Useless they still will be own yous money. u can't grab it from origin. U just buy another game from there.
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Oh wow.
Hopefully this doesn't get to abused because its a nice thing to do actually...
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As sad as it is, gamers are among the first to find a flaw/loophole/exploit in a system and abuse it.
When EA has to pull this offer down due to abuse, gamers will then rally to denounce EA as evil.
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I won't, not for this, this a nice thing to do, EA might change over to one of the good guys if we actually let them and don't try to kill them at every chance when something good happens.
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Haha people are so blind in their hate over EA that they even turn positive things into cynical negatives.
Remove Online Pass? Charity-Only Bundle? Return Policy that is absent on their competitor's service?
Nope. Worst Company in America :P
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Give the strawmen a rest, would you?
Nobody has called EA the worst company in america because of those things. In fact, those of us against EA have typically agreed that it was a good move on their part, but that we won't trust them due to (more) promises that can be easily broken. Yeah, in this case, it's likely that it'll be the consumer base that gets it taken down, but that isn't the point. Trust doesn't magically return the very split second they do something good, not if you have years of poor decisions and customer service floating around.
Paint dissenting opinions as "haters" if you must, but the rest of us are simply waiting to see exactly how it pans out. If EA can go for a few years without making news over doing something that shafts its consumers, then maybe we'll start to trust them. This latest move is a fine example of taking steps in the right direction.
Yet however good these steps are, they still show a lack of forethought. They're a high-end business, they more than likely know exactly what people will try to do. If they don't already have good ideas on how to prevent abuse, then they are probably banking on people abusing it, and giving them the excuse they need to remove it and give a shrug and say "LAWL, WE TRIED".
I hope my doubt about EA can be proven wrong, and that they really are finally starting to pay attention to the medium/consumer base. I will be happy to admit my mistake, because everyone including themselves will be richer for it.
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How can I be making a Strawman attack against you if you weren't even part of the conversation beforehand? Strawman requires me to misrepresent your opinion/statement in order to refute it. Since you made no previous comment in this conversation, this would be impossible. Please learn your logical fallacies before claiming others are abusing them.
Also, if you think I am being hyperbolic in my statement then I suggest you look around on any gaming website. Any thread/topic with an EA positive story has tons of people tearing EA down regardless of what they have done. Yes, some people blindly hate the company regardless of their actions; this is not a strawman statement, it's a fact. It may not apply to you, but that doesn't change that it's true for a good number of people.
Don't get me wrong, EA has made some mistakes and bad decisions in the past, but I don't hate them like some of the gaming community does. If they do something negative I won't like it, but if they do something positive I won't just brush it off as "Oh, but it's EA so they still suck" like so many people tend to do.
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It seems I may have jumped the gun. I thought you were making a strawman from dismissing cited reasons for distrust and framing it as a general blind hate turned into confirmation bias.
Still, a strawman doesn't have to be against the person who points it out, you know. The reason I thought you were just hand-waving the actual reasons for distrusting EA is because of that old chestnut of "Worst company in america!" thing. If you look through this thread you'll see people repeating that like a tired old mantra, literally using it as a slogan cop-out in the style of a strawman. But like I said, I think I jumped the gun in assuming that in reply to you. I just get irked when people try to sabotage discussion by ignoring all points raised and then saying "ur just a fanboy" or "ur just a hater". Pet peeve, my bad. ;P
My response may have been better directed at other posters. It might have been a bit big-brotherish of me but I can't stand to see good sources of conversation get flushed with "UR WRONG" and nothing else, haha.
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Haha all good :)
I think I'm just very centric in the whole issue and while you will never see me singing EA's praises, you'll likely never see me tearing them down either.
The reason people like me resort to making fun of the whole "worst company" line is because you actually see the "EA Anti-Fanboy" crowd use it themselves in a 100% serious way. It's become almost a joke at this point :) I've no need to create a strawman when there are actual people who form their arguments this way!
Just to be clear though, me making fun of the "EA Anti-Fanboys" in this way is not trying to discredit legitimate criticisms of the company or their policies. They can and have done wrong, there is no doubt about that!
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That's actually a really good thing to do, EA. Bravo.
Now if you could adjust your prices to be more competitive, adjust your DLC practices, make Origin more stable, pay closer attention to the working state of your games and expand your catalogue, you will be in a position to compete with Steam on it's home ground!
But seriously that is a good thing to add to your service, but also a big risk. I wonder if they can sustain this 'political move' in the long term? It might not do much for me personally because since the Humble Origin Bundle launched, I've been trying to download the games but an ancient error keeps coming up (one that was sighted years ago, and has remained all this time) that causes the download progress to randomly go to zero, or lose large chunks. I must have got BF3 to 85% at least nine times now. The solutions they offered was to force update Origin to the latest beta (the same solution they started offering years ago), and to ensure the correct ports are forwarded despite already having an established connection to even start downloading. Well, that, and how when I tried to install it the first time it deleted the parent directory and 300gb of non-origin data...
I mean, don't get me wrong, troubleshooting for an entire customer base must be rough, especially when you outsource to tech centres whose primary language is seldom the same of your customers (while trying to communicate on electronic issues), but these are some big bugs to have left outstanding. Some people have monthly bandwidth limits, after all. Plus imagine what would have happened if I installed Origin to my program files directory the first time around? I would have been inconvenienced by far more than a bunch of savegames, custom assets and bandwidth.
I'd love for EA to finally shed its skin and start to mature into a company that is more customer-service centric (and less of an anti-trust spaghetti-coding elite club), but I don't think they're -quite- there yet. This still reeks of begging for more customers, but then again it's going to be hard to improve their relationship until they plug more of the holes on that sinking ship, and stay in the clear of any major upsets for at least a year or two. Even then they're going to remain a gaming bogeyman for a while even after that.
Let's hope this is a sign of a positive turn for EA, and not just an "Oh god they're ignoring us, we're losing money, DO SOMETHING" gesture.
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I think they're a little too hung up on the price mark-up. I mean, sure, some people will pay through their teeth to get the latest expansion packs for EA's big games, but I'm willing to bet that if they made those prices more reasonable they would easily double their sales. I mean, look at The Sims 3, the prices of some of those expansion packs are what you'd pay for a whole new game, and some of them don't exactly add an expanse of new content to justify the tag.
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"The intro sucks you in"
No, it just doesn't. There's mediocre intros and most I just skip outright. If that's not possible, that's a mayor annoyance for me.
That's when I stopped reading, cause somehow their reality diversion field is quite strange.
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Just because one sentence doesn't necessarily describe how you feel playing a game the first time doesn't mean the rest of the article is complete nonsense.
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I was thinking about that as well. If you look at it from another perspective, it will be a great tool for EA to see how much they can actually get away with before they have to start refunding people.
I do think this is a step in the right direction though. I am still wary of EA.
I guess we will see just how it is gonna work, time tells everything.
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If steam does this Im so fighting my right to return ARMA II, so unsatisfying, such horrid controls! Really nice though glad to see some people truly understand the risk of buying a game you cant test first.
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So I'm not the only one who has remorse from buying that?
I mean shit. I bought it just to play City Life RPG when I stumbled upon it on youtube. Figured ehhh at least I'll get a nice looking FPS if the mod is crap. Well the mod banned me instantly from the forum for no reason and the game sucks on controls. I can't get Dayz working and the one version I did get working has 4 FPS.
Fuck that game.
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Yeah, ARMA 2 is a real marmite kind of game. It seems people either love it or hate it.
I could never get into it, which is the strangest thing because I adored Operation Flashpoint which ARMA2 is virually a successor to. Maybe I need to reinstall it and give it more of a chance, hnngh.
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I'll say i can enjoy it, but I can't say i like it. it ultimately weighs down to the Pros and Cons list showing what you can do, and what needs to change. The game's controls are my biggest Turn-away given i use keyboard alot since my alternative is a ps2 controller and many prefer Xbox/PC controllers. I do believe if Garry's Mod can take some sources from it however then some nice things could come from it. juuust a thought ;D
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I mainly wanted it for DayZ, then i realised- i had no gamer friends at the time who'd even wanna play and my PC's sucked, still do actually. If i could trade it in even i'd grab my friend a copy of terraria with it.
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Considering what EA is doing is allowing you to return EA games, if it happened on Steam it would mean you could return Valve games. I'm fairly certain Valve had nothing to do with ARMA.
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" The new Origin Great Game Guarantee works like this: You may return EA full game downloads (PC or Mac) purchased on Origin for a full refund--within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from when you purchased it, or within the first seven days after the game's release date if you pre-ordered it (whichever of these conditions happens first).
If something doesn't work out—you aren’t riveted by the storyline, or sucked in by the action, or even just if the game doesn't play well with your video card—we’ve got your back."
If only Steam works that way..
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Considering you will only be able to return EA games, it would be the same as being able to return only Valve games on Steam.
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Hmm. Point. Though my exposure to them has been limited to Prototype 1 and 2, which were fun enough in their own way but the technical issues were absurd. Something prickles at the back of my mind, news articles of their shenanigans that I've forgotten about.
Do you feel up to summarising some of the controversy and douchey manuevers for me? Not calling you out or anything, I just can't recall much and my google-fu is weak. Fair do's if you don't want to waste your time with it, though.
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Nice idea. The demos were exactly for this back then..
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