İnşaatlar yarım kalsın.
Yarısında insan yok zaten, hoperlör olarak iş görüyorlar. Onun yerine okullara, laboratuvarlara para yatırın da hem ülkenin geleceğine hem de gençlerine, insanlarına yarasın.
English --> Don't. Donate money to schools, laboratories, or give scholarships to the students instead.
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Thanks for your input. I don't agree with the first part of your statement. My local mosque is always full and the money helps everyone who is praying and using the facilites.
Everyone can donate to cause or place they feel fit. It is your personal preference. Feel free to donate to a school, lab or a student.
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Where are you from? In Turkey, we have at least one mosque in every neighborhood and our government spends tons of money on religious affairs. It is more common here to donate to students or in need.
Let's be honest edit: I find it heartless to donate money for the mosque repairs when people are in need around me. So many people in Turkey can't even pay their rent and bills these days because of coronavirus. The government encourages citizens to donate and we have a government lead campaign here to help these people.
And the mosques are not even open right now...
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Universities and collages are FREE in Turkey, and the government give scholarship to many students. It is true that the government AND the people spends money on religious affairs, which INCLUDES helping poor citizens, building and mending mosques etc. Personally I support helping people in need above anything else but in mosques helping people in need is been recommending so that is a good thing.
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Why do you talk about politics here? Nobody wants to hear YOUR opinions about your country. Please stop talking politics or do that elsewhere.
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Why do you care who is who? If Turkey really cares about their rich friends, then why Turkey helps many refugee in Turkey, and why spends money for other countries whic is really poor and weak. Also, in Turkey media and many things are free as a bird. If you be really realistic, you can realize the fact but I think you can't. Unfortunately, you can't.
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This is Ramadhaan. Both of you should seek refuge in Allah from Satan and return to your fasting.
Also, we do not permit public spats ("flame wars") in our forum.
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Just read the first three comments all together. I am explaining why the first comment might be against donating to mosque repairing. Government and people spending money on building and repairing religious facilities is not a bad thing. Mosques are both a religious and a social need for people here. No one can deny that.
My point, people are choosing to donate where it is needed. Because the mosques are in good condition and people have a space to gather and pray, they are choosing to help students or in need.
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In Turkey, the government spends money not only for religious affairs. You just see that what you want to see. Also, most mosques are built by philanthropists.
The government in Turkey, spent money also to make many thing and more which I will specify below,
schools, universities, hospitals, youth centers, parks, national parks, libraries, tunnels, bridges, dams, airports, technological investments, ports, space agency, green spaces, divided roads, railroads, high-speed train, subways, national defense and industry breakthroughs, wastewater facilities, infrastructure and superstructure services, shipyards, power generation facilities, sports facilities, domestic vehicles, science institution
... and more.
So, take off your horse glasses.
And, this thread was not opened for you to tell people to spend your money for bla bla bla. It is not up to you to say that. Everyone can make own desicions.
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I will copy and paste my answer for the other commentor. Sorry for low effort, but I will go back to sleep:
"Just read the first three comments all together. I am explaining why the first comment might be against donating to mosque repairing. Government and people spending money on building and repairing religious facilities is not a bad thing. Mosques are both a religious and a social need for people here. No one can deny that.
My point, people are choosing to donate where it is needed. Because the mosques are in good condition and people have a space to gather and pray, they are choosing to help students or in need."
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Kendi ülkesini kötüleyen insan insan değildir. burada bile siyaset ve kötüleme git kardeşim beğenmiyorsan kapı orda gittiğindede eleştiriye açık olun altını çiziyorum eleştiri, kötüleme karalama değil.
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Evet evet ben eleştiriye açık olmalıyım. Önce kendi yazdığını oku, sonra benim yazdıklarımı tekrar oku. Anladıktan sonra istersen yine yorum yaparsın.
"Karalama" dediğin kısmı da merak ettim. Söyle bakalım ne yazmışım karalama olarak?
Bazı şeyleri ezbere bilmekten ve körü körüne savunmaktan oluyor bunlar. Devletin ibadethanelere, konumuzda camilere, yardım yaptığını söylemem sana göre karalama. İnsanlar sokakta mı toplanıp namaz kılsınlar? İbadethaneler ibadet edilen yerler olmaları yanında birer sosyal tesistir. Yapılanlar ifade ediliyor diye rahatsız oluyorsan sorun sende.
İnsanların öğrencilere burs vermesine ya da fakirlere yardım etmesine mı takıldın yoksa? Herkes çok mu zengin? Yapmasınlar mı? Yoksa onu da sedece devlet mi yapsın?
Farklı bir şey gördüğünüzde anlamadığınızdan gelip cırlıyorsunuz. Kim insan kim değil onu belirleme kapasitesini kendinde görmüşsün bir de!
Her ağzını açana kapıyı gösterdiniz. Devlet sizin gibiler yüzünden yetişmiş insanları ülkeye geri dönsün diye uğraşıyor.
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Who are you? How can you say that where Turkey spends money? What do you know about it? NOTHING. You know NOTHING. The thing all you know is to be blind to the fact. The fact is, Turkey spends money for people and countries who really need it, not for terrorists. Terrorists kill innocent people. Terrorists kill babies, kill children, kill old mans, kill women. Terrorists do not discriminate. And you are saying Turkey is supporting them, hah? LOL! How dare you say that? Turkey helps innocent people, not kill them. Do you know how much money was spent for countries who effected by COVID-19, by Turkey? Do you know Turkey helped how many countries? Do you know how many people praying for Turkey just because Turkey helped them? Huh? You can't know. You don't know!
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Ehhh? Who are you? You know nothing. You just see that what you want to see. Turkey is really spending money on terror against the Kurdish people.
Black list? LOL! You hate the truth. Just donate money to make people free. The discussion is over.
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Where do you live?
Do you know how many Kurds live in Turkey in peace? Kurds are our brothers for centuries. Turkey always welcomed for Kurds and other nations in Turkey. We are living together for centuries. We do not have any problem with Kurds or other nations. But you are still saying Turkey spends money against Kurds, ha? Okey, come Turkey and see what truth is, you always welcomed by our hospitable people.
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I gave money to a Christian Organization, which helps people in poorer Countries like Romania. Currently, because of Corona, many People there don't have enough to eat, so they started the "Aktion Lebensmittel" to buy local food for people who lost their jobs or other incomes because of Corona. This will also help the local economy.
Great Idea!
How would you like the screenshot?
I don't want to share it publicly as it contains private information of me.
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Its a joke from an old Egyptian play.
About a guy who is trying to teach his mom how to seduce his dad.
And the dads name is also Ramadan.
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nice theire mockin others faith and believes i feel sorry for such ppl . it would be nice to make a joke about jews or cristians ? nah
dont make a joke about someones religion
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i neither insulted or mocked Islam , cause guess what?
this is a joke that Muslims around here do , literally every year. that and asking someone "بتصوم هالسنة؟ لو زي كل سنة؟" which is a loaded question that translates to " you fasting this year? or doing what you do every year?"
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i`m not talking about you .. talking about all whos mind are very small . cause a good man never insults others belief even if he dont believe em ,,talking about those ppl who made this :|
its not good ...... its farce and i hate either this or mockin have some dignity
no real muslim does that . those are fake and believe me if someone sees these things around Suadi Arabia he will lose hes head i dont support this action but .you have no right to either insult or mock ppl believes and when you copy theire mockin actually your shared in theire behaviaor
if someone talks behind someones else and youre there , your just lessoning the conversation if you dont do anything your just as bad as the one whos mockin
best thing to do , dont lesson to them and dont copy paste theire image leave them be .... thats what humanity says is that wrong ?
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dude .
Saudi Arabian living in Saudi Arabia . with Muslim parents and Muslim friends living in a Muslim community. believe me when i tell you EVERYONE around here does this.
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all i want to say is this : those ppl who are making these are loaded and farce and i dont like anyone who even mocks hes own believes
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Ehr... no, my money are definitely not going to any kind of religious organizations, fighting a pandemic with building more temples sounds a bit medieval.
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First of all i never said it has to be a religious organization. no need to get offended. be more open. religious buildings also need money to function. paying electricity and water etc.
also it is your money. you choose on what you spend your money on. your comment doesn't contribute to anything but controversy.
have a good day.
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That is an Icelandic holiday. I think it is to do with Easter. I don't remember. It was a couple of years back with my buddy from Iceland. I remember good food. I guess it is close because we had Easter last month.
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Was a joke about you must be a new user not to have read the FAQ or the guidelines yet...
Collecting money, items, or games for giveaways, lotteries, or group access. For example, asking users to donate a few dollars, with the promise of giving away a valuable game once adequate funds have been raised. Or, asking users to personally send you games and items for an event. Or, requiring users to send you annual fees to participate in your Steam group.
And about "Store bededag"
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respect is mutual. religion is very important for many people and if you insult a religion you insult everyone who follows it. just because you have "fanatics" in your country and they give religion a bad name doesnt mean everyone is like them. There are plenty of good religious people. but many people tend to ignore the good ones and focus on the bad apples. bad people now no religion or ethnicity or ideology. they instrumentalize these things to get what they want.
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So a religion organization that helps poor people is a bad thing?
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Religious organizations that actually help anyone but themselves are a rear thing though.
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Actually most of the "organizations" are cut from "HELP" money believe me i do some chairty things but my bosses cut from the money.
They give half of the money to poor people 50/50 most of them work in this way thats why i dont like chairty stuff.
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I know some people that work for the organization I've donated above and I even been in Romania for a year as a volunteer. They need some money for organizational stuff, but most is used to help people there. They also get a lot of clothes and toy donations which they can then sell extremely cheap to the locals or give the poor for free.
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Thats true childerens get toys poor people got foods but my point is i dont like the organization cut from the help money at all. Yeah they actually give %50 of money but took rest of them, man thats brutal.
Doing goods things doesnt make you good person ' important thing is the good intentions because doing good stuff doesnt always end up good.
Doing good things for benefit is nothing. Think is half of the success.
And you cant help everyone but you can stop corruption.
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They are not doing good, because they profit from it, but because they want to help people.
They want to help people, because that’s what Jesus told us to do.
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yeah ,open you mind for god sakes , who created the world ?? give me one reason and tell my who !! then ppl will accept your idead
hes the reason ive seen to many things my believes are not simply by some books or ppl words . may the god guides you haha
and we cant respect ppl like you ,im sorry too
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To the OP, first of all, Ramadan Mubarak.
As someone who is working and living in the middle east for the past decade, I'm quite familiar with Ramadan and I think the message of Ramadan is grand and admirable. I really admire those that take the time to help those who are less unfortunate.
That said, I believe the act of charity (I believe it is called zakat? correct me if I'm wrong) is intrinsically personal and should come from the heart. It is not something that should be talked about in a public forum like an achievement. That cheapens the value of the donations. Personally I feel there is no reason to ask anyone to show proof of their donations or creating a giveaway to encourage people to donate. That is not an act of humility. It feels more like you are trying to manipulate others to donate, which defeats the entire meaning of the message. No offence intended but I felt the need to point out the tone of your post. Again, you are free to do what you want but I hope you consider how it looks too.
Now to our community members, whether we are believers of X, Y, Z religion or atheists, whatever ... let's keep it civil in the forums. I've seen people get quite worked up when the topic is about religions. Everyone is free to follow what they believe and we can definitely respect that. We can share our views too but let's keep it clean and respectful.
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Ramadan Mubarek. Indeed zakat is something very personal and should not be talked in public. But this is in not zakat what i am doing and i am not in any way bragging or showing it off as an achievement. we all are here anonymous. noone knows eachother in real life or have seen eachother. also it is in no way a manipulation, which i think you worded very harshly. i am just making the point that donations are good and that we gamers should consider instead of buying a game or bundle to donate to charity. considering the majority of people here have a big backlog and have plenty of games to play. also i am sure that we are all old enough to make our own decisions. people who wouldnt ever donate to a charity will not suddenly do it just because i said so. i don't think i have that kind if power lol
only people who thought about it and are on the fence would do it or already did, which i want to reward with a little giveaway because they did something awesome and great. helping others. thanks for your nice comment.
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Ramadan Mubarak!
As a Syrian who's witnessed mosques getting rebuilt way before completely destroyed neighborhoods and important infrastructure, I'd say no to donating to such organizations...
but I guess it is location-dependent, still I'd rather see money pumped into stuff that'll improve the quality of life before it's pumped into religious buildings, as spiritual activities doesn't necessarily need a building.
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Ramadan Mubarek!
I had trouble with the payment methods. I can't use PayPal, because PayPal does not serve in Turkey anymore. Other two options also doesn't work, I didn't find my bank name in the list. But, I donated for a same purpose to same foundation wich is in Turkey.
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رمضان كريم
While the concept behind your event is within our Guidelines, the image you linked contains promotional information. Please remove the link, or edit the image so that it contains no contact information. (Do not forget to remove the QR code, also.)
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how are mosques affected by coronavirus lol
there are living beings suffering because of covid and you chose to help soulless buildings.
don't get me wrong, it's your money and you have every right to spend it as you wish but you clearly encourage sg community to help those affected by the pandemy. and yet you don't.
I don't want to offend you, I just don't understand.
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it is not hard to understand at all.
Mosques in Germany, especially my local mosque. was funded and built by the local muslim community when they came to germany after ww2 for work. They had no place to practice their believes and had no place to share their culture and religion. So they built this mosque out of their own pockets. In the current time the mosque sustains itself by funds by a turkish muslim organisation called ditib and through donations of the local communty during friday prayers.
Due to Covid-19, the donations and finances are low and this is a way for the community to donate money through the internet or via banking.
For me and many others this places are very important and part of ourselves. my religion, my culture and a hotspot for the community to gather and talk and share. i wouldnt want the mosques to shut down and get closed because they cant pay their debts.
Also you should know that ditib is also responsible for helping people in need by spending the money people donate to charitable causes.
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Ramadan Mubarek to everyone! The time has once again come to fast and celebrate Ramadan. This year it is different. As everyone knows the new Coronavirus Covid-19 has changed everyones lifes in a way nobody in this time has ever seen before. We humans are social beings and we miss all the things we may have took for granted.
This situation has a lesson for all of us and it kind of reflects the message of Ramadan: "that we should be grateful for all things we have and learn to be humble and caring for others that are in need of help."
So, while i thought to make a new thread about Ramadan, i wanted to make things a bit differently.
Here is my idea:
I encourage all of you fellow gamers to donate money which you normally would spend to buy a Bundle/Game to a charity or organisation of your liking which helps your local community or people affected by the Coronavirus. I personally donated to an islamic organisation called ditib which will use the money for the maintenance and building of mosques.
To encourage you to donate i will make a giveaway of a bundle or game/s for the people who did a donation by inviting them to my whitelist.
You would need to post proof of your donation via a screenshot of the transaction or a picture of your receipt.
Past donations count as long as they are in a way related to this Covid-19 Situation.
You can share your thoughts and ideas about my post with me and let me know what i should give away.
Thanks for reading and i wish everyone a wonderful and blessed Ramadan. May Allah give us and our families health and strength to go through this difficult situation.
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