I am really having a hard time lately doing things i want to do.

I want to read a book, go outside, call a friend, work some animation... etc. etc. but all i do is lying down like a sloth, all day. I really hate this situation and lately, i started to hate myself because i can't make any progress at all. Have you ever had the same problem and beat it? How?

Thank you for reading :)

edit. Even tho i didn't answer all replies, i read all of them carefully and try to seize something good from them. Thank you again for caring.

5 years ago*

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Usually I get bored and that results in wanting to do something different. Boredom is the fix you are looking for!

5 years ago

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I agree.

5 years ago

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Well, the problem is not wanting. It is doing :/

I am bored to death last few days but i can't do anything at all, even tho i have some ideas about what to do.

5 years ago

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Hard to answer, because you don't give us much info on why and how you want, and on the reasons for your apathy.

Three things come to mind:

  • most likely you are simply overworked and not realizing how much your body needs to rest (possibly, also affected by the current heat waves);
  • then possibly you are not bored enough, yet;
  • or you don't really want to do those things, only believe you should want to do.

Inactivity, resting, taking time for ourselves are the things, that we don't appreciate enough, and very often even feel guilty about in the Western culture... but often they are the things, that we need most not only for our physical, but also our mental health.

In the unlikely case, that none of the above applies, that you are in a good physical shape, and that the state persists, you should probably check with your physician and take some psychological tests to make sure, that those are not symptoms of depression, bipolar disorder, or some other hidden physical or mental disorder. If you decide to do so, don't go to early to a psychiatrist, try a good psychologist first.

5 years ago*

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+1 Find some thing you enjoy and do it. What films Tv shows do you enjoy I`ll recommend some good books for you. But exercise is important , take a walk around your town or a ride on a bike. Its amazing how this boosts your energy. Sitting around just makes you more letharrgic (tired, lazy).

5 years ago

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No, boredom doesn't cure depression. You need to force yourself into a pattern of activity, ideally involving exercise and sunlight in the morning - just a walk would help. Call your friend (meeting in person would be even better) even if you have nothing to say - being around people you like can be energizing whereas isolating yourself becomes a habit that is hard to get out of. It's a good idea to start doing one of the things on your list even if you don't think you can be bothered - promise yourself that you'll try it for 30 minutes (and then you can stop if you still feel bad). You will probably go well beyond 30 minutes if you can just make a start.

5 years ago

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Yeah, i am gonna try a new thing yesterday :) Thanks for the answer!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This is different for everyone, I personally like

  • creating a ToDo-list with all the stuff you want to do (even small/easy stuff, for motivation) and then deleting or marking as done the things you accomplish
  • setting recurring reminders in a calender-app or something like that, so you don't forget
  • creating lists with the "progress" you made, like a list of watched movies, played games, read books etc.

Also, remember to relax and don't focus TOO much on getting stuff done all the time :)

5 years ago

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Well, i tried this actually but it only made things worse, since generally, they are becoming proof that i can't accomplish anything. My record is 2 days i believe...

5 years ago

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Always, I can't do much unless I'm forced to due to obligations or having duties I've been given (work, volunteer task, etc).
Personally, the only thing I can do is just psych myself into doing it, like "just fucking go".

Otherwise, when I'm not doing anything productive, I go around trying everything until I find something I like, then once passion takes over laziness, I'm happy again doing something productive in my free time. For example, I've recently started messing around some Python stuff (Ren'Py) and I feel productive and happy due to that. I feel much more happy doing something I greatly enjoy for the time being than "forcing" myself into things I dislike - I'd rather just do nothing over things I don't want to/feel no interest in at the moment.

Now, personal matters aside, what I can suggest that I don't do but might help, try setting yourself a schedule. Once you know what you need/want to do, build a schedule around it and ensure you're both able to fulfill your necessities, tasks, and give yourself some free time and a lot of breaks in between (you don't want to discourage yourself from following your schedule, make it simple at first).

If you're having difficulty following your schedule, reduce the number of tasks/events, and try to focus on one thing in particular, such as "take a walk every day at 3pm". You can also loosen the schedule time a bit like "take a walk in the afternoon everyday", but I'd avoid it since it might lead in procrastinating until the last minute, then eventually just giving up. If the schedule says 3pm and it's 3:30pm, you'll feel a greater urgency to complete this task as soon as possible.

I've used that trick for a while, and it worked fine but I found out I prefer, as mentioned above, to do things I like at my own speed rather than force myself into things I don't want to do. It's not a good thing, mind you, since I lack some things in my life like going outside more.

5 years ago

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I was having a similiar problem and found something called "5 second rule" by Mel Robbins. She has a book but it isn't available in Turkish so haven't read it. It's pretty simple and helped me a lot especially to start workout in the mornings. Here is a video about it give it a try maybe it will work for you too;

This worked just as a starter for me and forging habits is not easy. Good luck.

5 years ago

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Nice one, she made me at least giggle a few times which is nice and she does has a point and I could write a whole responds now...but...neh... :P

5 years ago

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Yeah she is fun to watch. I didnt understand what would you write a whole respond to though?

5 years ago

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Sorry that was ajoke, as in I waited for than 5 seconds and now I lost motivation, so neh...
bad joke I guess ^^

5 years ago

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Oh lol i didnt get 5 seconds part. :D

5 years ago*

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That is a very good video. I am a Turk as well, but i think i have enough English to read the book. Can you give me the name of it?

5 years ago

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It's same "5 second rule". I can read in English as well but i prefer to read in Turkish such books mainly because i can't read it on a screen and they are pretty expensive on original language. :p Here is the cover of the book;

View attached image.
5 years ago

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Teşekkür ettim :)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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I'm trying to work together now. Me and my mate chose time for coop and start work together. Each have own work but we talk to each other than somebody finish any kind of work or any other things. The idea is stimulate each other by success of your partner and let partner (and you) find where and when time waste too much. Negative side is risk to slow down faster participater but positive is extra training of "mind".
Well, I just finished my procrastination pause and go back to work. Good luck to you too! Let me know about results please if you tried this too.

5 years ago

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I am sorry but i couldn't understand :/

You are working together with your friend?

5 years ago

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I'm very sorry. Yes, we studing together on the distance. I could try to explain in other way as syou wish.

5 years ago

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You don't need to, i think i understand what do you mean :)

I tried this with my 3 friends actually but sadly we couldn't continue, maybe because we couldn't push ourselves enough. I can still give it a try if i can find someone that can give me that power, but for now, i don't know anyone like that. Thanks for your answer :)

5 years ago

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Try coop just with 1-2 friends and choose one time for all. We chose about 12 am to 7 pm. We write about success after each task (it could be watched lecture or read article or written section of paper). We also do it about negative experience. So, we have communication each 15-30 minutes except time for pauses like lunch time or time for rest. It should help cause human focuse on something for about 15 minutes and then need short pause that could be used as control points.
Don' think about anything if you procrastinate too much.

5 years ago

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I will keep this in my mind and try if i can find someone who i can do this. Thanks again :)

5 years ago

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^___^ Happy to be helpful

5 years ago

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Pretty much what others say.

Think about how you feel once you do those things and force yourself to first step

5 years ago

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it's not easy. I usually don't do things unless I have to or if me not doing the thing could negatively affect someone else. Someone lend me a book and for two months I haven't read more than a few pages of it. I only work and rest. I often go out with friends because it's fun.
I think if you do something with someone else you get a bit more motivated, though it's not always possible to find the right person.

5 years ago

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Ah get that alot myself and letting boredom take control is bad. If i get bored you know im going to be complaining but at the same time not do anything because nothing is good enough. In my current state ive been getting it alot everyday lately so im just slowly forcing myaelf to do little things in between breaks of my videos

5 years ago

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I was just like that. Unable to do anything unless it including having fun. I became attached to many bad things, things that made me worse, made me more lazy than I ever was. What fixed my habits was work. I started working, learnt what hard-work was and how to achieve things I wanted, how to overcome obstacles and how to be a good person. In the end, I was able to things I wasn't able to before. I grew up to the state where doing something fun wasn't something I needed in order to kill my boredom. Hard-work and desire to become better fixed me. Maybe it will help you too.

I work as a waiter currently. Seeing people unable to do anything besides killing themselves from overwork changed my way of thinking. I did enough studying to enroll in the only university in my country that teaches Robotics by taking top scores and now I know I have a future; I have willpower and I have my own pocket money for things I want to enjoy. I have no regrets and I never think of "what if". Things I overcame made me what I am and I am proud of it.

5 years ago

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I want to read a book, go outside, call a friend,

Read the book to your friend while outside; three birds with one stone. ☺

5 years ago

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Ahahaha, now that is an interesting idea for sure :D

5 years ago

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I normally have a problem doing things I don't want to do but need to, doing the things I want to do comes easy.

But if you're in a rut where you just don't feel like doing anything, and you're not doing things you enjoy because you're just feeling lazy, what helps me is to remember how much you enjoy those things and use your will power to get you to do them.

I've had times where I didn't feel like going for a bike ride because that requires changing, getting my bike, driving to a trail, etc, and that just seems like so much work. But I had to remind myself that I absolutely love mountain biking, and that I should just do it because I'm going to be glad I did afterwards. And each time I went for a bike ride, I was really glad I did because I loved it and it was way better than sitting around at home.

5 years ago

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Do you know what makes me "I hate myself" most? I know if i go outside and meet with my friends, i will be happy. But at the same time, i can't get up. Even while saying that to myself. It is really strange when i think of it, but it is currently my reality.

Someone shared a video below and it looks like a good idea tho, let's see if it will help :/

5 years ago

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Was that the 5 second rule video? That does look very useful.

But you can get up, you are stronger than this. You're strong enough to overcome this! Pick up the phone, text your friend and arrange to meet up - make the commitment and then you'll be much more likely to stick to it. I know you can do it! :)

5 years ago

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Yep, that video.

I think i can overcome this, actually i never felt hopeless. But i am just looking for the key. I hope i find it this time :)

Thank you for your inspirational words!

5 years ago

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It ultimately comes down to willpower, and making yourself take that tiny first step. But you're way more powerful than you think, and all of us can overcome our demons of laziness and prevail! :)

5 years ago

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Yeah, i think you are right. Actually, there were moments that i beat my laziness yet currently he is the winner :/

I believe i can beat him again tho :)

5 years ago

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I start with small stuff and it snowballs from that. If I want to go out somewhere, but too lazy to plan something. I just text a friend "what's up" and we shortly decide to go out for a coffee. After coffee I snowball again. For example text another friend and at the end of the it its 12Am and I spend the whole evening with friends.

5 years ago

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Here is a method that worked for me: I wrote a list of all the things I wanted to do (pleasant or unpleasant).
Then, I added them to a "decision roulette" and turned it.
It was fun to let the fate decide. Then, I did the thing the roulette told me and turned it again and so on.
I think it may work for you, especially if the things that are hard for you to do are "pleasant" things (like reading a book, etc.).
It is kind of a "trigger".

5 years ago

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That is definitely an interesting idea :) Thanks for sharing it with me

5 years ago

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Man I understad you, I have the same problem and it is frequent. When this happen to me I usually slap my own face or pinch my arm until I wake up from the bed, then I throw away my cellphone and start doing the stuff that I want as fast as I can. Usually when I start something I finish it,so it works for me.

5 years ago

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First of all, don't hate yourself. Even if you're not doing the best, you don't deserve any hate.

And you did go to SG and posted something, so obviously you can get yourself to do something, and that's good.

Personally I find it easier to motivate myself to do things for others than to do things for myself.

What do you do when you don't do anything? Are you just thinking about bad things? Maybe you could try working while you rest, trying to think of solving some problem, creating something new, ...

(I'm lazy but I haven't faced such a problem, so I'm not sure how I'd try to get out of it. I wish for you that you get out of it quickly.)

5 years ago

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Thank you for your good wishes :)

Actually, i am trying to create this post for 3 days and finally managed to do it.

Actually, i wasn't saying "i hate myself" before even tho i was always lazy, the problem right now is i lost so many things in a very short time because of my laziness and i can't stop myself remembering those. It is getting worse when i see that i couldn't make any progress about that as well. I forget those thoughts when i can finally do some small things (which means i actually know my medicine), but currently, i am doing only one thing while skipping other 20.

I saw a video below and i am gonna try it. I hope it will help me :/

5 years ago

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Actually, i am trying to create this post for 3 days and finally managed to do it.

Well, you did, eventually, and you're following up on it, so that's good.

but currently, i am doing only one thing while skipping other 20.

If you're doing one thing, that's already good.

Really, I don't think that you should stress about how many things you want or need to do. If you start one thing and you do it, then you're already doing something. You could maybe then add another thing. But if you start thinking that you need to do 20 things, that's frightening and depressing.

People always have problems choosing what to do when there are a lot of options. The more things you want to do, the more you're likely to get paralysed when you need to choose between them. So just do anything. I liked the idea of making that random, but it doesn't have to be. You can just pick one thing and try to focus on it.

I forget those thoughts when i can finally do some small things

Maybe keep a notebook by the bed? Or a laptop or something?

5 years ago

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You are right. I am trying to think positive as well. It is just because of my last 3-4 years when something bad happens i can't stop thinking like everything will be worse again. I know that doesn't make sense, but somehow can't prevent myself from thinking like that.

That is why i need something i can hold, something i can say "I can do this". Maybe this post sounds too negative but actually, i am not that negative. I have 2 good sisters that helps me, some friends i can call etc. It is just about me believing "i can do it". (As i said, i am positive about i can do it tho :)

Maybe keep a notebook by the bed? Or a laptop or something?

I meant i forget those bad thoughts :)

5 years ago

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I meant i forget those bad thoughts :)

Ah. :)

My suggestion was that you think some constructive thoughts while in bed, so I thought you were talking about that.

By the way, maybe you could try to practice mindfulness. This should (supposedly) help you focus on the current moment and have a better perspective of things, instead of thinking of all the bad things that already happened or might happen.

5 years ago

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When i start to do something, i don't feel my past. It is the emptiness that makes the past appear. So waking my ass will be win win situation for me :D

And thanks for your answer about my Deviantart page :)

5 years ago

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im on the current position like u as well

5 years ago

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Similar problem, sometimes its hard to get yourself motivated.

5 years ago

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Don't think too much about all of the things you want to do. It can become overwhelming and being lazy is a lot easier than not being lazy. Thinking about the big to-do list is stressful, and being like a sloth reduces that stress. :)

So, just try to do a small bit. Dedicate 15 or 20 minutes each day to something "productive" from your to-do list. You don't need to read the whole book in one sitting, you know, just a little bit at a time. That's why bookmarks exist. :P

After that 15 or 20 minutes maybe you'll feel like continuing for longer, who knows?

I apply that method to things I don't want to do, like cleaning the house or pulling weeds in the garden etc. but it can be good to slice it into bite-sized pieces.

Another method is to get a calendar and write on each day (or weekend, whatever your schedule is) what task you would like to work on that day. This way things are not left so open-ended and you're less likely to make a bad decision. (same thing can work for planning meals if you are trying to eat more healthy.)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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I was always a lazy person, but i never had any problem with that. I mean, things were going smooth because i was kinda smart (I am not praising myself but even tho i didn't study for last 4 years, i got 33 correct answers from 40 questions on our university exam) but when i started to go engineering school 4 years ago, my brain started to be not enough. And i am literally fucking up everything since.

I had depression, and probably i have right now as well. But i think i know my cure. I really need to do something. I need to succeed. Because in only 1 year, i went from "too successful" to "worthless" and it is very hard to assimilate this.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago

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Thank you for your good wishes :)

5 years ago

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I think that you need to stop thinking about what you fucked up and start thinking what you can do to get things going again. Give yourself a goal of actually achieving something. Not just something you enjoy, but something which you could show others, which would be an actual result.

Speaking of which, you talk about working on animations. Do you have any samples of your animation work online?

5 years ago

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Exactly, currently my goal is animations but for last 1-2 weeks, i literally couldn't do anything about it as well. And that was the last reason i opened this post.

Yep, there is. I opened it about 2 weeks ago. There you go :) I have a long way to go but i am proud with my creations :)

5 years ago

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I definitely like them. I do hope that you find the energy to make more.

5 years ago

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Changing your environment might help. I can never read or study at home, but I can in a cafe. There are too many distractions at home - comfortable bed, food, TV, games...

5 years ago

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I have the same problem. Have been trying to learn digital painting, japanese, reading up on coding, reading some fiction books (i bought years ago).
But I seem to only do them for 1hr or so and stop, then go back to lying in my bed either using my phone or sleeping.
I really want to follow through but am having troubles doing so.

In some sense, I feel it might be because I am dreading school and afraid that if I commit to those things it might cause me to burnout before school start and I flunk my studies. It has always been a problem (I took a 1 year break from school and still couldn't get down to it because I keep thinking I should just rest up (and so I lie in bed whole day, doing essentially nothing productive) before school starts). So for now, I just try not to think about it (since it is my last year of studies) and hope that after finishing school I would get down to do things I like.

PS: I am still afraid that when school ends and work starts, work would replace school and I would fall back into the pit though. I feel like I am perpetually stressed even though things I do shouldn't be so stressful, probably cause I constantly feel like I am not doing enough and feel I should do more but needing to do more things make me not want to do anything because there is too much to handle.
Maybe you are feeling something like that too. I feel the way to get out of this feeling and start doing stuff is to have a long term goal in mind that you thought through carefully and try not to compare/care about what your peers are doing. (I am not there yet though, but also hoping I can get there)

5 years ago

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I think my problem is your opposite (or close at least) because i literally have zero stress about things i need to do. (I am stressing after i am not doing them...)

About you, i worked on different student jobs and i think having a good work-life is depends on the people (and your relationship with them) a lot. Physically very hard work with great colleagues was MUCH better than easy work with some asshole bad colleagues. I hope you can have good colleagues as well.

5 years ago

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Depression sucks ass... I won't lie. It is a vicious cycle that robs us of any interest, motivation and productivity. It enables us to stay stuck in our heads which exacerbates our self pity. I know it takes effort (sometimes a lot of effort) but you are better off forcing yourself to do something that occupies your time so you aren't focusing on your melancholy. Life, like love, is an action word. Everything in nature is constantly in motion - and it will find a way to force you out of your self imposed stagnation whether you want it to or not.

Hang in there. If you make the effort, it does get better!

5 years ago

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Definitely, you are definitely right.

And thank you for your inspirational words :)

5 years ago

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You are very welcome.

It might help to remember that when we do something repetitively enough, we may unconsciously find ourselves going through the motions that forms a habit. This includes how we think. Changing the way we think is like changing a habit. It seems difficult, but the cool thing about each new day is that it gives us a chance to start all over again if we fall. Just think... those baby steps you start taking will eventually turn into strides. :)

Take good care and please keep us posted on how you're progressing!

5 years ago

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You are definitely right. It's just, it is easier to think bad i believe. Especially when everything going downside :/

But i really believe myself i can do it and hopefully, i will :)

That is a good idea actually, i will try to post here again with good news :)

5 years ago

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I don't...

5 years ago

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I don't as well, but i want :/

5 years ago

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I'm not gonna recommend what I used to do because I basically scared the shit out of myself through media (like "I don't wanna be Pink from The Wall"/"I am partially Bojack, what can I do to not live a life of complete misery?"/"I am Shinji, what can I do now to not end up as a mentally broken wreck in the future?"). It vaguely worked but that was definitely toxic and exhausting motivation

What I would recommend is celebrating the little steps! I don't know how bad your mental state really is, but if you manage to do something, anything that you thought was out of your scope for the day, reward yourself! Because by making any sort of progress in such a hard journey you certainly deserve a reward. Also, try not hating yourself when things get too tough and you can't force yourself to anything yet again. It's ok to fall back a bit, there's a bunch of time to make it up after all. If that feeling of incapability lasts too long however, try to open up to someone close to you or if your finances allow that to go to therapy. You've got this! ♥

Hope you don't mind linking a Bojack clip

5 years ago

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Thank you so much for your words, and i REAAALY LOVE this video. Thank you :)

5 years ago

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