- steam group. If you don't understand what to do - add local admin, tell him that he's lazy pig and that you play hearthstone. He will be happy. I don't play.
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Yes, if you switch servers you won't have anything that you have on the other server, but you wont loose anything you had on that server.
There is no difference between servers except the players, some say that EU has better players but from my experience that's not true.
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Oh ok niice fresh start then :D I can do it right this time...I hope xD hahah so is it better to save the gold and play arenas, since it seems to give a deck and something else even for a loss, or do you have to get some decks first to progress faster?
I guess we'll see in a bit when I start playin others on the EU :P
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also focus on finishing as many unique quests you can at start ;) - so you get a bunch of free boosters and gold. Also level up your heroes to lvl 20 - for each level you unlock new cards :> if for some hero you're to weak to play in ladder, farm his lvl vs AI ;)
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Ah yeh I actually have finished most of those that I can :D I need to get on an iPad to do that one in a bit though :D Looks like they have an update right now so waiting on that xD I got them all up to at least 10 and all their normal cards, some to level 15 and one to 20, but all that's on the US server so now time to do it on the EU :D
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Heheheh that went sOooOoOOo over my head :P I still just have the started cards and got a few of the booster packs, maybe 5-6 or so and I possibly stupidly used 80 dust to make two of the mana worms, I'm hoping I can get some good use out of them. Right now I'm stuck at rank 19/20...mostly 20 xD heheh
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Oh yeh, I opened them all :D but I did spend the 80 dust I had xD but I think the Mana Worm is pretty good, but I think I did need other better ones first xD Started fresh on the EU so this time I'll make sure I save it up :D
I'm planning on not disenchanting unless I have more than 2 of them already, unless there's some that are useless in all decks or I can get more of them for free playing...I want a full collection eventually :D
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I got into it for a bit but then dropped it after a while, it's fun but I find it's a bit harder to start off with if you don't put some money in to get some cards early or play a TON.
I'm not saying people can't play it new or anything, it's just I realized I didn't have cards to deal with a lot of situations and eventually I got into other games and got bored of playing every now and then to see players with the expansions and whatnot just crush me a lot of the time. Didn't help that I didn't get any real silencing cards for a long time (might have had a few I don't remember if you get from leveling).
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There are only 7 cards with silence mechanic in whole HS, plus 4 of them are common rarity meaning that you can craft them for 40 dust if you really do need them ;) And even if you don't have them - there are a ton of other removal cards even from basic sets - these you don't even need to craft - you get them for free simply leveling your character ;)
Ofc ppl with more cards can get better combos, but on the other hand, if someone who invested a lot of time into a game and he would have the same cards and opportunity than newcomer - what would the motivation to keepl playing be? ;) To get a lot of cards would require crazy amount of time or money, but to be able to build a decend deck does not ;) Even with basic cards only (aka free ones) you can easilly build a deck that can get you over 50% winratio on low ranks and play there to earn more cards ;) More often than not newbies don't lose because of their lack of cards, but because of their inexperience ;) They have weak decks, play cards at the wrong time, don't try to guess what opponent may play next, waste removal cards to deal face damage etc ;) even if they had access to epics and legendaries they would keep losing to ppl with weaker cards, because you need to learn the game first ;)
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I'm not saying it's impossible, hell, I won a fair bit of games with the decks I had, but the more I ranked up the more I started getting people using stuff that I just didn't have enough cards to counter. It's not every game but when you have a number of those games in a row it is frustrating. Like I said though it is possible if you play a lot and whatnot, my interest just died because I found other games to play and didn't want to have to keep up with things.
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Yeh I totally get that, that's what happened to me on Magic the Gathering Online xD but on there you have to buy the cards with real monies, which I did for a bit but then they also made a new launcher and everything for it and I don't like it at all xD But I do love magic still and hearthstone is really good but yeh, I know I will eventually get bored for a while and play other games, but I think this is one I'll stick with for a long time and always come back to after i take some breaks later on down the line :P
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Yeah, I mean it's free, it's a great game so I would definitely say give it a go, I was just stating my personal experience with it.
I sometimes play it but rarely now - in general I wasn't the biggest card game player but I do like to get into some now and then!
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Yeh I like it a lot already from the few days I have played, and I've always loved card games so for me it's awesome :P and It seems like it's pretty great for people that don't get as into card games but like to play now and then too since it lets your daily quests build up to 3 so you can just hop on every few days to play a bit and get your quests and then go play other games :D
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Yeh I'm kind of at that point of being stuck at my rank because the minute I move from 20 to 19 they out play me with better cards xD but I loOOoove that you can craft most (all?) the cards in the game so it gives me something to work for, I just need to know which cards to work on crafting first to help improve my raiting so I can get gold from wins faster and get into more arenas since they seem to be level playing field with luck draws and then good amount of skill involved in actually making the deck from what you get, and it's really nice that even when you love you get prizes :D
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no need to fight for higher ranks until you have enough cards to build a decent deck and enough experience to use it properly. For win, no matter if on rank 20 or rank 10 - you get same amount of gold. And you won't be able to reach legend yet, so there's no point in climbing ladder yet :> stay in lower ranks, learn cards, combos and classes and farm easier gold to get more boosters faster ;)
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if you win a lot on casual you will start meeting people who also wins a lot there so it becomes harder and harder as time passes :> I tend to farm on ladder winning and conceding in a loop so I stay on desired rank :> Just making sure I concede at least once every 2 wins so I don't hit winning streak (because then it means 2 extra concedes, as you usually rank up, so it's a small time loss :>)
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Actually, rank 20~18 is the shit band, and you should play a bit more to break out of that band if you want to have fun on ladder. You get the golden hero portraits for 500 ranked wins, the monthly card back art for hitting rank 20, but absolutely nothing else for performing better, so there are a lot of "farmers" and "daily grinders" just farming easy wins at those ranks.
Basic cards are good enough to push to rank 15~10 (or better if you're really good).
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Focus on your daily quests to get gold. You can swap one quest a day, so if you have a 40 gold quest waiting, you can click the X and replace it to try to get a better one (60 gold, 100 gold, or the free pack one).
Get at least one hero character to level 20 so you can do the tavern brawls, which for now give you a free pack after your first win each week (at some point that's going away.)
And really you just have to play a bunch, because you want to learn what all the cards are (or at least the most commonly used ones) so you don't have to carefully read each one when it gets played or when it shows up in your hand to see what it is.
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as for quest trading good strategy is to not always finish them all - if you have 1 40g quest you don't have to finish (class one, because minion/spell ones you will always finish along the way anyway) don't finish it. If next day you get 40g reroll one of them, if you get 60 or 100g, reroll remaining 40g one ;) because if you have all quests finished (aka finished your 40g one day before) and next day you get card/60g/100g one you lose a reroll you could have used to change this 40g into 60/100g or pack :D:
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I played in the beta and then abandoned the game, now i started again i play in EU and i hope to play in America also, but for now my main quests and play is in EU.
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ok, since it makes sense to have some people in the friends list for the new quests, let's open the floodgates! ^^ KillingArts#2129 (playing only on EU lately).
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Niiice :D I sent a request to everyone that posted in here too :D I'm starting new on the EU, beating the AI to get all my cards :P I also heard there's a hidden quests for playing a local game with at least 2 others on it at the same time, so if anyone's interested in that if that's still a thing...not sure how old the video was that talked about that, but they said you can use evolve to do it
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Basically my strategy was kill the guy as fast as possible, but yeah i would get screwed with those spells cards '2 damage to every card in game' or something like that.
But it was rare for me to lose, I had some badass cards for a good strategy, I don't remember almost anything since i only played a lot during the beta xD
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it was a basic build used by a lot of people because it was brainless (sorry ;p) and extremely easy to use, but again - t was also extremely easy to counter :D: Back in these days I was happy when my mage or druid was encountering hunter because it meant it will be easy win for me ;p I was eating these doggies for breakfast ;p
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Elves had a lot more protection though in green ( Plus the Elf Channel Fireball combo is one of the sexiest things to pull off imo.), especially compared to Goblins which had burn, but not nearly as much as White Weenie decks had.
My favorite deck I ever played with was I believe from 5th edition, blue green control deck built around elves and mermaids. If I didn't counter or bounce something I just locked it down and then opened the doors to stomp down.
Idk why but I could never get into Hearthstone, it just doesn't have the same fun to me as MTG did. I guess part of that is the online play, we used to get 4-8 player games going with some Two Headed Dragon fun sometimes...can't really do that in HS from what I've seen.
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Yeh, Magic has a lot more variety, plus a great story :D:D I still play with friends and fam in real life on the weekends, but the Magic online isn't as fun to me anymore because you end up losing a lot to players that spend a ton of real monies to buy their cards and been on it for years with a huuuge collection it's just too hard to keep up now xD
the new Launcher and everything they have now too isn't as nice as what hearthstone has already either. If Magic Online would do it like Hearthstone with obtaining cards with in game monies that would make it so much better especially if they also got a beter grapgics designer and coders xD and if Hearthstone would do multiplayer stuff like the two headed giants and free for alls and elder dragon highlord that magic has it would be sOooOoOo much better too :P
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StrifeCro is my favourite streamer for constructed play (and the only one I watch regularly). He explains his plays so you can learn just by watching. Endearing mannerism too.
He's on YouTube and Twitch.
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The tournaments are fun to watch too. If you have the time... They can go on for hours.
The variety of decks have been getting limited recently, but different players still have different playstyles even with the same decks, and that can be interesting.
The recent exciting ones are Archon Team League (on-going), ESL Legendary Series, HTC Recharged, Viagame House Cup, among a few others.
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Heey :)
A hint:
Always change your daily missions, if they worth 40 gold. You go the the Missions Menu and click on the "x" of those with low value. Using this you have more chance to get a 60 or 100 gold mission :)
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Monofthedead#1236 (US) I usually play once a day to knock out a quest, but if I get busy I switch to every three days and try to do my quests all at once.
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Zygarde#1589 (US)
I played about a year ago, stopped, then got back into it about two weeks ago. I'm trying to become better at the game in general, especially deck creation. I feel like a lot of times I go through a match without any clear idea of what I want to try to accomplish; just throwing down cards when they seem fit, which I know isn't good. :-/
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Sent a request to you :)
One of my favorite things about Magic the Gathering, and now this game, is trying to build decks and see how all the cards all work together and the different strategies in using them. Its fun to check out other peoples net decks and test them out, if I have the cards, and see how the cards work together and what I can change out of it and add to it until eventually it's a totally different deck :D but of course there's really nothing new and even if you don't copy peoples decks most ideas have already been used xD but still fun making the decks and trying to be original xD
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Played for quite some time. I am not as active lately but I am happy with new hearthstone friends :)
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It is so hard to start as a new player right now. Two adventures are really a must-have and they cost 7000 gold, not to count one big expansion, and news about next one coming on 22th. For a pure F2P player it is either a grind fest or sticking with weaker decks. Yes there are a couple cheap decks that are pretty competitive, but playing them all the time will get boring. Playing funny/random decks vs. friends is still fun though. :)
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Which adventures are those? Hmm I haven't heard a thing about the expansions xD Glad you can get it with in game monies because I hate when you can't have some stuff without payin real monies xD I love being able to pay real monies at times for things but it's not always an option for me xD
I don't mind the grind, for me it's kind of fun xD I'm weird like that xD heheh
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Two adventures are Curse of Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain, and expansion is Goblins vs. Gnomes. Adventures have really good cards that you technically need to have for most of the decks. Each has 5 wings that cost 700 gold that give you 5-6 cards. GvG expansion has a lot epics/legendaries, but most of them are not essential and rarely played. Although one of the best legendaries in the game, which everyone and their grandmothers play is there - Dr. Boom. Community has asked Blizzard multiple times to nerf it but it didn't happen. When you buy packs you get the option between Classic and GvG.
If you ever gonna spend money on HS spend it on adventures. That is by far the best value you are going to get. Math is simple - 40 packs will cost you 50$, while adventure which is equivalent of 35 packs (3500 gold) will cost you only 25$.
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Oh yeah, forgot about Mal'Ganis. I was lucky enough to get golden version.
It didn't seem so strong in the beginning because 7hp, but it turned out to be pretty good in the end. When I only remember first impression about Grim Patron from pro players... Poor card, not impressive, below average etc. :D
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I still don't own him, but since I've got a golden portrait on Warlock already I only play it rarely for dailies, and for it my oldschool handlock is good enough ;) If I were to switch back to warlock I can always just craft him, but as of now it's not really needed for me ;) Still awesome card, especially for Sylvanas steal :D:
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Just need full Naxx (for various things, especially Sludge Belcher, Zombie Chow, and Mad Scientist) and the first wing of Blackrock (for Emperor Thaurissan and Grim Patron). The rest of Blackrock Mountains is very optional. Flamewakers are great for tempo mages and the dragons are great for dragon decks, but neither of these decks are particularly top-performing in the current meta, so there's no strong motivation to get them.
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tempo mages are not performing? I must have missed something then ;p Imho for mage it's currently one of the best setups.
But I'd argue that while cross-class cards mostly suck until you want to play dragoin deck (which are not best performers anyway) quite a few class cards from Blackrock are in fact very usefull. Quickshot is basically a meta now for face huntards, Gang Up basically created mill rogue on it's own, Lava Shock made Shaman playable for me again and Imp Gang Boss is used by most warlocks nowadays.
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What I meant to say is: they're nice to have, but not grind-gold-for-all-five-wings nice, and certainly not "must-have". They enable a very specific subset of builds within specific classes, and for new players, given the option between spending that gold on the remainder BRM adventure wings and on classic packs, the latter is more likely to end up enabling more builds across multiple classes.
For new players, I think the sensible approach is to buy adventures with cash and card packs with gold. But for diehards F2Ps, the first wing of BRM is the only one that is truly worth it, because Thaurissan works well with a variety of decks.
As for tempo mage, it's a popular archetype for sure, but it's just not consistent as freeze mage. IMHO.
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godprobe#1310 (US)
Started playing pretty much as soon as it hit mobile and usually knock out the daily quest.
The GF and I will intentionally build "losing" decks to see which of us can lose the fastest against each other -- either way, we win. Also, it cracks me up to play it against randoms and send the "Threaten" message as soon as the game starts (and then promptly begin to kill myself). I imagine they're rather confused at first.
In Ranked, I go about 3-6 losses before a win most of the time since it seems everyone else already has legendaries. I only have one so far, and that's from dropping 700 Gold on the first wing of Black Rock Mountain, more for the Grim Patron than Thaurissan.
Not looking to ever spend real money on it, and I'm glad the card backs each season are relatively easy to get.
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Oh yeh heheh that sounds interesting :P I just logged in and did the iPack quest on the iPad, took soOoOOo long to install on it though and all just for that hahahah but meh I likes it :P I'm just glad I didn't have to play a full game to get the pack because this iPad is so slow with it xD
I'm not looking to really spend real monies on it anytime soon either, not until I play it long enough and make sure it's something I do want to invest in. On Magic the Gathering online I put a good bit of real monies into it and although I did play it a lot at first, I tend to have ADD with games xD so that accounts just sitting there gathering virtual dust
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Massive Hearthstone fan :)
Send me a message on steam if you like and I will give you my ID
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Bookmark these: for wikipedic info. for deck lists. if you like arena mode.
If you haven't already, there's a list of hidden one-time quests to do for a considerable boost in headstart.
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when u face huntards...
and mages with robot sets...and all you true hearthstoner player.... is a shame that lot of the players cames with.. "only matters win" And you are ranking 10 15... and start to see al same sets
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Heheheh daam Yeh even when I played Magic the Gathering I use to like to make the fun decks even if I never won many matches with it, 5 color dragon deck was just a lot more fun to me than a basic fast deck that could beat it in a few turns xD
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I'm an arena runner who got bored of ranked after hitting legend at S11. I was ranked at EU 105.
When you start getting GvG cards, learning arena is very important. So here's a few tips.
Crafting a good deck. You can use this website. It's really great to track records and card choices with reasoning.
No misplays is important and knowing how to play with your deck (should you play control, tempo or rush). If you know the game mechanics and you think enough about what you do, there will be no misplays.
Value wins 90% the games. Heartharena crafts value decks and looks for card value in the picking process. So every deck you make with it is probably control. Make good trades, go for board presence and dominate the game. Then stomp them.
I just recently started using Heartharena as an assistant in my picking process and so far my stats are 20 arenas with 5.75 average win rate. I made enough dust for a legendary in 9 days so I think arena is totally worth it.
So these are my tips for gathering dust and doing profit with arena. Hope you'll do well. :)
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Any Hearthstoners out there? I just started playin the other day and I'm addicted xD Would be nice to have others to play with and learn from :)
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