6 years ago

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which batman game you like most ?

View Results
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition
Batmanβ„’: Arkham Knight
Batmanβ„’: Arkham Origins

I think I love City and Knight on the same level. AK has a great Scarecrow (fantastic design and voice acting) who is probably my favourite comic book villain, but it also has way too many Batmobile missions for my taste.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I have not played Origins.

6 years ago*

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Origin's the worst one in my opinion, so many missed opportunities, somehow the combat feels WORSE than in Asylum, and it's the one with the worst side missions and main story.

6 years ago

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Arkham Origins. Absolutely, 100%, without-a-second-thought.I knew I was going to be in the minority, but it was an easy as hell decision.

Okay, Arkham Asylum is awesome--no question. And Arkham City's open world mechanic topped it letting you really feel like Batman gliding around with some sort of agency. So yeah that's awesome topped. Simple addition.

Then there's Arkham Origins. Yes Origins is derivative, you're damn right about that. It copies almost all the features from Arkham City and gameplay elements that you loved while seldom straying from the formula. In fact, it might as well be Arkham City---except now with a marginally competent story, structured plot-threading, and honest-to-god character arcs. And that's like a one in a dozen catch among even just all good games. It's pure addition again.

In comparison, the writer's room for City must have actually comprised of a dartboard and all the shoestring it took to tie those darts together. However--In fairness to city--that experience is actually very authentic to (and reminiscent of) some of Jeph Loeb's best work. Still, when it comes to Origins, it feels like they actually read a few comics when they went to steal material for their own story. With all the Rocksteady games it's just like they're flipping through the pictures, mining material from the stories that already did the heavy lifting--that is, stealing from so many other, much better stories. Okay, thats Loeb as fuck too. Eitherway, Origins knows to steal what works.

And then--wow--Arkham Knight---just wow. There was a whole lot of shit talk about Origins daring to exist as the wait petered on until Rocksteady would complete their masterpiece. It was going to be daring, original, as groundbreaking as City was to Asylum. It was to blow Origins out of the water and show us what a real follow up to City should look like. Apparently the followup should looks like a bloated mass of repetitive trash without any heart or soul and somehow an even more incredibly troubled release than the already lambasted Origins. Speaking more generally, there are a actually a lot of rose colored glasses when it comes to remembering those early days for ANY of the releases, where every single one actually had a save destroying bug and a litany of performance issues that only got patched up later.

If Rocksteady had actually just "phoned it in" the same way that people speak of Origins, at least Arkham Knight wouldn't have been goddamn awful. It's seriously takes its one "oh a cool mechanic" and decided to rearrange the whole damn game around it.---and over, and over, and oh every "boss" now, and oh now the side missions, and oh riddler trophies, and oh now the other side missions, and over, and--until you fucking hate it.

Plus the usual garbage story: "who, oh who, could this Ark--JasonTodd--ham Knight be?! ...fuck it, we'll just wing it again. Hey at least we got the BATtle-Tank lined up for some primo Transformers to fight---they're DC, right?"

Like if they actually just followed those same steps in Origins, I would love a new Batman game getting cranked every year even though its mostly the exact same gameplay like Call Of Duty; Assassin's Creed; or Sport: Year. Hell have at it, get milking. Just keep doing that same perfected style of gameplay and have some fun putting love into the story side.

I can understand people voting Asylum since there's a lot of room for taste because of the style changes where the open world can either be a huge boon, or drawback, to some people when centered around the same rhythm-based-fighting . But the hierarchy between the rest to me is indisputably Origins, Arkham City...... Arkham Knight.

(oh and blackgate sucked too but eh who even cares)

6 years ago*

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Can we talk about the boss battles in Origins for a second? I feel like a lot of them had unavoidable damage. The one I remember in particular was the one where everything around you is dark and there's like 15 enemies all attacking you at once. While you're doing an attack against some of them, others attack you and you can't do a thing about it (if I remember correctly this happened all throughout the game). Also, you fight Bane 3 times, two of which are the exact same fight. The Harley Quinn and Riddler fights were the exact same thing except in a different map (I sure hope that was this game, or else I'm gonna look like an idiot).
Also, what was so wrong with Arkham Knight? That was personally my favorite of the series. Maybe it has to do with the fact that it was the first one I played all the way through and I played it two years ago.

6 years ago

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Origins story is good, I give you that, but making me sit through 10 hours of tedium for the real story to kick in was excesive. That game needed some fat to be cut, also the minor bugs and annoyances piled up and tainted my experience.
When it comes to gameplay and level design tho, I think Asylum nailed it and City tried to improve but ended diluting it, for then Origins to come along and copy-paste 90% of what City did. Haven't played Knight yet but it appears to take a sledgehammer to the formula from what I heard, gonna be an interesting ride.

6 years ago

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I played them all and my favourite one is Origins. Best visuals, setting(snowy x-mas night where multiple villians are trying to kill you for a bounty) and story(Joker origin).

MP was a blast too.(Kicking ass together with Robin)

6 years ago

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I actually rate Batman: Arkham Knight as the one I most enjoyed, but I didn't experience any glitches while playing it. Prior to it, the best Batman: Arkham game was Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.

6 years ago

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I think City. Asylum was fun too, but less polished. Origins was okay too, but just didn't have the same feel as City.

6 years ago

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I absolutely loved Arkham Knight, while still really enjoying the other 3 (Origins obviously being the worst). The addition of the Batmobile was a fantastic idea as it added new mechanics to a formula of game that had just started to become dry.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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Asylum still is my favorite from the Arkham series (haven't played Knight yet).
But those aren't all of the Batman games, heck, those aren't even all of the Arkham games, just the main ones.

6 years ago

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I like:
Arkham Asylum atmosphere, gothic style
Arkham City for everything
Arkham Origins for music, story, winter, atmosphere
Arkham Knight is good but story i short and not good

6 years ago

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Haven't played Knight. My favourite is City, with Asylum coming close.

6 years ago

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The one I have.(T_T)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Knight / City

most people played Asylum & City only, that's why they will mostly vote for them.
if i go by timeline i will say:

  • Origins is really great, improved version of City, but due to short story & limited missions, it goes in the 3rd place. they implemented it with virtual missions & situations giving you few hours to play.
  • Asylum is the 1st one to come, thats why people are nostalgic about it, it not the best nor the complete, the story is very interesting, you had some great moment (with KillerCroc or vs Ivy...), Mechanic wasnt the best, limited moves & upgrades, you could only go forward with no freedom of missions to select or things to do... also it become repetitive after some time!
  • City was & still goodl you played BATMAN! the story was awesome, you had lot of upgrades, gadgets & stuff to play with, many missions & various ennemies. smooth graphics & gameplay, well it was one of the best game at this time..
  • Knight for me is something special, Awesome graphics, improved Batman, BatMobile included, various gadgets & ennemies, various missions & side quests.. and the MUSIC.. awesome! the story is good but the ending could be improved.. also the system problems was a bad aspects of it..

i can't select between City (nostalgy, great suprise) & Knight (Awesome experience, completed Batman).. so for me they are both in the 1st place

6 years ago*

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what was wrong with Origins ?

6 years ago

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WAY too many tasks relating to The Riddler. Once I started ignoring the plethora of distractions and concentrated on progressing the story/gameplay, it became a lot more fun.

6 years ago

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ya last Batman have that too . idk who give fuck about Riddler anyway if we don't have him they game is going to be same another annoying part of last Batman is that Riddler is barking alot and it was on my nerves.

6 years ago

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Fidgety controls, especially in the holographic crime scenes.
You can no longer cancel animations, leading to much more tedious fights.
The city layout is rather inconsistent and leads to side quest issues.
The voice acting is actually pretty bad. Shows that a lot of temp actors were dragged on board.
Many don't like that the entire game is yet again about Joker, with only C-list villains joining the fray next to him. (Heck, most players probably met Black Mask here for the first time.) This Joker-fetish was the worst in Knight, where they literally continued beating a dead horse.
A metric fuckton of Riddler stuff that never seems to end.
The game was originally pushing the multiplayer content way too hard, before Warner realised that nobody gives a single fuck about it and just closed it down entirely (but keeps selling the MP DLCs, despite not having any servers to connect to for years).

6 years ago

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I used to play 1 on my nintendo about 15y ago ... mby a bit more ... does those count ?

6 years ago

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Less popular opinion here:

  1. Batman (1989)
  2. Batman Returns
  3. Batman Animated Series
  4. Batman Beyond

That's it. No games here.

6 years ago

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Arkham Asylum was something new and fascinating, Arkham City already felt for me more of the same and had two things going for it: Improved combat and in retrospect - ending. The other two aren't worth mentioning, I think.

6 years ago

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Arkham Origins and Batman and Robin from SEGA.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Arkham Asylum is my favorite so far from the series, but I've yet to play all of them. I simply enjoyed the setting of that one and liked having Scarecrow as a main part of it.

6 years ago

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