The mind boggles as to why they didn't let him be saved..
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Well, if the proffesionals in care of said gorilla decided it was the only course of action possible, it had be done, I'm sorry but a human life is more importan than those of other animals, no matter how endangered their are.
Having said that someone should revise the fences or recint, and I'm not a particular fan of zoos unless they are those with huge spaces for animals where they can actually live properly.
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That is the issue indeed.. the "professionals" you mention. Apparently they had no plan of (emergency) action in such a case and acted like your typical trigger-happy (I can't be bothered to find a better description for them) cops who shoot on the head and then ask questions..
This sums up the problem with humans and the rest of the nature as well.. We don't understand it but it's fine to exploit it, benefit from it, drive it to extinction, put it on display, and when the hit fits the shan.. then we'll think about what to do. Ironically enough, the last known bird of the above link died in that same zoo, in captivity..
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I can make phrases out of words out of context. I don't and didn't act at all..they did. The acted "like" I said, which is enitrely different to the meaning you gave it. Please don't derail this..
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They have protocols for just this situation that they carried out. Yes its sad, but there are many other things in nature that are sad and unfair as well. We can't hate ourselves when things happen beyond our control.
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+1 the only reason so many crow that human lives are worth more is because we are one. our intelligence doesn't add any value to our lives whatsoever, we plot to destroy the planet more than any animal ever has
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What i read on some news-site, was that the gorilla tossed the little squirt around a few times up in the air ... while the whole situation dragging on for 10 min, the tranquilizer was out of question, because its effect would take too long. Shame on the shitty parents and or crappy safety measures - how the zoo personnel on the other hand acted, is likely protocol ... just imagine the possible lawsuit. Would've been interesting to see footage, might be some on liveleak but i haven't bothered to look yet.
edit.: now i have seen one and it looked wild in parts but more or less this:
"What a shame. I read the gorilla got physically aggressive and
then they shot him, but I haven't seen any video that confirms that."
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There's this video.. Watch without the stupid crowd's shouts, watch it all.. then tell me what you would think the gorilla's intentions "feel" like.. To me, not an expert in animal behaviour it seems the animal dragged the child to a different spot at some point (twice), seemingly a bit "harsher" than a parent who cares about their child would do (because we know there are parents..and parents) but at the new spot it shows no aggression and in fact show some affection. It looks more like trying to check whether the child is ok and protect it rather than attack it. How many minutes does a huge gorilla need to do harm anyway?..
PS. There was no tossing around in the air from what I read/saw.
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Yeah, if the gorilla meant harm, that boy wouldn't live anymore. I'm in no way an expert on animal behaviour, but there is no way that it would have gone through the trouble of dragging him around to then harm him, while he would have had an easier time just dragging a dead body around.
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I've heard about this. :'( I doubt that the gorilla would hurt that child. Firstly, they kill some lions because a suicidal person jumped in their cage. Then, some parents let their kid unattended and it jumps in the gorilla's cage and the gorilla didn't even try to harm it. F@ck the zoos, f@ck their personnel, and f@ck whoever harms animals unreasonably. -_-
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I found a more complete video if you care to watch. The hypocrisy of the media when some of these leeches foreward their "report" that the video might contain "hard to watch images". Of course, because watching imigrants/refugees in tragic/inhuman conditions in Greece is now so common that they're "easy to watch" (?!) and this video with a wild animal in captivity which didn't even remotely hurt the child, is hard to stomach..
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They show abroad the inhuman conditions of the refugees in Greece? I'm Greek and they don't show them that much here. :P Anyway, many things have happened with animals in the past, but I doubt that it's the animals' fault. You suddenly close them inside a cage and people start jumping in their cages, so what do you expect to happen? Is it the animals' fault? Not really. Like, with the lions' incident, what did you expect the lions to do when that suicidal person entered their cage? Start playing football with him? xD And yeah, the gorilla didn't anything to harm the kid. Thing is, will the kid's parents get punished? Will the personnel that killed the gorilla get punished? I doubt it.
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Ah, many questions.. Inquiing mind you are. Answers you seek, come they not..
PS. I'm not abroad, I'm on board ;)
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Contrary to what movies make us believe Tranquilizer guns do not put an animal to sleep immediatly. Of course it depends on the drug used, what kind of animal, the injection spot and the weight of the animal but normally Tranquilizers take 3 - 10 minutes to take effect.
But of course the animal is not at fault... depending on how the kid got in there I assume the parents are to blame.
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This. Plus, using too much of it can also be fatal. This is why we have a highly paid job called "anesthesiologist" whose primary duty is to figure out how to effectively put a person under anesthesia before medical procedures. They probably did have some tranquilizers around, but none specifically designed for the gorilla. They'd either be ineffective or just kill it anyway. Plus, if the gorilla notices the injection, it could see it as a threat and then the kid's in more danger.
Also, a lot of you are saying that the gorilla was attempting to protect the child. Tell me - what happens when you try to take a baby away from the animal protecting it? Getting that kid back was going to be a fight, or the parents were going to have to wait until the gorilla gave up. From the perspective of a parent, "wait an unspecified amount of time to get your kid back" is completely unacceptable and you'd sue the shit out of the zoo for child endangerment if they told you that.
There was no easy solution here.
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There may not be an easy solution since we don't know what would be an alternative. But don't assume that the gorilla would fight to keep the child. They have a sense of their species, they don't just grab other similarly looking creatures and keep as pets. For all we know if they had a proper (differently?) trained..trainer he/she could've gotten (fairly) close to the animal and retrieve the child without hostile intentions. We'll never know..
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You are not an expert on gorilla behavior. The keepers at the zoo are. They made a decision. You have no skill or experience on which to base a criticism of their decision. Doesn't mean that experts always make the best decision. But it does mean that I have no reason to believe your claims about what the gorilla might or might not do. And when you say, "We'll never know...," that's exactly why you have people with years of experience make the decision. Because there was a human child's life at risk, and we need someone with experience to evaluate that risk. Not some guy on the internet who hates zoos.
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Ask yourself what you would have said if by accident they had hit the child with that bullet or if the "bullet" in the case of the lions wasn't one from a tranquilizer gun. It is another case that..we'll never know..
(By the way, your reply to my "we'll never know" is nonsensical. No matter whether you have people with experience it's irrelevant of the existance of a possibility that an alternative turn of events could have taken place)
PS. I am not the only person around the internet who thinks there may have been alternatives courses of action. Search around..
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Hmmm... Some Guy On The Internet is appealing to the fact that there are also Other Guys On The Internet who think the same thing.
I'll repeat and elaborate: You have no basis on which to criticize the actions of the zookeepers. No experience, no training, no schooling. It doesn' sound like you have much experience with children, either. You are just an armchair outraged Guy On The Internet with no reasonable argument to make.
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Thanks for proving my point about humanity.
PS. Aw..blacklisted? Who's the enraged now.. Don't worry, it'll pass, you'll get better..maybe..
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depending on how the kid got in there I assume the parents are to blame
Probably yeah. If you just look at the video of it, it seems like that kid would not have had an easy time climbing in there. The parents probably just let him climb onto the wall and didn't try to protect him until it was too late. Of course the zoo is also part to blame, since it shouldn't really be possible for the kid to get in there in the first place. (The zoo I've been to, the animals and humans were seperated by at least 3 meters of deep water).
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I was wondering how it happened but couldn't find more than he fell in so I assume the parents lifted him so he could stand on the fence for a better view.... I've seen parents do that on the railing of a ~ 100 m high church tower in Prague with no additional safety other than the railing the kid was standing on. People like that should not be allowed to raise children.
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Even though I am against keeping animals in captivity (unless they are endangered and it's the only way to preserve them from being extinct), I'd probably make the same choice. No way I would risk the life of a child even if I thought that the gorilla wouldn't harm the kid.
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So on one hand you're against keeping animals in captivity yet you're ok with killing them "even if you think the animals wouldn't harm a human"? (Those are your words just in a more generalised way)
That is alarming..and thankfully you're not in charge of animals..
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It's easy to judge their decisions from the comfort of your bedroom. We can judge as much as we want and tell ourselves that we would act differently, yet none of us had to ever make such a choice. I'd rather be blamed for the death of a gorilla rather than the death of a child.
Those are my 2 cents.
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If he said he isn't okay with killing an animal harming a human being, I'd call him a potential murdered and liked the scene of a human being murdered by a nearly brainless animal. The guy just said he values humans life more than an animal(who by chance isn't so innocent, he tried to harm a human eventhough that animal's nature isn't so hostile).
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You have watched the video and asserted that the animal tried to harm the human?
Also "the guy" basically said that they wouldn't risk a human life even if (they thought) the animal wouldn't harm a human..
So in essence harm an animal no matter what their stance towards a human is.. Seriously?
Furthermore, you think it's completely safe to shoot an animal from whatever distance they shot it from, standing quite close to a child, without any chance of a fail?
Just some thoughts to re-consider..
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A lama isn't harmful to humans, but if she feels insecure she could hurt one, even a child. I find it okay for people to kill the animal even if it isn't the animal's natural behavior. And I meant that shooting the animal during his attempt to harm the child is acceptable(without the logical bullshit of how the child can get shot too), because it's called a reflex and whomever made the shot thought of the child's life against the animal life, would you let an animal chew a kid's head in front of your eyes?
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"without the logical bullshit of how the child get shot too" <-- I should refrain from answering to you sole for the fact that you replied like this. Yet I will.. First of all your phrase is non-sensical. If something is logical then you should follow it, think of it, take it into account or something similar to that extent. Unless you think illogical is the best course of action. Secondly I'll refer you to the lion case where the zookeeper tried to shoot the lions with tranquilizers and missed and hit the human.
Make of it what you will..
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I wouldn't blame the person who missed the shot, he was essentially doing the right thing, he saw a human in trouble, he decided to help, is that wrong? Regardless of whatever happens next, just think in the exact moment you see a human being hurt by an animal, would you do something if you had the chance and especialy if it concerns you(zoo keepers case)? Or would you just sit there shocked?
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First those two lions that were shot because a moron decided to jump in their enclosure and now this?! So if I understand it correctly, the gorilla didn't even do anything severe to the boy? Jesus Christ. People are awful. Also, keep your fucking kids at bay. God.
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I wouldn't even go that far. Sure, it would be practical, though it's not something you would be able to do all the time. Just imagine how often they would get caught up on stuff... but yeah, it would definitely also reduce the amount of accidents, I guess.
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I saw how few people used them here, it's not that bad.
First of all children aren't that dumb to not know that they can't run around a tree / poles, as they'd get caught in stuff. And secondly it's used mainly near roads / dangerous places. So they know "It's near road, so I'm gonna walk slowly near momma, and when we're at playground I will be able to run as much as I want to".
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In the few similar cases I have read where an animal did harm, in one way or another, a human, they more or less "blamed" the human for being there in the first place. In this case it would be the parents..
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how the actual fuck did the child slide down there, i mean first i guess there were some safety measures and second look at the high it fall...
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Pff details.. I ended up in two more blacklists because of this thread. This shit is serious!
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I don't really like zoos (except for the ones where animals are in half-liberty ) and it's really sad what happen.But we can't blame to much their decision about shooting the gorilla. Drogs can take long to be effective, and a tranquilizing shot could scare/anger the gorilla and be violent to defend himself, and maybe hurt the child really bad.. It's sad that they had no choice. Otherwise we can blam the poor quality of the protection ! this shouldn't happen...
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I read about this today. One would think that collective intellectuality should move forwards, alas this isn't the case. So these people, who supposedly know about animal behavior, put their pea-brains together and asserted that the gorilla would harm the boy. As if almost 1 minute wasn't enough to figure out that this animal could have done the damage already if that was the case. Furthermore apparently none has ever thought that a situation like this would ever happen so why keep a tranquiliser handy. There's no reason.
Nevermind the idiotic crowd which probably scared the gorilla with their shouts.. But we'll never know what the poor creature was about to do, or not to do..
Yeah.. I don't have high hopes for humanity..
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