CM QuickFire Rapid-i it has Cherry Brown switches, Razer started using their own switches which are cheaper, and their keyboards are overpriced, keyboards with cheap non Cherry switches like Razer ones should cost less because it's requires less money to the manufacturer to make them, but Razer just overprice them, do not buy non Cherry switches for that price. I highly suggest you not buying Razer keyboards specially with non Cherry switches, and less for that price they put, also Razer software is complete shit, I have a Razer mouse that uses same Synapse 2.0 software, just avoid their keyboards and mice. Cherry switches have years of proof of quality, you can't know what cheap thing Razer puts on their keyboards as "their own switches".
I have a Logitech G710+ with Brown Cherry switches, they're great, for typing and gaming, at first time it feels strange, but after other membrane keyboards just feel cheap.
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Thanks for the opinion, sviat. Appreciate it. I am reading quite a few stories about build quality issues with Razer product.
In the end, I think I'd prefer the K70, but WalMart is just the dregs when it comes to selection (or price, or anything, for that matter). But hey, free money is free.
I'm leaning Cooler Master (it ain't cheap, either - $150 USD), but would love additional input.
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I really like the look/feel of them. But alas, it ain't happening if I'm shopping at WalMart. They have an MX Black version, but I want tactile feedback, and blacks won't do it.
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It's odd. The one I'm looking at is the least expensive option I see, at $95 USD.
It's a BlackWidow Stealth. Perhaps that is a lower end line than my title indicates?
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I have the Blackwidow Ultimate, and don't worry about build quality -- I've had mine for a couple years now and I haven't had any problems with it. Anyone who says otherwise probably never owned one, or mistreated it. The keyboard is loud. but fine. Although, the software they use is completely trash, I don't bother using it at all.
Honestly though, if I had to buy a new keyboard, I'd go with the QuickFire. Looks like a fine keyboard.
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Razer are not bad quality, just only some ppl have issues, also your keyboard has Blue Cherry switches, the thing is now on 2014 version they're using non Cherry switches and selling keyboards for the same price as if they were Cherry switches, this is the main reason, these switches didn't prove their quality yet.
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I can attest to Razer's unpredictable build quality. I personally burned through 4 mice in 8 months. Each time they were very responsive and immediately sent out a replacement, but by the time the fourth stopped working, I was done. Others I've known have used the same Razer product for years with absolutely no problems.
As far as the keyboard goes, I don't personally like the Razer boards, but I use the MX blacks on a SteelSeries 6gv2 more for typing than for gaming. It's noisy if someone is trying to sleep in the same room, but it is far quieter than the old mechanical keyboards. Others I know prefer the MX reds for their gaming. I think it's really all about personal taste, so if you can borrow someone's board or buy from a brick-and-mortar, that's probably your best option.
That's my two cents. Hope it's helpful.
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Well I know that I like the Browns. I don't mind the Blues, but they're bloody noisy. I may have to pad even the Browns, as I am playing/typing in the same room as someone trying to sleep. :D
Also, thank you. Yes, it was helpful. Very well put. I very much appreciate it.
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I use a quickfire tk (red). It's the same but with a condensed numpad. I do recommend these. They're very solid and coming from a rubber dome felt like butter. The i series mostly just charges for their extra lighting features.
Can't really comment on Razer, except that it might come with their special green line switches? And you would have to test one out to decide if it's for you. Even though everyone says overpriced and crappy build quality, they're still used in tournament settings and have as many if not more people recommending them as RMAing.
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Thanks, MB. Appreciate that.
The Razer I'm looking at actually comes with their Orange switches, which from my understanding are similar to the MX Browns.
I actually can get the non-i version in Browns, but it appears not to be fully backlit. Is that accurate? Because I'd actually prefer a small numpad. I don't use them often, but it's a little perk.
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Yes, I don't think the non-i rapids have any backlighting. It doesn't mention it on the store page for one of them. So if a TK was available then you would probably want to go with one for the numpad and lightning at a cheaper price. But if the gift card covers it then the lighting on the rapid-i is the superior one to all of their current models (coolermaster's).
I think the pros were a full keyboard, vs the TK condensed one and the rapid small ones. So it should be a little more expensive, but they're all the same thing really. Same base framework behind the designs. If that's in your range it might be a good option.
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Thanks again, MB.
I went with the Cooler Master QuickFire Rapid-i.
Numerous reasons, but primary being it was the best I could get with the Browns and I could buy it via WalMart direct in case I have any issues with it. Others were third party, and I just don't want the nightmare of having to deal with that.
Thanks for all your help.
I'll try and follow up when I get the thing and let y'all know what I think. :)
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Great! And I remember when I used to buy from stores when it made me feel more secure. I'd rather have to deal with Amazon than a local retailer by far though. Their support is godly. ^^
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With large, well-established online retailers, I agree. I love Amazon and would've been thrilled had WalMart offered AMZ GCs. I would've put the whole damn amount into those. :)
This was 3P via WalMart and I got a brief glimpse into what a nightmare that might be and backed off. Lol.
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I should add that SteelSeries boards are also available, it appears, but only with Reds. Walmart is incredibly random.
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Damn. Now I'm even more confused.
Apparently I'm looking at both a CM Quickfire Rapid and also a CM Quickfire Pro.
I'm seeing a lot of static about the Pro version on the Tom's Hardware forums.
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Rapid-i for sure. . .it's the winning one in this case.Cm know their game-i've got coupla k/bs of theirs with diff.switches.maan,they sure make bitchin mech kbs,for that price range,especially compared to razer,i'd always go with CM.and i'm a sucker for TKs.=]]
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Thx, CAMB. Appreciate the additional reassurance.
I'm mouse shopping next. That's even worse. Trying to find a non-MMO mouse with just one or two extra adjustments may be a challenge for me. But this time, at least I'm not limited to WalMart. That is wide open. :)
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The orange switches were built by the Chinese knock off switches. Would typically avoid razer and the cheap Chinese shady quality control.
Go with the cherry brown switches that the quickfire has.
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My situation: I just got a WalMart GC from a very kind customer. I have a tiny little wireless keyboard for use with my TV, but it ain't cutting it with my monitor and any kind of K/M gaming. I have a G13, but that's a whole 'nother story about old dogs and new tricks. Bottom line is that I'm bound to WalMart for my purchase (online or in store), which REALLY limits me.
My choices: I know I like MX Brown switches. I've tested blacks, blues and reds as well. So with WalMart's limitations, I'm down to either the Cooler Master QuickFire Rapid (of course I'm going to get bent over by WM with the price, but nevertheless) or the Razer BlackWidow Stealth 2014. WalMart offers the Corsair K70, but only with MX Blacks. Ain't going there. I like the "bump".
My question: Who has either of these keyboards (or has used either), and what are your thoughts about them. I worry about build quality in the Razer. I'm especially curious about noise and feel on the proprietary Orange switches from Razer.
That is all. Thanks for any help!
edit: Changed title for more allure. ;)
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