after eating breakfast you must chose to head out into the woods to continue hunting or make your way back to Frindole (a city), though if you return to your boss without fresh meat he will be very, very unpleased.
your bow (4 = normal)
your arrows (6 = 50 arrows)
your bag (3 = 3 inventory slots extra (you now have 13))
if you go to the forest I will roll a dice (12 = no game and enemies, 34 = some game, no enemies, 56 = a good hunt, no enemies)
if you go to the city I will roll a dice(1234 = unpleased boss, 56 = you get of light.)
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(continued story)
forest path (I roll a 4, you know what that means)
after walking some time you decide to set up a hunting position, hiding in the trees will give you an advantage. Twenty minutes later you find yourself up in a tree, waiting for some deer, or even a bear, that would make you seem cool. after waiting an hour or so, and having shot 3 deer, you feel good about this, it isnt what you hoped for, but its enough to pay the rent. just as you are about to head home you see a battle in the distance, knights in golden armor and red flags are slaughtering the empires (the good kind of empire, that doesnt built a planet destroying ball) knights. only four off them, you think to yourself, how could 4 knights take on the whole second battlion and win?
now you think to yourself, should i try to help with my bow? or do I assist the golden guys? they seem to be winning. or do i warn the whole of Frindole for the arrival of the golden knights? or am I too shocked to do anything?
(just decide what you would want to do, I will roll a dice for the outcome)
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(Are my arrows kind of enchanted, like 12 = miss but 3456 = shot? I ask because you rolled 6 on them. I think that wouldn't be too OP?)
If they are - hiding high up on the tree I have a good view and high advantage so I try to shoot at least one of the golden guys. taking my time to aim.
If they're regular arrows - I shoot a few arrows at once so they get distracted and run as fast as I can to warn the town.
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You run, as fast as you can, but fear there is someone following you. As you look over your shoulder you see one of the golden knights is following you, on a horse! a battle is imenent. You turn around and shoot three arrows (I throw, 1,5,2).
The first one misses, though the second one goes right through the little gap in his helmet which he sees through. The third, and last arrow, bounces of of the golden armor. as he hits the ground, screaming in pain. you finish him. put him on the back of the horse, and ride to the city with him on the back.
(just decide what you would want to do after this story^, I will roll a dice for the outcome)
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I ride into the town and shout when I see first folks just on the outskirts: "Sound the alarm! The Golden Knights are coming!" I ride past the gates and go to the mayor. I thump the lifeless body before him. "We have no chance against them! I saw a whole army being decimated by just three of those" I point towards the corpse. "I suggest we evacuate the weak ones first and close the main gate. Then those who can bear weapons try to sneak away to the woods."
I look at the mayor and await his response.
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I was in a dark forest, looking for mushrooms. Since the famine started, I had to go in the forest all days looking for food: everything that could be edible was a treasure (even bugs and snakes) but not always I was lucky enough to find something. My little sister and my old mother are waiting for her dinner so I need to hurry up, night is starting.
Luckilly I have my tRUSTY Sword and some water with me, you never know what might happen in this dark place...
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your tRUSTY sword seems to be enchanted (threw 6 :D), chose one enchantement (fire, ice, sharpness, looting).
your water (threw 5 = almost full)
you can chose to go back without food. or continue the search (which will trigger an enqounter). happy play time !
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While I was passing the Silver river my tRUSTY sword started vibrating, almost like it had life. It was pointing at my feet, as it wanted to indicate me a certain point. Although traumatized by this discovery, I try to search with my hand in the water untill I find a gold coin! God this is my lucky day! (looting skill)
So why not try my luck and go further? I can't really watch my little sister starving. Here we go...
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Your sword is amazing! after walking just 2 hours you have found enough food to keep your family and friends happy and fed for atleast a week! and with all the gold you found (64) you can get that new bow you wanted (your decision of course) (and food takes one inventory slot). But then you encounter a slime golem! this thing does not look nice, nor does it play nice. (I throw a 3) the Golem scores a mediocre hit on you, but your jaw doesnt seem to be 'not broken' anymore. (4) you slice the golems left arm off, no more hand-somes for him. (2) without an arm the golem doesnt really have the urge to fight back, he tries to flee (2), but fails! you attack (6(!)), the golem explodes in a slimy mess! the golem will need to search a long time before he is back in one piece, but as he is a slime golem, all pieces start moving towards eachother, time to get out of here!
you head home, now you can write about how you think your family would react, and about what to do after.
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I'll start out in the nondescript room I've been hanging out in, waiting for the people looking for me to give up. I have a collapsible baton, nano-weave clothing, and 10,000 credits (the rough equivalent of 100 coins). It's raining heavily outside, but I keep my eye on the door, expecting an intruder at any moment. A landline phone sits on the counter of the sparse room, and I hope the call comes before anyone trying to catch up to me.
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your collapsible baton (2 = normal condition, almost worn out)
your nano-weave clothing (4 = normal condition, will keep you wam and not naked for a while)
about the credits, you can exchange them for coins at the nearest "Coins and us".
ok, for the story:
someone in black nano-weave clothing enters your nondescript room, a that same time the phone rings, the person hasn't seen you yet. Although it might just look like a person. because it doesn't seem to know what the phones purpose is, as it stares at the phone, you decide what to do.
(just decide what you would want to do, I will roll a dice for the outcome)
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I move quickly in the shadows and swing the baton into the back of their head. If the target is dropped by my swing, I slip out the door, my nano-weave clothing adopting the appearance of his outfit. Otherwise, I continue to attack until my baton breaks.
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after leaving you wonder what it might have been, it didnt scream, nor did it resist. You return to get a better look, the body dissapeared, which you already suspected. you awnser the phone, which is still ringing, the voice on the other end, presumably also a phone, gives you this message "You have 48 hours to deliver the package, do not, I repeat, do not, dissapoint us".
You feel in your pocket after it suddenly got fuller, its a weird cube, and a note, be under the bridge at nine.
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I, of course, disobey the note. I have 48 hours to deliver the package, but I'd rather skip town sooner. I adjust the nano-weave clothing again to look more nondescript, and find the destination. I walk over the bridge once, and then head into town to kill time. I drop the package off with a trusted contact, who will deliver it in my stead for 100 credits (1 coin), and set about finding a fixer to pick up some gear. For the low low price of 3000 credits (30 coins) I manage to find a discount rate handgun and enough rounds to fill up the magazine twice. The construction is cheap, but that's what being cheap gets you. I also buy a ticket to another city, two stops south on the coastal route, and a quality fake ID (2000 credits total, 20 coins). I pass the time for the train in a public square, watching for any suspicious developments.
1 Damaged Collapsible Baton
1 Nano-weave clothing (nondescript)
1 Cheap Handgun (24 rounds)
1 Train ticket
1 Fake ID (seems authentic, in computer systems)
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I'm a young adventurous soul who brought himself out to the middle of the forest to test my survival skills. I have a large sack full of food, clothing, shelter, flares, medical equipment, really anything you would possibly need in a survival scenario. Unfortunately, I lost that bag running away from a bear. I'm safe now, hiding in a makeshift tree house. I count my reaming gear. A lighter, a brand new combat knife, My ripped up flannel shirt and vest and my jeans, sock and boot. Noticing all the pockets my vest had, I cursed myself for not filling any with my survival equipment. I'm both hungry and tired and can't decide what instinct to act on first.
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your knife (6(!) = enchanted (pick any enchantement that isnt to overpowerd))
your lighter (2 = It will have to do, although it might give out at any moment)
your clothing (just clothing, not gonna waste a dice throw on that ;) )
for the story:
as you sit, in your makeshift tree house. night begins to fall, not knowing what will come in the morning, but eager to find out, you fall asleep. The next morning you wake, the bear seems to have followed your scent, lucky for you this bear cant climb. its just sitting down there, waiting. It knows just as good as you that you need to come down for food, Feeling rested, you decide to make a sharp stick, also known as a primitive spear (created weapons have no enchantement and are in normal condition), you rip off your shirt and combine it with a stick to make a torch, heading out at night, when the bear is sleeping, seems better.
(just decide what you would want to do after this story^, I will roll a dice for the outcome)
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While waiting for the bear to leave so I could look for food, I notice fruit growing on a nearby tree. I carefully climb to edge of a large branch. unfortunately I would have to jump. I pulled out my knife to fight off the bear, in case I fell. i took deep breath and jump. I made it! before I can celebrate with a big piece of fruit, the branch I'm landing creaks and bulges. I attempt to step on another branch, but the one I'm on buckles under me before I can. With my hand not holding the knife, I attempt one final time to stay up on that tree and grab at a lower branch.
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the branch holds! (I threw a 4 :D)
The bear, which is intrigued by all the movement, waits at the bottom of the tree you are in. as there is no way back up, you jump down.
(3) you land hard, your foot hurts, as the bear challenges you (stands on his back feet), you take your knife and prepare for the worst.(4) the bear gets a good hit on you, as you stumble back the bear moves in for the kill. (4, yes. again) you stab the bear in his eye, the bear, now filled with rage, takes a swing (6 (!)), you are unconsious. You wake, presumably a day later, in a small cottage in the woods. You walk outside, only to see the bear there, waiting for you. As you scream in terror, a man comes out of the woods, He explains that he bear is dead, he killed it before he could start eating you. You talk for a while, he explains he is a hunter, who lives in the forest, but sells his wares to travellers and at the market in the town nearing the forest. He gives you some food, and gives you a general derection, and says you should go back to the town.
(just decide what you would want to do after this story^, I will roll a dice for the outcome)
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I being a real stupid man, I ignore the advice and trek out to the forest again. I find a foggy lake with a boat in the middle of it. I Jump in and swim to the boat. when I get on the boat, the air is unusually cold and my wet body is freezing. I find two skeletons, on in a cabin boy's outfit and one in a captains. I used the cabins boy outfit as a towel and change into the captains. I search the craft for food and don't find any, but I do find a fishing rod. I hope that even without bait I manage to catch a big fish.
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I'm in a search party conducted by the King's Royal Guard looking for the lost princess. We have searched for the past three moons and only recently picked up a trail. It seems to lead deep into the forest, into the orc's land. My captain calls me into his tent. As the second in this group, he asks for my advice in proceeding.
"We have to find the princess, yes, but risk a war with the orcs? What is your opinion, Avery?"
I tumble this situation over in my head. Unbeknownst to the captain, my advice would be biased. Since I was a recruit I had fallen madly in love with the princess. Always from afar, during royal ceremonies, public addresses, those times when her hair was done just right and her dress perfectly sculpted around her body. I always took this infatuation as a blessing, as it just gave me more motivation to guard her with my life. These last few moons have been rough, not knowing what state she is in. Now that we have a trail to go on though...
"We must venture into their lands. It's for the princess, for the king, and for the very nation of Lavult." Taking up my sword and shield, I add;
"Besides, if these orcs are responsible for taking our princess, then it is not only war they should fear, but extinction. At our hand!"
It was boisterous, but I couldn't contain my emotion. It seemed to convince the captain as well, for he brought me out of the tent to commence the march straight away.
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my hands are sore now (I just replied to everyone), I will reply tomorrow (or this evening). and your story seems like fun dude! so your items are a sword and a shield? if so:
sword (2 = not that good, but better then nothing)
shield (3 = this will smash faces for sure)
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alright lets get this over with, i roll a 3 for the beginning.
You and your companions march for a good 4 hours before you encounter your first enemy (the lower the number, the badder the baddie is) (I throw a 1(!)). It is an orc champion (A giant orc, trained to fight since he was 2 Gyun's old), with 5 or 6 orcs acompanioning him. Your and the search party hide, hoping to avoid conflict with the orcs, too bad for you, orcs can smell humans. You hear them talking "Gu He LOpjU?", says the officer (A normal orc with a little more intelligence) to the champion, you hear the champion sniffing, loudly, then he screams "Hi JUdTeND HooMans!", the 'HooMans' part disturbs you. As the champion comes running at you full of rage, and the smaller orcs chear, you take a knife and throw it at him (I throw a 4), A bad throw, though it hits him in the ear. While still running towards your position even more enraged, he screams of pain, blood dripping down his face. as he reaches the first line of soldiers, the spears penetrate his belly, blood and green goo drip down, he grabs the soldiers and bites their heads of, one, by, one. when he reaches you you grab your sword You take a chance (5), You slice the orc champions face in half, his peanut-like brain rolls out. as he falls to the ground, the smaller orcs charge at you, you have been weakened, your whole group has, this will be a hard fight.
(just decide what you would want to do after this story^, I will roll a dice for the outcome)
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Slightly unrelated, but after reading this thread, I wrote a short story using the dice roll technique to determine the course of the story as an experiment. Thought it could be fun to try it, and I might as well share it here. :P
(Die roll: 6)
My adventure began in the small town of MudSlug, where I had found a bargain on a brand new (enchanted) Barrett M82 sniper rifle. I now had my rifle and a handful of ammunition. A good start, I told myself, as I exited the small weapons shop, out into the arid and dusty wasteland of Dead Crow's Gulch. All across the grimy streets were townsfolk busy at their occupations. The last sand gale had destroyed parts of the town's homes, and desert bandits had been reported to be roaming a few approximate miles from MudSlug.
I strolled down the street looking for Guts, my traveling partner, when suddenly, the town's alarm was heard. Out into the streets came running the Sheriff, followed by his deputies.
“Bandits!” He yelled, “Bandits! The bandits are coming, prepare for battle!”
I rushed out of the way as a crap-built motorized vehicle sped past me in a cloud of thin desert dust. In the vehicle were three men. One driver, and two law enforcers, automatic rifles in hand.
“Close the gates! Man the turrets!” the Sheriff ordered.
The people of MudSlug were in a state of panic and confusion. In the horizon I saw a massive cloud of dust. It could have been confused with a sand gale, if it weren't for the gritty sound of the bandit cars engine. At this point, there was no time to lose. In a moment, the bandits would be onto us, and we would most likely be overwhelmed by their numbers. Without hesitating, I dashed towards the nearest ladder leading to a shed's rooftop. I hastily climbed up to the roof, where I placed my rifle and laid down on my chest.
(Die roll: 4)
I looked through my scope, looking for the best target for my first shot. After scouring the group of bandit vehicles for a moment, I immediately noticed the bandit leader driving a rusty 1969 Ford Mustang.
“Today is my lucky day...”
I aimed carefully, before taking the shot.
(Die roll: 4)
The bullet left the barrel in a deafening, thundering blast. Whether it was luck or skills, I did not know, but my bullet stroke the fuel tank of the vehicle, as intended. The townsfolk watched in astonishment as a massive explosion of fire and debris flew into the air, taking down three of the makeshift jalopies at once.
“One shot, three down. Not bad for a first bullet.”
From this point on, the law enforcers had begun open fire on the remaining bandits. Three more vehicles remained, approaching rapidly. I still had time for one more shot before they were too close.
(Die roll: 1)
I aimed, and prepared to fire another bullet when the bandits began returning fire. A volley of bullets flew inches away from my face, while some of them penetrated the nearby wall, sending pieces of rock flying. Blinded by the dust from the now crippled wall, I grabbed my sniper rifle and executed a rough roll to my left, resulting in my fall from the roof and into a pile of potatoes.
“Looter! Looter, are you okay?” I heard a worried voice exclaim.
Guts came running to me from behind a stone half-wall, after carefully verifying for incoming fire.
“I'm fine... but where the heck were you?”
“I was just buying a flower bouquet... where do you think I was, dumbass?”
“Very funny. But perhaps dealing with our current situation is a much more pressing matter than a comedy routine, don't you agree?”
At this moment, a bullet hit the corner of the shed, causing a rain of rock pieces to rain onto us.
“Oh, I agree, I agree!” Guts exclaimed after dusting off his heavily used and patched up felt hat.
“Do you have a plan?” he then asked me, more in the form of a wish than a question.
“No, not really... or wait! I have an idea or two, but either it's a genius idea or an horrible one.”
“Go for it, we can't be in a bigger mess than we already are!”
(Die roll: 3)
“Alright, here's the plan... I saw that the bandits left one of the vehicles unattended while they battle. If we can get close enough without getting spotted, we may be able to snatch the car and execute a getaway...”
Guts remained silent for a moment while he stared at me in astonishment.
“Looter... Looter, you are a GENIUS!” he excitedly yelled.
“Alright, let's move!”
“You lead the way, my friend!”
We stealthily lurked along the wall, while being cautious remaining unseen by the bandits. About a dozen feet away was the scrappy rust bucket land rover, our final goal. I glanced at Guts for a moment, and after silently explaining to him that we would do a break for the car with gestures, I counted-down with my fingers. At the count of three, we rushed out from cover and ran towards the vehicle. However, as luck would have it, at this exact moment, the lawmen retreated further inside the town to resupply. The bandits, redirecting their focus on the cars and checking on their bandit friends soon noticed us. In a moment, we were captured, tied up and forced inside the back of a truck.
“The Sheriff is coming back! Come on, let's get out of here!” one of the bandits yelled to his comrades.
The three bandit vehicles took off, one of them transporting us.
“This is bad,” said Guts in a whisper. “Do you have a plan to escape these bandits?”
“Let me think...”
(Die roll: 3)
I remained silent for a moment, before continuing.
“I think I might have a plan, but again I'm not sure if it's a genius idea or a terrible one.”
“Let's do it!” Guts replied, a slightly maddened expression on his face.
Looks like we were in for another crazy adventure...
I apologize for the wall of text. Perhaps I should have linked a Pastebin.
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Just the rifle. I intended on participating in the thread, but got carried away and decided to try writing a story using a die roll. :P
And yes, I mostly wrote with 123 being bad, 456 being good. Of course though, 1 is terrible and 6 is excellent.
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Nice idea! I shall try it next time I write too (:
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EDIT: I quit, :P, need to focus on some other stuff, could continue in the future
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