I got mine a long time ago, in the days of MSN/AOL chatrooms. (Really showing my age)
I was chatting with a group of people while partaking in some vitamin A and I guess I said some really weird stuff to them.
One of them called me Mr.Disturbed, then someone else called me a "real disturbed one" and my name was born!
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No. you've got that wrong there mate.
Lust is defined as intense desire or want, mostly used in the context of sex and thus tend to imply strong intense sexual desire. It has a very old root in Greek I think. Not sure.
Lechery on the other means overindulgence in sexual activities (like an orgy or something). It has an anglo-saxon/anglo-norman root in my opinion.
They are related though. You could say Lust leads to lechery but they are not the same or synonyms for each other.
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There was a phase when i was calling everyone "Panie Michałku!" (pol: Mr. Michael!) and during that phase i was introduced to twitch tv and was in need of a nickname for that site so i typed in "Panmichalek" a lot of streamers had a hard time pronouncing my name (pan me how eck is how you say it btw) while others read it as Pan Michael, and i just went with it.
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Oh yeah, brain farted again. Don't think i need to explain this nickname now :P
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The name I used back in dial up days was so generic that it was already taken half the time I signed up for something. Since nobody seemed to like Dragon Warrior 7 I figured stealing the name of it's last boss would work. Somebody still beat me to it on youtube and WoW though.
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One night I started thinking how would people should remember me. I was young, fool and full of darkness inside me. I had that felling that I could kill everyone I meet. So one night while I was sitting on my round throne and thinking about it, it crossed my noisy mind. MIDNIGHT , but only that wouldn't do it. I had to add something more. Something to show my intentions. SHOOTER . When I got up from my throne full of joy and pleasure it wasn't only for the nice shit I just had. It was about me finding my identity.
My name matured as I "did" so in Steam you can see I only left the MIDNIGHT part. I dont have the need to show my intentions no more. Only my soul.
I'm thinking lately to make it MiDkNiGHT or MaDkNiGHT to better represent my soul as I get older, but I'm not sure. I have to order a council on the round toilet.
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I loved James Bond and "secret agent" stuff... Back when I was a kid. And now that I have that name... Well... I'm kinda stuck with it. I don't want to change it and get confused in my accounts... Passwords are confusing enough. :P
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Needed to create an online name for Mario Kart Wii, ended up with Blast. After creating my Steam acc, decided to twist it up a bit.
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Short version - Uranium Falcon Bicep is an anagram of another nickname I had - I changed it to Uranium Falcon Punch.
Long version - I like football, or soccer to some of you. I'm a Manchester United fan and United fans have this thing where they sometimes refer to Manchester as The Republic (or Republik) of Mancunia. The phrase appears on banners, t-shirts, flags etc, from time to time, and the letters are usually stylized to look simialr to the cyrillic/Russian alphabet. There's often some sort of pseudo-communist or communist-chic imagery to go along with it. Google image search of what I'm on about.
Anyway, Republic of Mancunia was my nickname on a football forum I went on and one day I was dicking around with an anagram maker when I found out that an anagram of Republic of Mancunia is uranium falcon bicep. Thought it sounded funny and it stuck in my head. When signing up here I remembered it and was going to use it as my name, but then decided to change it to Falcon Punch.
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Well, in that time I was using music composers names
Nikolái Rimski-Kórsakov the day a entered steamgifts
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I always thought it was Skyrim's name, but said backwards... Sky-rim, rim-ski...? :o
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Hi, I'm TimTeam a valiant mercenary here to serve you ! I'm French so excuse me for my bad english.
My nickname hide the story of my life.. On the internet jungle i tried to trace my way and i finally arrived on that website (http://www.croquemonster.com/ , who is actually old) and it suggest to me to create an agency where monsters are paid to eat childrens. So, i needed a good name for an agency and because i'm call Tim and i'll must engage a "team" of monsters i think TimTeam was a good name for an agency. Few years laters i decided to close that agency but i wanted to conserve his glory so before adventure me again in the internet jungle i decide to take the glorious name of TimTeam and make it my identity.
Today, TimTeam is still my identity on this internet jungle and i'm proud to bear dat nickname ! :D
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My very own nickname was created in 2008 as Muuurgh - which is name of the Chewbacca v0.5 (previous Han's friend at the bridge, 10ft hell of a cat) from the Han Solo trilogy.
However admins had problem with its form because it was for RP purpose and in my language it's not so likeable.
first unwilling change - Muuurgh => Murgh. It's not very typing-friendly so people started to call me first Murg and then Murk since, again
due to my mother tounge it's pretty the same in spoken form.
Long after getting this nickname I have realised it even makes sense in English so it isn't very original outside the borders of my country.
Murk was taken like 3 billion times on steam. Even murkmurk is already taken. So I took it further and baceme the only one murkmurkmurk about a year ago. Yeah i could be murkCZ or something but meh...
Say it loud 3 times! murkmurkmurk murkmurkmurk murkmurkmurk. Marvellous!
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It's popular topic in every community and since I have not found any open thread...
medieval lute music Let's sit around the fireplace, drink some mead and tell the other brave adventurers - what is the story behind your nickname?
And here's reward for your effort: already closed Chest full of wonders
Bright new unexpected reward
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