Yes, I know that it's a not a support section, I'm just asking if submitting such ticket will get me any result. Don't want to wait till summer to get answered "not possible, screw yourself".

Also, if this is possible, can I use underscore "_" in my nickname?

I've created this account to use it on steamtrades, I didn't even know about SG back then.

10 years ago*

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is it possible? Yes, but really with all the support tickets out there you'd be doing them a favor by not creating one. Also i think only CG can do it so even more so to avoid asking them. They got better things to attend to.

But with that aside, I believe in SGv2 you'll be able to change your name once a year? Correct me if I'm wrong as I'm just repeating something someone posted.

10 years ago

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It's possible but I'd suggest waiting for the site update so that you can do it by yourself, instead of creating a support ticket now, since fulfilling the request might take quite a while because they need to be manually changed by the administrator.

No, you can't use an underscore or any special character.

10 years ago

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Thank you for your reply, I'll wait till site update (or summer, whatever comes first).

Now if only you could answer a couple of my support tickets that are pending for fifth month now... but, oh well, too much to ask, I guess. Thank you for this reply at least.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by ExistsInAccount.