When you think about villains in videogames, the general person thinks of "person who is evil, does evil stuff, defeated by good guys". However, I'm curious what people's opinions are on what makes a videogame villain so memorable, popular, intimidating, mischievous, unpredictable.

Name a few villains from past videogames as examples is always nice!

7 years ago

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I don't know, it's hard to really define why I like certain villains over others. I guess I'll just name a few I do like.... can't tell you why, I just do.

Caius Ballad: I don't know why, but out of every Final Fantasy villain, Caius always seemed the best to me.

Master Xehanort: Okay maybe I'm biased on KH with it being one my favorite franchises, but out of all the over-the-top villains in KH, Master Xehanort is like the villain of villains, the baddest of the bad, all the other ones are him. It also didn't help that Leonard Nimoy was his VA. I'm still waiting for the replacement so I can be sad.

I don't know, I like the majority of villains so long as they aren't one-dimensional, give them a personality, a decent back-story, bonus points if they are the hero gone bad, those are always good.

But Caius and Master Xehanort are always the first two I think of when thinking of villains that I like.

7 years ago

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I agree to both.
Caius is a fantastic villian. He just wants to protect someone and he will do everything for it.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Memorable villains are made by the electoral college. That's some edgy political stuff

7 years ago*

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Pagan Min from Far Cry 4 is a great bad guy. Funny at times and just all around crazy.

7 years ago

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Any NPC from escort missions.

7 years ago

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I like villians who have a clear goal and are not doing things just for the sake of being evil.
Caius from Final Fantasy 13-2 was in my opinion a great villian.

7 years ago

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This guy.

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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It depends on the genre. For a goofy adventure game, a good villain is over the top and entertaining, like Gruntilda from Banjo-Kazooie. For most other games? I like villains that are smart and relatable. Human. The big bad from Tales of the Abyss was an extremist, trying to do something right in the worst way possible. In Zelda: Wind Waker, Ganondorf admits he wanted a better life for his people.

Of course eldrich abominations and egotistical "Because I Say So" bosses are also good. Taking own the latter is always cathartic.

7 years ago

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A great villain for me would be who is psychotic, sadistic and kind of like Joker.( I love him) Some of his quotes are really true and intelligent. Some of his actions are psychotic.
So yeah... psychotic,sadistic and very intelligent--- trust me, it's terrifying when a villain is both a psycho and smart.

7 years ago

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