Hi, I genuinely ask my question : why would people blacklist someone for a giveaway?
I know some do it when asked permission to delete the GA if the key is not valid.
That was not the case. I just received a free key from fanatical and already had the game.
So I wanted to give it to someone, even if it gives me 0CV. Is it frowned on too?
If so, what else is?
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Some people feel like making a GA of a free game is scummy, even if it's 0 CV.
What people usually do is post the key in the respective thread but leave out a letter/number and put it behind an easy question so bots don't grab it.
But hey, I've been blacklisted even though I barely comment so maybe it was just someone in a bad mood lol
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yeah, as someone who is in the regions that fanatical free keys aren't available, i personally am glad when people make giveaways for them, especially if they are games on my wishlist
people blacklist people over basically anything, so i wouldn't take it too personally
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lol where not available in China either, but where still able to active it :D
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Some people feel like making a GA of a free game is scummy, even if it's 0 CV.
And they are wrong. But people get worked up over every random thing. You can't please everyone.
What people usually do is post the key in the respective thread but leave out a letter/number and put it behind an easy question so bots don't grab it.
If ithose don't go to bots then they go to silent ninjas 99% of the time. Don't see how it's better than creating a GA.
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for free games I would put in the description that its free at <site here until x date> if you really want it you can get it yourself now there and not spend points. or something along those lines.
or just offer it in one of the respective threads(make it so you have to add them on steam to message the key, to avoid the bots/silent ninjas) to not trigger those people. Probably the better solution for those people than a GA.
I would tend to avoid giving away free game keys personally, or toss it on galagiveaways or w/e its called now.
honestly there is no avoiding getting blacklisted by some people eventually. Wouldn't surprise me if one day I get blacklisted for having a profile avatar from Golden Sun because someone hated the game.
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same, I wish Dark Dawn was a good Golden Sun game to.
sadly its a bad one... still a good game... just not a good Golden Sun game.
I wonder how many playthroughs I did of GS... I want to say at least 6(this was back in school so alot of school bus time was me playing golden sun... or Metroid zero mission).
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I personally blacklist any account that primarily gives away free games, high-value asset flip games, and similar games of the sort. That's why I would blacklist someone for a giveaway. Seeing a bunch of bad games in my feed is annoying, and if I see a person who only posts those sorts of games, then I would like to get rid of them to lower the number of bad games I see.
However, you don't seem to fall into that category of people, so I guess some people with my same mindset don't look more into the accounts posting the free giveaway.
Keep doing what you think is right, and you'll be fine. People blacklist for all sorts of reasons, some good and some bad. There is no possible way to interact with others on this site without eventually getting a blacklist.
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Thank you!
I didn't know there was already a guide about the exact opposite you need to do to annoy shitty people
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If you don't want to get blacklisted don't ever post in the discussions. Laying low is the best way to minimize BLs.
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There's no reason to fear BLs. I have to admit the first few I got made me anxious, too. But I stopped caring a long time ago and don't remember the last time I even bothered to check the number of my BLs.
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Blacklist works both sides. Whoever blacklisted you can't join your giveaways. Just do some and it may potentionaly fall off, cause some people don't have balls. Per June I get about 10+ blacklists for participating in LGBTQ thread, but about same number it goes down when I do some longer lasting trains.
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I will get enough hate even without it. Tbh, since we do not see blacklisted giveaways, no reason to be bothered, cause how can I miss what I do not see? In three years I found just once I have been blacklisted by Lugum, when I wanted enter giveaway. So I just ignore threads as simple as that it was.
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Random strangers on the internet will always find some reason or another to be mad. It's nothing to be concerned about. You do you. Just don't pay much attention to the stats and you'll be ok.
Sounds like cliche advice...but it really is that simple.
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Only way to not get blacklisted is:
Alternatively, just ignore the blacklist and consider that the people who do it are not worth your attention.
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You get blacklisted for everything tbh . Dont let it bother you :)
Win a giveaway someone wanted . Blacklist
Post a comment someone didnt like? Blacklist
Breathe? blacklist . xD
This month is especially dense on blacklists cus of certain thing going on and people just blaclisting you cause you might have a controversial opinion on it ...
But honestly it dont matter in the end of the day . There are 20-30k Giveaways created a month. So missing on on a few aint such a big deal.
Plus whoever blacklist you cant ente your gibs either :)
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Plus whoever blacklist you cant ente your gibs either :)
That's not entirely true. As was mentioned already it depends on the duration of your gibs. If your giveaway lasts longer than seven days they could de-blacklist you enter your giveaway and blacklist you again. Just nitpicking ;)
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It give some, mostly discussion active high level, users that do, exactly, this.
Different members of my group made the same experiences with the same users, when they done a birthday/cakeday/community train/advent calender thing.
Sad and funny at the same time.
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wonder if u can reroll if the guy who won ur thing have u blacklisted.
Or does it auto leave the giveaway if u enter and then blacklist someone.
But yeah in the end of the day i think its indeed just sad and very funny that people can be so petty xD
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who care the blacklist, noting new at SG, funny but the truth.
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It happened to me too last week, my first blacklist on here since joining 2 years ago. Pretty sure it was the giveaway for Alchemy Garden, I already had the game so I did a 1 hour giveaway for it, in retrospect I probably should of just dropped the key in the anti ninja thread. Oh well it was gonna happen eventually lol, no big deal :)
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Welcome to the club! 1 blacklist in over 2 years is quite impressive. I picked up 72 in my 17 months here! Got my first one less than a month after joining, the day I created 4 GAs from the "Myst & More Bundle" bundle 🤷♂️I always get a nice bump in June when I post GAs in the pride thread :)
I learned not to care about BLs at all. I imagine most of them are from people who's GAs I'd never see or join anyway.
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The main reasons for being blacklisted are here.
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I don't know either.
People always find a reason to spread negativity. I find on the basis of free keys, cheap games or games that do not give a +1 in the library just stupid.
Such a thing is disrespectful to the giveaway creators and also to the developers of the games.
Sometimes there are really good games among the free or cheap games. I personally think it's good when such people blacklist me, so they have no chance to get my paid games, which I give away for free to others.
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Blacklisting option is what destroys this site. The start of declining. People blacklists for everything, so others who don't want to be blacklisted just stops their activity at minimum. What we have now is only the shadow of what it used to be.
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