I've never actually used the Steam voice chat. I was more talking of them constantly sending messages.
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Do you respond to their messages? If so, you're just encouraging the behavior. People are creatures of habit. My mother in law has the annoying habit of calling 3+ times in a row if we don't answer the phone the first time. my wife always answers the phone eventually though so the behavior is reinforced. People don't pull crap like that with me because it's a good way for me to ignore all of your calls.
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I have 66 friends. I don't see how people manage to reach the cap!
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lol when ever a game my friEnd wants is on sale he spams me with "CAN YOU PLEASE BUY ME THIS GAME ON SALE!!!"
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And the sad part is you actually buy him those games?
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All my friends know I'm broke and I don't play a game unless I win it, so I thankfully don't have that problem.
I won Bioshock Infinite from a different website, so that was awesome. Buuuut, my birthday is coming up and I'm telling everyone all I want is Steam games!
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Or better yet, have them buy you Steam wallet cards from Best Buy. Tell them not to get it from Gamestop cause all they give you is a chintzy receipt with a steam code on it. :)
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they can still message you
most of my friends dont care if im busy
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There was a indian guy who talk to me every second on steam i had to delete him on steam. he was annoying me too much. He always talk to me the first thing i logged on. EVEN WHEN I AM PLAYING GAMES!! the chat just keep popping up!!! had to delete him.
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Then they ask a million questions.
Me: Sorry can't really talk. In a game!
Them: Oooh. Awesome game. Do you like it?!
Me: ....
Them: You know I played the first one? It was great!
Me: ........
Me: I hate you.
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I don't like being bothered when playing an immersive game, and I don't bother others when they're playing a game. But if someone messages me, it only annoys me for about 2 seconds. Then the majority of the time I try to get out of having a conversation, lol.
As for the way people talk, I don't care. Being bothered is the only thing that I don't really like, but even then, it's not like it pisses me off that much.
Also, to solve your giveaway problem, here.
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I hate that, when people get pissy because you don't respond. Or they send a message every 5 seconds to get your attention. Then to make things worse, you reply and they ignore you. God, I hate that so much, lol.
Also, dnt u tink it kl 2 spk lik dis? fk bein sxy
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That's my biggest thing. People act butthurt when you don't answer immediately.
And no. Seeing that makes me want to punch you in the throat.
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I wouldn't really punch you though. I'm rather small. And some guys will hit back.
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As one of the guys that would hit back you shouldn't let your size deter you. I know plenty of little guys that can fight quite well. Getting hit is much more mental than physical. Even small guys can take a lot of punishment. A big guy is just as easy to knock out as a little guy since that's primarily about technique and accuracy. When I get hit I feel pain for an instant but then it disappears from my consciousness and I can move on.
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That's how I am. And if I really need to bother someone, I am quick and then I'm done.
And friends are overrated. <3
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I don't bother people when they're ingame unless i have something important to say or just want to share with them some lesbian porn (cause no one in their right mind would complain about that)
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I block them if they do it after I warn them. Most have nothing to say anyways, so there's no point in chatting anyhow. Most of my older steam friends know they'll be waiting a bit for an answer if I'm in the middle of a hard game or a good part in a story or quest.
As for people who try to get your attention by spamming trade requests, voice chat requests, and group invites...I just block 'em. Not worth the time or effort with someone like that, since it's obvious they've yet to advance beyond Kindergarten levels of anything, really. :D
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Maybe I should start blocking. I just always feel bad. >.<
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I do game footage recording and I hate it when someone talks to me to ask "hey! are you recording?" Especially if it's coming from someone who knows I record the game that I am playing. Why ask me something you already know -_-. Generally I just don't talk to people who are in game. I feel like that's kinda rude or an annoyance.
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I could only imagine how irritating that would be.
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Most of my online friends are way more awesome than my irl friends. =/
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It's easy, if I don't want to get distracted in games like Bioshock, I go offline. And if I forgot about it, I'd ignore the message.
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I always think I'm gonna miss something important. =/
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Binding of Isaac don't need concentration?! Alright it doesn't really, but it's hard to keep up in group chats if you're fighting MOM at the same time ;) Anyway, I agree with you, and it's annoying when you're playing DOTA 2 aswell, atleast in the first 20min of farming. I'm trying to last hit, I can't write chat messages at the same time!
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Not that it doesn't need concentration, just more that I'm not gonna get all into it.
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Yeah I understand. I don't like it when people do it to me (even though they do), so I don't do it to them. A simple "You won my giveaway" or "Hi" is fine. But I hate it when they are like "Hi", "Hello?", "Are you here?", "HELLO?".
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I can totally understand you with that... I actually tend to ignore friends who do that, thankfully I don't have a lot like it. There was one time when I was playing BIT.TRIP RUNNER's last level before the boss, and someone started chatting me when I actually made it near the end. Then, as it is always usual, it threw me out of rhythm, and I made a fault on one of the most mundane objects, and had to restart it again. If you ever made it to that level, then you know just about how otherwordly pissed I was at that moment. But the same goes to whenever I play an online game like Half Life (1) or Killing Floor.
Other than that, I don't have anything else, really. I really freaking hate when people start to hit on me, despite the fact that it is clearly stated that I'm a male on my profile... but then sometimes it's just too much fun to mess with people like that.
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Etiquette? I just behave normally with the other person and afford them the same courtesy I would expect from them. Many often interrupt me in game, it's very irritating. When I'm playing something like say, Skyrim it doesn't bother me too much but if it is something like Black Ops 2 I really couldn't care less about what the other person is saying. Now I just turn off chat and rarely appear online.
I do like to keep my friend's list small so I do delete people I don't talk or play with any more after a few months.
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That's a pretty good idea. Maybe I need to go on a deleting spree.
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Honestly, I deny any friend request that I either wasn't aware would be coming (like someone here is giving me a code) or is associated with a giveaway. Too dang many scammers these days and I don't want to bother with them.
So honestly, barely do Steam chat, I'd treat it like any other chat though. Of course I have a bad habit of starting up a game and clicking off the window for a break and it still says I'm playing, like right now I'm supposedly playing Ys: The Oath in Felghana. Obviously, I'm taking a break from it for the moment.
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276 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by HBF1945
Exactly what the title asks!
I don't mean SteamGifts chat (Lord knows there is enough...madness happening in there) but chatting in Steam with people on your friend's list.
I ask because I never deny anyone that sends me a friends request. But here, in the past couple months or so, I get people that are really chatty. Now, chatty doesn't bother me. BUT, these people have been violating my one big rule for chat etiquette:
Don't ever bother someone in an immersive game.
If it's something like the Binding of Isaac, sure, bother me all you want. If it's something that's like To The Moon, Bioshock, etc, that has a really strong story to it. Don't bother me.
And I try to extend people the same courtesy.
What are some things that you wish people knew when it came to chatting on Steam?
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