The stupid thing is the fact, that the focus should be on the group recruitment even if its a review group and a curator page is a part of it. Every link should be removed if its not linkin to the group or what? But what are we talking? It will change nothing...
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Yeah, you're right. Doesn't fix anything really - but I don't like the idea of any links to any groups on group recruitment.
If one group related to steam (regular group non-related to steamgifts directly, curation, anything with a steam page) is penalized, than all should be. Even bundle-sharing groups. Especially those!
They are gaining a huge advantage over the rest of the community as well by getting a smaller group together so they can "break" the odds system and win more games for themselves... That fits the definition of the very rule they are pretending to be enforcing. Who's fooling who here?! Not complaining to you, but just throwing it out there, since some things are targeted and some are not being targeted for some reason...
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Hope you return soon Superfabs. I have had you in my WL for a long time already.
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It's been fun Superfabs, take care and good luck in your other endeavors.
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I don't know the backstory, but wish to say this. We'll miss you, Superfabs, if you do not come back. You've been in my WL for quite a while now for who you are. Even if you hadn't given away a game you would still be on it. Please decide to return. Please decide to let the hurt and annoyance go and return to being your cheerful self (though IDK exactly how you manage to be cheerful, given your health issues as you detailed elsewhere).
But, whatever you decide, I hope you have a fantastic time doing what you decide to do and a greatly blessed rest of your life.
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I know "rules" on this site can be annoying sometimes (because existing rules are too vague and even cg don't follow them, not to mention moderators), but I beg you - don't take all of this to heart, it's not worth it. Focus on something positive instead. I know it may seem hard, and you may need some time to cool down before you could do it, but it's for your own good. And of course, if you will fill better outside of here - just do it.
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it is good that I dont know how to write in english, so i dont make topics that mods can close/delete
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Wah, no! Fabs! I'm sorry -- I feel responsible in part... :(
I hope you get the break you deserve, and that you find something better in the meantime. And whether you choose to come back or leave, just know that we're all wishing you the best wherever you go.
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Hopefully the tomorrow option... You make the site super fab.
Theres a handful of people that if they disappeared from the site it wouldn't feel the same. You are definitely one of them. @.@ Either which way you go though I wish you the best.
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think about what group recruitment on steamgifts means. it's not about posting any kind of group so you can increase your userbase, it's about groups aimed at making giveaways.
support was pretty lenient with group recruitment threads till now. they gave people a lot of time to advertise groups that have nothing to do with sg, especially curators that aim to have more users to later ask developers for free keys to review sell/idle them.
hopefully this won't change, since i've been hiding 3-4 group threads per day for months because people spam groups like candy. 🤦♀️
and there's no need to leave sg, unless your only use for sg was advertising. 🤷
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Sorry but bullshit. Watch my thread, watch my group and I have to delete the link to the curator page and its only one as part of the description. I posted announcements as information and giveaways. We have a lot of groups that are focusing on things that have nothing to do with SG and they recruit. So what kind of link is allowed and what kind not? Will support watch every thread and explain it, so everyone can understand? What happen with links to something like a script where the group is part of the development? Must be forbidden too...
SG came around with this "rule" because of one idiot spaming the section with his threads and they reacted way to late. Most of the threads in this section are month old. And now give me a suspension for calling someone an idiot and let slender and defamation stay.
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Mully aint a mod here, they are just expressing, or at least trying to explain why there MAY have been an issue.
They are also trying to point out that there are too many groups that aren't aimed at doing giveaways.
Take that as you will, but take it easy.
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Thats also nonsense... If you look at the groups received the comments from Khalaq, you`ll see that most of the people doing a lot of giveaways for their group and this community. Most of the threads are also "old" AND they mostly have only one link in the description, but a lot of comments with giveaways. As I mentioned before: Is now every non-steam link advertising? And how is it possible that a super-mod made a thread which seems to be non confirmed with the rules of this site?
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Its okay when you say your opinion, but as someone whos "part of the scene" and who
s looking at other groups to get inspired, I must contradict. It was more the other way round, that people spamed giveaways to advertise the group + curation and not that they`ve done no giveaways. Maybe its now allowed to create giveaways and spam the recruitment section with new posts about new created giveaways? Just absurd!
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You don't seem to be understanding something, or you're simply refusing to do so. Promoting your Steam GROUP is acceptable. Advertising your "curator" page (edit: on the forums) is not. They're two completely different things and it's more than a bit disturbing to see so many blowing a gasket when support quite literally asked them to remove one link from their Group Recruitment threads.
This is, after all, a giveaway site, and while you can make giveaways for a Steam GROUP, you cannot make them for a curator page. It's really that simple and that's the distinction.
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Can say the same to you. A curator page can be part of a Steam Group as well, like the steam forum, group events or even announcements. And the mods say its okay to mention the curator page but not to link it. What logic are they following? That the user should go and find the page? Little hide and seek? And as I said before: If posting one link as an information, which can be part of the group, counts as advertising, every link to the group which includes no giveaway must be categorized as advertising as well. Because noone say "Follow this curation" (I didnt saw someone in the threads). Mostly its only an information like this:
"Group link: xyz"
"Curation link: xyz"
Sometimes, like I`ve done, its a text explaining the group and the link is implemented. But hey: A curator page is an additional offer, an additive or call it a special if you want so. With your logic and the logic the mods following, a reviewcontest for a reviewgroup (where you dont need to be part of), published by an announcement shouldnt be postet here. Really? Thats what you saying? Because its only an additive or additional offer too, but has NOTHING to do with giveaways. Sorry if thats the definition of this community, its not the community I know...
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Can you make giveaways for ONLY your curator followers?
I can with a group.
I'm truly shocked how "hurt" all of you are, and how immaturely some people are reacting when they're told they're not allowed to advertise their curator page on the forums. You can still advertise it in your giveaways ... Because you know, that's what SG is about.
And a curator is more like a Twitter page or a YT channel.
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Am I missing something? How can I track my followers on curation to make a group for only those people? Anyone can join a curation group and not follow the actual curation store, and that user can still join every giveaway in that group that is on steamgifts, whether they choose to follow it or not. Until Steam allows us to track follows, we can't create groups for only followers... They are two separate things. Again, maybe I just don't know about something created to track it... but it doesn't seem to be on Steam by default.
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Yeah it´s bullshit to let people (or bots) take over this place to create an advertisment platform to spam . If i were you, who constantly adverts his own group, so even people who barely read the forums, like me, are annoyed of your spam and can associate your profile pic with a group recruitment thread, I would stay in the shadows and hope for the best things to happen. The rule is from :Guidelines® : "When posting links or content, that content should not force users, encourage users through reward, or primarily exist as a traffic source for users to perform an action for promotional, commercial, or monetary benefit. Such actions include but are not limited to clicking a referral link, liking a Facebook page, following a Twitter account, joining a Steam group, completing a survey, or making a donation." Nothing new so far.
I dont want to blame you for taking advantage of promotional nor monentary benefits from your group, but you could do so, and thats why it´s against the guidelines.
ps: goodbye drama queen o/
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I have been part of this community and I supported community events years before you came here... so you should better stay in the shadow if you think you know things.
And the guidelines: With your wonderful argumentation its forbidden to post ANY link in any part of the forum. Reason? You can have a commercial or monetary benefit even if you post a youtube link. Maybe its your account you are linking to? But if you think this, noone can help you. I`ve not seen one single thread at the group recruitment with a curator page that is large enough to make a monetary or commercial benefit. The giveaways the creators spend for the community was worth more than they can get. They were all very special and just4fun. So try again with your guidelines.
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"I have been part of this community and I supported community events years before you came here... so you should better stay in the shadow if you think you know things." okay ..thats a solid argument, not even jesus can beat this... +1 for you.
have you read and understood the guidelines? i dont think so .....
no its not forbidden to post ANY link, read again pls. GL fighting the world to both of you o/
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Posting youtube links of your own videos to drive traffic to your youtube channel is NOT ALLOWED, it's simply circumventing existing rules by not linking to your youtube page, but instead to specific videos. When site mods catch up with this, person doing it will definitely be warned not to do it, and possibly get a temporary ban for it. And a permanent ban if he/she continues.
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Pot calls the kettle black. I just like to answer bumps! Some people are more friendly and respond to others with a word of thanks. You won't see me doing a lot of my own bumps. Maybe one a month or less, average. It's the rest of the community that you should blame then.
Again, group recruitment still involves joining a Steam group. The promotional aspect is that many bundle-sharing groups are gaining advantages by having better odds, winning more games from steamgifts, and subversively taking more than they could, were everything on an even field of play. That is against their own terms in the guidelines. Those groups that gain advantages with smaller pools of people equaling greater odds are not being flagged, as far as I can see. Technically they should be banned from advertising too.
Blind leading the blind, and they all fall in a hole.
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Those groups that gain advantages with smaller pools of people equaling greater odds are not being flagged, as far as I can see.
The larger the group, the more likely the recruiting post is to be bumped up, and therefor the closer it is to the top of the stack. It takes time to work through all of those posts, although at least one person has offered to help.
More importantly, Support is currently working on an extended explanation/clarification of the following Guideline:
- When posting links or content, that content should not force users, encourage users through reward, or primarily exist as a traffic source for users to perform an action for promotional, commercial, or monetary benefit. Such actions include but are not limited to clicking a referral link, liking a Facebook page, following a Twitter account, joining a Steam group, completing a survey, or making a donation. (Please note, in giveaway descriptions we do allow users and developers to link to their related Steam Greenlight, group, and store pages, as well as their social media channels. Users are also able to reference their group giveaways when posting in the Group Recruitment category of our forum.)
I have already explained this Guideline in some detail in multiple places, but we plan to post an official policy statement about it in the near future.
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joining a Steam group
How are you expected to make a recruitment for private giveaway groups then? You could argue with pretty strong arguments that all private giveaway groups provide content that encourages users through reward to join the group.
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You are correct in that all Steam Group Recruitment posts may be considered "advertising." The general prohibition on "advertising" does not apply to qualifying SGR posts, however, as they are one of the two exceptions. The Steam Group Recruitment sub-forum was created for the express purpose of providing users with a place to advertise their Steam group and recruit Steam group members (as referenced in the final clause of the Guideline I quoted, above).
An official explanation of SG policy regarding "advertising" is forthcoming.
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Agreed... winning = profit. That's kinda my point. The current rule, as it is written, contradicts that point.
Especially as transparent as it is... not just strictly steamgifts, but people using it with groups as a middle-man. Should only be regular public giveaways as long as the part about joining groups is included in said rule. I could only make an argument about level system, since it's not officially a "steam group".. All others are abusing that rule.
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''' it's about groups aimed at making giveaways. '''
is it written in FAQ/Guidelines somewhere, or is it your personal rule?
one could make shitty argument, that, Positive/Awareness/Political threads should not have place here as well....
but IMO it is not //the way//
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we all can have our opinions, but should state that clearly. I read your comment as you stated the official rules, which might be misleading.
if support think it;s ok, I guess I do not like the way this community is heading more and more (not that anyone cares ¯_(ツ)_/¯)
fortunately Saints, Bondos and yours are still open
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i never stated those were the official rules, i posted my interpretation of what group recruitment is. 🤔
since this is a gifting site, it makes sense those groups should be focused on giveaways. not in curation, politics, youtube videos, gofundme campaigns, or any other topic.
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Uh... We haven't been closing threads (that I know of, anyway).... A couple of people have closed their own threads, but they have the option to do that. (I re-opened the threads long enough to say so, then closed them back, again, as that is the way they were left.)
Also, most of the people contacted thus far have simply taken the link out of their OP, thus solving the problem. Here is an example.
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Closed by AmanoTC. I reopened it, temporarily, to add my response, making it clear in the process that the thread was not closed due to non-compliance. That is how things currently stand.
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Wait - does this not effectively prevent the user from re-opening the thread? The one thread I made that a mod closed no longer had the option to re-open. Can mods close a thread but still allow the author to re-open it nevertheless? Could you elaborate on how this works?
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its not about the Positive/Awareness whatever threads, it´s called steamGIFTS. A GIFT is something you hand over to somebody else for his joy. gifting is a selfless act, receiving a gift is a act of showing respect to the gifter. If the gifter himself can get a benefit out of gifting its no gift via definition. groups which are following special rules, like playing a game you won within 3months to show respect to the one who gifted the game are okay. but a curators groups aim is not to gift games....
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you contradict yourself ¯\(ツ)/¯
making exceptions, and this is ok, this is not.
I agree on part of gits, requireing someone to join/click or not sending gift should not be tolerated.
Curators are connected to games. So still within scope of STEAMgifts (going your ''way'').
disclaimer: I am not curator/recruiting etc not now not before and not planning to
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no exeptions, thats the point.... hey 5dollars and you can join my group im giving away badrats ... join my curator group and boost my e-pen*s, do whatever to join my gas... where does this end? nothig should be tolerated but it should be tolerated in some case? i dont get your point..o/
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you say ''join our group and play your backlog/make this or that achievement'' is ok, and ''join my group and read my reviews'' is not. that's making exceptions. btw - never seen here anyone posting entry fee for group, could you point that one to me? (that's super shit if happened)
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yes exactly, you got it. ....i´ve never seen anyone posting group gas without s group too, maybe because if theres no group theres no group ga..?maybe they made standart gas? come on use your brain dude.
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I understood from your fisrt comment that for you
groups which are following special rules, like playing a game you won within 3months to show respect to the one who gifted the game are okay
so I made my case. So at that point we have common view, no exceptions, but all should be allowed (within current rules)
I have seen group gas without any agenda (group only for socializng, no curator, streamer, no ratios etc).
if theres no group theres no group ga..?maybe they made standart gas? come on use your brain dude.
are you against group gas because? if not they would made public? maybe, maybe not. following that we should delete levels, whitelists, blacklists, checking for multiple wins etc....
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It's all corrupt!! End of story. Change the rules, or don't nit-pick what stays and what goes, when some things violate those expressed terms and conditions. It's a joke right now! Pure and simple... Not that they removed curation, but that they're not even following their own rules and guidelines by witch-hunting certain types they deem "unworthy".
I hope the rules are written and expressed properly - as of now it's hypocrisy to remove a few being chosen, while allowing others.
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We had this discussion 3 years (4?) ago when SGTools becomes more popular and you see the result. In the past the problem was, that small groups pushed their level by creating private giveaways and group giveaways. They just bought games to gift it to each other and not for the community. But no one cared - some of them are still active here. Activity of some (community)members were going back and the moderation too. And if I remember it right the official statement was, that you can make rules for private giveaways like "Do this or that" and check the winner if he has done the things you want. There was no real problem! Some people are more even than others...
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Private giveaway groups are not above SG rules, at least right now. If you're evaluating custom rules that were respected during SGv1 times, then I can agree with you, but those times are long gone.
And I'm not saying it because I want to believe it, but I'm saying it as this was the main and core reason why ArchiBoT received anti-leeching module and kicks people 1 hour before giveaway ends if needed, so giveaway creator can reroll freely as the winner was no longer part of the group the moment the giveaway has ended.
Private giveaway groups also can't demand from the winner to do any special actions, those are enforced by the group itself at best. So no, you're wrong, you can't make rules for private giveaways, but you're free to make rules as a prereq for getting a giveaway link and joining - this is what SGT does, this is what every puzzle does (solve the puzzle first, get link second) and this is what every private giveaway group does (join the group first, then you can join giveaways, if you don't follow our rules, you'll just get kicked and unable to join more giveaways).
I don't consider anything from above as uneven or unfair. Giveaway creator is free to share the giveaway only with people he wants (hello, this is what invite-only giveaways are to begin with), and group giveaways work exactly the same, except you share link with the whole group of people and not selected users. If you disagree with that, then you disagree with every giveaway that is not public-only, and you also disagree with every giveaway that is not set to level 0.
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Its exact the same what I said. You can set your own rules and if you can prove that someone doesnt follow the prereq (for me there is no difference in setting rules before joining instead of writing them down in the giveaway description), it will be deleted if the winner dont fit and get a link by someone else (I cant say if its still so, but it was so). Maybe someone can make a tool like SGT and check if someone followed a curation. Than I can set this as a prereq to join a giveaway? And its not against the rules or? Or maybe it is because someone can have a benefit? Changing the odds is also a benefit. You see the problem? Someone is trying to set a limit, but infact we have a lot of exeptions who dont fit to the rules.
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You see the problem? Someone is trying to set a limit, but infact we have a lot of exeptions who dont fit to the rules.
I agree with this, but I'm not making up SG rules. See Khalaq's reply above. While I don't fully support rules in their current shape, I can see the reasoning behind them, including the exceptions that are applied. There is a small line between advertising and giveaway group, with second being non-profit group of SG users that agreed on fixed rules upon which they're creating and winning the giveaways, while first includes giveaways as a form of reward for people completing given community-oriented tasks (e.g. following the curator), very likely with some form of benefit for the creator. As long as that distinction is present, I agree that giveaway groups should be the exception (if not core) upon which the rules are created, while the second should be discouraged as a form of using SG and giveaways for traffic purposes. It's obvious that not everybody will agree with this, but my stance is supportive towards this way of doing things.
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I can see the reasoning behind them too. Its a reaction to the spam threads abrix have done four or five weeks ago and the shitstorm he started. And I dont have a problem with rules, I have a problem with the inconsistency of using/checking them. Its a difference between an information and an advertisment. There are differences between the groups and curations posted in the group recruitment. You can see the passion people have (Feena is a good example) and they share experience with others while being active here too. Moderation doesnt mean to set rules and control them. Rules are guidelines not laws. It needs flair and means to moderate individual cases. Thats hard hard work, but I am missing this here for a loooong time. All I see is, that SG makes it for themself easy.
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So... why not ban all invite-only and private giveaways ever advertised by this train of thought? And also.. putting in "work" to gain levels... isn't that a contradiction here too? Should your level matter at all, if you are gaining access to something you "bought into"?
See where we are getting with this? There is no hard line to draw in the sand by definition. There have been some things unfairly targeted, and others violating those same terms being left alone.
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The games are still gifted... It's the same thing. Winners join groups of their own volition. Why even have private groups then? They are all aimed at giving to "exclusive" members by this definition. They should all be banned from using group recruitment, or any other avenue to gain giveaways, whether they are mandatory in the group's/post's rules or not.
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I don't want to take sides because I dislike most of the groups in the recruitment topics, and I only follow Cjcomplex's curator from the said ones, but to give my 2 cents:
Curator groups are one-sided. Curator makes reviews and maybe giveaways. Ofc " anyone can make giveaways" but usually close to none will get made. The whole promise is "come to me, and you'll get nice stuffs". RPG treasure is about shared love of RPGs, and RPG-only giveaways. idk, the play your games are about winning and playing your games, and BLAEO or playing appreciated does not have a single person in the focus of the giveaways. Curator groups do.
This may be a bitter pill to swallow, but in most cases all I feel about curation groups that a lonely guy/girl decides that they want some attention to themselves, and make up (in a better case) a topic for the group to rise out of the hundreds of similar ones. And the more specialized the group is (unless some "mainstream-specialization, like 4x, RPG, no violence) the more unlikely that someone is genuinely interested in the topic, and is around only for potential loot.
This is my personal take, in short curators want audience, and I feel support had enough of this version of like-follow-subscribe. There is barely any difference between abrix's "bump with giveaways, please follow me on instabook and smash like that button" topic that got quite some flak from the community, and a "bump with giveaways, please follow my curator that has a patreon link after the joke-description. And 4 giveaways in 10 months, with 240 reviews. It is a very active community/page that has close to nothing to do with SG, and from this aspect it could be advertised literally everywhere. So it's the product (curator) that matters, not the place of advertisement -SG, its community, or giveaways.
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And just to make it clear - I have no ill will. I did hide the often-bumped group recruitment topics I was uninterested in, so I completely missed the drama part. As far as I care, anything could stay as it was a week or two ago. I thought better to come clean with this as despite my start, I feel I hit a bit judgemental tone - I really consider some group giveaways promotion, and as that, I would be happier not to see them. As long as I have the means to hide and filter the forum, I'm fine.
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I just liked giving stuff away here, and it's a nice way to do that. I can still promote through giveaways themselves, but I find that more annoying than the former... but I wasn't a huge forum person - and there are, like you said, tools to hide them if somebody doesn't like them... but I suppose it's not standard, and is an add-on.
All of your description here is well thought out and I appreciate your side of it. I completely agree as well. My problem is not that I cannot put a link up. My problem is the rules on steamgifts state that nobody can do what they are doing... as far as groups go. Most every group creates exclusivity, whether it is better odds for people because of a smaller pool (bundle-sharing/other style of groups with a few select people, whitelists, etc.) or just a regular group with its own rules. There is still a conflict of interest based on how the rule is written, since having these bundle groups in and of itself gives an unfair advantage - aka reward system for people joining/getting invited.
Until there is a clear definition of these rules, and maybe an apology to those of us who were blindsided because moderation failed to enforce them... and still is not adequately doing so under the exact words in black and white... I have to disagree with having any groups, level system, or any groups people can join that promote any giveaways, but those are the only ones allowed on steamgifts... so it's a complete fiasco of nonsense until it is written clearer, for the average person who reads over things carefully to understand.
If there is confusion from not just me, but others, then something should be changed, deleted, or amended. Maybe I am reading it differently.... I don't know.
When posting links or content, that content should not force users, encourage users through reward, or primarily exist as a traffic source for users to perform an action for promotional, commercial, or monetary benefit. Such actions include but are not limited to clicking a referral link, liking a Facebook page, following a Twitter account, joining a Steam group, completing a survey, or making a donation.
Those bold spots bother me. They pretty much say no groups can exist here, even the level system of the core of steamgifts, since it aims to encourage through rewards - higher level = more chances to win better stuff. Same with groups. Less numbers = less entrants = better chances for people to win things. The whole thing should be revised. Winning more games = monetary benefit. Pure and simple.
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with scripts :3
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I'm not so sure I'm following this whole deal about Group Recruitment threads and what's allowed and what's not... but either way I wish you the best buddy, keep going strong in life my friend, hope we can keep exchanging a few words now and then :]
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It's because it's impossible to follow. The wording is shoddy, and mods didn't do anything for a long time, so there is no order, because the rules are being violated by steamgifts... on their own terms.
Let's hope they will write them in a comprehensive manner that people all understand. Right now, almost nothing should be allowed aside from level 0 public giveaways, by my logic. At least you can advertise in those though, and you'd be following the rules to the letter!
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It's sad to see you go, I really hope this is not the last we see of you. Take care Superfabs!
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328 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by medion
98 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by jojo1241
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193 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by s4k1s
24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by s4k1s
I need to do some serious thinking after removing a few of my discussions on here focused on Group Recruitment topics, which are not allowed, or only allowed in part, apparently, when it suits the interests of steamgifts in some even minor way (which many groups being used to recruit only partially do... I can see where this is going). Nobody is being forced to do anything, and barely anybody joins them anyway.
I'll be sure to check back until my last few giveaways end, and honor the recipients of those said giveaways...
Aside from that, time for me to pursue other things. I think I've had enough for now. May come back tomorrow, may not ever come back.
I won't complain any more. There is nothing else to be said. The definition of recruitment says it all. It should say STEAMGIFTS GIVEAWAY GROUPS RECRUITMENT THREAD, or something to that nature, instead of misleading people? C'mon! We are splitting hairs here.. It will start to backfire eventually.
Next, giveaway links for anything will be banned, or some other shit like that. Wonder how long it'll take.
Anyway, maybe I'll be back. Maybe not. Don't hold your breath. Don't bother responding here, as I will almost certainly not answer it (I lied), if the topic even stays up for longer than 10 minutes without somebody shutting it down, since it speaks the truth.
EDIT: I'M BAAAAACK!!!!!!!!! Have been for a while - won't change a thing for now. WINNING!
Oh, right, here! I almost forgot! Community #1 Wishlisted game!
Sekiro™: Shadows Die Twice - Level 0+
Sorry, but you left yourself open to this one! Womp-womp! ^_^
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