Smooth. Hope you find the method to automate the links. Still, it's pretty smooth as is.
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Maybe something like Compare2steam, since you can input a list of games and it should return a link for each one. Some games trip up the site, and you'll still have to manually copy and paste the store link, but it might save a bit of time?
Edit: I skipped ahead to the Help part and didn't see that you used Compare2Steam already. Sorry, wish I could be more help :\
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I thought I'd spend an hour or two on creating a better way to make a 'table' instead of a 'train'.
Thank you for the idea, because I really hate trains. Too much clicking for games you often end up owning most of. A chart is way better.
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The only thing I know is that is in json format. Maybe some games are missing tho. Not return a link, but you can construct it with the appid
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So since a few weeks Groupees now shows games set to Trade when filtering on games with unused Steam keys. This is super annoying as I used that function to see if I missed any new keys being added (greenlit games, etc.). The only 'fix' was to just remove them from trade and reveal the keys. Since I was doing that anyway I might as well just create some giveaways, eh?
So there I thought I'd spend an hour or two on creating a better way to make a 'table' instead of a 'train'. Obviously the below table is great if you have Sighery's RaChart™ Enhancer installed; you will see with pretty good accuracy which games you don't own yet and won't have to click through all the games you do own to get to them.
So, seven hours on... It turns out it's not as easy as I was hoping it to be. I created a php script and the first part is pretty easy; copying the innerHTML and the game names and links from the Giveaways Created page. But then we get to the second part... Since I couldn't find anything better I used Compare2Steam to get a table that includes a link to the Steam Store for each of the giveaways. But then you get all kinds of funny business with multiple tables when things are not recognised properly or if you don't own it yourself and you have to manually put rows from one table into the other. In the end I had to painstakingly check the results by hand, the complete reverse of what I was trying to accomplish. The table below should have all the links as they need to be, but yeah... And don't even get me started on the utf-8 problems; textContent might be the culprit but I don't even want to look into it now.
So what I want should be simple but all my Googling didn't find anything. Just a site (or an API) where I can just drop a list of game names into a textarea and get returned a list of links to the Steam Store, one per line for each game. Please let me know if you know of something like that; it will make future giveaways so much easier. Thanks!
Below is a table with giveaways (level 3), click to enter.
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