can both you and roloca give me your impressions of using shadowplay compared to previous recording softwares you've used, in terms of footage quality..
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The quality is really good. It records at 1920x1080@60FPS and creates a MP4-Video with H.264- and ACC-Codec. So the size of the video is smaller than in fraps (it uses avi)
You can either record the 10 or 20 last minutes or record as long as you want.
It records the game audio, too.
Oh and you can stream directly to twitch.
tl;dr: Quality of recorded video is like ingame quality.
The only requirement is a gpu with kepler-architecture, but that's fine with your 880m.
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so i've looked online and it seems action is highly recommended...
can you tell me why?? how is it in terms of footage quality and performance impact??
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Dxtory is the best one, causes way less lag than Fraps, better in every snigle way possible. But there's a catch, I used to use it, I recorded for 10 minutes and the file was 30 GB.
2nd best is probably Fraps, I feel like it's pretty much a downgraded version of Dxtory that makes smaller files.
Bandicam is great if you have a rig that can handle it, it causes quite a big FPS drop, but it does file compression on the fly, so the files are really small; you again need a good PC for this.
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If you have AMD(not OP, but someone), then AMD Gaming Evolved software(aka Raptr), with Fraps in some test I did in Borderlands The Pre sequel, with Vertical Sync, Antialiasing and FXAA off, PhysX to Medium, 1920x1200 resolution, all other to max including Field of view, fps goes down to 28 fps in simple battles but with AMD software down to 45 fps, without recording is up to 70 fps. I personally don't like this software, but for recording is best option because you lose less fps, at least for what I tested I also have to test with OBS.
Edit: Borderlands The Pre-Sequel crashed during all tests with OBS, I think it the game it self problem, not OBS, since game has several still not fixed bugs.
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so whats your opinions of it compared to other game recorders you used??? how is footage quality??
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Or you could use overclock program like Rivaltuner (can't remember name).
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I have tried a lot of programs to record Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4.
All but 1 caused performance issues while recording.
I use PlayClaw for all my gaming recording now.
Your gaming setup should be able to handle this imo.
EDIT: I would add an internal HD 7200rpm from either Seagte or WD
EDIT2: I never tried Shadowplay btw
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Nvidia Shadowplay has good quality (1920x1080 & 60FPS) doesnt take any CPU and has small sizes in terms of files. Also it has the feature to save your last 30 mins of gameplay, for example you made nice kill or something like that you press the button you like and it saved it.
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since black friday and cyber monday is right around the corner, im eyeing on spending some cash to get me started on making youtube gameplay videos..
my machine
windows 8.1
i7 4th gen 4710mq 2.8ghz
8gb ram
8gb ddr5 gtx 880m
for video editing software, i have no experience.. so any recommendations are all welcomed..
so googling around the web, it seems that these 4 are the most highly recommended recording software: 1) mirillis action, 2) dxtory, 3)bandicam, 4)fraps
i've only tried bandicam more than a year ago, and was impressed with decent quality and low system resource usage for my mediocre rig back then...
from my googling online:
fraps = still great video qualities... but still needs a solid machine
bandicam = my experience says it all
dxtory = alot of codec options.. reviews says solid video quality and not too much system resource usage
mirillis action = no codec options.. reviews says great video quality, not high system usage..
im not sure about nvidia's built in shadowplay.. so if anyone has used it or using it, any opinions??
what i'm looking for is a recording software that has really good quality, and low system usage(well one where i can still play over 30+ fps with my current new machine)
i just want to know if my machine is decent enough to use the likes of mirillis action, dxtory, fraps, shadowplay etc
for external harddrive, i currently have a WD 500gb passport that i use for non gaming.. im looking for a good one where i can put the video being recorded while gaming... not sure on which ones are good quality...
should i look for an external drive that has a specific amount of transfer rate?? i saw a video on youtube regarding recording to an external hd that it should be at least 50mbps transfer rate.. not sure if its just personal opinion from that reviewer or it also matters...
also regarding external hd drive brands, does it matter?? seagate, WD, etc?!?!?!
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