It's not the only one. The Dreamcast collection is like that; the old version with 4 games was in a bundle once, but it was removed and replaced with one of 6 games. People still post GAs for it, but they choose the one with 6 games and deliver the one with 4, leading the winners to have missing games on an SGTools check. Sadly, since the original collection is not in this site's database any more, all old keys posted will continue to have this issue.
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There's plenty of packages like that (including some that could be fixed, but don't seem to be getting staff attention), but this game actually shows up as the wrong game in your steam library, which is causing users who aren't aware of the differences between the versions (and, of course, the +1 library crowd) to not notice they've received a previous version of the game. I don't think SGT notes the error for it, either, given how it's configured so unusually- think of it as though Ultra was Super+DLC, but both ownership checks are just made against the base Super game.
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Thread'll get rather long if we start dropping those.. :P
'Course, I think by this point Minion Masters has supplanted VG as the [non-trash] spammed game of choice, so perhaps somewhat fewer drops of it to be had now than before. :P
Though, surprisingly I think I've already managed to get rid of all of my bundle spares =O
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Wow, that sucks. That means that if you win a USF IV giveaway, but the giveaway creator gives you a key for SSF IV, and then you activate it and find it's the wrong game, you have no recourse because SG believes you were given the correct game? Will the game also show up as owned in the store (http://store.steampowered.com/app/45760/Ultra_Street_Fighter_IV/), fooling you until you specifically check?
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Giveaways of Ultra Street Fighter® IV are linked to http://store.steampowered.com/app/45760/Ultra_Street_Fighter_IV/, which is what you get with the Arcarde Edition : https://steamdb.info/sub/8723/apps/
The actual package you get when purchasing Ultra Street Fighter® IV is https://steamdb.info/sub/50773/apps/, which isn't on the giveaway list.
So both versions can be used for giveaways, since both give the game linked to the giveaway
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Your explanation could be better phrased. As I understand it, you mean that since the games give the same base game, even though they do have distinct pages for their respective content, it's fine to post as whichever you please, even when CV exploitation can occur? And that a winner is screwed without recourse if they get the wrong version?
Or are you saying the Super version won't show as owned if you link it to the base version's store page? That's odd, given that they're all supposed to share the same base game, but whatever; that's a usual issue with the system, after all- but that last element I mentioned above would be pretty inexcusable nonetheless. That's definitely a serious issue with the site which needs to be addressed, then.
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Both vesions have the same name and same appid as it was explained here. You can giveawy id 45760 no matter what version you have. The reason they have same appid is because "to enable network compatibility between upgrade users "
But I have to agree that the creator should have the courtesy to say it will not include the upgraded content
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The giveaways are for the base game, so that's what the winner needs to receive.
I'm not sure where you've seen distinct pages for both versions, it's not even possible to add the Arcade Edition on the list since it doesn't appear in the database.The only item close to it is https://steamdb.info/sub/18254/apps/
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Nice thing about the Create Giveaway Games list, it does include store links:
I suppose you could be taking a very weird interpretation of 'base game' in your reply (especially given that Super only had a few features above the base SSIV game), though the shift from GFWL is notable between the base game and Super & Ultra.
If y'can't link Super to something else, that's fine, but it's awkward having winners be punished for it, and having people able to freely exploit Super.
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That's yet another version. Using this one to give away away either Super Street Fighter IV or Ultra Street Fighter IV would be incorrect.
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First of all, sorry for the necrobump but I didn't find this thread before opening mine
You are misunderstanding the problem, you can check all the info you need in my new thread. You are mixing/confusing the AppID concept and the "game" concept. The AppID coincidence was explained by the developers. But, they are totally different games. With the Arcade Edition you can't even play online games because all of the online players are using the Ultra edition.
The reason why something must be done is also explained in my thread. Thanks for your time.
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Yeah, that's the weird thing. The base game has been bundled (though it's off the bundle list now for some reason- it was on it before), and Super was given away for free. This whole thing is like a weird site-encouraged festival of CV exploitation and giving winners the finger. If this game is such a hassle to work around- and speaking as someone who would really like a copy of Ultra- the entire series should be removed from SG, if only because one version was free [and yet can still be posted as an unbundled, higher retail version].
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Essentially, it boils down to all the games sharing the same base game, but utilizing different DLCs. As the GA creator didn't give you the correct game, you should of course have grounds to mark it as Not Received- in theory all you need to do is just screen shot the in-game [since that should indicate which version it is] on top of your steam client page [editing out your account name], and send that to staff, and presumably you should be clear to mark as NR.
(Also, Ultra is both unbundled and higher retail than Super, so anyone intentionally mislabeling may potentially end up getting in some pretty serious CV exploitation trouble with staff, if the base version of the game would also work for the posting. As Super only has a small fraction of Ultra's extra content, it should of course be posted on SG as the base game, under the usual considerations of "extra content can be given if desired, but less content can not" edit: Though the base game being confirmed by Tempete as a different version, above, does mean posting Super under Arcade would actually not work.)
I'm not sure how it shows up in the store, but I rather imagine it will show up as owning Ultra, especially given how precise the "you don't need this if you have ultra, otherwise you do" info on the upgrade page is, which quite strongly indicates that you can buy it even if you already own an actual copy of Ultra.
[From the upgrade's page:]
This content requires the base game Ultra Street Fighter® IV on Steam in order to play.
Note: You must own Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition to utilize this content.
On the other hand, the only time Ultra was given in a bundle was in Humble Monthly, so if anyone got a key elsewhere (and it wasn't directly from a store, where they can be sure of the version), they should just assume they've got the Super version of the game.
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131 Comments - Last post 58 minutes ago by salemSamwise
As I'm still seeing people posting Super Street Fighter keys as Ultra keys, I thought I'd share this link where the developer details that Super Street Fighter keys showing up as Ultra in your library is a glitch- upon loading the game, you'll still only have Super Street Fighter content.
Ultra comes with 5 additional characters and 6 additional stages, as well as a character edition select and team battle mode [>>], so check if you have those to determine which version you have. If you find you didn't actually get Ultra from a traded or won key, the upgrade DLC is here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/301660/
If anyone is aware of the circumstances having changed (despite the developer announcement still being stickied) do let me know!
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