I like EA games too. Their Sports titles are consistently amazing.
People need a target for their anger. EA tends to be a target, because its so "Big" I think.
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Newest Madden game is allegadly a flop relative to last years? I wouldn't know the difference, but the rag doll physics in this one makes it pretty entertaining
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Don't really play Madden, but the metacritic scores look about equal, if not better, than the previous few years.
FIFA has some awesome Ragdoll physics. I'll grab a video...
EDIT: Fifa physics awesomeness
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Isn't that Euphoria? (from Max Payne 3, Madden, Star Wars the Force Unleashed, GTA IV and others)
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Because it's the internet, people like to hate things. And all the Valve fanboys hate that Origin is a competition to Steam.
And EA is greedy like all other big publishers and the games are also not as good as some years ago. I don't hate EA, but I also don't love it.
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i dislike their business practices, even before origin, they always used to screw over their customers with horrible servers, milked franchises and sloppy ports(for example fifa soccer 13 on the wii was exposed to be an exact copy of fifa 12 but with a few updated rosters, similar to the vita versions).
They have great studios like DICE under their belt but they end killing most of them off after the milk-train crahses.
Even worse they want to make every one of their titles free to play >.<.
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This. Gods, this. They raped Battlefield, turning it into a "every-other-year" franchise (BF4 next year, whoo!) in tandem with Medal of Honour, a game that had a ton of potential.
To be fair, with their sports games, you can generally get away with buying a new one every other or third year, since they generally put out roster updates (or do with Madden, not sure about FIFA) and don't put out some huge game-changer except at the times listed above.
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I'm a "Valve fanboy"...I have no issues with EA or Origin.
EA consists of a bunch of different developers, so people who just hate them as a whole tend to be very naive.
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I know but EA tells the dev studios what they have to do and EA decides what should be inside the games and makes the marketing. You can blame the devs when the games are bugged and such stuff but it's EA who decides everything, like making games Pay-2-Win or to release more DLC. The dev studios decide nothing, they just make the games. That's why people can hate EA.
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You mustn't think very highly of developers if you think they have no say what goes on with their games. EA has to approve everything, but trust me, devs have more say than you give them credit for. EA controls two things: the money and the marketing. The devs will have very little impact on the latter, but they do have a lot of say how the money gets spent. That's not to say EA gives them carte blanche, but the devs would have presented them a business plan that clearly outlines the funding required.
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You give EA more credit than they deserve. Working for a publisher means you need to regularly walk up to them with builds of your game and say "This is what I have and where I want to go" and EA can look at you and say "It needs more zombies, and get rid of the awesome physics engine" if they wanted to. Of course you're free to go on with your own creative vision, but if you like having money to feed your family you have to do what EA says, when they say it, how they say it.
Some developers (Bioware for example) have way more leeway because of their experience, and some publishers are more open about letting developers express their creativity, but EA has a history of forcing its marketing on the game and not vice versa.
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EA as a company is disliked for their management style and cut-throat / heartless tendencies within the industry.
I like The Sims :D
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From EA games I just like series MOH, BF and NeedForSpeed.. May some games for PS 2.... But EA as a company suck... Their support suck too >.< I have purchased game via internet... From their Elecrtonic shop. And I don't receive it.. I ask for help and they said about it's just my problem >.< GOD DAMN IT !
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People don't hate EA games, they just hate EA. Personalyl speaking I dislike them for cannibalising studios like Pandemic, Westwood and Bullfrog, which made some really great IPs beforehand. There's other reasons, but off the top of my head I don't recall.
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They boiled them in a big pot, and ATE THEIR SOULS!!
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They take over studios, sometimes trying to do so by force - IE, if the studio turns down EA's buy offer they'll contact the shareholders directly. Once they own the studios they start rushing development and cutting features to cash in on the new IPs, and inevitably they retire the studio. Pandemic, Westwood and Bullfrog are all victims; IPs like Star Wars Battlefront, Command & Conquer, Theme Park & Populous all belong to EA now. Most IPs won't get new games; those that do will get bastardised, like when the Scrin were introduced into C&C to make it more like Starcraft.
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People asking this probably don't recall such destroyed studios or the older EA games which kicked ass; NFS really is but a shim of NFS2 ... No more innovation or gameplay, just GRAPHICS GRAPHICS GRAPHICS...
/me happily thinks back to NFS:PU <3
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I like EA's games, probaly BF is one of my favourite FPS franchise, but EA as a company sucks.. thought they did many good things, but that was in the past.
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EA has a LOT of games and most of them are good ,but the company itself is hated not the games..
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Have you saw BF3 Premium Membership? I don't hate EA but that was their biggest ripoff.
1- Pre-order and get "Back To Karkand" for free.
2- The game releases and weeks later they release "Back To Karkand" for a price.
3- They release Premium Membership, which includes Back To Karkand and future DLC.
It's like purchasing the first DLC of a COD game and then they offer you the Season Pass.
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The most annoying thing with BF3 premium personally is the fact that in the beginning you bought the game and then the premium membership separately but now you can buy the game & premium at half the cost which is a kick in the balls to everyone who was playing from day one and got premium.
And then the "shortcut" packs, what a load of s**t they are!
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This is just games going on sale.... it happends to almost every single game. Why are you complaining? If you played since day one, i bet you have like 300+ hours into the game which cost you like 100 euro's? I personaly LOVE the premium part loads of extra stuff for 50 euro's
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They killed Ultima.
They killed Westwood Studios.
They killed Pandemic Studios.
They killed Bullfrog Productions.
And they are now making extremely mediocre games, aimed at casual audience, with like exception of one, maybe two. God damn, Activision as terrible as it is with their ports and dumping new COD every year, at least does something aside from that and does it better.
What else is there? Terrible consumer support, made of people who doesn't even know, that new Syndicate (oh god, how I wish it was released under the different title and not as a reboot of old Syndicate) was made by Starbreeze Studios, NOT Bioware.
I'm not really opposing Origin - I see the need of Valve and Steam having a good competitor and Origin does it fairly well (although, it definitely needs Achievements support - yes it's bullcrap, but it's a feature that PC games on the platforms outside of Steam always are missing in comparison to their console versions). The problem is when EA starts to rush titles, which results in ideas as stupid as Battlelog - now that's something I won't accept. Starting a game through a web-browser is stupid!
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It's not, starting the game through a web browser i think its fckin cool, it takes me few sec to join a game, while BF's ingame browsers were always buggy and took minutes to join.
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I hate EA for a bunch of reasons.
I'm sure there are more reasons but these are the ones that came to me immediately
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i was very sad when i heard that pandemic is closing.....they made son fun games like mercenaries(2) and destroy all human
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They are killing off the online servers/functionality of games they released barely 2 years ago, Like FIFA Soccer/Manager 11. WTF?? What if someone still wants to play those with friends online?
Also as far as I know the 11 series don't even have LAN functionality anymore, so you are pretty much stuck with playing against the computer.
They says they are doing it because only 1% of the people who bought it play it now. Why can't they merge all those games' online functionality to one server then, if the usage is so low?
I think this is just a shitty tactic to force people to buy the newer versions, which is disgusting...
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they also cripple their own games, then refuse to fix the problem
Spore, one of my best games, Sadly if you update to patch 5 (which, when using a licensed download version, you're forced to) it cripples the functionality, not allowing you to attack, sing or even eat.
Yet Steam have the common sense to remove the crippling patch, and give you a fully working version. It's not even their game and they fix EA's mess.
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Terrible policy and business practices that seem almost designed to piss off the consumer? Every interaction I've ever had with them has been a headache? Origin is a DRM engineered out of Steam jealousy and spite? When they give away games it is purely by accident, not goodwill? They run developers and series into the ground (I'm looking at you Command & Conquer)? Take your pick.
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I was hoping battlefield 3 premium would go on sale for 50% at least on origin during christmas, EA generously put it for 25%, off sigh....
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mh, in germany the whole bf franchise was off 50%... bf3 prem editin 30€, equals ~35-40$ or sth
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i hate ea itself, they are very greedy and their terrible business practice, they ran over both their costumers and developers, the costumers by taking amazing series and destroying them, a fine example is the need for speed series, and of course dragon age 2, also remember the "you must be online to play" drm. they dont let their developers put their games on steam as they want so ea can promote their origin thingy, another fine example is what happened to mass effect 3 by rushing it. also remember the sims? good game, however, the 100000 dlcs really ruined it. oh and i forgot THANKS TO THOSE ASSHOLES, PANDEMIC STUDIOS CLOSED, no mercenaries 3 :c
however i dont hate games published by ea, some of them are really awesome, bf3, army of two, spore and sims, mercenaries.
i remember back when sopa was borned that ea,nintendo and sony started to support it, oh boy that really killed my sides.
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Oh, I could go on for a long time about how much I downright abhor Bank of America and will never get an account with them.
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I hate EA mostly because they make my job harder. I do support for a gaming company and I often get customers who will even copy and paste me what EA said and I get stuff like they promise a refund, won't support things they should support, etc. This isn't just customers making up stories, some of my co-workers have gone to EA support and heard the same things. EA support is hideous and a good experience like you had seems to be rare indeed.
Plus it seems every policy they have is meant to screw customers over in some way. Online passes, anyone?
And their games aren't even that good.
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Why do lots of people hate them? I mean they're not that bad, support really helps you out and at the end of the chat they give you a coupon 15% off on any of they're games, sim points etc... And they're games aren't that bad, I like they're games and at times they gave away free games. so theres no need to hate them infact you should knell for them for making awesome games.
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