HINT 1: To access the final stage you don't need to use the coordinates of the pieces you palced. Remember that you need to solve The mysteries of the chess board.
For the final question numbers here are not the numbers you need!
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HINT 2: in the last stage there is no hexadecimal reference (it caused trouble to a part of the solver so it's good to be mentionned)
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But you don't really need to know the game to solve a puzzle!
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You need to know the game to decide IF you want to solve the puzzle.
I don't know about the poster, but I have 3 of the top 20 wishlist, and I'm only interested in 4 to 5 of the remaining games. If the puzzle is too hard, I don't want to waste my time trying it. (Looking at it, finding where the pieces should be is relatively straightforward. Once this is done, I have a few ideas on how to combine the answers, but this is usually the part where I fail)
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Not really some of the people here will try to solve puzzles just for fun and the game as a bonus reward. I solved some of them already too knowing that I already own the game. Investing time in a puzzle is your own choice.
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I agree, I'm only interested in 3 of the top 20 and none of them I can play, until I get a new computer.
Then again, I'm mostly here for puzzles anyway. :P
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I've stated this several times before but there are several prominent site members that can't accept that people will come and solve puzzles regardless of knowing what the "prize" is or whether they already have it.
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I think you must solve the next step! :D
I'm sure you'll figure out what to do. Even if it can be a little tricky.
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You'll find the solution I'm sure of that. Just reconsider all the elements you have and how to use them or what they can be.
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You are at the tricky part. Why are you staring at my chessboard like that he is a shy one!
But indeed the base to the problem is to figure out the mysteries of this chessboard :D
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Don't worry nobody gets all of it at the moment. Take your time and do it step by step!
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Cheers for you! Try your best and I'm sure you will progress step by step.
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I see that and didn't think it would cause so much trouble. Seems a bit trickier than i thought but it still linked to the previous parts!
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Best to remove the end of your message :D. Maybe pieces position are not something to decrypt but to use in an other way.
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It was a good hint if it confuse you! :D
For rule 3. Yes it's for queens and kings of the same color. And for the things you removed cause it was a spoil you need to use it only one time and it contain no g or h :D
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It's a possibility since it's a mysterious chess board.
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You must be close to find the solution with the positions so :D
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Found the last part, I thought I already tried that, but apparently not. :s
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Bump because I need a hint.
I figured out where the chess pieces go. (That was fun, reminded me of sudoku.)
I figured out what to do with the code that "was needed to advance later"
I also understood what the translation of that code was trying to tell me.
Now I'm lost. I have tried various methods of "combining" the end result of the pieces with the translated code but nothing seems to give me a new step or a giveaway link.
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Remember that you must find the mysteries of the chessboard! Combining things together is also a good way to start this step.
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Yeah puzzles have to been solved alone. Hints will be posted a bit later because there is few solvers at the moment. The game will also be revealed later.
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Hello Steamgifters !
Enter here with no fear this is just a puzzle like others.
Xmas is coming os it's a perfect time for a gift.
And making a puzzle is perfect cause gifts are things for people who try their best.
Do this puzzle also for your own pride and for the fun to solve things.
Enjoy it, solve it and share your thoughts on this puzzle after you solved it to help me to improve my skill.
Claim your reward too after solving to join my whitelist.
It's time now for things that can help you :
Maybe read some guides can I help you( Zelgh's guide is like a Bible)
Also read things carefully and take your time. This is not a rush you have 2 weeks.
Let's go !
Here's something you will need to advance later : 424b425142425751425257425752574b0d0a
So now you'll have to solve the mysteries of this chess board with the hints below and access the final test before you can enter the GA.
1) There is 8 pieces to place on the board : White King, Black King, White Queen, Black Queen, White Bishop, Black Bishop, White Rook, Black Rook. All of them are on a black square.
2) Rooks are the pieces with the highest line number for their color.
3) Queens always come before kings in the alphabet when we refer to columns. And you won't find a rook in g column.
4) Three of the black pieces are on the lines 5 to 8 and three are on the columns a to d. At least King and Rook share those 2 properties.
5) None of the pieces you must place share the same line or column.
6) The white pawn is not near another piece.The piece you have to place in the first column is white.
7) There is a piece in e4 and f1 and they have the same color. The bishop of this color is in a lane between those 2.
There is no level restriction and the GA is in the top 20 wishlisted games by the steamgifts community.
Ga will end the 4/12/2016
Good luck !
Step 1:
You have a chain of characters to decrypt 424b425142425751425257425752574b0d0a with hexadecimal. Hint for that was the first letters of the first part of my post (if you didn't realize already it was hexadecimal). Decryption give BKBQBBWQBRWBWRWK who is an order of chess pieces you have to place in step 2.
Step 2:
It's a logic puzzle that you can solve by following those steps:
a) Eliminate all white squares as pieces position. (hint 1)
b) place a piece in e4 and the piece in f1 (hint 7) and deduce there is also a pîece in d5 because D4 and F1 black squares are no longer possibilities (hint 5)
c) use (hint 6) to remove 2 other black squares. You now have only a6 as a viable position in first column and the same thing for b2.
d) You know from (hint 6) the first column piece (a6) is white so b,c,d are black and 5,7,8 are black too. With (hint 7) you also know e' and f1 pieces share the same color so they can't be black but are white. And the white bishop being in a row between those 2 pieces can only be in h3. And you als can deduce the 2 last pieces positions c8 and g7
e) (hint 2) mentionning rooks are the highest row number and knowing all white pieces you can deduce a6 is the white rook and c8 the black rook.
f) using second part of (hint 4) you can place black king in d5 and then using (hint 3) you can place the black queen in b2 and the white queen in e4. White king being in f1. Last piece is the black bishop in g7.
so we have now with the order:
BK in d5
BQ in b2
BB in g7
WQ in h3
BR in c8
WB in h3
WR in a6
WK in f1
Step 3:
Now you are searching how to access the final stage of this puzzle with no more real clue guiding you. Since you are here to solve the mysteries of this chessboards who have squares pretty messed up. Chessboard is an 8 by 8 squares so 8 characters for the ITH crypted in binary with black (0) and white (1) squares. so you had to convert all the chessboards in 0 and 1 and read your lines in the order you find starting from the piece position to the right side of the board and then from the left side of the board to the piece position. (that was the reading tricky part of the puzzle).
That give you:
you decrypt it and find 2c6HXkYa
And then you access here http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/2c6HXkYa to the final step.
Step 4:
The question is 1+0x1-0= ? a math equation with the 1 and 0 being the clues you had to use.
After using binary to come here you just have to count the number of 0 ( 36 black squares) and 1 ( 28 white squares) and then convert your equation
28+36x28-36= 1 000 (don't forget multiplication has the priority on addition and soustraction)
And you finally solve this puzzle. I hope you enjoyed it.
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