It's popular topic in every community and since I have not found any open thread...

medieval lute music Let's sit around the fireplace, drink some mead and tell the other brave adventurers - what is the story behind your nickname?

And here's reward for your effort: already closed Chest full of wonders

Bright new unexpected reward

10 years ago*

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modified version of my IGN back when I played Realm of the Mad God

10 years ago

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Started with Kenny (my favorite character in South Park) back in early 2000, however I found out there was another Kenny in our local inet cafe (the only place that mattered back then since I was not on-line yet) so I looked for something similar. Commander Keen was one of the first games I have ever played so it came kind of naturaly. I use Keenz or Keenzor (idea of one british guy from a DotA team I was part of in 2008) since plain Keen is often taken.

10 years ago

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My name on steam, nerucat, I'm really sorry I choosed that one. I was really into vocaloid and cats then.

My name on here and most other places, Amesace, I made that up. Apparently it means the lowest dice or bad luck, but since I only found one definition I can't be sure. However, if it does mean bad luck then that's right, I always have bad luck :p

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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I kept getting nicknamed Safo by my family as a child, So my nickname gradually grew from stupid randoms to xXSAFOXx.

10 years ago

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I'm using this one for like 5 years now...
My name is Gabriel and i'm a big fan of Godzilla so...

10 years ago

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Randomly chose the name Bob and added a 7 because its the lucky number. Then I added 99 because 799 sounds nice and bob7 was obviously is taken on most sites.

Then I kept doing jokes with my name on msn messenger such as ThingamaBob799 and Shish KaBob799 and decided I was tired of other people using the same username as me. So I made the switch to KaBob799 and have kept it ever since. Although on some sites I just go by KaBob if it's available, such as here.

10 years ago

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I like cats, and I like evil. So yeah. XD

10 years ago

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Cats and evil.. sounds about right, lol.

10 years ago

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Liking cats is the same as liking evil.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I got mine from the drink Hpnotiq.

10 years ago

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Originally I used the nickname Kalanda, which came from an Aion gatherable called Kandula. I wanted a nickname with similar rhythm. I started to use the current one recently. This one comes from my first name which is Bernadett. Not very creative, I know...

10 years ago

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Well Nyoko7 is just a nickname for my Fursona, Gyrin yay green wolves /o/

10 years ago

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Nickname I made for myself mostly out of my real name . Friends started calling me Nixo too so it kinda remained with me . I sometimes add titles to it like "Darth" . I used to do jokes before but Not as much now . Fun thing,when I used "Darth Nixo" I photoshopped my face to a broken vader helmet (in the original pic Luke was wearing it) . I just grew fond of it so I am not really changing it,but sometimes I think I could've thought of something nobody has as their nickname .

10 years ago

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I used a different "oni" name several years ago until someone told me I wasn't the mean oni I wanted people to think I was. She said I was actually a marshmallow oni.

The more you know

10 years ago

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I was looking for words with the name "mat" in it so I could change it to have "matt" (my name if you didn't guess) in it. Turns out osmatic is having a good sense of smell which I'm not is entirely true in my case.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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I was like "No way, where is she from with that funny name?" Yes way, Norway.

10 years ago

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When I made my first email account, I tried to name it after my birthday, but it was already taken. So, I thought why not the date of the nameday? (1224 = 12.24 = 24th December: Adam's and Eve's day)
I'm still quite proud about it, as I didn't make an email like the infamous "XxXpussydestroyerXxX" and things like that ( I think I was 10ish year old) - I can still use the email address at University without any problem. Also, for some strange reason, this name was available at 80-90% of the sites I've ever visited.

10 years ago

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sir not appearing in this thread ofc :), kidding its from discworld and when i think about it quite egotistical as he;s the head of the disc's gods but ive been using it for so long as my username i sorta stuck with it :)

10 years ago

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What was the question again?

10 years ago

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Been doin Martial Arts since I was 4 and been doin all kinds of them.
As i was not new to the MA, when I started with Wing Chun, my Sifu was impressed and called me XiaoLong. Then he asked me if I know who else was called like that. Ofc, I knew and I was happy about that :D
Thats pretty all ^^

10 years ago

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neopets, one of my friends named one of their pets toboty102342148 or something.

i remembered years later for no reason, ta-da.

10 years ago

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Its a play on my last name

10 years ago

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I like Baked potatoes with Cheese topping a lot, so my gamer tag became CheeseTuber --- Cheese + Tuber (Potatoes are Stem Tubers..)

10 years ago

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My nick was born as offshot from my surname (when USAnian tried to say it without success :P ), being crazy helped a bit :P (kinda sad it's so popular, need some cute addon to it).

Fun fact: my brother also is nicknamed with word meaning psycho (but different from our surname) - it was on some summer camp and his friends nicknamed him that, without knowing me. Guess we have it in blood :P

10 years ago

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Star Wars is my favorite movie franchise ever and Yoda's my favorite character(by far) of said movie franchise. There it is: masteryoda.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by bobofatt.