"nd then he blocked me before i could respond....which my response was going to be "then youd be a friggin idiot because you could just market what you have, then buy the damn emote without giving up all your inventory"..."
I was thinking the same but opposite. Do the trade, market everything and re-buy the bomb. + Profit :D
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I guess depends on what the dude had. Some backgrounds can surprisingly go for good wallet. Others - not so much.
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he didnt want to give me everything anyway...he offered me two my choice of two different things that are marketing for .03 cents a piece...while the lowest on the market for my emote is .26 cents, which is my listing....
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This is a forum, people are entirely free to air grievances in hopes of some understanding or discussion. This isn't a pointless thread with no remotely interesting premise; spam. Like, you know, your post here is. What are you even doing here? Aren't you too busy winning games off others without sharing, yourself?
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Yeah. Some people just have no respect. I suggest using steamtrades,that way you can see their rep.
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I once did a trade with a guy, the trade went fine, all smoothly, he was still on my friends list since he was pretty friendly, and then for like 4 days after he kept on giving me these ripoff offers, stuff like "oh dude I saw you don't have Terraria, I'll give it to you if you give me 6 TF2 keys", so I would say no thank you, and he would say ok fine, how about [insert other game name here] for [game price in keys + about 4 keys]. On the 4th day, I couldn't put up with it anymore, so I deleted him and blocked him.
EDIT: The worst part is I'm not even interested in Terraria, or any of the other games he was offering -.-
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terraria for 6 keys...sounds like a great deal to me!!! who is this guy?!?! give me his screen name!!! i want to give him all my money!
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i had this happen to me to with a different guy. BAD RATS FOR 3 TF2 KEYS!
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These emotes and backgrounds are only worth what people will pay for them. I think Steam's trading system is quite poor, so I just sell my items on the market. I was posting my items at the lowest price for some time but started to watch the fluctuation of prices and began posting at a mid price and found that to be effective, giving me a bit more reimbursement for my troubles without the hassle of trading. Crafted about 50 badges, regrets galore... Valve needs to work on Steam's primary interface and cool off on the micro-transaction based features.
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Just to flip this over as to not paint all random adds bad.
Guy added me today asking about a card I had for sale on the market (he wanted to trade me cards for it)
He made an offer. I refused. He said thank you sorry for bothering you and logged off.
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I traded once, went well, we both got what we wanted, thanked each other, went our separate ways.
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thats how most of my experiences have been....but the past two times ive tried to trade its been douchebags...
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Write a novel about it, sounds promising. :D
Books begin how he adds yo to trade and then there will be the touching finale how you two say your goodbyes and go your way.
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it's happened to me many times.
i remember when i first started trading, people would tell me what they wanted and what they had, and after i declined they'd thank me for my time and leave.
but now traders are changing - adding me, inviting to trade without saying a word, then putting something in the trade window and not even saying what they want. i'm not interested, so i exit the trade window and tell them no thanks, and then they curse and remove and block me..
not all are like that, but alot are.
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I've seen the same thing, but when people put things into the trade window without telling me what they want, instead of closing the trade, I just click ready and say thanks for the gift. I mean, what else am I supposed to expect if they're just blindly adding me and adding things to a trade ;) Then they curse me and remove me :P
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One time someone was trying to trade for my Payday 2 Beta and he kept offering some junk TF2 items that I don't want and I said "I don't need TF2 items." He responded "You do need TF2 items" I don't know but that cracked me up for some reason.
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One time I had a trade thread up for Payday 2 beta. So this guy puts in a message? You have the beta already? He had Payday CC and thus would get 2 beta passes and had no interest in trading. He just wanted to stop my trade thread to ask questions about when he would get his beta so he could play and trade his extra copy. Then another responds, then he responds to that one. I type a message saying "This is for trading not for chatting", and he tells me to relax its free bumps.
That got other people posting opinions about whether trading for a beta was even legit, I was asking to much, it turned into a spam fest that completely derailed the trading thread.
What happened to people posting an offer or not posting? Have a question that is not directly related to making a trade send a pm or add a friend and ask. Some people just feel like if they want something the rest of the world should stop and react to their needs.
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The best case I know of didn't happen to me but to my brother: a guy added him and offered him a copy of SMNC + a few common items from Dota 2 for his unusual courier; to make things worse the guy had a huge selection of rare items (some worth over $100 each).
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And how do you think he got them? With offers like that. To some people, 5 items > 1 item. They don't know any better. Traders like that only need 1 in 100 people to accept the offer for it to be worthwhile to them. Same scattergun approach as spam. The 99.x% of us who aren't fooled have to put up with bullshit because of the 0.x% of people who fall for it.
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I only get trouble when I'm dealing with Cd keys, long as I'm trading tf 2 keys or for gifts or just using pay pal never had a problem.
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I have only had good experiences trading with randoms so I can't say this has ever happened to me.
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I get things like that all the time, which is why I have a warning on my profile that I will not accept random invites because they never turn out to be anything I want to deal with. I trade on my terms through forums, although lately I've just used the market, its a lot easier and I don't have to deal with impatient and rude people. I've never really been a people person tho :p
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SteamGifts is like the mommy and SteamTrades is the daddy and all those people running to mommy because daddy isn't as nice and carrying as mommy.
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I had a guy add me on steam after he found my youtube videos and said he liked them which is cool and fine im all for friends and whatnot. AS time went on he would ask me to if he could borrow a dollar here and a dollar there via paypal or just ask if he could have items in my inventory. I dont make it a habit of just giving things to people that rudely ask for them and i certainly dont make it a habit to give money to strangers over the internet. I was nice time and time again, but he just kept it up at least 1-2 times a week he would ask me for money or for me to buy him something. I never got mad and told him to leave me alone but i didnt know how to just say he dude im not going to give you stuff so please stop, i just dont like being mean or feeling like i am even if i am not. so i was just telling the guy i dont use paypal much and dont have money in it (cause i dont) and he would ask me to find a freind that could give it to him, like seriously wtf lol. so eventually he got mad at me and told me i didnt have to lie to him if i didnt want to give him anything. then gets even more mad when i said i couldn't handle it anymore and he shouldn't be begging for stuff all the time from people, and he defreinds me lol. i mean im fine with asking to trade and whatnot but begging is just not polite
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why do people insist on posting their trading adventures here all the time? if you really ned to tell somebody about how you almost traded something for something else but ended up not to and you suspect he was trying to scam you although you have to click 2 buttons before the trade goes through then tell your friends. if you don't have anybody to tell then you have a much bigger problem than somebody on the internet insisting you trade your emoticon to him. just my $.02
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These days I tend not to add anyone unless I know what the reason for them adding me is. I know that stops me from getting the occasional good random trades sometimes, but I'd rather leave a person in invite limbo than add someone in hopes they have a trade I might be interested in.
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45 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Karfein
so...i have this emoticon from zombie driver HD...its :thebomb:....
this guy randomly hits me up out of the blue asking to trade for it...so i ask what he has in exchange for it...he offers an emote and a background, im interested in neither...so i check his inventory to see what he has...theres literally nothing i want...the whole time im looking hes constantly clicking the trade button....typing fast as hell over and over, telling me 'dont be stubborn', and offering multiple items for my :thebomb:....
and im telling the dude, i can see what you have, no need to enter the trade window....
him: "but i can show you everything im willing to trade all at once much quicker, its easier, blah blah blah".....
me: "but i dont want any of what you have"
him: "well what if i was offering EVERYTHING have?"
and then he blocked me before i could respond....which my response was going to be "then youd be a friggin idiot because you could just market what you have, then buy the damn emote without giving up all your inventory"...
anyone had a similar incident???? i feel like the dude may have possibly been trying to jack me with the way he was trying to force the trade....
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