What a depressing idea to think the best years of your life are so early on
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You dream to process the things you experienced in your life, if you hate school that's why it feels nightmarish although sometimes it can be predicting.
Unless you are dropping out you just have to suck it up and finish school. Trust me if you don't you will gonna hate it alot more.
I am 34 and still dream about being back in school from time to time.
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I'm never dropping out. But I forgot to mention that I got held back a year. Maybe that has something to do with the dream as well? I enjoy being at school and learning new things, but I just can't find any motivation to study or do homework.
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Can be but do you experience that as a bad thing being held back a year? do you think you missed a year makes you fall behind with the rest of your age, because of it? 99% of the time there is no real meaning to a dream.
9 months is not really that long, do try to find the motivation, set yourself a reward maybe by yourself or let your parents help for when you do have reached those 9 months, perhaps a party, computer (game), something.
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Thanks for the responses and help.
I do kinda consider being held back a bad thing, but I pretty much got over it last year.
Maybe I'll try that this year.
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School is cool! I hope you like Alchemy lessons -_-
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Recurring dreams?
I used to have dreams about failing an exam the day before the exam. Actually, it still happens occasionally, but I know it's not real, haha. Dreams can be a manifestation of things you spend a lot of time thinking about, and you inevitably think about things you dread.
Personally, I hated high school, too, because I had no interest in what they were teaching and you were forced to conform to their standards. University was a lot of fun, because I could learn what I wanted to, though! Anyway, do your best and try to get through things. Not doing well in high school doesn't mean you will fail in life. In real life, people care more about how well you get along with other people. o/
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I do sometimes. (not a lot) but instead it's about getting something I really want like New 3DS XL... D:
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It seems that the recurring dream is caused by some form of anxiety. I remember that when on the long school holidays, you get so used to the free time that it's possible you start dreading the return to the usual routine. Maybe 'dreading' is too strong a word, but it does weigh on the back of some people's minds. The funny thing is that after a few days it feels like you never left, and it's all back to normal.
You don't need to have a lot of anxiety for it to effect your dreams. If that little bit of anxiety about the impending boredom / routine is constant, floating around in the back of your mind like some kind of faint but nasty smell, then your dreams will pick up on that and express them to you along with other random things. It's nothing to worry about, even if the repeating dreams can get annoying or weird.
After overplaying the original Left 4 Dead, and then similarly burning out on L4D2, I ended up getting L4D themed zombie dreams on and off for almost two whole years. I shit you not. Granted, I do have a strong imagination and my dreams do occasionally take on story or movie-like qualities, no doubt feeding off my videogaming hobby, but still, you'd be surprised how the dumbest of things can become a recurring theme in your dreams. If it wasn't L4D, it was some other form of zombie dream, occasionally other kinds of monsters altogether, but nearly always zombies. I'm just glad they weren't actually nightmares, but rather they came with that game-like detachment.
It's a pretty kickass upgrade from the lucid nightmares in a vaguely Silent Hill theme I used to get when I was really young. \:3/
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Thanks for the long and helpful reply. I don't know if I ever dealt with anxiety, but it might be true. Thanks :)
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I had recurring dreams when I got home from my last final deployment to Iraq. I was having the same dream every single night and it persisted for 4 years. Anxiety is definitely a trigger, especially for long term. I ended up curing it with hypnotherapy -- back then it felt like I was visiting a witch doctor. On an acute level, I think our minds just try to work things out when we sleep.
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First off, all dreams have meanings. Above of all, the "same" dream may mean different things for different people. Dreams are not only made of basic things (for instance dreading something) but of small bits of details as well (such as staircases or even water). The way dreams present themselves to us may vary from time to time, and surprisingly, sometimes different dreams may want to tell us the same thing.
Dreams show to us the fears we cannot face, or even what we are capable of. Not all dreams mean exactly what they present (most don't, actually) and shouldn't be seen literally. I can tell you, for sure, that telling you what that dream means for you in the personal scope of your life is nearly impossible without gathering and threading the details.
Dreams are not analyzed or perceived by themselves, their interpretation depends, above of all, on the analysis of their own owner's life.
That taken into account, I can give you some advice to help you gather what your dream may mean, but no meanings which can be of any help, no matter how long we type to each other aimlessly on this thread. That in mind, onwards to the tips:
Pay attention to details.
Dreams can hide the deepest of meanings within the smallest of sources.
Find patterns.
One of the advantages of recurring dreams is the ability to see what is in fact the same and what may vary (and how often both occur).
Write them down.
When you wake up, have a notebook or your phone to write your dream down on. Don't even shuffle on your bed before you do it, get to writing right away (and you'll become increasingly better at both remembering dreams and comparing them).
Don't look for the obvious.
It will probably be foolish to think a dream is telling you exactly what it shows.
Find a connection between dream a reality.
Did you know we never dream of faces we haven't seen before? That fact and others only prove how tightly dreams and reality are connected. Find the points where they meet (and where they don't) and your dream might become clearer to you.
I hope I could be of help, even if a tiny one! Good luck (:
PS: I'm also a teenager, so I get your pain.
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I'm just an aspiring psychologist. Keep the check to yourself until I actually become one (:
Also, what's wrong with that cat?
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I haven't had a recurring dream in years. The only set I can remember was me losing fights with mythical monsters. I finally won against a minotaur and then the dreams stopped. Remember that dreams don't always have great significance, and often times are merely a consequence of looming events. I've been stressed about the semester starting for a couple weeks, and I don't even have classes until September!
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I always have that dream that I never got my schedule, or I've been missing a class for weeks.
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Once you get done with school it goes away. Then you dream you had a job you've forgotten about.
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I've been having a recurring dream about someone being murdered. It's also weird because I feel like I know everyone involved, but I don't actually recognize them. It is to note that the last time I had a recurring dream like this it became true so ... yeah ...
Oh right ... uhm ... I think I had a dream about school ... once.
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Back in the day, sorry to say it was probably before you were born as it was in the early and mid 90s, I had dreams during winter break that I'd forget my locker combination and then had to push through the unrealistically packed hallways trying to get to the right office to get my combination, and then I'd get there and the Red School office would be closed and I'd have to go to the White School office on the other side of the school, then back to my locker, and I'd invariable not be able to complete some step. All before the first period bell. Except that bell didn't ring, ever. Trapped in a hallway, in futile struggle, forever.
What it means is that you're under stress.
I don't buy into complex interpretations of dream content. Not only do almost all dreams have no cogent content to begin with, but you unconsciously fill in once you wake up, resulting in something completely different than the actual dream.
Bad dreams are from stress, it doesn't matter what's in them. Identify the stress and you figure out what it means.
Where do your stresses come from? Given what you've posted you not only have the impending new year, but you have an enormous mass of hormones which constantly course through your body.
When I start a new semester as a teacher, I have the same dreams every night for a few weeks before. Not having my notes, can't find a parking space, I can't find the rooms my classes are in, my office, if I have one that semester, disappears. It's just stress.
Also, real talk here from a high school hockey goalie turned college lecturer: primary schooling is only the best years of your life if you don't do anything interesting with yourself after you're finished. So don't buy into that. If you live adulthood well, high school will count amongst the worst years of your life. Also, the very last years of your life will be pretty bad, too.
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I used to get dreams that half way through the semester I realized I was signed up for another class and that I've been missing it for the entire semester... (totally nightmarish to someone like me)
e: very rarely I'd have one where I missed a final exam entirely, sheesh
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When I was young, I had a shark tooth in a small jar, which was a souvenir from my visit to Australia. I brought it everywhere, until one day I fell asleep holding it and suddenly it disappeared. Tried really to find it, but couldn't.
For the past year, I've had several dreams where I found that shark tooth in odd places; sometimes in the toilet bowl, sometimes in a fruit, sometimes in my bag... and everytime I found it, I would wake up. It's like I'm having...
...I'll show myself out.
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Thank you all for the replies. I'm going to try some of these things that you guys suggested. Thank you guys so much! bows head
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I'm a teenager and it's currently summer for me (About a month left.)
I keep getting these dreams that I go back to school... Yet I don't really like school all that much. In the dream I come to a realization that I have to be there for 9 months and I hate it.
It's kinda nightmarish but I'm not sure what it really means... These dreams have been happening over and over for the past few weeks.
What does it mean?
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