Since I'm not a very talkative person, this is my 1st thread ever.
And celebrating my 3rd won under 2 days. I just Won Postal 2, Orion prelude, and borderland (awesome, so much hype)
-----------------yeah I'm gonna play it all-----------------------

and for that I made this

Since this is my 1st thread, I've a lot of question:

  1. can we do something like justify,center,all left or right, make it bold, or something like that like in M.word?
  2. How did you enter the url link??But what appear is not the link.
  3. How did you insert image in this forum?
    and what else should i need to know??
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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There's a formatting guide here which will give you a list of all the common commands.

As for links, type [link description] (url) without the space between ] and (.

Images are posted like links, but you put a ! right before [.

And welcome to the forum!

8 years ago

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And spoilers can be done by typing anything with a ~ in front of it and after it.

8 years ago

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And welcome to the forums! :)

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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ohh i didn't realize there is a guide

8 years ago

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No, some people just have to draw attention to themselves :(
I imagine you never read the FAQ?

8 years ago

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She has 45 comments in a year-plus on the site. I don't think she's in the habit of drawing attention to herself here. :)
And yes, ideally she should have read the FAQ (and Guidelines), just like so many others.

8 years ago

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a little self advertising? yeah, why not. made a list of SG needed bookmarks ;)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by stjezus.