothing she could do to get me in trouble for having it without shooting herself in the foot. She quit 3 months later for something completely unrelated (she trained somebody wrong, the person messed up a part, she got written up instead of him because he literally did what she told him to do, she threw a tantrum and stormed out the building, she got written up for THAT, and she just never came back).
But no ... I didn't hate any of them. I hated working with them, but that's not the same thing. My entire life I can only think of one person I remember well enough to say I probably hated them at the time (although at the time I didn't think I hated him, I just wished he would leave me alone)... and that was in high school. Oddly, I didn't hate him for asking out the girl I liked and getting accepted less than two weeks after she told me she wasn't "allowed" to date anybody. I hated him because after she dumped him a month later, despite her and I never even speaking to each other, he decided that somehow I was at fault for the breakup and he would do little things to "punish" me like making a handful of "barbs" which consisted of twisting two staples together then dropping them down the back of my shirt just as I sat down so the chair would shove them (painfully) into my back, or "accidentally" bumping into me at just the right moment to make me drop something (often my lunch), etc. Not so much "bully" behavior, more "hurt him" behavior. Hell, I still remember HIS name after over 20 years, but not the girl I had a crush on at the time. And it was all pointless, because she had already rejected me before dating him, and I do mean "rejected" not "friend zoned", she didn't even want to be friends with me anymore after I asked her out (she said it wasn't fair to me to be around her if I liked her but we couldn't be together, which at the time almost sounded like it made sense).
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I've looked through some of your comics there, and is it bad that I can absolutely relate? lol. They want graphic designers to be absolutely everything nowadays and expect us to foot the bill for all the upskilling that's needed to meet their expectations... aaaaand still get low pay.
I worked for a few bosses, but notably for a certain graphic design franchise where the bosses were lovely at one location and friggen evil and hateful at another. So for me, it's a mix of love and hate. ROFL!
That's why I've since been studying software development and video game design because I just wanted to get out of the viper pit.
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I sure did. So after working for them for over 11 years, I decided to start 2025 with a completely fresh start and a new job. But not without immortalizing their corporate greed in a free weekly comic! I called it BOTL (Bottom of the Ladder) and you can find it right here on Instagram (or here on Patreon).
"Yes, but we're not here for comics, but for games!!"
Completely agree, so here is a list of celebratory game giveaways so that your new year may start great as well :D The giveaways last a week. Good luck! (Some of these codes are pretty old and might not work anymore, apologies if that is the case)
+1 Amnesia: Rebirth
+1 Broken Age
+2 Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons
+2 Drawful 2
+3 EarthX
+3 Endless Space 2
+3 Fable Anniversary
+4 Kerbal Space Program
+4 Kingdom Two Crowns
+4 The Long Dark
+5 Metro Exodus
+5 PGA Tour 2K21
+5 Pikuniku
+6 Ryse: Son of Rome
+6 Satisfactory
+6 Skullgirls 2nd Encore
+7 Slay the Spire
+7 Spyro: Reignited Trilogy
+7 Starbound
+8 Supraland
+8 System Shock: Enhanced Edition
+8 This War of Mine
Edit: additional giveaway courtesy of Khazadson:
+5 Venba
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