People blacklist others with no reason at all, just to feel superior by thinking they have somewhat power over others. Don't sweat it, it's just petty people blacklisting over petty things.
Also, you'll get blacklisted even more for opening this thread, just saying.
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People blacklist others with no reason at all
You may want to prefix that with a "some"- you've got that persecution complex vibe going, again :P
I hate that "people take an action I disagree with, so they're petty assholes" mentality. It comes across like knowing you actually did something wrong (rather than just of a different perspective) and not wanting to take responsibility.
Heck, it even has a (very mild!) "How dare she take a restraining order out against me, if she didn't want to get her head smashed into a doorknob, she shouldn't have asked for it" vibe.
That is, completely blaming and harassing someone else for standing up for themselves against something detrimental to them.
It's an irrationally harsh response, that's far more intolerant than the blacklisting action itself.
That said, you may even be right about [most blacklistings].. but I'm just not sure why it matters to begin with.
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He won't. Believe me, I've been wondering for a long time. He just ignores anyone he blacklisted.
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Yo Delta :D I just remembered to whitelist you because you were very nice to me when I got scammed. I don't know if you remember--actually you probably don't even know me since I've changed my username.
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I have a terrible memory, sorry to say. I've even forgotten my own name a few times.
Stuck it on my profile to help me remember it. :D
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Oh wait.. Dude wrong guy LOOOL but I still think that you're a positive influence in the community :D
Seems like my memory's worse ;-;
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Well hey, you figured out I'm not the guy, I wouldn't have ever guessed I wasn't. :P
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It's one of those people who thinks he is better then you, or maybe his blacklist reason is a ridiculous one. People like that make me sick.
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I'm unfortunately lacking saved info on most of my blacklist members. Since you don't seem to have any rule breaking wins, I'll assume it was either posting a ref link (on purpose or accidentally) or a post I took as begging. Those tend to be the common reasons.
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"people take an action I disagree with, so they're pretty assholes" mentality
I think it's not the intolerance of the action of blacklisting, but the motives behind it.
I also think that with your later comparison that it is quite an unfair example that makes an assumption on what MrCastiglia was saying.
But anyway, who gives a shit?
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Unless you actually know the motives, it loops back to what I just said. It's an "I can't possibly be wrong, and I don't find this judgement matches my own criteria, so this other person must clearly be awful, rather than just possessed of a different perspective" affair.
It sounds so guilty to overreact on something inconsequential- which of course is based in my own mindset of viewing the topic as being such (ie, 'who gives a shit').
Do you mean the abuse comparison? That wasn't intended for over-dramatic effect, but an actual clarification of how I perceive the matter. The metaphor wasn't intended to detail magnitude, but form. I find the mindset here of essentially justifying why they blacklisted you with your following actions toward the matter rather confusing, in much the same general shape as the example made.
In any case, anything past the first sentence wasn't directed at Cast (who I assumed was just being over-emphatic), but clarifying why i found the phrasing (which is all too common on sg) troubling.
In line with that, the metaphor I used is quite valid, as it explains the scope and demeanor I associate with the phrasing.
That correlates it to my own perceptions toward a generalized topic, rather than being in any way directly relevant to Cast's statement, much less attributing [lack of] fairness toward such.
tl;dr: I wasn't in any way intending to direct any negativity toward Cast.
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I felt that the abuse comparison was quite situational, (no, I was not talking about the intensity of it). I think Cast is trying to say that people will blacklist over stupid things such as a disagreement, which I am very much against. An example of such being putting you on my blacklist for disagreeing with me.
Actually, I genuinely feel that I don't disagree with you, but rather think that Cast's comment wasn't the best to direct it at. (However you cleared that up in your reply.)
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I'd never blacklist for a disagreement. Hostility, disparagement, and/or attacks toward myself or others during, yes. :X so I'm likely thoroughly in line with your own thoughts on the matter.
And, I'm often less clear than than I think I am, so apologies for any misrepresentation.
Thus far I've pretty much reliably been in Cast's corner on things, and I think that makes mes a bit over-eager to clarify any topics I feel worth consideration, to the point of being over-emphatic about it.
It's basically just how I am toward people I respect. :X
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It's a bit difficult to figure out where to post this reply, since it could be in response to any of several postings, but I'll tack it onto yours, for now.
One of the things that saddens me is that we live in a time where people seem to be intolerant of disagreement. With the great variety in people, we are almost guaranteed to differ in opinion with others, but we seem to have lost the ability to tolerate that fact. Nowadays, it seems we resent opinions which differ from our own, and that has made personal interaction much more difficult and stressful than it needs to be. P
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I absolutely agree. That's the reason I like to keep my mouth shut for some of my opinions, some people will just burn me on the stake (it's easier and requires no thinking) instead of trying to hear me out. It creates a censure of some sort, especially if you don't want to create a shitstorm.
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Censorship. That seems to be the word I needed, I messed it up because in Bulgarian we use "censure". For the second or third time, thanks for helping me develop my English. I really appreciate it, because this is the only place I practice it.
It looks like the origin of the word in my language comes from French, hence the difference.
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well yeah, and that is not nice event if it prevents you from saying whatever you want, even if the other side do not like it/agree to it.
As long as you are polite and not going ad personam or just provoking, you statin your opinion should be free. but unfortunatelly it is not
oh well, my count will spike again :)
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I was not saying that EVERYONE blacklists people over no reason, the some was implied, it was a broad generalization. There are legit reasons to blacklist people? Sure there are, are some, if not most, blacklists over the pettiest of things? I think so.
Not to mention, that I don't really give a damm about people blacklisting me over whichever reason they desire, and I don't think my post led anyone to think otherwise.
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It's really odd, I have like 2 people on blacklist, because they were actual scammers and malicious. I only have to have a different opinion on a topic and I get blacklisted. Petty people, indeed :(
What's also sad it that I have less and less incentive to post in the forums, because every single word can get you on a blacklist. The good times are over.
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You typically get 2-1 WL to BL, and petty BLs tend to come from leechers, so most evidence so far seems to prove the 'Can't post, blacklisters will eat me" mindset to be inaccurate.
Unless you're an asshat, then you should probably not post. :P
Though even noted bigots/etc have reported high WL-to-BL ratios, so you'd have to do something that ticks off both sides of the spectrum to really ruin your odds.
That said, a person having different criteria than you doesn't necessarily make them petty. Rather, even if their premise is trivial, their valuation of blacklisting may also be such, so it may not be petty as much as whimsical or capricious.
Besides, even if all considerations do line up similarly between you, it may simply have been due to a miscommunication. There's also passing indication that BL/WL may possibly sometimes un/set on its own.
The only way to clarify miscommunications is to keep expressing yourself and let others rethink their perception of you. And if they still find you worthy of dismissal, you just write it off as an incompatibility of personality.
At that point, you can choose to be grateful that you won't have to deal with the stress of dealing with individuals so different than you, nor deal with the distastefulness of accepting a game from someone whose morals may be in opposition to your own..
..or you can choose to acknowledge you're here for the gibs, not the community, and cease meaningful interaction altogether, so as to not tick off gib-dispensers that, were they not giving you games, you might as much as actively despise for their character.
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93/147, for expressing my opinion in a polite way.
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uh, I've posted it somewhere else already [some many this kind of topics recenty] - 56/11 prehomophobia topic, 55/18 after.
So getting into BL for posting can be accurate, and I have been polite, and didn't post anyting radical, staying in the middle.
But if one use BL to get rid of necessity of dealing with other individuals, so be it, their right as well, so I do not fully undestand the cry behind some other posts [I hear the reason, 'oh, I cannot enter those nice gibs', 'oh, I am so not popular' etc], but to fully understand that for just some website is probably to hard for me
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I'm one of those people who don't blacklist anyone over "petty things." If other people knew why the few on my list were blacklisted, they'd add them to their own blacklists.
But yes, anyone can blacklist you for any reason, or even none at all. Since the world does not revolve around me, I allow others to disagree with and/or shun (blacklist) me without losing sleep over it. With all the people in the world, why would I focus only on those who don't like me?
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You are arriving to the assumption that I lose sleep over people blacklisting me, or anyone for that matter, I don't, I couldn't care less, if I did I wouldn't open threads antagonizing the community just because I feel these threads should be opened, I'd sit in a corner, patting people in the back ocasionally and following the general circlejerk.
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Where, in my post, did I say anything about what you, MrCastiglia, think or feel?
It seems you're the one making assumptions. P
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While Sooth is a bit more harsher with his words than I would like, I do agree with him on this. Any reason that a person feels is valid for blacklisting is good enough since it is a matter of how the person chooses to spend his/her money. We may see it as odd or irrational, but ultimately, they are the ones who are spending their hard earned cash on making a giveaway and they should have some degree of control as to who they spend it on.
Most peeps do not think twice about blacklisting and I know many forgot the reason why some are added and routinely clean theirs. No point about sweating over something peeps don't think twice about, and I doubt peeps do it for 'powa' :P.
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Oh, I'm not denying anyone the possibility of blacklisting anyone they so desire over the most meaningless thing. They are free to do so, I just don't share their view and I was giving my opinion.
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Ah okay, fair enough. Your tone in your original post came off a bit combative though :P.
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I'm sorry but I've been deflecting personal attacks and stuff all morning and I was a bit on the edge when I posted., not to mention that I tend to sound combative when speaking. Anyhow, not my intention.
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I don't follow you, mind clarifying your statement?
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Your poll is a little bit biased isn't it ? In your case it's hard to tell since you don't have any obvious infractions. Did you thank the creators of the GAs you won (beside the Developer ones) because that would be a possible reason.
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Don't be sad about that, I am on 78 blacklists and I don't feel bad about it. It may just be someone who didn't like a reply you made.
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Before the Unpopular opinion thread I had 73 so I guess the topic works :p
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Haha, I think it's due to my comments. People blacklist me for the "rude" ones, then later notice that I'm nice and helpful more than I am rude so they unblacklist me.
And damn, was my ratio really that bad back then. Do you remember what it was? Anyway, I'm happy about improving it. I'm sure I'll feel even better once I get it to 1:1
I removed you from my blacklist.
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remocved you as well (damn now need 1 more BL for milestone ;p) ;)
your ratio was not as horrible as some of people around here (like 10:1 or 100:1 or record I've seen 200+ : 1 ;) ) but had to be blow 2:1 both numerical and value-wise, because that is the treshhold I use for BLs ;p
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not 190 but probably quite a few ;) I know that I've been BLed by 5-6 big contributors. A few BLs from "normal" users, the rest are either like you said jelly low levels or revenge blacklisting ;) As I mostly BL for rulebreaking and horrible ratios like 10:1 it's not that I care much because I'm not missing a lot of GAs from person who makes 1 bundle leftover GA per year ;)
Another thing is that I consider WLs much more important than BLs. Anyone can BL anyone, a lot of people BLing others don't even make GAs, while if someone is making a WL it means he's intending to make GAs for this WL in the first place. That being said I'm at almost 600 WLs so compared to that I couldn't care less about these 200 BLs ;p
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most people I found who bl me were lvl 6 who arent active at the forums. So it means they read what people say here, but dont share their thoughts
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I know only 2 persons which BL me, others dont know and dont care to much. Yea forum is great place to get on someone bl :D it does not matter what you write, every 10-15 post is 1 bl :D they just hate when someone talk to much.
I dont make giveaways for wl for now, l cant realy afford some good game, so for now l just adding people totally random, when l read forum and see someone is kind, or have good ratio or some like that l add him, l dont looking for they so its reason why l dont have a lot of people on wl.
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Mine shall grow now, but perhaps they dont have any to share :P Hey buddy
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hey hi :)
It can grow every day so I dont worry anymore
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LOL look this l comment on giveaway and got blacklisted becouse he giveaway free game :D amazing guy
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thats not the only thing this one did look at the trade topic
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All they do is read comments, blacklist you and run off with their tail between their legs.
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Well, SG users are a lot like people, some of them act badly because they have had a hard life or have been mistreated. But like people, some of them are just, jerks
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Not really ;) I went and checked after I posted and there was only 1 where you forgot. As I said Developer GAs don't count because I doubt LOLISH would want a Thank you from every single one of the 50.000 winners of his GA.
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Why blacklisting?
Why blacklisting threads?
It's the exact same mentality of over-concern as those utilizing blacklist whimsically, but with less justifiablity.
The BL/WL section of the stats page was a terrible idea, it gives those prone to overreaction a basis for engaging.
Look- it's frivolous to post about your hangnail, since it's minor, and mundane. But it's personal to you, so I can respect your sentiments. But griping over someone excluding you is like being in high school and listening to someone gripe about another clique than their own.
Just ignore it, they weren't relevant to you to begin with. Expecting every table you randomly go up to to like you when you go up to it and act the fool-
..actually, that worked for me in high school. But nevertheless, you don't stand on a table and denounce those that didn't "click" with you, you respect their difference in perspective and move on.
( Note, this isn't meant to be hostile toward you. I just can't understand the concern in the least, myself [I have never once worried about blacklists, and don't view my own as "personal"], and it comes up daily. )
( If you're actually looking for negative traits in yourself/social faux pas to fix, then kudos, though you may want to tweak your phrasing to reflect that. :)
..And maybe make a less ridiculous poll next time :P )
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It's not like I'll start cutting because of it, I'm mainly curious of 'why'. Yeah it makes me sad that someone decides for some reason that I'm a bad person, again, not going to cut myself over it. I just don't get why some apparently makes a sport out of it (based on others responses here it seems to be a thing), and looking for enlightenment.
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People blacklist for plenty of reasons that aren't character judgements, and many blacklists are based in impartial, consistent rules the user applies evenly to everyone.
I imagine a lot of the drama about the topic is when those who view their own blacklists as deeply personal, can't grasp others approaching the matter with a different mindset.
some people are douches, but they tend to make themselves all-too-visible, so you'll likely get your own chance to filter them out in time. For the rest.. what does it matter? Do you cry over every party in town you can't visit, each night?
It's not directly affecting you, or taking points from you, or anything. Just let it pass. :)
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+1 That's why I've stopped getting into long arguments on the Forums because there is always someone who pretty much explains my exact point of view (and normally takes more time to do it then I would and does it better then I could anyway).
The funny thing is it's always the same 10 - 25 people :D
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What impartial, consistent rules are there that, once broken, render a person irrecoverably tainted and condemned to a blacklist forevermore? Or do you check every person on your blacklist regularly to see if they've redeemed themselves? How often? Do those people even know they've broken one of your personal rules, and have a negative trait they may wish to try to correct in themselves?
The issue XistenZ has is not that blacklisting is impartial or unfair per se, but it's not transparent. If you get kicked out of a party- or excluded from a clique in school- you at least have some idea of why it happened, and what you might be able to change about yourself if being accepted by that group is that important to you.
All that would need to happen is for blacklisters to say:
"Hi, I'm blacklisting you because you did X.
I don't want to get into an argument over whether X is better than Y or not. It's just a personal rule I have that I prefer Y.
If you start doing Y instead of X, let me know, and I'll take you off my blacklist then."
Then the blacklist could be something that inspires people to try to better themselves, rather than inspiring forum posts complaining about it.
(And I don't mean this as a personal attack on you; merely speaking to you to address the issues I see in such as system.)
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have you posted something in the formums? then you have your answer ^^
or haven´t you given away much? or have you given away too much. have you made a joke? were you unfunny? profile picture not good enough? maybe it´s the name? reasons are everywhere ^^
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Yeah, this is what I was curious about, but the answer below confirms that he didn't knew about it. By the way, it was meant to literally mean God, not just a deity in general. A little jab from the producers towards biotechnology and the futurists who envisioned what it may do without ethical constraints.
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It's a "rebel way" of writing existence :) what else did you have in mind?
I've had this nickname for a very long time, too bad crapmovies like "eXistenZ" (havn't seen it? Don't, it's rubbish) and crapwebsites "" is fakenicking me :/ even random people beat me to it on most websites/forums/games so I end up being XistenZz with 2 'z'... hard life
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If you ask why blacklisting then I ask why not blacklisting. If I remember corectly it has a limit like 1000 so not a problem.
Or a better question , why whitelisting ... well because it has a meaning , the same with blacklisting .
Or another question why are you asking this question of yours for what purpose ?
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Also a question how can you know by how many people you are blacklisted/ whitelisted ? And I know what you said, it is ok to give a user the posibility to block 1000 users and if a user has 1000+ blocks or even 100+ it is suspicios for that user because he sure did something to piss off all that people.
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I meant if you can see how many people blocked you ,I know about the stats !
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I am a bit confused.
If you want to see on how many blacklists you are, go to the community stats (link above), and scroll down to blacklist / whitelist graph.
If you want to see how many people are on your blacklist, go here:
If you want to see exactly which users blacklisted you, it's not possible.
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I recall couple of individuals stating that they blacklisted anyone level 7+ ("because they clearly have enough games, if they can afford to give so many away"). I could even appreciate that sentiment, if it wasn't full of logical errors, and the individuals involved ended up proving themselves hypocrites and intentional leeches.
I'd assume that's the only kind of blacklist you get?
Well, that or blacklists from blasphemers that can't recognize the true glory of Barbie, of course. (May she take pity on their folly.)
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Sometimes I wish I know why people blacklisted me. Surely there are cases where it's only because I blacklisted them first, but there must be legit reasons too, and I want to know, so, in cases where it was deserved, I can apologize and/or try to explain myself - not it order to be removed from their BL, just to set things right.
But maybe I would be too thin-skinned and that would cause drama, so better keep it anonymous.
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Are the two forum posts related?
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Some reasons why people blacklist:
There you have it. Honestly, don't worry about it. Peeps say it is a "power" thing but most don't even think twice about blacklisting and you shouldn't either. There are thousands of gibs on this site and it is impossible to be blacklisted by enough peeps to where it will seriously affect you. Even the most famous sg troll, now retired, managed to keep on winning despite of being on close to 1k blacklists.
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I wonder if those mentioning "power" themselves view it as such (I actually am certain of some specific few that do), and that's why they always belabor that point.
Personally, I don't see how it could be a power consideration (outside of the power to not have to give games to those you don't feel comfortable giving to, which is a protective power), given that power plays are typically based in highlighting inclusion.
In other words, whitelisting is the most feasible way to assert power, but you never see anyone other than myself bring WLing into the matter.
It's a ridiculous, arbitrary, and (to my mind) counter-intuitive thing to gripe about.
[And, overwhelmingly, those that gripe the loudest about BLs tend to either have reason to get BLed often, or use their own BLs in the exact same way they claim others do.)
It's all so silly, and worst of all, nothing productive is ever brought into it- it's all just an excuse to complain about the actions of others.
And threads made just to complain? Why, those are the ultimate "shitposts".
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I usually blacklist regifters, but nobody else. Everybody has her/his own reasons; I don't really care about the blacklists I'm on.
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I just noticed on my stats-page someone blacklisted me. I have no idea why, and I feel sad that someone has something against me :(
What's the reason to blacklist random people? Some hidden achievement?
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