The 50 - Dynamic Bundle (The 50 Bundle #24)

For $0.50 minimum you get 5 games and 1 music album!

4 steam games, 1 greenlight game, & 1 music album!


EM: Shader Attack 90% of 11 ratings - 1 $1.99
Dynamic 31% of 16 ratings 3 $1.99
Pinball Thrills Triple Pack 28% of 35 ratings - 1* $9.99
Sig.NULL 85% of 7 ratings 1 $1.99
ANIMALITY 50% of 2 ratings 0 $1.99
ANIMALITY DLC #1 - - - $.99
ANIMALITY DLC #2 - - - $.99

Pinball Thrills Triple Pack was only bundled once, but the individual games were bundled 2 times each.

Retail: $19.93
CV: $3

Greenlight Game:

ANIMALITY with 2 DLCS As soon as it's greenlit! Action, Casual, Platformer 0 Greenlit

Note: The game has been released and been added to the main list.


15.0% of your payment will be donated to Doctors Without Borders

Are you interested in knowing other ongoing bundles? Feel free to check out the new master thread!

Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer!

  • This script enhances the charts by showing you which games you already own from the ones in it. If you own it, the row will be highlighted with a green color.
8 years ago*

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Is this your Dynamic Bundle?

View Results
Yes. 50 cents is good.
No thanks. I do not want it.
Music and greenlight is what I buy.
Bad bundle. It is full of lies.

If thread needs any corrections, please let me know.

8 years ago

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Got a few 'corrections' / suggestions. Up to you if you want to use them:

Okay, so.. If you place a * next to the bundled number, I'd expect a note below saying "This package was only bundled once, but the individual games were bundled 3 times each" or something like that. (Also then you don't need to place those * next to the 3 x bundled in each one. Or whatever you meant with that not sure)
If you didn't want to make a note like that then put the * next to the name itself and then instead of writing 'Pinball Thrills Triple Pack Contains' in the chart, place it above the chart so one understands better what you are trying to show. Because it looks a bit confusing, and also some people might think that the bundle includes all of it, and may even make giveaways for the separate games who knows. Just try to be as clear as possible.

Mhm, the ratings are a bit confusing. Would be easier on the eye as well (and would make more sense) to place the % before the amount of reviews.

Anyways, thanks for making the thread. I was chilling in bed when this bundle came out. (:

8 years ago

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Tbh... just give your 50 cents directly to charity instead...

8 years ago

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Bought, as always.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Grah why is your thread the only one that the RaChart doesn't have any effect on my browser? I got Dynamic but it's not greenlighted.

Thanks gonna buy it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Got it for EM: shader attack and sig: null
I have so many games from these bundles that i have never used. they are all not very good ones though.

8 years ago

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If I were to play Pinball I'd rather just play Pinball FX2

8 years ago

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Got all four; pass.

8 years ago

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good bundle for me, only had one pinball table

8 years ago

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[ s​/​t by Tanimura Midnight ] added.

8 years ago

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Keys for Animality + the two DLC's are up on Groupees! =)

8 years ago

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Fixed. Let me know if I need to fix/improve.

8 years ago

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Oh, I didn't mean you should put it in the chart and such. :o It's better to show how the bundle was before with it's greenlight link etc.

I just meant to write so people know keys for it is up. And ofc you could write as a note that it got on Steam.

Ps. Happy cake day! ^^

8 years ago

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I re-added the Greenlight link back to the chart. Thanks for the help.

8 years ago

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Oh, I didn't mean you should put it in the chart and such. :o It's better to show how the bundle was before with it's greenlight link etc.

I've always thought that charts should be changed once keys are distributed, but not a big deal either way.

8 years ago

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No. Because that would confuse people. Especially if people look up old bundles to see how they were. They would think it was a steam game and not a greenlight game. And right now they would probably be confused to see it both in the steam chart and the greenlight chart. In my opinion at least it would make more sense to leave it how the bundle was when it was live, and make a note about above like: "Update: Following greenlight games got on steam and keys have been delivered. <steam store link>" or something like that.

8 years ago

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How dare you disagree with me! j/k I see your point. :-D

8 years ago

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