Depression can be a factor so maybe you should look into that. Meds can help, and maybe therapy.
If it's a matter of lack of energy, you should look into getting some vitamins and minerals supplement. I'm not being flippant. My sister had bouts of very low energy and she had severe iron deficiency and magnesium deficiency. And it's not uncommon because we eat crap and have lousy sleep cycles, stay in artificial light way more than in sunlight.
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I don't think you are flippant. I think my bad sleep cycle hurt me as well, but i couldn't make me sleep earlier. I am trying tho. (I was sleeping at 4.AM, now i am trying to sleep at 2-3AM) and i think using vitamines is a good idea, it won't hurt after all. Thank you :)
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I was saying I'm not being flippant because depression can't be cured with vitamins so if things are more serious than that, you should still try to seek help.
However nutrition and sleep cycles are important. We live crazy modern lives and we get further and further away from our biological needs so it's not like you're the only one. I am a chronic insomniac and working night shifts quite randomly is not helping.
If you have trouble going to sleep, try melatonin, it helps rebalance your sleep cycle and look about magnesium. It usually comes in the form of pills with Vitamin B6 because the vitamin helps your body retain the magnesium you get from food and other sources, and that's usually what you're missing.
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melatonin is really awesome, I have used it from time to time and at least here in Italy it's sold in various mixtures, like the retard one which releases 2mgs or such during the night at spikes or the fast one which is an instant 1mg of melatonin that makes you sleep after three minutes.. I can totally recommend it, and most of all it isn't something that damages your body under any field!
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It really did (and does) help me as well. Especially after weeks of getting random night shifts. And because it's a chronic problem, I can't really take sleeping pills so melatonin is just the best natural way of restoring me to my sleep cycle.
I can totally recommend it, and most of all it isn't something that damages your body under any field!
Exactly because it's just something your body produces normally and you can find yourself not having enough of for various reasons. It's not like sleeping meds that are basically narcotics, can damage your system and end up doing more bad than good.
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yeah - I'd never take those meds.. I know people addicted to hypnotic drugs, they can't sleep without them but they're also damaging their bodies in so many ways.. it's all chemical crap, it can be useful for some serious problems, some psychic illnesses, but if you take those drugs on a daily basis just to sleep it's really bad for your health.. while melatonin is great, maybe one shouldn't take it every day all year long but in the right amounts it's really awesome, I'm more than 30 years old and I still take it from time to time and I really fall asleep after few minutes! =)
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yeah I can totally get you!! I can be defined as a spoonie, I have been suffering from chronic pain for a decade and I have always had psychological issues so doing things, doing the right things and generally speaking having the required force, will, strength to do something has always been hard!
getting to know myself has been the first step, I got to know all my limits, all the energy I needed to do tasks without comparing myself to anyone else, be they sane or suffering from illnesses or whatever else, since we're all different..
I keep an agenda and I track down everything, often many days are white meaning that I have only to go to work for some time and do whatever I want, but for instance I've already written down all the concerts I want to attend in November and December, just to say.. this is an important motivation to me, I started to do everything that was written and if I had to postpone something, I'd write it the next day or the next week so that it will always be there.. for whenever I have the strength!
best of luck!! you'll get there, everyone of us is different but I came out a hard situation of teen-age internment into mental hospitals and tons of drugs (I mean, I never smoked a cigarette in my entire life, I'm talking about the things doctors gave me =P).. I managed to somehow get to know and tame my major depressive disorder and life is so better now if compared to 5 or 10 years ago.. I found a girlfriend who lives with me and I found motivation and new interest, starting for instance to get tattooed, re-starting to attend concerts after 10 years of depression in which I never seen a single artist, I had many years in which I used to read 3 books at once.. you'll get there mate!! <3
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I managed to somehow get to know and tame my major depressive disorder and life is so better now if compared to 5 or 10 years ago.. I found a girlfriend who lives with me and I found motivation and new interest, starting for instance to get tattooed, re-starting to attend concerts after 10 years of depression in which I never seen a single artist, I had many years in which I used to read 3 books at once.. you'll get there mate!! <3
That felt soo good to hear :) Really, the only thing i want from my life is being, feeling happy. Thank you for your words :)
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good luck again then, I really hope the best for you! it's the same for me, I don't ask anything from my life apart from some health and happiness, I don't want to be rich or have a great job or whatever else.. just those little things! =P happy they helped, I'm always so bad at writing ahah =)
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-_- Get how you feel.
•Make a plan:
Top 1 on my To/Wanna-Do-List: Make a list.
•Set a time and date, especially right after waking up is best.
Immediately do it. No quick, facebook, steamgift, phone checking. Quick stuff often ends up getting longer and longer.
I try to do stuff like phone calls even before breakfast not to get sucked into something else and whoops another week passed.
•Tell others
For me external pressure works way better. If I tell someone I go outside, the chance that I go outside is way higher.
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Hello fellow procrastinator :)
Procrastination is a big problem for many people, including me, that is why i chose to accept it as a my problem and put it on my avatar :D
Now to answer the question "How do i make myself do something?", i guess it differs from case to case. Sometimes todo lists help, sometimes boredom, sometimes doing things for others, many times while i was on university deadline was the thing that made me do things. In the end it depends on you and what you have to do. :)
And i still have the same problem, after many years(decades), but i guess i found a way to live with it. Once i sorted many things in my head, what i want with my life, things got easier and it is not much of the problem to move myself if i really really want to. It just takes time getting used to doing anything else than lying down whole day, but i guess this topic of yours is a first step in doing something :)
I remember watching one video on TedTalk about procrastination(will try to find it) and in some weird way it was helpful :)
EDIT: Found the video :)
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Hey :)
Well, i think my solution is fuel. I mean, i can do things when i have positive energy and hope that i can do it this time. Lists, boredom, deadlines, others... Any of them didn't help. Actually, all of them make things worse when i saw that i couldn't do it, again.
I am still looking for ways to help me do things, i mean kinda a source of fuel. And this video, i didn't watch it yet but i know the guy. I read the blog posts of this video. (Look at here and here) and it actually helped. I still have 5-6 pages of notes from the blog posts. But then fuel was finished and so am i. (because of a something that broke my will back then, it feel like everything x10 worse than it actually is when i try to beat this sh*t every time)
But honestly, after creating this post and talking with all of you guys and watching some things, i think i got my fuel again. And i hope i won't lose it this time. Thank you for caring and the answer. Have a good day/night :)
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I remember reading his blog long ago, so thank you for reminding me about it. I should read it again sometime soon, since i remember it was a good one :)
It is good that you know what can move you, kudos for that :) And good luck in finding the source of that fuel :D And just keep doing whatever makes you smile ^_^
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I do something kind of silly, but works for me.
I would call or message my boyfriend, and tell him very precisely what I'm going to do ("Hi babe, I'm going to write the introduction section for my report") with enough detail in the description that I can picture the task. And then somehow that makes it easier for me to do those tasks.
I think it is a combination of someone holding me accountable, the process of listing the goal, and imagining the task, that makes it easier. Also external validation helps too (He'll say "wow, good job!" after I did the work, and I feel good. xD I'm a simple person haha).
But identifying the problem is a first step. Maybe you'll have to try multiple things before you find one that work for you. But I'm sure you will eventually. Good luck!!
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I tried that before, but it always becomes a burden to me, instead of help. The problem is, it doesn't give me enough willpower? to do these task, and in the end, i feel like i couldn't keep my promises and feel worse.
I think it may help if i can reach a certain point but for now, i guess it is too early for me :/
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hmm, I'm sorry that didn't work for you :/
I think it partly worked for me because I care about what other people think of me.
What about you? What do you care about? Finding out what you care about can maybe be used to help you in your situation.
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I generally don't care about what others thought about me. I think my biggest judge is myself.
I believe currently the thing i care the most/want to most is feeling of "i can do it". And as soon as i manage to do it, i know that i will start my chain of happiness.
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Yep! I visit some libraries today to see if i can work in them. I will try one tomorrow. I feel like "5-second" rule really work (that somebody shared in this post) because i literally didn't let my mind create "why should i stop visit library today" reasons today :D Thank you again for caring :)
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I don't get it. What is your life situation that you can stay up til 4 AM, sleep late and then lat around on the couch all day?
Are you rich? Do you live with your parents?
Get a purpose in your life. Not a book to read or an errand to run. A job. A degree. Go volunteer on the regular at a charity - as in, go sign up to work there, regular shifts and all, just for no pay if you really don't need the money.
Having a central purpose gets you out of bed in the morning, gets you interacting with other people, learning new things, getting tired out, growing and changing... And, perhaps not intuitively, it also puts you in a place where finding an hour a day to read that book suddenly starts to happen.
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Are you rich? Do you live with your parents?
Nope, yes.
Get a purpose in your life.
Well, honestly i used to have one main purpose before, it was studying engineering. I managed to enter the school i want in the city i want. After that tho, i literally fucked up. I mean, i got something like 430/500 points to enter the school i want but in the first year of my engineering school, i got 0.3/4. After trying again and seeing the same(actually even worse) result, i literally hate engineering and i lost the main purpose in my life. Sadly, i couldn't find any since then. (I feel like i am close to finding it tho)
I believe failing back then happened because of this problem as well. Until university, my brain was smart enough to get me the point i wanted. But at the university, i needed to study, a lot. But even tho i tried to study, i couldn't.
I worked several jobs before going to university/after going to university and i didn't have a problem doing them. But it never helped me to do things i wanted to do. That is why i don't want to enter a job just leave over this problem to later.
I am not sure if i sound like a spoiled brat, but i tried/ am trying. That is why i opened this post in the first place. If you read my other answers, i never talked hopelessly. I am just looking for a way that may help me and actually, some of those answers were really helpful. Thank you too for caring and answering, and have a good day/night.
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"I want to read a book, go outside, call a friend, work some animation... etc. etc"
No you don't. If you really did, you would do it.
"but all i do is lying down like a sloth, all day"
This is what you want, you choose to do this.
You try to convince yourself you do not want this, because it's not 'what you should do' and 'you need to be useful' but since you have the option to do this instead, you are choosing to be a sloth.
This is not a bad thing. It's not a good thing either. It's just how it is for you right now.
Things change.
Opportunities come and go. Doors open and close.
You'll find your way.
As I did.
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The way I interpreted what he said is more along the line of "I want to" but "I'm not motived enough to get up and out to do it".
I also experience that though, a lot, like I WANT to continue making my RPG maker shitty game but at the same time I'm not motivated enough to continue at this point XD, but I definitely WANT to.
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You are definitely right. I choose to be sloth when i need to wake up. But the problem is, i don't want to be sloth before deciding. I don't want to be a sloth after deciding. I only choose to be sloth while deciding and it always gives me self-hatred and guilty feelings after a few minutes/hours/days... Yet, i can't change this behavior even when i know that i will feel guilty. It is some shitty situation.
And yeah, i think there are some doors that we will open, but i don't think doors will come to me. I think i need to go to them. That is why i am trying to wake up and not miss those doors. Thank you for the answer :)
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Playing videogames might make you feel like you need to step up and be the hero, and main character of the story of the world,
but in reality we're all side characters.
In the end what we achieve doesn't really matter, all you should do is find enjoyment in how you live your days.
If that is by sleeping all day, don't feel guilty, it just means you're the Snorlax in this story.
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I don't have the same life view as you. I do think what i achieve is matter, thus i am trying to achieve what i want. If i am Snorlax in this story, i am gonna sleep sooner or later anyway. It will hurt if i realize later i was actually a Pikachu tho.
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Maybe my Pikachu example was not right, because currently what i want is "simple but very fulfilling life", nothing more. I don't want to be the star of the show, but i don't think i can do anything if i live exactly like Snorlax. That is what i want to change.
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I went through three years of psychotherapy just to realize it all comes from you, every fear, every "want but can't"- thing. Just go and do it, start with something as small as just going out and if you want to go to the gym for example, just go up to the gym, but don't go in if you feel like it, turn back home - you already achieved something. Change the background, see if it helps. Libraries can be calm and quiet places that are easy to start with. Go try it out.
Second thing is stop thinking negative about yourself or what others may think. I used to overthink of what people think about me and it leads you nowhere. If someone hates you, let them. There are 7 billion people, there will ALWAYS be someone who hates/is jealous of you.
And if it feels like it, book time for psychotherapy, it really helps to talk with someone professional who is neutral to your cause and lets you see things differently. I went through psychodynamic psychotherapy so it lasted years. Cognitive-analytical psychotherapy can last as short as 3-4 visits.
Good luck!
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Libraries can be calm and quiet places that are easy to start with. Go try it out.
Today i visit some libraries to see if there is not crowded one and i think i found. Tomorrow morning i will try it.
Second thing is to stop thinking negative about yourself or what others may think.
I am really good at not caring about what others think about me, yet at the same time, i am bad at not caring what myself thinking about me.
And if it feels like it, book time for psychotherapy
Even tho i believe some of them may help me but i tried a free psychotherapist that our school offers us and it wasn't good. So i don't want to try it right now. Especially now i don't feel that hopeless and i believe that i can turn that situation, i will try to give my best and see what will happen. Thank you for caring :)
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Not sure if this is relevant to the topic but I've just seen this video about motivation and I find that it has a nice perspective. Maybe it'll be helpful to you :)
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Not sure if this has been said i did not read every answer in this thread but your approach is wrong. If it is i want to read a book it is another chore than something you wanna do. Instead it should be more specific like i wanna read (book name) series. Or not i wanna draw but i wanna draw (scenery) or (character). Not i wanna go outside but i wanna go this park. I wanna go to theatre. I wanna go to the mall. If you determine more specific stuff it is easier to do them.
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When I want to do something that I don't really feel like doing, I either avoid thinking about it and just do it or I'm saying that I'll reward myself somehow right after. And, if we're talking about an action that I have to do quite often, then, after some time, it eventually becomes a habit that makes you feel bad if you don't do it.
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Dont overwhelm yourself with tons of stuff to do. Thats what gets you - stuff piles and piles until you dont know from which side to go at it.
Try to isolate one thing for a day. Even if its a small thing - make a call to someone. Next day read a bit of a book..
Try to do these things separately. If you are feeling especially down for a day - take a good long shower, shave, take care of yourself. Have a good breakfast and thats all. With feeling depressed I have found that starting small is the key. It might take several days to accomplish a simple task - but youll get it done at least.
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I am really having a hard time lately doing things i want to do.
I want to read a book, go outside, call a friend, work some animation... etc. etc. but all i do is lying down like a sloth, all day. I really hate this situation and lately, i started to hate myself because i can't make any progress at all. Have you ever had the same problem and beat it? How?
Thank you for reading :)
edit. Even tho i didn't answer all replies, i read all of them carefully and try to seize something good from them. Thank you again for caring.
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