Free to claim on the dev's discord server during the first 24 hours of launch.
The game will be available for free from 9:00 AM PDT on June 7th to 9:00 AM PDT on June 8th.
Once you claim it within this period, it's yours to keep forever.

You need to claim your key on their discord server, not sure if I can link it directly, but you can find it in this announcement.
Keys are being claimed quickly, devs added anti bot measures so make sure to head to the #roles channel, get verified and get a role.

Devs are working secure an additional 20,000 keys. As soon as they have them ready, I will bump this thread

3 months ago*

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thanks but i'll pass - but might be good for others

3 months ago

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Yet another Werewolves/Among Us game... And a meme one, it seems.

3 months ago

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Looks fun. Im gonna grab it! :D

3 months ago

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I don't see any way to claim it. 👀

3 months ago

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Will be released in 80 minutes. I believe.

3 months ago

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Really similar to those games that use the exact same assets.

You can call it asset flip.

Edit: 10€ for an asset flip!?!? Yikes.

3 months ago*

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Sweet, thanks for the heads up

3 months ago

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Hmm, it is out, but it doesn't seem to be free

3 months ago

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I joined their discord, but i cant seem to get the role that allows you to talk, even though i reacted with the checkmark

3 months ago

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Update: just click the checkmark and be patient lol

3 months ago

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Released and now purchasable, but not free...

3 months ago

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It looks like only free, if you join their Discord server. That's disapponting.

3 months ago

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Someone should slap the OP in the face for a misleading claim.

3 months ago

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dw I did that

3 months ago

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You need to join Discord and request the key.

3 months ago

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"Join our Discord to claim a game key"

Link is in the annoucement.

3 months ago

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re-opened the thread, hopefully this isn't TOS breaking

3 months ago*

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If it is, then it's all my fault, not his! I suggested to him to re-open the thread. :p

3 months ago

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Joining the discord group is not possible probably there is a member limit group or they dont accept member anymore..

3 months ago

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You can join and leave their Discord after you get the key, took me 20 seconds.

3 months ago

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Thanks but now seemed already available but not free here, it cost 9,75€

EDIT: nevermind.

3 months ago

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Yeah it's free to claim on the dev's discord server, not on steam directly

3 months ago

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got it, thank you :)

3 months ago

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I typed /getkey an hour ago and it told me they were out of stock and now it won't let me type.

3 months ago

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go to #roles and get verified

3 months ago

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ok thanks

3 months ago

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This comment was deleted 3 months ago.

3 months ago

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Better title but with flipped assets and the uptake here I don't see them keeping this 'deal' going for very long.

Still, thanks for letting folks know and getting a +1 on their collections if they are into that kind of thing!

3 months ago

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Got a key. Thx!

3 months ago

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What happens after you enter "/getkey". How do you actually get the key?

3 months ago

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the bot on discord automatically gives you a key, it should show up immediately in chat(only visible to you)

3 months ago

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for some reasons i cant type in that channel even after i verified

3 months ago

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it takes a minute to get verified, likely because its getting flooded with people.

3 months ago

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That worked. Thanks :)

3 months ago

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I'm still waiting my Steam key as I didn't notice it after typing "/getkey" and I could no more come back to verify chat history again. Even the 2 Admin don't reply to my request. Not fair at all :/

3 months ago

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Did you try to type in /getkey again? Someone in the channel wrote that it shows your key again.

3 months ago

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Haydehoo schmetti! I was blocked from typing anything. The solution: My profile was missing 'Villager' role on their Discord channel. Once added, I was able again to type the command and get my personal key instantly. Thanks Jens for your interest. Have a great Week-End! ^^

3 months ago

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That's good news! Have a great week(-)end as well!

3 months ago*

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bump, still giving keys.

3 months ago

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'you have no permission to send mesages on this channel'

kekw, cannot send message, there are bots only on that discord so its fake giveaway?

3 months ago

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i have the same problem

3 months ago

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Upd: I wrote in the chat "Admin help here" and after a couple of minutes the problem was solved for me

3 months ago

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Did you pick a role in the #roles channel?

3 months ago*

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i picked, also pressed V mark on one of the pages. didnt work at first, but after second try and reload it works

3 months ago

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That's good. 👍 everything seems a bit chaotic on their discord, I think they didn't expect so much people...
EDIT: but getting calmer now it seems. 🙂

3 months ago*

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ermm.. it says unable to join server

3 months ago

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Devs might momentarily stop giving away keys from time to time while they get more keys from Steam, be patient.

3 months ago

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In case you are waiting for too long on getting the role, just remove it and pick it again.
I waited for more than one hour, thus I retried and then it worked within minutes.

3 months ago

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that's good info!

3 months ago

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Got one, thanks.

3 months ago

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3 months ago

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3 months ago

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