I don't see it as drama. Just venting. It's good to went once in a while.
Some people do play their wins and some don't. I admit to not having played ALL my wins yet as I have a backlog. I do TRY to play what I win when I do.
So feel free to vent, feel better and enjoy your summer.
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Some giveaway creators blacklist the winners for the simple reason of preventing them to win again. It is a valid reason, from my perspective.
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Yeah, on a stie like steamgifts any reason for blocking people from winning games is a good reason.
I mean, really, if you have problem with random people on the internet getting games you paid for for free why even use steamgifts?! Just send the games to your friends! Make a closed steamgroup and create giveaways internally or if you really have to make invite-only or group GAs! But blacklisting someone for winning you public giveaway?
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No silly... you misunderstand what I said.
Some users blacklist winners so they do not win again and other people gets the chance... I give away very few games... And I wouldnt like for the same person to win more than one game of mine, I hope you understand now. It is not a malicious reason to blacklist someone, It is just to ensure that the gifts will be given to different people.
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well 0.0001% is not 0% so it's not impossible, yet remarkably rare...
Actually this might be a little biased. I just went with total SG users. Of course you'll never have all of them enter your GA. A bunch of them is inactive, for sure. When you do a streak of GAs you're more likely to get same people to enter (and thus win) these GAs...
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Well, probability, like most stuff here. The satisfaction of giving randomlyish involves an assumption/hope that it's more likely going to someone who doesn't totally suck (according to you anyway). There's always the inherent risk that some d-bag will win, but that's an accepted risk in-line with the assumption. Even vetting people just improves the odds, and you can't vet everyone anyway--but when you know someone sucks for a fact, then you might as well help that probability. Even for a marginal impact, no reason not to account for variables you know already.
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yeah, but my issue is the people are just going crazy. we had entry limiting mechanisms ever since the steamgifts launched or at least since I've joined it and it's fine. and when someone is bluntly an asshole twoards you and does nothing but insult you and your mother post after post all over again then you're right to BL them. but nowadays we have people crying about tolerance, fighting racism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination who then go and BL people because they didn't like their name, ratio or profile picture. It's that kind of omnipresent hypocrisy that pisses me off
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I wonder if the guy knows about the two way blacklist.
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the people giving the gifts. They're the ones that keep this place alive
Yes, but also the people winning those gifts. If we had everyone giving and noone to recieve this wouldn't work either...
choose how it's given and to put some limits on who it goes to
That's why we have levels, groups, invite-only GAs even friggin SGtools. Ain't that enough options?
you do realize we can see exactly who you're talking about with just a couple of clicks? To me it seems pretty rude and ungrateful for you to be publicly dissing somebody who just gave you a game. Especially as it's somebody that's contributed a fuck of a lot more than you have, and taken almost nothing in return.
you do realise not everone cares enough to do that? If my intention was to demonise somebody I would have called them out explicitly. I couldn't think of a way to express my frustration in a way that would leave no way of figuring out who is the reason of my frustration. I would love to see it mandatory to leave a reason for why you blacklist someone that would be visible to a blacklisted person and like a private chat for both to settle their argument. As now I have no idea what I did wrong, no idea how to fix that and no way of contatcting the GA creator except adding them on steam directly (which they might decline, and I wouldn't be surprised as with the ammount of spam/scam bots sending invites over steam I hardly accept any myself.
Also, to me it's pretty rude to judge people by the size of their wallet which half of SG seems to be doing now with stupid ratios and other BS Now, I'm really sorry I don't defecate 100 dollar bills so I could buy entire wishlist of every steamgifts user for them. But does the fact that I'm fucking broke means I have to stop using steamgifts?!
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Don't feel bad, I was blacklisted a couple days ago for trying to help by letting the giveaway creator know that they will be disappointed if they think the thousands of users that enter their public giveaway will actually read or comply with what is said in the description, especially when they demand that the winner plays the game for at least 12 hours in the next month. If the user really wants to get these games into the hands of people that will actually play them, there are better ways than public giveaways. The giveaway now has over 2000 entries and I'm sure all of the entrants plan to spend 12 hours playing the game within the next month, lol. This is what I wrote and was blacklisted for:
I will not enter because I have not played the first game yet and I know I won't play this game this game anytime soon if I win, but I wanted to say something.
Yes, I read where it says not to comment unless I have a question, but you said it yourself, "I also get sick of people telling me what to do".
If you post a public giveaway on this site and expect people to do what you ask in the description or even read the description, your time on SG will be very disappointing.
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That BL could be for you not having the chance to win from them another time (as VeniVidiVici mentioned), for disliking your ratio, for hating your avatar or nick name, for having a bad day ...
By stating that you would play it next month instead of the last few days of June, you wouldn't even break the rules of the groups which are related to actually/directly playing wins, yet it was a public GA.
Stop thinking about BL.
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wow, like all the reasons I've adressed before getting to this post :)
Honestly, I don't really care about BLs that much. Like I don't even check that one on statistics page. Ever since I've pulled totally failed "cleanse you blacklist" action a few months ago I don't even use that awfull feature myself...
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There will always be someone in the world who doesn't like you just because. Life is too short to worry about it.
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Yes, I'm butthurt You don't want to read it, then go away. I don't need your comments that I'm making drama. I know. I just need to vent.
So I was just scrolling through public GAs as usuall. (I don't do invite only anymore as I just seem to be too lucky and people constatnly get butthurt that I win free games on a site for winning free games) As I'm not an ass and despite my usually lurker-like activity I care about the community, the people and the general well-beeing of steamgifts I usually read what the giveaway's creator has to say in their description. So I enter this GA and read how someone is having their pants ultra-tight about people not playing their wins. Since there was no request for funny gifs or any other call to action (well, there was even a call to don't act at all as they get upset when they get notifications) I just entered and returned to burning points points on public bundle leftover crap. And what do you know out of all the 300 points I wasted that day these 10 turned out to grant me a free game. After thanking the GA creator I went ton assure them that the game I have won from them will be played but I'll probably do it next month since June is coming to an end and I have some stuff planned already and have no idea if I'd get the time to play said game this month. So the creator went to blacklist me. GG. That's all I have to say. Enjoy your week & have some fun! Just be carefull not to win win any games on a site that was made with winning games in mind.
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