Oh Yeah, let the hounds run... Every criminal must have second chance! :)
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We are already so close. Time is like sand falling from between our fingers...
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That's a good commitment. I personally have thought often on doing a clear there yet and give people a "second chance". But then I also think 95% would repeat the same mistakes so I never end deciding on doing it. But it's laudable of you.
Personally I used to ignore Valentine's, then it became an important day-by-day concept, now I hate it.
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Well... Iam pretty sure... 1y from now, I have 80% of same users in my BL... But Hey!! I gave them a chance!!
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I don't mind that so much, as long as they actually activate their wins, and mark as received. That said, one on my BL has not activated anything in over a year, and has many comments on their Steam profile and previous GAs requesting activation. So no point me removing them.
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Well... I write to my GA's:
Please DO NOT say Thanks, unless U win?
And then there are, "Thnx" or something similar. for 3 GA's in Row., from same user...
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You just managed to get yourself to my BL (Blue List)
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I think i know you good enough to know that you don't BL for "mistakes".
People that abuse the cv system in a massive way, use autojoiners, resell their wins etc., don't do mistakes. They decide to go this route and they do it, in nearly all cases, not only one time or one week or something like this.
I checked each year, 4 years in a row, my BL completely. So 1k users.
If they changed their behavior why i blacklisted them and the result were only 4 - 8 each year had changed the behavior (more became perma suspensions).
From my point of view "it is wasted time" to check them and to give them a """second""" chance (they had in many cases multiple before my BL hit them).
Last year i don't checked if someone on my BL changed his behavior and i will not do it in the near future
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That's a good advice.
I also wonder why they need to insist in knowing why. I have someone behind me that has messaged me asking for an explanation twice. I guess at the third time they deserve a report, but since user reports go slow and often lead to nothing, I guess I'll do nothing. They have their right to question, but I have my right to not answer, and it seems this one doesn't get that.
In any case, blacklisting someone doesn't mean I hate them or I think they're bad persons. It's simple: I don't want them to have another chance to win a game from me. Simple as that. They had their chance, they didn't pass the minimum.
Also, asking someone here why they blacklisted you isn't "name calling"? Like "oh how bad of you blacklisting me with no reason, or at least some evil one; come here you all and watch this souless user". Just as you can't ask people to whitelist you, you shouldn't ask people why they blacklisted you, and much less to un-blacklist you.
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I understand the question about the BL reason.
I do that mostly too.
Firstly because i am curious and because i, maybe, done something with no bad intention that i could change/look more on it in the future.
It doesn't mean someone need to take me down from their BL and i never question for a un-blacklist. Their BL, their decission what they do with it.
Many don't answer the question and if they answer then the most come along with "you done only a small amount of public GAs" (which are still 150 GAs and many invite only GAs that were public because Cakeday threads and so on, so around 200 GAs, which means alone with them i done more as 90% of the SG users... so a BL for "only" 200 public GAs are from my point of view strange. Good luck to them to BL each one that done "only" 200 public GAs :-D -rofl-. But in the end, whatever floats their boat.) or "i don't liked your black sheep hunting and see it as too extreme" (which i can understand partly... but in the most cases the shady ones write this explanation, so it is mostly only funny to read it :-D).
Only a tiny amount are feedback that bring me some constructive critic. Where i realize then that my, not native english and my direct sentences was be seen as rude or something like this. With such stuff i can change something to the better if i want and see it as important enough.
Oh and i had 1x that i questioned someone 2x about the BL because i forgot the first time after X months.
So maybe the one that questioned you 2x was someone that only forgot it.
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Maybe they view your % low? Then again.. I wouldn't care. Most don't even 200 in total, let alone public
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While I agree that asking why is stupid on its own, it doesn't mean that your notion of passing the bear minimum isn't either. I generally have extremelly few in my bl but thinking that YOUR (or anyone's metrics) can justify a "they didn't pass the minimum" is laughable at best.. I can think of a few ways to totally fuck up to the point that even a bot would come alive and scream "wtf?!" but I highly doubt your bl consists of people like that
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You have enough people on your bl to make a habit to announce it. And people.. Not bots etc like masa
I don't need more than that. But feel free to share your "opinion"
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It is a good idea.
I add mostly people who won recently but not create any GA in last 4-5 years... I just hope that one time it will be a feature on site that we can create GA's only for other kind gifters.
I'll check... maybe some of them be active and gifting back...
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Absolutely not, there are only 23 people on my blacklist. These people blacklisted me before I blacklisted them. What made me feel stupid was that some people were on my white list while they were already BLed me and I was not aware. One guy specifically BLed me after I did two whitelist-only giveaways.
I am confident that I obey the rules, so these people got offended by something I did on forums mostly or their huge egos causing it. I respect everyone's decisions, they don't want me around for their reasons. But that's it now as I do not want them around even if they remove me from BL, they will stay in my BL.
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Cleaned up mine in December, removed every user I didn't have a memory of the reason for adding them. Will attempt to keep little more track of the reasons from now on.
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Too late for GA, but just in time for Greate Idea. I really like what you r talk about. I just can't remember what is for I added someone to BL. I'll clear it too, but next time I will marked reason for added persons.
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I've only got 12 people blacklisted. It feels like they belong there, but who knows.
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I don't have too many in my BlackList., only 31.
I will clear my BL, 13 / 14. February.
Oldest in my list are about 1y ago. I don't remember, why?
First GA for readers of this post:
Second GA for readers of this post:
Third GA for readers of this post:
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