Well, Division will be ariving on PC thanks to that :)
EDIT: The Division for PC
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Hahaha.. No. That was just a marketing move from Ubisoft, it was always due for PC. As any game related news website with common sense would catch on to.
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I don't know for 100%, but I remember petition for porting Dark Souls 1 to PC (and it worked).
EDIT: Dark Souls PC petition successful: Prepare to Die come August | GamesRadar
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Oh, yes! I remember petition getting GTA V on P.... Oh, wait.
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I believe it is good to have exclusives on origin. It makes origin a stronger product, in part giving it a better chance to stand up against steam.
I have still yet to setup an origin account. But its about time someone put steam in their place.
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While Steam has many good aspects, I can't believe anyone would include their support as one of them.
My experience (and that of countless others) is that more often than not tickets seem to be responded to by a legion of illiterate, dribbling baboons, whose only appreciable talent is mastery of the CTRL+V keys.
It is a glorious (and all too rare) day when a support ticket is successfully answered at the first attempt, and within a timeframe that can be measured on a conventional calendar.
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Steam is in drastic need of some quality control.
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It's already been posted, but aside from that, I don't see what difference these 127 signatures are going to make?
Have EA vowed to ignore the advice of their marketing department and release the game on Steam if this target is met, or is this just another bullshit internet petition that will achieve some arbitrary number of signatures, only to be routinely ignored just like 99% of the other bullshit internet petitions that clog the arteries of the worldwide web?
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I would like to see Titanfall on steam, but its never going to happen for a number of reasons.
EA is all about money and having things exclusively on Origin they get more of it. Even if it was to come to steam, it would more then likely require some sort of login on their system inside the game.
Online petitions never change anything at least when it comes to games. Maybe if they had 200,000+ people who they could confirm do not use Origin all saying they would buy it they would consider it.
The petition is actually rather rude and insulting to EA. While many of us might agree with whats being said, throwing it in their face is a quick way to get it ignored.
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Nope! They are just retard people who have mostly wood brain...i mean, Valve it's not for money, they just put cosmetic items that do nothing on shops, level up on steam account...nope, Valve it's not for money!
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Steam is far from perfect, I would be one of the first people to bring up the issues with it and there are many of them.
BUT Steam is not as bad as Origin. In the past if you got banned on Origin forums for what ever reason you lost all your access to all the games you bought with that account both single player and multiplayer. They have since changed that, now you are only banned from playing online if you get banned on the forums.
If you get banned on the Steam forums you are just banned from the forums. If you get vac banned, you can still at least play on non-vac servers. Either way you still have total access to your games and can still play online.
Again Steam is not perfect, but its better then Origin
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One of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. How can a stupid petition force a publisher to do something they don't want to with THEIR merchandise? Plus...FOR WHAT? The game would still cost the but-load of money it costs, possibly more. All so you won't have to make an Origin account. Stupidity level...it's OVER 9000. I am not an EA fan(before any stupid idiot accuses me of being). Would I prefer their games were on Steam? Sure. Same way I'd prefer Ubisoft games were too. That still didn't stop me from making accounts on both U-Play and Origin. The fuck is the big deal? Creating an account on either of them is free, people.. So grow the fuck, screw the petitions and just go buy the damn game on Origin, if you like it that much.
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as far as i know, Valve make the decision to get out EA games from store, not EA.
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'500 facebook likes and 100 retweets and I'll put the game on steam' - EA
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Just play 1 match of CoD and then play 1 match of Hawken, same thing.
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Not going to happen, knowing EA. They need to use Origin.
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Did you ever consider using common sense? The more people who sign the petition means there's still a significant amount of people who want to play the game. If it's only available on Origin, people will have to use Origin. EA are committed to Origin (financially) so they would be cutting off their own leg if they released the game on Steam too.
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i totally think that it was a big deal-breaker on the fact that titanfall was on origin and origin only...
its not that im some steam fanboy, origins nice and all just i dont like it,
when i own a game on origin it doesnt feel like i actually own it.......
sadly, im sure EA isnt going to release it on steam,
however maby once people stop buying it on origin and EA were to see
a couple ten or hundred thousand people who wont go on origin who want titan fall and are going
to buy it if it goes on steam, they may see a chance to milk a few more bucks out of TitanFall and go for it
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GTA 5 petition to bring to PC has near 700,000 sigs with nothing from rockstar. so no this titanfall petition wont do jacksquat
also im pretty sure when you hit the goal it just ups the goal again as seen here http://www.change.org/en-CA/petitions/rockstar-release-gta-v-on-pc
when i signed this the goal was like 200,000 and when it was hit it just raised the bar again. so reaching the "goal" is meaningless
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might as well start a petition for McDonalds to sell Whoppers
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But Titan fall was boring, it can stay off steam.
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Titanfall really is not that good for steam. and in general. and having a game with 2 services it has to go through to play is just plain dumb. too small of a game for my likes. 6v6 no thanks. yes I know there's minions and titans but the AI is not great.. or good.
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Hello, i
m new to this forum, this is my first topic. I
ve seen on steamcommunity this:http://www.change.org/petitions/ea-and-respawn-entertainment-bring-titanfall-to-steam-alongside-origin
127 signs needed ... Is still available ?
P.S: Sorry if it was posted already ...
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