Congratulations sir. You are a badass.
I do give a fuck, I consider the resignation of the Pope, who is the head of the Roman Catholic church, one of the most influential worldwide, as important news.
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I agree that it's important news, but I don't agree that anyone should give a fuck about it since nothing is gonna change (unless that African dude becomes a new one).
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Which African dude are you refering to?
And, well things might change the course of action in the church usually varies from Pope to Pope, as for example this one has been more traditionalist than John Pauld II was. So well, it's a good thing to be aware of. I guess.
Moreover saying the internet gives a fuck is quite an stupid generalisation.
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Wasn't trying to make myself sound like an arrogant asshole. I guess I did that though.
He is influential, but a lot of what he speaks is propaganda, and therefore, I am more than happy that he has resigned. I care aswell, but most people don't.
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All religion is anti-harmony, anti-humanity, guilt ridden anti- free thought propaganda.
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I'm not going to speak about other religions but christianity stand exactly for the opposite of what you wrote. It's sad though that many used it over the years in history as something bad, to achieve their own sick and twisted goals. Even the most amazing and love filled philosophy can be used as something bad or as en excuse for evil. It's ignorant though to claim that christianity is about "anti-humanity" or "anti-harmony".
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It's not ignorant. I have studied a lot of religious history, and have had huge debates with a lot of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. I know a lot about various religions and their philosophies. Go through history and see how loving and tolerant Christianity is. See how many died in the name of Christianity, see how many victims it has made throughout history, both believers fighting in self-righteous (and inherently hypocritical) crusades and the persecuted non-believers. See how the original words of prophets were twisted to serve other purposes.
See how their missionaries forcefully converted unknowing tribes to steal their land from them, take their resources, plunder them. Did you know one of the first big economists was a Christian missionary that said it's faster, and more cost effective to convert the people of a country and thus gain their cooperation / mercantile goods / resources than to wage war on them or attempt to influence them with heavy propaganda? In other words, this advisor to the Pope at the time, actually sat down and made calculations to discern how much it cost to do these various things, and coldly weighed them against each other.
Aside from all that, let me say this - sure, some of the core tenets of Christianity are good and harmonious and all that, but you cannot keep separating the philosophy behind a religion (even though, by the way, Christians would make a big point out of how religion is not philosophy nor should it be considered such) from its' practise when looking at it. Sure, the ideas might be good, and they might have been perverted over the years by nefarious men, but hey, that is what happened. You can't look at the validity of the church by treating it as purely a harmless idea that got abused by a few.
The whole premise of original sin is riddled with guilt complexes, as is the whole idea of Christ dying for your sins. Aside from that, Christianity is riddled with instructions for life that go against everything that's a natural part of being human and leads to true growth as an individual - sexuality and sexual urges, emotional openness, questioning things, open discussion free of preconceptions and rigid rules of conduct. All these things are lambasted by the church, and are seen as a bad thing. "Questions are of the devil" is a line that comes to mind, and I have heard from many Christians.
The main ideas it propagates are - respect authority, do what you're told (OR ELSE!), accept old truths, regardless of their current validity or not, do this blindly and unquestioningly, study loads, discuss little, and keep that sexuality and other quite normal urges part of human nature pent up while you're doing it. It encourages seeing such urges as "of the devil" and to be avoided. It encourages people to be ego-based in their view of the world, to think of themselves as isolated, unique individuals that have their own, unique relationship with God, rather than promoting and focusing on the few good things Jeebus himself said, that center around the idea of always seeking harmony, doing the best for the greatest group of people, being compassionate, and seeing all as equal under God. Again, sure, those ideas are also part of Christianity, but they are vastly overshadowed by its' current practise and methods of study.
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You're making a number of generalizations there about a VERY large group of people that are anything but united.
Considering this thread is about the Pope, perhaps you meant to be talking about just Catholicism... which would still represent a VERY large group of people, but it would be a much more united group than Christianity as a whole. The size of the group would still make blanket judgments rather silly, however.
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I have lived in many places across the world, and met a lot of people from a lot of different faiths, with hugely varied levels of orthodoxy, varying practises, rituals, etc, and, also, people from various groups of Christianity. When mentioning all that I said above, I mainly reference Catholicism, as it's the predominant form thereof. I most definitely have met very kind, open-minded, modern Christians, be they Catholics, Modern-Day Saints, Protestants, or other denominations - what I said isn't meant to be a mark on Christians or how they are, but rather how the church as a whole operates and presents its' teachings.
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Look mate, for the record, I don't take anything in this thread seriously.
I never mentioned anything about being reckless, but maybe being in a normal car would be more appropriate and stop these memes from popping up. Sitting in a custom built tank is not putting much trust in god lol.
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Starting the armored car tradition
I expressed wrongly my point but i think it is still valid
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Yeah, sure It's only been used (the armoured one) since that attempt.
I only wanted to point out that the previous one was the one who had been object of an assasination attempt. Not this one :)
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And you are completely right.
I didn't pay much attention to the picture, i can barely see the pope in it, and it was such a big deal here in italy that i didn't even think about saying who :P
Thanks for doing it so the few people that actually are interested can check the story :)
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It's not a matter of trust in God. You can't put God to the test. You should take precautions if necessary. One just can't put oneself in a reckless or dangerous situations and keep on saying "God, I trust in you, don't fail me now" every time. It's not trust anymore. It's testing God and some sort of "exchange". I'll trust in you and believe in you and you won't let anything bad happen to me. It's not what religion and faith is about. Not at ALL.
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So, what it is about is first saying "God has an infinitely complex plan for us all", then turning around and saying "but even though I am the Pope, one of his most important agents here on earth, if I were to be assassinated, that wouldn't be right or God's true intention"?
I get what you mean, but that doesn't solve the paradox of what I said just now. If you have faith in God, so too should you have faith in whatever he has in store for you - to sequester yourself off from people in a safe little box would seem to be taking your life into your own hands a little too much to reconcile such actions with the idea of "fate", wouldn't you say?
By the way, your post is self-defeating anyway. If you truly have faith in God, and don't want to test such, shouldn't the most logical course of action be to live your life freely, and simply avoid needlessly reckless and dangerous situations - that part is personal responsibility. To ride around in that Pope mobile goes far, far further than simply avoiding such situations - it's creating your own line of fate, where you control whether you can die or not.
Let's think for a moment. Why does the Pope mobile even exist? Because any time the Pope goes out in public, there's a risk of attempted assassination, due to how many people are anti-church nowadays, conspiracy theorists, crazy people, etc. Wouldn't you say then, to go out in public like that to begin with is testing God? That doing that exposes you to unnecessary risk and is thus reckless? And you're simply trying to, through more means designed by mortal men, to work around that risk? Even though, again, maybe your assassination is part of his plan?
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I do not exactly see when protecting your life exactly get ridiculous Jonex.
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Almost every official car or whatever they are called in English [is armoured](
Having said that I understand that any influential personality wanted to make sure it's life is safe. Even more if it's an object of a high number of attacks and is as hated as the Pope is.
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As you wish. I would have liked to know your opinion in the matter though.
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It's the first since 500 years. Not the first ever.
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I'm a former contractor who worked on first Death Star and i find that offensive
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Yes... because the majority of humanity is so very intelligent.
By the way, in other news from today, apparently the girl that ate her bloody tampon and posted it on youtube is now married to the guy that ate his own shit and likewise posted it on youtube.
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.. -_- whetÂż
Link to story? And wtf really? Them two did those things? -_- really?
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TV, vacuous celebrity culture, politicians, just about every social institution going...
What do you do? Withdraw from life?
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I wanna see them in the sack, probably quite adventurous a show.
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Eh. Nothing too important. He'll be replaced with another religious nutcase / master manipulator (I can never figure out which category religious leaders belong in... Perhaps both?).
What I'm waiting for is the eventual complete collapse of the catholic church. They've been screwing up humanity for way too long.
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The fact that you seem to imagine that human society was a utopia before Christianity arrived on the scene, betrays your ignorance. Humanity needs no help in being plenty screwed up.
What's more, it is unclear whether you acknowledge the existence of many other flavors of "nutcase" or not, but there certainly are plenty of others to choose from.
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no, there was no utopia before christianity, but christianity has been in fact the most destructive anthropogenic force in world history. almost at the beginning of christianity it has destroyed one way or another, other culture and civilization and mass murderd the whole word of nature. and yes, other religions have done this also, but never in such scale! christianity has lost his original objectives/intentions for a loooong time ago.
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From you avatar I suppose you consider yourself as Rastafari. Are you completely aware what that means?
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i have the same question to you. my english isnt that good sadly, but i can say that rastafari movement is not a religion!! it has similarities with religion yes, but its more a lifestyle, a way of life and how to think of things. yes some rastas are more spiritual then others, but still, its wrong to say that rastafari movement is a religion like christianity, isalm etc. and anyway, dont think i hate all the religion of the world! for example i have the greatest respect for Buddhists.
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I would say not to confuse Christianity with Catholicism, but most branches of Christianity existing today that are not Catholic are descended from Protestantism, which IMO is basically German Catholic Reformist.
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I never said that humanity would be perfect without the church (or religion in general). Don't put your words in my mouth. But I do think it would be better off. Remember that religion only developed because people needed some way to explain what they didn't understand. Now that we have scientific explanations for almost every major question, religion is no longer necessary. But it's already evolved into a destructive force with a firm hold on most of humanity, and refuses to die.
As for "nutcase", I use it as a synonym of "insane". But while "insane" is what I use for those suffering from recognized mental illnesses, "nutcase" is reserved for those who I think are insane, but are not treated as such by most other people. In this case, I was referring to those crazy enough to devote their entire life to propagating a fairy tale. More specifically, to those who are so devout in their belief that they end up getting elected to be the masters of Fairy Tale Central (The Vatican).
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I do not "remember" anything of the sort. You are attempting to state as fact something that is merely speculation on your part. Furthermore, I would contest that science by no means has answers for "almost every major question". Science, at best, provides data. It falls to philosophy (of which religion might be said to be a subcategory of) to analyze and draw conclusions from that data. What's more, any philosopher worth his salt can call into question any scientific data in at least a couple different ways. The world is far from as certain as you wish it was.
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Now that we have scientific explanations for almost every major question, religion is no longer necessary
In the late 1200 Saint Thomas Aquinas already established a diferentiation between matters which concerned to science and the ones of which regilion and philosophy should take care of.
There are thousands of matters than Science cannot explain (Maybe yet) and what I do find funny is while many people depise religions (any kind of) they grasp to science theories and discoveries as if they were absolute truths.
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I'm open for any kind of discussion as long as it's civilised and not Myopinionsareundeniablefacts kind of one.
I've always considered myself as an open-minded person. So don't be afraid to share your views.
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Could you please some of those "thousands of matters"? This is the first time I've heard such a claim.
And I'm equally bothered by people who treat science as fact, when it's only a best guess, based on what can be observed and tested. And that's why it's a superior way of thinking about the world - you're willing to re-examine what you believe to be true if new evidence is presented.
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I might have exaggerated when I said thousands. But still science does not provide answers in fields such as Philosophy for example.
And I did not claim that Religion was superior in any way to Science. They are different, they try to explain different things. They are not exclusive. And by the way, Religion re-examines beliefs and such from time to time if new things are discovered.
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I can guarantee that this thread will close if a religious discussion is started. Better yet, why don't you open a thread announcing who the true god is. I'm sure that will be a pleasant "discussion" and no one's going to have a problem with that.
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Politics is about power, therefore talking about anything that involves the trade of or use of power is analogous to talking of politics.
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so pope resignated? let disnay say what happens next
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emepror is dead, Disney will choose the new pope xD
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What does this mean to the SG community? More Fortix?
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I guess we won't be seeing anymore giveaways from MoneyHypeMike now. This will devastate him
Comment has been collapsed. --- That's a real link, it's the Darth Vader nooo.
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I knew this thread would spell trouble as soon as I saw the title. Wonder how long it will last before it gets closed.
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It's already here
Good riddance to that ex-SS fucker
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Benetictus XVI had Godwin's Law built into it already. Mentioning him invokes Godwin's Law all by himself.
Mister Ratzinger was a member of the Hitler Youth, same as all children age 14 and up who were forced to be members. There are almost no male Germans alive today who were not members of the Hitler Youth party if they were 14 to 18 during that era.
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It's not a non-point because of that fact. Not whatsoever. He was still a member, and who knows what he all did as a member? Even if 99% of them were innocent, kind youths who rejected the daily combination of anti-Semitic, paranoid propaganda, training, belittling and praising they were given, who were sweet lads who just happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time, there's many stories of the horrible things they did and were trained to do. Enough to fill books. Until I see hard evidence of exactly what he did while in that group, I'd rather be proven wrong and have been suspicious of him, than proven wrong and thinking benevolently of him - he is the Pope, a hugely influential man. Suspicion and scrutiny is natural, and warranted.
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Check the references provided by Wiikipedia. Plenty of documentation regarding the evidence.
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The pope has resigned his role, citing health reasons! What a coincidence, I had Ex-Benedict for breakfast this morning!
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