Do you want a cushy or straight reply? Because i dunno about there but here a good degree does not equal a "good job" anymore automatically, these days be glad you can find yourself in a job, from there, will it get better? Good, will it not? Sucks.
You are trying your best, sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't, it just makes us human and we can't all be perfect or do things perfect, i think you should discuss these issues with that family member or friend.
Regardless, good luck.
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thanks a lot mate and most of all best of luck for your future, follow what Lugum said! =)
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Thanks for making me do some jigidi. I love them but haven't done one in ages.
You worked hard and it's normal to feel tired. Find some time for yourself. Do some hobbies, sports, dance, go out in parks, mountains, and smile at the sun to recharge.
You already know how burning out feels. Work to minimize that feeling in the future 💗
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my day has already been better than yours, ms. just an easy guess.
if i were you, i'd check again what -at first sight- might seems a fail. why not consider the -inner- opportunity to do better next time, when you aren't as tired as you are, right now?
a "stop existing wish" might be seen as extreme, but imo is just a ...natural thing, like an option each one of us has. those are moments, tho, ms.
like right now, a bunch of us rambling, showerthinking, tipping, trying, helping, whatevering.
and, sometimes, that could help. already helped, as we can see browsing these discussions of ours... :D
keep on rambling, stranger!
we are really not here just for the gibs :P
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Perhaps it will be difficult to hire if you don't study "foreign languages"?
I think that there are a lot of "employment problems" because of "language" in modern society.
After five or ten years, machine translation alone may be sufficient.
However, when you live now, it may be difficult to work in your own qualifications and areas of expertise.
But do you need to "do something"?
A little bit, "procrastination" may be good.
When you get a job, it is better to continue "Slow, but send little by little".
Many of the people who tried to return a large amount at one time, there are also many who "never return home again".
One thing I often see is the scam (close to it) of "Let's find a job in Japan from an East Asian country! Scholarships and debt repayment! High salaries and high treatment!"
Originally, an organization that smuggled into "Japan" from "China" had such know-how and became a social problem frequently.(🐍)
Some people come to Japan with a complete job sponsored by a public agency.
That person will immediately quit the company joined by the sponsorship. And it is also a problem that it becomes missing.
That person will flee to "Tokyo" and "Osaka" where there are many "religion gatherings in their home country" and "people gatherings". It is the reason that salaries are high in the city.
And that person is annoyed by the language barrier when try to work, and quits. That person will not be able to pay the penalty at the time of the sponsorship and will not be able to repay the debt.
Those who have work visas will also be due and will disappear.
Then, they commit crimes, discover them, hold them in astronomical debt and be imprisoned in jail, or they are deported.
There is no perfect human being in the world.
You are an ordinary person who is working hard.
Talk to people who are giving you money once.
There is no need for your life to go the same way as “this one”.
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Language is the least of the problems (yes it might give an edge sometimes), but it's governments not investing (like here, there are a shortage of teachers and houses, but is our goverment investing in that or even predicted these things? No, i worked in construction and if they would allow me to do a course to become a teacher (like in America) then i would be happy to take it, but a full 4 year study is just not viable for me anymore.
It's stuff that's getting automated (like checkout girls at a supermarket or drones doing logistics work it's also stuff that does get goverment money).
Forcing people to have less money in their pockets, so they will spend less, so shops close down (those people getting sacked).
And most of all an everlasting growing population, there are only that many jobs..I think we are just at the beginning in which the generations to come alot will not be able to find a job, and then the only solution would be wellfare or in my opinion what is better, a base income (and some will go to adress the problems that has, like lazy people will do nothing) but then don't expect to drive a Porsche or enjoy other luxuries, but just food, a roof above your head and heating should just be available to anyone, no matter what country you live in. The way we are all doing it now, just won't last.
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The growing population is indeed one of the worst problems we are about to face and it will probably end in catastrophes. :(
Not to mention the decreasing and also ending resources that are needed to fuel our world economy.
I don't want to paint it all black, but it's apparent how our wealthy and wasteful lifestyles will gradually decline.
We need a miracle!
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Sounds like your have a lot on your mind and may just be burnt out from the studying + possibly overthinking. Of course at times you will feel tired of something you are pushing on yourself constantly such as studying or work. So if you can find time to just relax, help you take your mind off things and reset yourself it may be helpful! Don't worry too much about your job prospects until you know you have graduated, as that is what is in front of you at the moment. We all go through rough stages at times but I'm sure you're a bright person and your family member has seen this inside of you to invest their money in you. As said above, you should probably speak with the issues you are having to someone close.
In any case, higher education is just a smol part of your life and shouldn't be grounds for not wanting to exist... If you graduate or fail, your life will still go on regardless and it will still continue to have its ups and downs. Life has an uncanny ability to be unpredictable and that is what makes it a roller coaster worth riding. Best wishes & I hope you turn things around :-)
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Honestly, my life has mostly been a chaotic mess, I have had serious struggles with depression and often felt myself lost and overwhelmed with uncertainty about what the hell I was supposed to do... But, I managed to stumble through it, and now I'm in a better place than ever before. The most important thing is just to keep going, because the comforting statistical truth is that for the majority of people, the older they get, the more they enjoy their life. Personally the most important thing has been learning to let go of the past, to release myself from the burden of predicting what's going to happen next, and just to live in the moment and make the most of what comes my way.
That said, here are 4 pieces of practical advice to deal with depression:
(1) Stay in touch. Resist the temptation to retreat from friends and family. Spend time with them. Talk with them. It helps.
(2) Don't use (unprescribed) drugs or alcohol to "make you feel better". Because they don't! They make you less capable of dealing with your problems, and dependence makes you feel even more of a failure. Depressants and stimulants are not effective ways of establishing a healthy mental state.
(3) Be active. It might seem meaningless, but it's been well documented that just 20 minutes of exercise a day can have a huge effect on feelings of helplessness and worthlessness.
(4) Force yourself into a routine. Going to bed and getting up just "whenever" might feel like a comfortable, carefree way to live - but living by fixed, sensible hours is actually an incredibly easy way to regain a feeling of being productive and in control of your situation. Like the exercise, it might sound like it shouldn't make any meaningful difference - but it really does.
Here's to things getting better!
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This is such good advice, I really hope that you read it carefully. First thing I noticed about your post is how tired and anxious you seem to be. Which means that your stress is affecting your physical well being and when you are run down and exhausted that just feeds into more stress and negative feelings. That's a feed back loop that you need to break out of and taking care of yourself is the way to do that. Eating healthy, sleeping regularly and exercise are essential. Exercise creates natural endorphins, which I think you really need to counteract all the stress hormones that are no doubt wearing you down and making it difficult to deal with your life. Be nice to yourself - nothing is gained by beating yourself up.
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If it makes you feel better, I'm getting ready to leave a job I've had for 11 years...10 of which were great, but the last one has been terrible. It's a great job and people think that I'm insane for leaving, but I just can't do it any more. It's time to find the next thing.
I've had to do this once before...this is just what life hands out. You can curl up in a ball and be sad and pretend it isn't happening, or you can dust yourself off, admit that things suck, and then get about the business of figuring out the next step. That last bit is don't have to have some giant master plan. Just figure out the next step. Things will change along the way (they always do). All that you can do is keep moving forward and be ready to shift when circumstances in your world change.
Finish up your degree. Regardless of whether it gets you a job, you'll be glad that you completed it. And while a degree doesn't guarantee you anything, it does lend you a certain amount of credibility, even if you're searching for a job that your degree doesn't directly address.
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It sounds like you could use some help. Maybe talk to a doctor about those feelings and the confusion, and the permanent exhausted state.
There is no easy solution to life but if you feel there's no light at the end of the tunnel, just don't look forward or backward. Sometimes the light is just on the side of you. In simple things. Friends. Games. A pet! Anything that makes you happy even for a few minutes every day.
Just pick your chin up, buddy. School is just something we pass through. Your life awaits.
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I'm in a similar situation right now. I don't know the specifics of your situation, but I can pass on the advice I wish someone had given me:
Don't be afraid to reach out for help. There are so many people out there who want you to succeed and will help you with your goals. Don't hide from your support group, whether it's friends, family, classmates, or anyone. Don't let guilt dissuade you from talking about your life with the people who are important to you!
Every school I've been to (and I've been to quite a few) has a support system for students who are struggling. Don't be afraid to talk to someone. Don't worry that your problem is too small, too big, or too stupid. People want to help you. Take a chance and reach out.
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I do not think that I could not have said it any better myself than what Icaio said.
Keep your chin up! Things will looks brighter. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but eventually.
Also, what I do when I feel down, or my brain feels numb etc, is pull up a OTR (Old Time Radio) broadcast of a comedy show. Jack Benny, Fibber McGee & Molly, Fred Allen, & The Henry Morgan Show are great for me. if you like other genres, let me know and I'll get you some show recommendations in those genres as well.
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I haven't made a forum discussion in a while, have a small train with bundled Indiegala games:
Solve this first, it's not hard (Sgtools, basic rules, LV 1+)
(If you don't care about a stranger's rambling please stop here and help yourself to the above train)
So I'm finishing this course and hopefully will have a good enough degree to find a job, but I'm having a really hard time and most of it is because of my brain being terrible. At this point I don't know if I will be able to do it, I feel like a failure because I borrowed a family member's money to study here and they have been really supportive yet I couldn't do it, all because my head is wrong. I feel so tired, somedays I wish I can just stop existing.
Sorry to get all gloomy on you guys, I hope you have a nice day much better than mine at least.
EDIT: Thank you everyone for your well wishes and advices, I'm sorry I couldn't respond to you sooner. I took your advices to heart and had been taking steps forward, it's hard but I will try my best.
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