I think they are DLC soundtracks for the games. Not sure :/
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sorry, i didn't forget! i had to go into a meeting and talk to some students, so I couldn't update the thread.
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Yeah but to call a bundle curated id like to see him to try one of the games he bundled recently so he know what products he is selling.
Not just mass mail devs if they wanna bundle with him & then throw darts to choose what to include, but that's just what I think ;)
But you are right, everything he is doing isnt bad.. But lately im not an satisfied customer for reasons.
And his latest wasn't that good appereantly, if you belive you will sell 2k bundles and put the second bonus at 2k but failt at 1,2k something then you misscalculated how many ppl are interesting in the games he provides.
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That's correct.
But im thinking of his Terror that stopped at 1.2k sales something but still had a second bonus unlocked at 2k.. So he missjudged the interest is what I mean.
Also in Lovely Miller We're Having, we got Amigdala that was free... Techwars was free & revealed as mystery game for the bundle to "save it " also bundled ~2months ago in BM, cute.
And 2 sales from the bonus & he couldn't even offer us that, but it's OK.. Was free some weeks later ;)
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Yes, that one (should be his one before latest) was pretty bad. This is practically universally agreed upon. But after that he at least showed signs that he really wants to get back reputation, and so far the latest one showed obvious improvement. So this is why I say there is hope. :)
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Well, in the chat he said the Terror one would be his bundle to "redeem" his "misstakes"with some previous bundles.
But I weren't that inpressed, but as always everyone got different taste!
And afterall, it was not bad (Im a victim of a copy myself.).. But I was not jumping out of my chair in wow reaction when I saw it either ;'D
But yes, let's hope he proves me wrong in the future!
But in Remute we trust, last one was sort of awesome for the pricetag being :)
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I thought the terror bundle sucked. No standout games. I was slightly interested in Second Death, but that's $2.99 so I could just wait for it to be rebundled or highly discounted anyway. If that bundle was supposed to redeem his mistakes, well.. it surely failed lol.
Might have bought it with a Be Mine coin if the coins had been issued at the time, but since Groupees delayed issuing coins until after the bundle ended.. that solved that problem ;)
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And now that I see that I don't own the two confirmed games I'm even more in. :-)
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From Groupees chat (sorry about the formatting):
one shooter. flying to the moon.
very arcade-ish
another game is a fable.
the bundled ones let's you build a city and jump some platforms.
but the spacey and dreamy ones weren't bundled before.
there is a text-adventure. and walking sim.
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another game is a fable.
Fable Anniversary!!! I'm totally in!!! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Buying because of the unbundled and 2 greenlight, it's good enough for the price. And the music and "other" (I hope it's a comic) are always interesting.
I'm not really sure how to count the games:
5 x steam, 2 steam greenlight, 6 drm free, 3 music, 1 other
2 bundled before
Is that 3 Steam already available games + 2 Steam greenlight games? If two of the Steam available games were bundled before, then there's only one unbundled game here? With "6 DRM", are they also including any of the Steam games? I guess we get DRM free downloads for the two Greenlight games, I'm not sure how this counts towards the 6 games.
Buying anyway ᕙ༼◕ ᴥ ◕༽ᕗ
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Funny, if Highway to the Moon and Void are confirmed and there are two games that were bundled before, one of them might (has to?) be at least one of the Greenlight. I didn't thought of that. I don't think they are counting DRM-free games towards the "bundled before".
Usually, when they say "5 x steam, 2 steam greenlight", it means "5 Steam games, 2 of which are in Greenlight".
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lewellynUnited States21:09 is my guess
ChatBotUnited States21:09
Highway to the Moon: $7.99; Genres: Action, Indie; Released: Aug 26, 2016; 100% of the 5 user reviews for this game are positive.
lewellynUnited States21:09
brand new game, little coverage so far.
lewellyn, yes!
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Nao France 21:58
ChatBot United States 21:58
Void: $4.99 (-28%, was $21.94), lowest $0.92; Genres: Action, Adventure, Casual, Indie, Simulation, Strategy; Released: Aug 16, 2016; 72% of the 11 user reviews for this game are positive. Item has been bundled 5 times.
Nao France 21:59
It says 'bundled 5 times' because it's mixing it up with 'The Void', an older game... (There are been a few games with the name 'Void' on Groupees lately... Tales from the Void, Over the Void... Have you been doing searches on that keyword? ;))
Remute Germany 22:00
void is right!
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I think Void is unbundled. (RaCharts™ say 5 times)
I check it all 5 times in this link is The Void.
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If Void is of interest to you, you may want to check out Adr1ft as it's kind of the same game but much more polished. Even without VR it's still a pretty nice visual achievement, although the gameplay does leave a little to be desired. Also, in case DRM is a concern for you, the game employs the use of Denuvo.
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12 games (8 Mac, 5 Linux); 5 Steam, 2 Greenlight, 6 DRM-free. 3 Music. 1 Other. 3 bonuses to unlock. (2 of the prior are rebundles.) Confirmed games: Highway To The Moon , Void
Copied from groupees chat.
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10/10 games in this bundle have been Greenlit or released: Mirrors of Grimaldi, Bad Sector HDD, Creature Clicker - Capture, Train, Ascend!, The Purgatory, Strike Force: Arctic Storm, Merger 3D, Leviathan Starblade, The legions of Rome, Just Hero, Russian SuperHero Dead Ivan.
Is from a BAGB48, not this bundle.
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Looks like this will be drm-free game on
@Remute Among Thorns?
Remute: yes!
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126 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by DrakeTheduck
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186 Comments - Last post 46 minutes ago by winfryd
Remute's Futuristic Space Dream Bundle (Remute Bundle #14)
$1.50 preorder for 12 games (8 Mac, 5 Linux); 5 Steam, 2 Greenlight, 6 DRM-free. 3 Music. 1 Other. 3 bonuses to unlock. (2 of the prior are rebundles.) and 2 albums
Make sure that the charity box is checked off, and 10% of your purchase will go to the Sleep Research Society
Among Thorns
Evol Sim
Retail: $19.95 links and GL links provided by Rowtan. Thanks!
Remember to VOTE "yes" for the games you would like to hopefully get Steam keys for in the future.
Q+A Section
Q: What is Steam "Greenlight"?
A: This is Steam Greenlight
Remember to VOTE "yes" for the games you would like to hopefully get Steam keys for in the future.
Q: So .. When do I get the Steam keys though?
A: You will get Steam keys when 1) The game gets enough Yes votes to become GreenLIT, 2) The dev of the game releases the keys, and 3) DIG distributes the keys to you
5 steam, 2 steam greenlight, 6 drm free, 3 music, 1 other
2 bundled before
one shooter. flying to the moon.
very arcade-ish
another game is a fable.
the bundled ones let's you build a city and jump some platforms.
but the spacey and dreamy ones weren't bundled before.
there is a text-adventure. and walking sim.
P.S. - Want to know what other bundles are going on? Check out the MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES - w/ RaCharts™ (updated daily!) ❤
Wondering what games you already own from this bundle? There's an extension/ UserScript for that! It's called the RaChart™ Enhancer, created by my friend and fellow SG member Sighery!
For more information and to Download, please click here for the RaChart™ Enhancer!
Thanks aresda
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