"Game of the Year" usually means "Includes all DLC/Expansion Packs," I have no idea why THQ and HIB seem to be adding insult to injury with this already controversial bundle.
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Many things. Off the top of my head: (please help me make bulletpoints)
Must pay at least $1; any other bundle let you pay as little as one cent
Not exactly "humble" since they were all pretty successful games
Not really "indie" either
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Space between the * and the sentence to the bullet.
HumbleBundle has been pay at least 1$ to get Steam keys since last Christmas, with a less amount you only got the sountracks
Well, you have a point, but even being it from a big developer they have mantained their status.
It's not indie at all nor it claims to be. It's called HumbleTHQBundle
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You're missing the point. What you say is true, but these games are ONLY available to Steam - if you paid 0.01 cents in any previous bundle, you were still able to download and play the games. You can't do that with this bundle.
Like I said, this is general controversy; other people's arguments
Again, missing the point: HIB was built upon selling indie games, they're switching to now selling publisher games which leaves a bad taste in some peoples' mouths.
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It's asterisk space sentence
Apart from the fact that I consider lame to pay less than a dollar, you still got the soundtracks. Their policy was not to give Steam keys under a 1$ purchase. And in this bundle there's no DRM-free version-
Yeah, that's each one's opnion. I've already said mine.
They had another developer bundles such as Mojanj or Frozenbyte. And I do not see why this new policy could be bad in any way. As long as the keep up with the HiB stuff.
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That's why people are upset. They don't like that HIB had a tradition of providing games DRM-free and then broke that tradition.
snipped for end of argument
Indie DEVELOPER. They do indie developer bundles. This was a publisher bundle, that's the difference.
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Glad you managed to get those pesky bullets.
Sure! DRM free versions would have been great too. The thing is that most likely THQ didn't approve it.
Yeah, but having in mind THQ's currently finantial conditions I think that a bit of support is always great, whatever the source is.
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Exactly - people don't like thinking that HIB abandoned its own values to get the deal instead of making THQ live by HIB's standards.
Yeah, people just think it's greedy corporate marketing that THQ is "leeching off of the popularity of HIB for its own profit."
I'm not saying I agree with these arguments; to be honest, I don't really know where I stand on the matter. I'm just explaining to you why there is a controversy; it's basically died down now that everyone has their own opinion and they're not going through the day-one back-and-forth of arguing over who's right and who's wrong.
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Yeah sure! I just wanted a bit of reasonable discussion. It's always good to share different points of view.
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Same here; I love discussing philosophy and all. Good luck with your Dawn of War fiasco
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Truth to be told I wouldn't mind intercalating like good oldie games from big devs with the already wonderful HiB the make.
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I was going to disagree, but then I realized just how much I would pay for Diablo 2 or Command and Conquer: Generals to be on Steam.
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Again... developer =/= publisher.
Beyond that, you've brought up the major concern the bundle has raised. Yeah, we all know humble indie bundles as we know them will come back, but will they stay? The fear of creating a new precedent for publisher bundles defeats the spirit of HIB for many people.
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Sorry, I always get pub/dev mixed up, and Sega was the first thing that came to mind >.>
I know I, for one, will go to the other half dozen indie bundle sites first from now on. It's not like HIB has a monopoly or anything. I want indie games when I go to indie bundle stores. Steam already has cheap-as-free prices for these big name games around sale time. (For the record, I bought the shit out of this bundle and I got one for a christmas present for my brother, but I still don't have to like it >.>)
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I see the whole thing mostly as an act of mercy from HIB since THQ has basically fell down the crappipe. HIB still allows you to choose not to give any money to THQ, though, so if you really feel bad about it just send all the money to charity.
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Sorry, I was distracted by an assignment and accidentally forgot to actually include my point (whoops!)
I want to believe that this bundle was just a kindness from HIB to THQ, and not any sort of attempt for HIB to root itself in the publisher market. THQ has published some of the more decent games throughout my lifetime, and their financial crisis is pretty upsetting. I like to think that HIB is just making an exception, nothing more. But only time will prove me right or wrong.
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No worries :P
And I'm sure you're right. I'm sure this is a one time thing, but I'd prefer not to have to hold my breath next bundle. Now instead of waiting to see what cool new gems that I've never heard of will be next, I'm secretly worrying that it will be another non indie or bailout bundle, and because of that, I'm checking all the other bundle sites first until a bundle or two has gone by and they've regained my trust.
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Unfortunately not many other bundles sell games I'm interested in. A lot of games in other bundles generally hold 50s/60s on MetaCritic, and I know MetaCritic is a bad reference, but still - when a game has a 60 on Metacritic it's almost always a sign of an incomplete/unpolished game (for example: EYE Cyberdine Supremacy). There's the occasional game that catches my attention (for example: Tropico 3 was something I was looking at), but HIB still has a better history of offering games I think I'd genuinely like - the previous bundle I bought just for Space Pirates and Zombies, and it also came with Torchlight and other games I heard were great but still haven't gotten around to playing.
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Just saying that MetaCritic scores are not always the most reliable source. EYE: Divine Cybermancy is one of my favorite games along with APB: Reloaded and Mount and Blade: Warband. A major issue with MetaCritic is that scores from reviews cannot be updated after a major patch or change to the game due to MetaCritic's policy of only taking the first review. Another issue is that reviewers cannot pull their reviews from the site if the review is incorrect, as was the case with Natural Selection 2. Sure MetaCritic is a good database for reviews but the scores are not always accurate reflections of the game. I apologise for any spelling/grammar mistakes, typing this on a tablet.
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The chances that someone will like EYE are much lower than the chances that someone will like Torchlight, if you get what I'm saying.
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Honestly, I prefer EYE to both Torchlight and Torchlight 2. Due to things such as it's low MetaCritic score not many people bothered picking up the game and trying it out.
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So you seriously think not being able to get Metro 2033, Darksiders, all COH games, RF:Armageddon + DLC, AND Warhammer 40k for less than a dollar is a legitimate complaint? Pfff. That is low.
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"Not exactly "humble" since they were all pretty successful games"
Depends on what the "humble" is supposed to mean. To me it refers to the pay-what-you-want : "here's our games, give us what you think they are worth", rather than "we think our games are worth $20"
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As I've said the site is called Humble Bundle (No indie at all) And the Bundle Humble THQ Bundle. I see no problem there.
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Where does it say that this is a Humble Indie Bundle? As far as I know, Humble's Indie Bundle 6 came before this one and their Indie Bundle 7 will come after. Was there some kind of misunderstanding that this was being marketed as Indie Bundle 6.5?
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You're missing the point. HIB built a name on selling indie games and getting indie developers to be known to more people. I'm certain HIB is one of the main causes indie games have become so much more prominent in the last few years. And now they're selling publisher games. I'm not saying I agree with the contempt towards the Humble Bundle, but I can certainly see why that makes many people unhappy.
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Which makes it a bit of a misnomer, considering how GotY is taken these days. I don't know of any other GotY games off the top of my head that didn't include all of the DLC currently available for the game.
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Was all the other DLC released before or after the GotY edition? I was under the impression that all of the other DLC simply came after the GotY edition was released.
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Ah yes, you may be correct. I think they should only do a GOTY/complete pack once all planned DLC is done.
Gets messy and confusing otherwise.
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I still hope Steam will somehow have it so both this and the expansion are released to Steam as GOTY edition so that the people who bought the main game can buy the expansion.
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Does anyone else realize that THQ just sold us their leftovers with this bundle? Think about, most of these games are getting older and have sold past their peak. Plus they sold the games and not the DLC in the bundle. Anyone who has worked retail knows it is the little add on items where you make your money. It is kinda like buying a pizza from the local pizza place for a buck before they throw it out.
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First off, Saints Row: The Third isn't exactly "old." But yes, the lack of DLC was pure marketing, which is another reason people had problems with the bundle.
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It is over a year old, and THQ and Humble Bundle were geniuses for this bundle. Everyone who was going to pay retail for these already bought them at full price or on sale. Bundles like these (including indie bundles) are meant for one thing. To get people on the fence about buying to buy. It is Sales 101. It is the same reason you get discounts buying contract phones through your cell provider.
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I didn't disagree, so I don't know what you're fighting for. THQ specifically released the base games without the DLC, which was only intended to generate more money. But to be fair, in their position, it's not hard to justify it.
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I wasn't meaning for that to sound like I was picking a fight, and I probably missed my intended point. My point was that every bundle is to get you to buy whatever wares they are peddling and what the bundles do best is bring games people wouldn't normally buy to them. My 65 year old mom bought a bundle to get into gaming, so she could have something to do. Sorry when it is late and I am tired I tend to lose focus. Great chat though.
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No hard feelings man, same thing here. And I don't think "every" bundle has that goal - I don't think HIB 6 was peddling nonexistent Torchlight DLC. The THQ bundle is inarguably geared to getting people to pay more for content, and maybe that's cheap, but as I said before, given their situation, it's not hard to justify.
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As opposed to activating a platinum and getting both expansions? Not to mention that they have lower euro prices (half of the US prices) if you wanted to trade for one. But whatever rocks your socks.
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Apparently the Dawn of War from the HiB bundle does not include the expansion pack. Does that mean we're screwed from getting the expansion pack ever if we used the code to add it to our accounts? Because I would be ticked if I wasn't able to get the expansion pack for this game at all.
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