Does one should enter Version GAs?
Well it depends on the game i guess... i mean i have Deus ex human revolution but not the director's cut, and there are quite some changes on the director's cut from what i know
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Director's Cut, Redux, and GOTY editions are all basically ways of saying the same thing.
Generally, they all have new content added [versus the base game].
Anniversary or Complete editions are typically just soundtrack/art/dev commentary additions, or bundled episodes/games, respectively.
There's no real firm rule to the phrasing, but you can definitely sort it into those two categories.
The first is a basically a game with bundled in DLC. By all rights, it should fall under the basic game bundle/majority content/creator discretion rules, but it is, in any case, a different end game, often with notably different or enhanced content.
Complete editions (that lack new content) are clearly just rebundles, and trying to dupe up on them is identical to trying to get the exact same game twice, just because it has two different steamids, except in this case, you're trying to get MULTIPLE games.
Anniversery editions/Deluxe editions tend to be a bit more dubious;
If you can't get the soundtrack/artwork separately, then they're functionally different, and count as different games.
If you can get that content separately, then it should be treated as a bundle of the base game + DLC, and go back to being under creator discretion.
Of course, this is just logic assessment, here's the official staff statement.
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If fine if he's actually interested in the "version"
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Usually I ask giveaway creator. If he is agree - I enter. This should not be against the rules, if technically it's a different steam app id. So, actually none of the answer in poll suits me)
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i think if you state something about this in the GA description support will approve a re-roll. but not sure
i own both Deponia complete, and the first deponia. which i got from a bundle. but i can still enter the rest, but won't cause why?
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We don't. You can reroll if it's a pack and the winner owns at least one item from the pack, but not if it's a completely different edition of a game that the winner owns, like the Metro Redux games or the Director's Cut of Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
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really? like the example i gave of deponia?
if i own deponia complete and i enter for the other ones. it is the same game. i OWN it.
oh well, your call. thanks for clearing it up
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You're missing the topic [as I'm interpreting it] completely.
The OP, at least, is discussing specifically games with minor or no content differences.
Deponia, for example, is- the added bugs aside- exactly the same games, but bundled together.
Ergo, it counts as a 3-game bundle, not a 'completely different edition'.
As far as, say, Ankh Anniversary, I personally wouldn't consider the addition of a tier-up of resolution, artwork and soundtrack, 'a completely different version', but that's not my call to make :P
You should PROBABLY clarify THAT one. :X
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Deponia: The Complete Journey features over 4 hours of Developer's Commentary, a Deponia world map that allows for selection of each chapter of the game, a comprehensive graphical questlog help system, minigame help screens, a new launch menu, new hidden collectables, Linux support, plus 6 new songs written and sung by Poki and Behind-the-Scenes videos
We wouldn't reroll.
Example of what we would reroll : Fallout 3 GOTY, if the winner owns Fallout 3. It's possible to own both as separate entries in your library, but there isn't a single difference between F3 + all DLCs and F3 GOTY.
For Ankh, aren't they completely different games ? I though Ankh - Anniversary Edition was the first game in the series, and the Ankh Pack contained the 2 next games.
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I apologize, I was misinformed of the content differences in Complete Journey.
And true, Ankh is a poor example, since the non-anniversary edition isn't available on Steam [or perhaps, got universally replaced by the Anniversary Edition]. It was more a hypothetical of 'if it was'.
In any case, it's good to have clarification that you DO assess the circumstances by actual content relativity.
I didn't expect that, given my previous interactions with staff- so the clarification is a welcome one, and is reassuring in noting that we wouldn't be 'forced' to 'waste' games in such circumstances.
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It was confusing about Ankh and similar yet you made it clear that if you join a GA for a Steam Sub, which other components also sold in Steam, it may be rerolled if you own a part of a Sub. And if you join a GA for a Pack, or similar naming but 'NO Steam SUB', it is considered a separate GA. Thanks for official input..
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Note that Fallout 3 GOTY isn't a sub, but like I said we would reroll if the winner owns Fallout 3, because there isn't a single difference between Fallout 3 GOTY & Fallout 3 + all DLCs. But it's a rare case.
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My contemplations, below.
See TempeteJoachim's comment above for official clarification.
Well, consider it this way.
Ankh Anniversary is basically a Game+Soundtrack entry on Steam. Were the non-anniversary version of Ankh also available on Steam, then:
1: If the extra content was available for separate purchase, it won't not be a functionally different game, but rather, a bundled version of the game and its DLC. As such, giveaway creator discretion applies.
2: If the extra content were not separately available, it'd be a different game altogether, and not valid for reroll.
As far as Deponia, The Complete Journey is so bug-ridden, one could argue that they're getting a 'working version' of the game they already own, if you're giving away the individual games, despite them having less content.
Whether that's justifiable for you, or if you feel they should wait for the developers to potentially fix the issues, is up to you- but there doesn't seem to be any premise in the rules for them entering such giveaways if they already own Complete Journey .
Ahem. But yeah, tl;dr version:
There's never real cause to allow people to enter different-version giveaways, except in such circumstances where there's a noticeable difference in content, and the developers haven't allowed for a separate upgrade option.
When it comes to minor, non-content differences:
That's exactly like someone having a Playstation version of a game, and wanting an X-Box version of it as well. Sure, there may be some graphic, even some minor content differences, but not enough to justify you asking for an extra copy.
If you want it that bad, get it yourself. :P
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Thanks for the input, and also if I remember correctly once were Steam Subs of some games later become sold as Packs, GOTY or w/e as a single appid in which all DLC all packed together within game, not via Steam client.
For example:
Commander: Conquest of the Americas has seperate DLCs
Commander: Conquest of the Americas Gold has all DLCs within, outside Steam DLC system
This repeats in East India Company, and Pirates of the Black Cove as well.
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As a general rule, I don't enter bundles where I own more than a small minority of the content, or enter giveaways for different-version-games.
It may not be the ideal copy of the game I have, but it IS a functional copy, and since Steam doesn't refund previously purchased versions, you're basically 'wasting' part of the giveaway being offered.
And that's a shame, for people who don't yet have access to the game at all, and could get more out of it than you.
Turning that around, you can see why I find it pretty rude when people enter things they already own the majority of. It's one thing if they ask first before entering- it means they respect you enough to acknowledge you and your perspectives- but if they don't do that, it's just part of the bullying/entitlement issues I've noticed among an unfortunate number of users have here on Steamgifts, primarily among low-contribution leech-ratioed users.
Of course, these things aren't ever clear-cut- there are often times when people have a valid reason for wanting a different version: Say, their current version may not work with their friend's version for co-op, or they simply forgot they had the other version when they entered (that's on you to check before giving them the key).
But yeah, consciously entering a giveaway because you feel you have more right to a dlc or minor enhancement, than someone else has to the full game.. really.. bugs me.
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Another difference in those cases specifically aside from the inclusion of DLCs is the lack of certain features. The original versions may require separate purchases for DLC but they include steam achievements which the Gold versions don't. The Gold versions have been free on numerous occassions and people obviously spammed giveaways for these under the Complete versions(original and dlc, as opposed to Gold) making it almost impossible to find the content I actually wanted to enter.
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Yeah, I guess it depends on the game really. But mostly, if I own a game and the other just have, for exemple, an artbook extra, I wouldn't enter, because I already own the game and I figure someone else would enjoy much more than me. But for some games, if it's a big difference, than I would probably just ask the creator of the GA if he mind. I think it should be his call.
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i think it's fine if you are entering for a newer version of a game you already own.
entering for a pack/complete version of something you own the base game... that's up to the ga creator since rerolls are allowed.
entering for an older version would be 100% greedy, but not against the rules.
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Metro 2033 Redux is pretty much different than Regular Metro 2033...
I think everyone played both knows that "Redux" really changes the game atmosphere at point to give a totally different gaming experience...
In any case, I always ask before enter...
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It's not really always that clear cut. The DC for DXHR for example was built upon the original unpatched version of the game and so reintroduced a number of bugs that had been fixed in the original version. It's totally understandable that people might want to play a working game over having the DLC be integrated. Or Sleeping Dogs, maybe you bought DE and it didn't run as well as you liked even after playing with the settings. You also save space with the original as you don't have to download the high res texture pack. DE might not require you to use it but you still have to download it. Or maybe one of the many games that owners got free upgrades of but the originals can no longer be bought.
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This is what i think ...
Metro Last Light Redux vs Metro Last Light (Removed) - that is okay i think since they are different with tweaks to game play and graphics and so on,which makes both play different,though i would think it not enough to warrant someone having one of the two to not enter for the second and give someone a chance that has neither to play it,this is why people who create GA should be clear about if they care if the other person owns the older version and apply to any game that may have been updated or remastered.
Deponia Series vs Deponia Complete Journey -as long as the give away creator is okay with it i see no problem with this...a lot have the first one since it was free
Ankh Pack vs Ankh Anniversary Edition - again i think this falls under what the GA creator would prefer as they would have the right to re-roll if they so chose the same
Car Mechanic '14 vs Car Mechanic '15 those are two different games,they may be have some aspects that are the same but still sold as different games,just the same as sports title so i think that is okay no matter what
What i would like to see more of is people who make GA's for packs or remakes of games to more clear on who they want to enter for Deponia complete be clear on if you care if a person has one game same with other games sold in complete editions or collection.
As far as remastered games since they are updated with newer graphics and maybe game play changes or may include things the other game does not should be allowed even if you have the older game.
I do think when it comes to single games that include all DLC you should not enter if you won the base game,but they should be clear on what dlc you can or can not have to enter or how many games they can have it it is a franchise pack.
That just what i think anyhow
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Remakes or re-released versions are fine to enter, even if it's the exact same game as you have. I was upset when Director's Cut came out as basically a $5 patch to Deus Ex: HR, and I wouldn't be mad if anyone with Director's Cut wanted the "original" version on Steam also. It has different achievements and might help someone who collects removed games.
Giveaways with bundled DLC are a different story. If you only need DLC which costs maybe a third of the entire bundle giveaway, then don't enter. However; if the giveaway has the entire game, where the base game was a popular freebie or discounted to nothing, then it's fine for anyone with the base game to enter even if they only get the DLC.
I would always mention these constraints if I were making the giveaway though.
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As you maybe aware there are improved, or extras added, versions of games on Steam. Like;
Metro Last Light Redux vs Metro Last Light (Removed)
Deponia Series vs Deponia Complete Journey
Ankh Pack vs Ankh Anniversary Edition
Car Mechanic '14 vs Car Mechanic '15
and many other more...
So I'd like to ask what's your opinion on entering those giveaways while you already "have the other version" of the game. More importantly what's the SG support stand on this? Because if it's a "no" or "maybe", it gives Gifter a justification to reroll the GA depending on this. Some version GAs might be completely overhauled but my questioning are mostly either higher resolution patches or artbook adds. So what do you think?
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