I bought a THQ pack and I activated some code in my account. But Metro 2033 I already have, and I want it to trade. A person contacted me I sent him/her the key and deleted from his/her friend list. How can I take back my key? I wrote the support, but I'm affraid that I never get back my key. :( It's my fault, I very naived.

12 years ago*

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Write a report to SteamRep with proof.

12 years ago

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I wrote to SteamRep, but I'm still very nervous.

12 years ago

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Why are you nervous?

You've done nothing wrong other than being to trusting.

You should also check out Steam Support

12 years ago

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Steam support won't do anything about keys.
They discourage trading keys.

12 years ago

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Did you click the link I provided?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Please, click the link.

12 years ago

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It's gone

12 years ago

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^ true bro :/

12 years ago

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you got scammed you arnt getting it back

12 years ago

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I highly doubt you'll get the game back, you'll never see that key again. :(

This is why you should "almost" never trade keys unless it's with a very well known, trusted trader.

You should also file a report on Steamrep.com. (Post the report here once you've filled it out so no one else get's scammed by this person)

12 years ago

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Thx for the help mate!!

12 years ago

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No problem, I wish you luck in getting your game back.

12 years ago

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Sucks dude, just contact the support... though you won't get your game back :|

12 years ago

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^ :/

12 years ago

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Nothing you can do. Steam won't do anything because nothing happened as far as they are concerned.

12 years ago

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I'm so sorry dude... :(

12 years ago

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It is not true that steam support will not do anything in cases like these.

I once was scammed the same way, I went first in sending my key and never received anything for it. The game was immediately activated on the persons account and I was blocked from him. I contacted support, explained what had happened and even sent them an screenshot with the entire chat log and from my gamersgate inventory showing the key.

It didn't even take 24 hours until I got an answer from support letting me know that the key was available again and appropriate measures where taken against the person who scammed me. I activated the key myself (it was a game I didn't really want) before the person had any chance to activate it himself again or before he could forward it to anyone else. But I'd rather have the game sitting on my account unused then anyone having it that scammed me over it.

As you see, there is actually a slight chance that steam support might due something. Don't give up your hopes.

Edit: The person who scammed me even got banned from steam for a longer period, I found that out from a shared steam friend.

12 years ago

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I doubt this guy thought of gathering appropriate evidence though :|

12 years ago

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That sucks mate, atleast make sure he gets a special SteamRep badge so other people will be warned.

12 years ago

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Thank for that, all of yours! I don't give up hoping! Thank you for all!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

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How do you know that this is the guy that scammed the TC?

12 years ago

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Because I'm medvesajt1989's brother and we searched it.

12 years ago

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Complain to Amazon that the key doesn't work.

Amazon arrange cancellation of the Steam key.

Amazon re-issue a new one.

Job's a good 'un.

12 years ago

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Would that actually work if the key has already been activated? o_O

12 years ago

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Duplicated :D!

12 years ago

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Is that an answer, another question..? o_O

Can you please respond with more than one word?

12 years ago

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The Steam key wasn't activateable by the person who purchased it, thus someone must have used it prior to you for whatever reason. None the less, you did not get what you paid for, you are upset, and you want what you paid for. You want a working key. ...Wink wink.

12 years ago

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Now that's a thorough response. ;)

For the TC's sake let's hope that Amazon doesn't read this forum. o_O

12 years ago

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It's a known scenario that they often have little control over. There have been legitimate issues with bad keys in the past, and it is often cheaper just to comply with them and give them an extra key worth $5-X rather than spend precious time of your customer support people's while simultaneously probably losing a customer's further business.

12 years ago

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That's exactly when it should work :)

Although it would be a bit dishonest to report the matter as such (my suggestion was a bit tongue in cheek, as personally I wouldn't do it - I'm a rotten liar for starters!), the most likely reason for the key not working is some keygenner has just stumbled upon this particular serial.

The solution in these cases is for the retailer to report the fraudulent key to Steam (as companies like Puppydog Games have done in the past) and obtain a new one. Aside from the time taken for Amazon/Steam to deal with the issue, nobody loses out here other than the scammer.

12 years ago

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find his address, I'll bring my golf clubs

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I'll also bring my frigging hardcover dictionary.

12 years ago

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Sorry buddy, steamtrades is full of scammers, my tip is: IF YOU HAVE A KEY, NEVER GO FIRST WITH SOMEONE WITH LESS REP THAN YOU

12 years ago

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There are plenty of scammers with decent rep on Steamtrades.

Trading keys will always be a risky thing to do unless you're trading with a well known (and it's the actual person, not an impostor) person in the Steam community.

Everyone is just better off only trading games from their Steam inventory for games from another Steam user's inventory, that way it will only be incompetence to blame if someone gets scammed during a trade.

12 years ago

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+1 that's true, keys trading is always risky, as you said the only way to be 100% sure about nothing is gonna be wrong is trade tradable game vs tradable game. (Anyway i heard some cases of scam with tradable games, was something like the scammers make a chargeback in his credit card and valve delete the game from your library :S)

12 years ago

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Tbh it's your own fault, you should know the dangers of trading CD keys in general

It's really not Steam supports nor Amazon's fault that you made this mistake, you'll just have to deal with it.

It's not like you brought Metro 2033 with full price anyway

12 years ago

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Put their id on a blacklist and make a personal blacklist or update a blacklist for all to see

Also when trading it is best to check 3 things 1. if their steam account is private or not 2. they have over 100 games the more games they have the easier it is to trust them (though not 100% true also never trade anyone with under 25 games ever!!) 3. Check for scammers using another persons rep, do not click a reply in someone elses thread, chat with the original poster/trade directly

12 years ago

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forget it

12 years ago

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These are just stupid ass kids they wont lern unless you punch them hard in the face, godammit i soo want to punch kid now, stupid scammers.

Anyway always dont trade if you are drunk, look if the dude have muuch rep not reported on steamrep, ask him to give you link to steamtrades profile check if thats really him, blablabal check if you can comment on his profile, also paste his id on steamrep forum cause much people are not marked as scammers but they are on forum

12 years ago

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Most you can do is get the key revoked. Steam wont bother with anything else. File your report with Steamrep and thats about it.

12 years ago

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wasent really stolen now was it? sorry to hear though. there are some good suggestions on the other comments, like trying to get the key revoked or something. good luck, death to all scamming bastards!

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by medvesajt1989.